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import Config from "../config.mjs";
import path from "path";
import fs from "fs";
import chalk from "chalk";
import { compilePack, extractPack, TYPE_COLLECTION_MAP } from "../lib/package.mjs";
* @typedef {"Module"|"System"|"World"} PackageType
* @typedef {object} CLIArgs
* @property {"workon"|"clear"|"unpack"|"pack"} action The action to perform.
* @property {string} value The action value.
* @property {string} [id] Optionally provide the package ID if we are using explicit
* paths.
* @property {PackageType} type The package type.
* @property {string} [compendiumName] The compendium name for pack-based actions.
* @property {DocumentType} [compendiumType] The type of Documents that the compendium houses. Only required
* for NeDB operations.
* @property {string} [inputDirectory] An explicit input directory for pack-based actions.
* @property {string} [outputDirectory] An explicit output directory for pack-based actions.
* @property {boolean} [yaml] Whether to use YAML instead of JSON for serialization.
* @property {boolean} [verbose] Whether to output verbose logging.
* @property {boolean} [nedb] Use NeDB instead of ClassicLevel for database operations.
* @property {boolean} [recursive] When packing, recurse down through all directories in the input
* directory to find source files.
* @property {boolean} [clean] When unpacking, delete the destination directory first.
* The working package ID.
* @type {string|null}
let currentPackageId = Config.instance.get("currentPackageId");
* The working package type.
* @type {PackageType|null}
let currentPackageType = Config.instance.get("currentPackageType");
* Get the command object for the package command
* @returns {CommandModule}
export function getCommand() {
return {
command: "package [action] [value]",
describe: "Manage packages",
builder: yargs => {
yargs.positional("action", {
describe: "The action to perform",
type: "string",
choices: ["workon", "clear", "unpack", "pack"]
yargs.positional("value", {
describe: "The value to use for the action",
type: "string"
// currentPackageId is only needed if the data path has to be built with it.
yargs.option("id", {
describe: "The package ID",
type: "string",
yargs.option("type", {
describe: "The package type",
type: "string",
choices: ["Module", "System", "World"]
yargs.option("compendiumName", {
alias: "n",
describe: "The Compendium name, for Compendium Pack based Actions.",
type: "string"
yargs.option("compendiumType", {
alias: "t",
describe: "The type of document that the compendium pack stores. Only necessary for NeDB operations.",
type: "string",
choices: Object.keys(TYPE_COLLECTION_MAP)
yargs.option("inputDirectory", {
alias: "in",
describe: "The directory to read from, for Pack based Actions.",
type: "string"
yargs.option("outputDirectory", {
alias: "out",
describe: "The directory to write to, for Pack based Actions.",
type: "string"
yargs.option("yaml", {
describe: "Whether to use YAML instead of JSON for serialization.",
type: "boolean"
yargs.option("verbose", {
alias: "v",
describe: "Whether to output verbose logging.",
type: "boolean"
yargs.option("nedb", {
describe: "Whether to use NeDB instead of ClassicLevel for database operations.",
type: "boolean"
yargs.option("recursive", {
alias: "r",
describe: "When packing, recurse down through all directories in the input directory to find source files.",
type: "boolean"
yargs.option("clean", {
alias: "c",
describe: "When unpacking, delete the destination directory first.",
type: "boolean"
return yargs;
handler: async argv => {
if ( argv.id ) currentPackageId = argv.id;
if ( argv.type ) currentPackageType = argv.type;
// Handle actions
switch ( argv.action ) {
case "workon": handleWorkon(argv); break;
case "clear": handleClear(); break;
case "unpack": await handleUnpack(argv); break;
case "pack": await handlePack(argv); break;
if ( !currentPackageId ) {
console.error(chalk.red("No package ID is currently set. Use `package workon <id>` to set it."));
console.log(`Currently in ${chalk.magenta(currentPackageType)} ${chalk.cyan(currentPackageId)}`);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Helpers */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Read all the package manifests for a given package type, and return a Map of them, keyed by ID.
* @param {string} dataPath The root data path.
* @param {PackageType} type The package type.
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.verbose=false] Log errors verbosely.
* @returns {Map<string, object>}
function readPackageManifests(dataPath, type, { verbose=false }={}) {
const typeLC = type.toLowerCase();
const typePl = `${typeLC}s`;
const dir = `${dataPath}/Data/${typePl}`;
const map = new Map();
for ( const file of fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true }) ) {
const manifestPath = path.normalize(`${dir}/${file.name}/${typeLC}.json`);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, "utf8"));
data.type = type;
data.path = manifestPath;
map.set(data.id ?? data.name, data);
} catch ( err ) {
if ( verbose ) console.error(chalk.red(`Error reading ${typeLC}.json for ${chalk.blue(file.name)}: ${err}`));
return map;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* @typedef {object} DiscoveredPackages
* @property {Map<string, object>} modules A map of module manifest data by ID.
* @property {Map<string, object>} systems A map of system manifest data by ID.
* @property {Map<string, object>} worlds A map of world manifest data by ID.
* @property {object[]} packages A list of all packages in the data path.
* Discover the list of all Packages in the dataPath
* @param {CLIArgs} argv The command line arguments
* @returns {DiscoveredPackages|void}
function discoverPackageDirectory(argv) {
const dataPath = Config.instance.get("dataPath");
if ( !dataPath ) {
console.error(chalk.red(`No dataPath configured. Call ${chalk.yellow("`configure set dataPath <path>`")} first.`));
const modules = readPackageManifests(dataPath, "Module", { verbose: argv.verbose });
const systems = readPackageManifests(dataPath, "System", { verbose: argv.verbose });
const worlds = readPackageManifests(dataPath, "World", { verbose: argv.verbose });
return { modules, systems, worlds, packages: [...modules.values(), ...systems.values(), ...worlds.values()] };
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Determine the document type of an NeDB database from the command-line arguments, if specified, or from the database's
* containing package.
* @param {string} packFile The path to the NeDB database.
* @param {CLIArgs} argv The command-line arguments.
* @returns {string|void} The document type of the NeDB database if it could be determined.
function determineDocumentType(packFile, argv) {
// Case 1 - The document type has been explicitly provided.
if ( argv.compendiumType ) return argv.compendiumType;
// Case 2 - The type can be inferred from the pack name.
const packName = path.basename(packFile, ".db");
for ( const [type, collection] of Object.entries(TYPE_COLLECTION_MAP) ) {
if ( packName === collection ) return type;
// Case 3 - Attempt to locate this pack's metadata in the manifest of the package that owns it.
const game = discoverPackageDirectory(argv);
const pkg = game.packages.find(p => packFile.startsWith(path.dirname(p.path)));
const pack = pkg?.packs.find(pack => path.resolve(path.dirname(pkg.path), pack.path) === packFile);
if ( !pack ) {
console.error(`Unable to determine document type for NeDB compendium at '${packFile}'. `
+ "Set this manually with -t <type>.");
return pack.type ?? pack.entity;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Determines whether a file is locked by another process
* @param {string} filepath The file path to test.
* @returns {boolean}
function isFileLocked(filepath) {
try {
// Try to open the file with the 'w' flag, which requests write access
const fd = fs.openSync(filepath, 'w');
// If the file was successfully opened, it is not locked
return false;
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code === "EBUSY" ) return true; // If the file could not be opened, it is locked
else if ( err.code === "ENOENT" ) return false; // If the file can't be found it's not locked
throw err;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* @typedef {object} OperationPaths
* @property {string} source The source data files.
* @property {string} pack The path to the compendium pack.
* Determine compendium pack and source data paths based on the current configuration or command-line arguments.
* @param {CLIArgs} argv The command-line arguments.
* @param {"pack"|"unpack"} operation The operation.
* @returns {OperationPaths|{}} The paths required for the operation, or nothing if they could not be determined.
function determinePaths(argv, operation) {
const usingDefault = !argv.outputDirectory || !argv.inputDirectory;
if ( usingDefault && (!currentPackageId || !currentPackageType) ) {
console.error("Package ID or type could not be determined. Use `package workon <id>` to set it.");
return {};
const dataPath = Config.instance.get("dataPath");
if ( usingDefault && !dataPath ) {
console.error("No dataPath configured. Use `configure set dataPath <path>` to set it.");
return {};
const typeDir = `${currentPackageType.toLowerCase()}s`;
const compendiumName = argv.compendiumName ?? argv.value;
if ( !compendiumName ) {
console.error("No compendium name provided. Use `-n <name>` to supply it.");
return {};
let pack = operation === "pack" ? argv.outputDirectory : argv.inputDirectory;
let source = operation === "pack" ? argv.inputDirectory : argv.outputDirectory;
if ( pack ) pack = path.join(pack, compendiumName);
else pack = path.join(dataPath, "Data", typeDir, currentPackageId, "packs", compendiumName);
source ??= path.join(pack, "_source");
if ( argv.nedb ) pack += ".db";
return { source: path.resolve(path.normalize(source)), pack: path.resolve(path.normalize(pack)) };
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Workon */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Set the current package ID and type
* @param {CLIArgs} argv The command line arguments
function handleWorkon(argv) {
if ( argv.value ) currentPackageId = argv.value;
Config.instance.set("currentPackageId", currentPackageId);
// Attempt to automatically determine the package type.
if ( !argv.type ) {
const game = discoverPackageDirectory(argv);
const pkgCount = game.packages.filter(p => p.id === currentPackageId).length;
if ( pkgCount > 1 ) {
console.error(chalk.red(`Multiple packages with ID ${chalk.cyan(currentPackageId)} found. `
+ `Please specify the package type with ${chalk.yellow("--type")}`));
process.exitCode = 1;
const pkg = game.worlds.get(currentPackageId)
?? game.systems.get(currentPackageId)
?? game.modules.get(currentPackageId);
if ( !pkg ) {
console.error(chalk.red(`No package with ID ${chalk.cyan(currentPackageId)} found.`));
process.exitCode = 1;
currentPackageType = pkg.type;
Config.instance.set("currentPackageType", currentPackageType);
console.log(`Swapped to ${chalk.magenta(currentPackageType)} ${chalk.cyan(currentPackageId)}`);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Clear the current package ID and type
function handleClear() {
currentPackageId = null;
currentPackageType = null;
Config.instance.set("currentPackageId", currentPackageId);
Config.instance.set("currentPackageType", currentPackageType);
console.log("Cleared current Package");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Unpacking */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Load a compendium pack and serialize the DB entries, each to their own file
* @param {CLIArgs} argv The command line arguments
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function handleUnpack(argv) {
const { source, pack } = determinePaths(argv, "unpack");
if ( !source || !pack ) {
process.exitCode = 1;
let documentType;
const { nedb, yaml, clean } = argv;
if ( nedb ) {
documentType = determineDocumentType(pack, argv);
if ( !documentType ) {
process.exitCode = 1;
if ( !nedb && isFileLocked(path.join(pack, "LOCK")) ) {
console.error(chalk.red(`The pack "${chalk.blue(pack)}" is currently in use by Foundry VTT. `
+ "Please close Foundry VTT and try again."));
process.exitCode = 1;
const dbMode = nedb ? "nedb" : "classic-level";
console.log(`[${dbMode}] Unpacking "${chalk.blue(pack)}" to "${chalk.blue(source)}"`);
try {
await extractPack(pack, source, { nedb, yaml, documentType, clean, log: true });
} catch ( err ) {
process.exitCode = 1;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Packing */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Read serialized files from a directory and write them to a compendium pack.
* @param {CLIArgs} argv The command line arguments
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async function handlePack(argv) {
const { source, pack } = determinePaths(argv, "pack");
if ( !source || !pack ) {
process.exitCode = 1;
const { nedb, yaml, recursive } = argv;
if ( !nedb && isFileLocked(path.join(pack, "LOCK")) ) {
console.error(chalk.red(`The pack "${chalk.blue(pack)}" is currently in use by Foundry VTT. `
+ "Please close Foundry VTT and try again."));
process.exitCode = 1;
const dbMode = nedb ? "nedb" : "classic-level";
console.log(`[${dbMode}] Packing "${chalk.blue(source)}" into "${chalk.blue(pack)}"`);
try {
await compilePack(source, pack, { nedb, yaml, recursive, log: true });
} catch ( err ) {
process.exitCode = 1;