109 lines
3.4 KiB
109 lines
3.4 KiB
'use strict'
const { Buffer } = require('buffer')
exports.all = function (test, testCommon) {
for (const deferred of [false, true]) {
// NOTE: adapted from subleveldown
test(`sublevel.clear() (deferred: ${deferred})`, async function (t) {
const db = testCommon.factory()
const sub1 = db.sublevel('1')
const sub2 = db.sublevel('2')
if (!deferred) await sub1.open()
if (!deferred) await sub2.open()
await populate([sub1, sub2], ['a', 'b'])
await verify(['!1!a', '!1!b', '!2!a', '!2!b'])
await clear([sub1], {})
await verify(['!2!a', '!2!b'])
await populate([sub1], ['a', 'b'])
await clear([sub2], { lt: 'b' })
await verify(['!1!a', '!1!b', '!2!b'])
await db.close()
async function populate (subs, items) {
return Promise.all(subs.map(sub => {
return sub.batch(items.map(function (item) {
return { type: 'put', key: item, value: item }
async function clear (subs, opts) {
return Promise.all(subs.map(sub => {
return sub.clear(opts)
async function verify (expected) {
const keys = await db.keys().all()
t.same(keys, expected)
for (const deferred of [false, true]) {
for (const keyEncoding of ['buffer', 'view']) {
if (!testCommon.supports.encodings[keyEncoding]) return
// NOTE: adapted from subleveldown. See https://github.com/Level/subleveldown/issues/87
test(`iterate sublevel keys with bytes above 196 (${keyEncoding}, deferred: ${deferred})`, async function (t) {
const db = testCommon.factory()
const sub1 = db.sublevel('a', { keyEncoding })
const sub2 = db.sublevel('b', { keyEncoding })
const length = (db) => db.keys().all().then(x => x.length)
if (!deferred) await sub1.open()
if (!deferred) await sub2.open()
const batch1 = sub1.batch()
const batch2 = sub2.batch()
const keys = []
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
const key = keyEncoding === 'buffer' ? Buffer.from([i]) : new Uint8Array([i])
batch1.put(key, 'aa')
batch2.put(key, 'bb')
await Promise.all([batch1.write(), batch2.write()])
const entries1 = await sub1.iterator().all()
const entries2 = await sub2.iterator().all()
t.is(entries1.length, 256, 'sub1 yielded all entries')
t.is(entries2.length, 256, 'sub2 yielded all entries')
t.ok(entries1.every(x => x[1] === 'aa'))
t.ok(entries2.every(x => x[1] === 'bb'))
const many1 = await sub1.getMany(keys)
const many2 = await sub2.getMany(keys)
t.is(many1.length, 256, 'sub1 yielded all values')
t.is(many2.length, 256, 'sub2 yielded all values')
t.ok(many1.every(x => x === 'aa'))
t.ok(many2.every(x => x === 'bb'))
const singles1 = await Promise.all(keys.map(k => sub1.get(k)))
const singles2 = await Promise.all(keys.map(k => sub2.get(k)))
t.is(singles1.length, 256, 'sub1 yielded all values')
t.is(singles2.length, 256, 'sub2 yielded all values')
t.ok(singles1.every(x => x === 'aa'))
t.ok(singles2.every(x => x === 'bb'))
await sub1.clear()
t.same(await length(sub1), 0, 'cleared sub1')
t.same(await length(sub2), 256, 'did not clear sub2')
await db.close()