329 lines
12 KiB
329 lines
12 KiB
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _iterateJsdoc = _interopRequireDefault(require("../iterateJsdoc.cjs"));
function _interopRequireDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; }
* @param {string} targetTagName
* @param {boolean} allowExtraTrailingParamDocs
* @param {boolean} checkDestructured
* @param {boolean} checkRestProperty
* @param {RegExp} checkTypesRegex
* @param {boolean} disableExtraPropertyReporting
* @param {boolean} disableMissingParamChecks
* @param {boolean} enableFixer
* @param {import('../jsdocUtils.js').ParamNameInfo[]} functionParameterNames
* @param {import('comment-parser').Block} jsdoc
* @param {import('../iterateJsdoc.js').Utils} utils
* @param {import('../iterateJsdoc.js').Report} report
* @returns {boolean}
const validateParameterNames = (targetTagName, allowExtraTrailingParamDocs, checkDestructured, checkRestProperty, checkTypesRegex, disableExtraPropertyReporting, disableMissingParamChecks, enableFixer, functionParameterNames, jsdoc, utils, report) => {
const paramTags = Object.entries(jsdoc.tags).filter(([, tag]) => {
return tag.tag === targetTagName;
const paramTagsNonNested = paramTags.filter(([, tag]) => {
return !tag.name.includes('.');
let dotted = 0;
let thisOffset = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
return paramTags.some(([, tag], index) => {
/** @type {import('../iterateJsdoc.js').Integer} */
let tagsIndex;
const dupeTagInfo = paramTags.find(([tgsIndex, tg], idx) => {
tagsIndex = Number(tgsIndex);
return tg.name === tag.name && idx !== index;
if (dupeTagInfo) {
utils.reportJSDoc(`Duplicate @${targetTagName} "${tag.name}"`, dupeTagInfo[1], enableFixer ? () => {
} : null);
return true;
if (tag.name.includes('.')) {
return false;
let functionParameterName = functionParameterNames[index - dotted + thisOffset];
if (functionParameterName === 'this' && tag.name.trim() !== 'this') {
functionParameterName = functionParameterNames[index - dotted + thisOffset];
if (!functionParameterName) {
if (allowExtraTrailingParamDocs) {
return false;
report(`@${targetTagName} "${tag.name}" does not match an existing function parameter.`, null, tag);
return true;
if (typeof functionParameterName === 'object' && 'name' in functionParameterName && Array.isArray(functionParameterName.name)) {
const actualName = tag.name.trim();
const expectedName = functionParameterName.name[index];
if (actualName === expectedName) {
return false;
report(`Expected @${targetTagName} name to be "${expectedName}". Got "${actualName}".`, null, tag);
return true;
if (Array.isArray(functionParameterName)) {
if (!checkDestructured) {
return false;
if (tag.type && tag.type.search(checkTypesRegex) === -1) {
return false;
const [parameterName, {
names: properties,
}] =
* @type {[string | undefined, import('../jsdocUtils.js').FlattendRootInfo & {
* annotationParamName?: string | undefined;
}]} */
if (annotationParamName !== undefined) {
const name = tag.name.trim();
if (name !== annotationParamName) {
report(`@${targetTagName} "${name}" does not match parameter name "${annotationParamName}"`, null, tag);
const tagName = parameterName === undefined ? tag.name.trim() : parameterName;
const expectedNames = properties.map(name => {
return `${tagName}.${name}`;
const actualNames = paramTags.map(([, paramTag]) => {
return paramTag.name.trim();
const actualTypes = paramTags.map(([, paramTag]) => {
return paramTag.type;
const missingProperties = [];
/** @type {string[]} */
const notCheckingNames = [];
for (const [idx, name] of expectedNames.entries()) {
if (notCheckingNames.some(notCheckingName => {
return name.startsWith(notCheckingName);
})) {
const actualNameIdx = actualNames.findIndex(actualName => {
return utils.comparePaths(name)(actualName);
if (actualNameIdx === -1) {
if (!checkRestProperty && rests[idx]) {
const missingIndex = actualNames.findIndex(actualName => {
return utils.pathDoesNotBeginWith(name, actualName);
const line = tag.source[0].number - 1 + (missingIndex > -1 ? missingIndex : actualNames.length);
tagPlacement: {
line: line === 0 ? 1 : line
} else if (actualTypes[actualNameIdx].search(checkTypesRegex) === -1 && actualTypes[actualNameIdx] !== '') {
const hasMissing = missingProperties.length;
if (hasMissing) {
for (const {
name: missingProperty
} of missingProperties) {
report(`Missing @${targetTagName} "${missingProperty}"`, null, tagPlacement);
if (!hasPropertyRest || checkRestProperty) {
/** @type {[string, import('comment-parser').Spec][]} */
const extraProperties = [];
for (const [idx, name] of actualNames.entries()) {
const match = name.startsWith(tag.name.trim() + '.');
if (match && !expectedNames.some(utils.comparePaths(name)) && !utils.comparePaths(name)(tag.name) && (!disableExtraPropertyReporting || properties.some(prop => {
return prop.split('.').length >= name.split('.').length - 1;
}))) {
extraProperties.push([name, paramTags[idx][1]]);
if (extraProperties.length) {
for (const [extraProperty, tg] of extraProperties) {
report(`@${targetTagName} "${extraProperty}" does not exist on ${tag.name}`, null, tg);
return true;
return hasMissing;
let funcParamName;
if (typeof functionParameterName === 'object') {
const {
} = functionParameterName;
funcParamName = name;
} else {
funcParamName = functionParameterName;
if (funcParamName !== tag.name.trim()) {
// Todo: Improve for array or object child items
const actualNames = paramTagsNonNested.map(([, {
}]) => {
return name.trim();
const expectedNames = functionParameterNames.map((item, idx) => {
var _item$;
if (
* @type {[string|undefined, (import('../jsdocUtils.js').FlattendRootInfo & {
* annotationParamName?: string,
})]} */
item !== null && item !== void 0 && (_item$ = item[1]) !== null && _item$ !== void 0 && _item$.names) {
return actualNames[idx];
return item;
}).filter(item => {
return item !== 'this';
// When disableMissingParamChecks is true tag names can be omitted.
// Report when the tag names do not match the expected names or they are used out of order.
if (disableMissingParamChecks) {
const usedExpectedNames = expectedNames.map(a => a === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.toString()).filter(expectedName => expectedName && actualNames.includes(expectedName));
const usedInOrder = actualNames.every((actualName, idx) => actualName === usedExpectedNames[idx]);
if (usedInOrder) {
return false;
report(`Expected @${targetTagName} names to be "${expectedNames.map(expectedName => {
return typeof expectedName === 'object' && 'name' in expectedName && expectedName.restElement ? '...' + expectedName.name : expectedName;
}).join(', ')}". Got "${actualNames.join(', ')}".`, null, tag);
return true;
return false;
* @param {string} targetTagName
* @param {boolean} _allowExtraTrailingParamDocs
* @param {{
* name: string,
* idx: import('../iterateJsdoc.js').Integer
* }[]} jsdocParameterNames
* @param {import('comment-parser').Block} jsdoc
* @param {Function} report
* @returns {boolean}
const validateParameterNamesDeep = (targetTagName, _allowExtraTrailingParamDocs, jsdocParameterNames, jsdoc, report) => {
/** @type {string} */
let lastRealParameter;
return jsdocParameterNames.some(({
name: jsdocParameterName,
}) => {
const isPropertyPath = jsdocParameterName.includes('.');
if (isPropertyPath) {
if (!lastRealParameter) {
report(`@${targetTagName} path declaration ("${jsdocParameterName}") appears before any real parameter.`, null, jsdoc.tags[idx]);
return true;
let pathRootNodeName = jsdocParameterName.slice(0, jsdocParameterName.indexOf('.'));
if (pathRootNodeName.endsWith('[]')) {
pathRootNodeName = pathRootNodeName.slice(0, -2);
if (pathRootNodeName !== lastRealParameter) {
report(`@${targetTagName} path declaration ("${jsdocParameterName}") root node name ("${pathRootNodeName}") ` + `does not match previous real parameter name ("${lastRealParameter}").`, null, jsdoc.tags[idx]);
return true;
} else {
lastRealParameter = jsdocParameterName;
return false;
var _default = exports.default = (0, _iterateJsdoc.default)(({
}) => {
const {
checkDestructured = true,
checkRestProperty = false,
checkTypesPattern = '/^(?:[oO]bject|[aA]rray|PlainObject|Generic(?:Object|Array))$/',
enableFixer = false,
useDefaultObjectProperties = false,
disableExtraPropertyReporting = false,
disableMissingParamChecks = false
} = context.options[0] || {};
const checkTypesRegex = utils.getRegexFromString(checkTypesPattern);
const jsdocParameterNamesDeep = utils.getJsdocTagsDeep('param');
if (!jsdocParameterNamesDeep || !jsdocParameterNamesDeep.length) {
const functionParameterNames = utils.getFunctionParameterNames(useDefaultObjectProperties);
const targetTagName = /** @type {string} */utils.getPreferredTagName({
tagName: 'param'
const isError = validateParameterNames(targetTagName, allowExtraTrailingParamDocs, checkDestructured, checkRestProperty, checkTypesRegex, disableExtraPropertyReporting, disableMissingParamChecks, enableFixer, functionParameterNames, jsdoc, utils, report);
if (isError || !checkDestructured) {
validateParameterNamesDeep(targetTagName, allowExtraTrailingParamDocs, jsdocParameterNamesDeep, jsdoc, report);
}, {
contextDefaults: ['ArrowFunctionExpression', 'FunctionDeclaration', 'FunctionExpression', 'TSDeclareFunction',
// Add this to above defaults
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Ensures that parameter names in JSDoc match those in the function declaration.',
url: 'https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/main/docs/rules/check-param-names.md#repos-sticky-header'
fixable: 'code',
schema: [{
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
allowExtraTrailingParamDocs: {
type: 'boolean'
checkDestructured: {
type: 'boolean'
checkRestProperty: {
type: 'boolean'
checkTypesPattern: {
type: 'string'
disableExtraPropertyReporting: {
type: 'boolean'
disableMissingParamChecks: {
type: 'boolean'
enableFixer: {
type: 'boolean'
useDefaultObjectProperties: {
type: 'boolean'
type: 'object'
type: 'suggestion'
module.exports = exports.default;
//# sourceMappingURL=checkParamNames.cjs.map