Initial import with skill sheet working

This commit is contained in:
LeRatierBretonnien 2024-12-04 00:11:23 +01:00
commit 9050c80ab4
4488 changed files with 671048 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE Normal file

6 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<h2><em>Lethal Fantasy RPG</em> for Foundry Virtual TableTop</h2>
<div align="center">

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css/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal.css Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

cthulhu-eternal.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
* Cthulhu Eternal RPG System
* Author: LeRatierBretonnien/Uberwald
import { SYSTEM } from "./module/config/system.mjs"
globalThis.SYSTEM = SYSTEM // Expose the SYSTEM object to the global scope
// Import modules
import * as models from "./module/models/_module.mjs"
import * as documents from "./module/documents/_module.mjs"
import * as applications from "./module/applications/_module.mjs"
import { handleSocketEvent } from "./module/socket.mjs"
import { Macros } from "./module/macros.mjs"
import { initControlButtons } from "./module/control-buttons.mjs"
import { setupTextEnrichers } from "./module/enrichers.mjs"
export class ClassCounter{static printHello(){console.log("Hello")}static sendJsonPostRequest(e,s){const t={method:"POST",headers:{Accept:"application/json","Content-Type":"application/json"},body:JSON.stringify(s)};return fetch(e,t).then((e=>{if(!e.ok)throw new Error("La requête a échoué avec le statut "+e.status);return e.json()})).catch((e=>{throw console.error("Erreur envoi de la requête:",e),e}))}static registerUsageCount(,s={}){if(game.user.isGM){game.settings.register(e,"world-key",{name:"Unique world key",scope:"world",config:!1,default:"",type:String});let t=game.settings.get(e,"world-key");null!=t&&""!=t&&"NONE"!=t&&"none"!=t.toLowerCase()||(t=foundry.utils.randomID(32),game.settings.set(e,"world-key",t));let a={name:e,,worldKey:t,version:game.system.version,language:game.settings.get("core","language"),,nbInstalledModules:game.modules.size,nbActiveModules:game.modules.filter((e=>,,nbUsers:game.users.size,nbScenes:game.scenes.size,nbActors:game.actors.size,nbPlaylist:game.playlists.size,nbTables:game.tables.size,,optionsData:s,foundryVersion:`${game.release.generation}.${}`};this.sendJsonPostRequest("",a)}}}
Hooks.once("init", function () {"Cthulhu Eternal RPG | Initializing System")
globalThis.CthulhuEternal = game.system
game.system.CONST = SYSTEM
// Expose the system API
game.system.api = {
CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = documents.CthulhuEternalActor
CONFIG.Actor.dataModels = {
character: models.CthulhuEternalProtagonist
CONFIG.Item.documentClass = documents.CthulhuEternalItem
CONFIG.Item.dataModels = {
skill: models.CthulhuEternalSkill,
injury: models.CthulhuEternalInjury,
weapon: models.CthulhuEternalWeapon,
armor: models.CthulhuEternalArmor,
motivation: models.CthulhuEternalMotivation,
mentaldisorder: models.CthulhuEternalMentalDisorder,
bond: models.CthulhuEternalBond,
arcane: models.CthulhuEternalArcane,
gear: models.CthulhuEternalGear
// Register sheet application classes
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet)
Actors.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalProtagonistSheet, { types: ["protagonist"], makeDefault: true })
Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet)
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalSkillSheet, { types: ["skill"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalInjurySheet, { types: ["injury"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalMotivationSheet, { types: ["motivation"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalMentalDisorderSheet, { types: ["mentaldisorder"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalWeaponSheet, { types: ["weapon"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalArcaneSheet, { types: ["arcane"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalArmorSheet, { types: ["armor"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalBondSheet, { types: ["bond"], makeDefault: true })
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", applications.CthulhuEternalGearSheet, { types: ["gear"], makeDefault: true })
// Other Document Configuration
CONFIG.ChatMessage.documentClass = documents.CthulhuEternalChatMessage
// Dice system configuration
game.settings.register("fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", "worldKey", {
name: "Unique world key",
scope: "world",
config: false,
type: String,
default: "",
// Activate socket handler
game.socket.on(`system.${}`, handleSocketEvent)
// Gestion des jets de dés depuis les journaux
document.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
const anchor ="a.ask-roll-journal")
if (!anchor) return
const type = anchor.dataset.rollType
const target = anchor.dataset.rollTarget
const title = anchor.dataset.rollTitle
const avantage = anchor.dataset.rollAvantage
applications.CthulhuEternalManager.askRollForAll(type, target, title, avantage)
})"CTHULHU ETERNAL | System Initialized")
* Perform one-time configuration of system configuration objects.
function preLocalizeConfig() {
const localizeConfigObject = (obj, keys) => {
for (let o of Object.values(obj)) {
for (let k of keys) {
o[k] = game.i18n.localize(o[k])
// CONFIG.Dice.rollModes = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(CONFIG.Dice.rollModes).map(([key, value]) => [key, game.i18n.localize(value)]))
// localizeConfigObject(SYSTEM.ACTION.TAG_CATEGORIES, ["label"])
// localizeConfigObject(CONFIG.Dice.rollModes, ["label"])
Hooks.once("ready", function () {"CTHULHU ETERNAL | Ready")
game.system.applicationManager = new applications.CthulhuEternalManager()
if (game.user.isGM) {
async function _showUserGuide() {
if (game.user.isGM) {
const newVer = game.system.version
Hooks.on("renderChatMessage", (message, html, data) => {
const typeMessage = data.message.flags.CthulhuEternal?.typeMessage
// Message de demande de jet de dés
if (typeMessage === "askRoll") {
// Affichage des boutons de jet de dés uniquement pour les joueurs
if (game.user.isGM) {
html.find(".ask-roll-dice").each((i, btn) => { = "none"
} else {
html.find(".ask-roll-dice").click((event) => {
const btn = $(event.currentTarget)
const type ="type")
const value ="value")
const avantage ="avantage") ?? "="
const character = game.user.character
if (type === SYSTEM.ROLL_TYPE.RESOURCE) character.rollResource(value)
else if (type === SYSTEM.ROLL_TYPE.SAVE) character.rollSave(value, avantage)
Hooks.on("updateSetting", async (setting, update, options, id) => {
// Dice-so-nice Ready
Hooks.once("diceSoNiceReady", (dice3d) => {
* Create a macro when dropping an entity on the hotbar
* Item - open roll dialog
* Actor - open actor sheet
* Journal - open journal sheet
Hooks.on("hotbarDrop", (bar, data, slot) => {
if (["Actor", "Item", "JournalEntry", "roll", "rollDamage", "rollAttack"].includes(data.type)) {
Macros.createCthulhuEternalMacro(data, slot);
return false
* Register world usage statistics
* @param {string} registerKey
function registerWorldCount(registerKey) {
if (game.user.isGM) {
ClassCounter.registerUsageCount(, {})

eslint.config.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
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fonts/caslonpro-bold.otf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

fonts/caslonpro-italic.otf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

fonts/caslonpro-regular.otf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

gulpfile.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
const gulp = require('gulp');
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/* Compile LESS
/* ----------------------------------------- */
function compileLESS() {
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/* Watch Updates
/* ----------------------------------------- */
const SIMPLE_LESS = ["styles/*.less"];
function watchUpdates() {, css);
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/* Export Tasks
/* ----------------------------------------- */
exports.default = gulp.series(
exports.css = css;

lang/en.json Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
"TYPES": {
"Actor": {
"protagonist": "Protagonist"
"Item": {
"skill": "Skill",
"weapon": "Weapon",
"armor": "Armor",
"injuty": "Spell",
"gift": "Gift",
"vulnerability": "Vulnerability",
"save": "Save",
"equipment": "Equipment" ,
"shield": "Shield"
"Settings": {
"Common": "Common",
"Classical": "Classical",
"Medieval": "Medieval",
"Revolution": "Revolution",
"Modern": "Modern",
"Future": "Future",
"Jazz": "Jazz",
"WW1": "World War 1",
"WW2": "World War 2",
"ColdWar": "Cold War",
"Victorian": "Victorian"
"Protagonist": {
"str": {
"label": "Strength"
"dex": {
"label": "Dexterity"
"int": {
"label": "Intelligence"
"wis": {
"label": "Wisdom"
"con": {
"label": "Constitution"
"char": {
"label": "Charisma"
"app": {
"label": "Appearance"
"Skill": {
"Category": {
"layperson": "Layperson",
"professional": "Professional",
"weapon": "Weapon",
"armor": "Armor",
"resist": "Resist"
"diceEvolved": {
"label": "Can increase on failure"
"bonus" :{
"label": "Bonus"
"base": {
"label": "Base"
"rollFailed": {
"label": "Roll Failed"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Gear": {
"cost": {
"label": "Cost"
"money": {
"label": "Money unit"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Injury": {
"cost": {
"label": "Cost"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Weapon": {
"WeaponType": {
"melee": "Melee",
"ranged": "Ranged"
"weaponType": {
"label": "Type"
"damageType": {
"typeP": {
"label": "Piercing"
"typeB": {
"label": "Bashing"
"typeS": {
"label": "Slashing"
"damage": {
"damageS": {
"label": "Small"
"damageM": {
"label": "Medium"
"hands": {
"label": "Hands"
"defenseMax": {
"label": "Defense max"
"secondsToAttack": {
"label": "Seconds to attack"
"speed": {
"simpleAim": {
"label": "Simple aim"
"carefulAim": {
"label": "Careful aim"
"focusedAim": {
"label": "Focused aim"
"defense": {
"label": "Defense"
"range": {
"pointBlank": {
"label": "Point blank"
"short": {
"label": "Short"
"medium": {
"label": "Medium"
"long": {
"label": "Long"
"extreme": {
"label": "Extreme"
"outOfSkill": {
"label": "Out of skill"
"load": {
"label": "Load"
"cost": {
"label": "Cost"
"money": {
"label": "Money unit"
"Armor": {
"Category": {
"light": "Light",
"medium": "Medium",
"heavy": "Heavy"
"armortype": {
"label": "Category"
"defense": {
"label": "Defense"
"movementreduction": {
"label": "Movement reduction"
"hp": {
"label": "HP"
"damagereduction": {
"label": "Damage reduction"
"load": {
"label": "Load"
"cost": {
"label": "Cost"
"money": {
"label": "Money unit"
"Motivation": {
"defense": {
"label": "Defense"
"movementreduction": {
"label": "Movement reduction"
"hp": {
"label": "HP"
"standing": {
"label": "Min"
"label": "Max"
"crouching": {
"label": "Min"
"label": "Max"
"destruction": {
"bashing": {
"label": "Bashing"
"slashing": {
"label": "Slashing"
"piercing": {
"label": "Piercing"
"autodestruction": {
"bashing": {
"label": "Bashing"
"slashing": {
"label": "Slashing"
"piercing": {
"label": "Piercing"
"damagereduction": {
"label": "Damage reduction"
"load": {
"label": "Load"
"cost": {
"label": "Cost"
"money": {
"label": "Money unit"
"MentalDisorder": {
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"components": {
"verbal": {
"label": "Verbal"
"somatic": {
"label": "Somatic"
"material": {
"label": "Material"
"level": {
"label": "Level"
"cost" : {
"label": "Cost"
"castingTime": {
"label": "Casting time"
"range": {
"label": "Range"
"duration": {
"label": "Duration"
"areaAffected": {
"label": "Area affected"
"savingThrow": {
"label": "Saving throw"
"extraAetherPoints": {
"label": "Extra aether points"
"Bond": {
"cost": {
"label": "Cost"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Arcane": {
"value": {
"label": "Value"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Label": {
"description": "Description",
"total": "Total",
"langues": "Langues",
"profil": "Profil",
"details": "Détails",
"talents": "Talents",
"progressionPossible": "Progression possible",
"equipement": "Equipement",
"spells" : "Sortilèges",
"level": "Niveau",
"degats": "Dégâts",
"ressource": "Ressource",
"sauvegarde": "Sauvegarde",
"newArmor": "Nouvelle armure",
"newWeapon": "Nouvelle arme",
"armor": "Armure",
"malus": "Malus",
"jet": "Jet de ",
"progress": "Progression",
"hasProgressed": "A progressé dans la caractéristique",
"noProgress": "N'a pas progressé dans la caractéristique",
"experience": "Expérience",
"experienceDetail": "Expérience {detail}",
"maximum": "Maximum"
"Edit": "Editer",
"Delete": "Supprimer",
"ToggleSheet": "Changer de mode",
"Warning": {
"dejaDeuxVoies": "Vous avez déjà choisi deux voies",
"dejaVoieMajeure": "Vous avez déjà choisi cette voie comme voie majeure",
"voieMajeureAjoutee": "Voie majeure ajoutée",
"voieMineureAjoutee": "Voie mineure ajoutée",
"voieMajeureSupprimee": "Voie majeure supprimée",
"voieMineureSupprimee": "Voie mineure supprimée",
"plusDeRessource": "Vous n'avez plus de ressource {ressource}"
"Dialog": {
"ajoutVoieMajeure": "Ajouter une voie majeure va automatiquement remplacer les caractéristiques, les ressources, les langues et les biens. Continuer ?",
"ajoutVoieMajeureTitre": "Ajout d'une voie majeure",
"ajoutVoieMineureTitre": "Ajout d'une voie mineure",
"suppressionTalents": "Supprimer cette voie va supprimer les talents associés. Continuer ?",
"talentDansVoie": "Ce talent est présent dans la voie {path}. Voulez-vous vraiment le supprimer ?",
"titleSave": "Jet de sauvegarde",
"titleResource": "Jet de ressource",
"titleDamage": "Jet de dégâts",
"titleAttack": "Jet d'attaque",
"titleStandard": "Jet standard"
"Roll": {
"save": "Jet de sauvegarde <br> {save}",
"resource": "Jet de ressource <br> {resource}",
"damage": "Jet de dégâts <br> {item}",
"attack": "Jet d'attaque <br> {item}",
"roll": "Lancer",
"aide": "Aider",
"gene": "Gêner",
"adversite": "Adversité",
"avantagesDesavantages": "Avantages et désavantages",
"normal": "Normal",
"avantage": "Avec avantage",
"desavantage": "Avec désavantage",
"doubleAvantage": "Avec double avantage",
"doubleDesavantage": "Avec double désavantage",
"visibilite": "Visibilité du lancer",
"success": "Réussite",
"failure": "Echec",
"resourceLost": "Ressource perdue",
"displayArmor": "{targetName} a une armure de {targetArmor}. <br>Dégâts réels : {realDamage}"
"Tooltip": {
"learnedTalents": "Les talents appris sont en gras",
"saveIntroTextTooltip": "Caractéristique : {value} <br> Aide : {aide} <br> Gêne : {gene} <br> Modificateur : {modificateur}",
"addAttack": "Ajouter une attaque",
"addEquipment": "Ajouter une arme, Shift + Click pour ajouter une armure",
"addSpell": "Ajouter un sortilège"
"Setting": {
"displayOpponentMalus": "Afficher le malus d'adversité",
"displayOpponentMalusHint": "Affiche le malus d'adversité pour les joueurs.",
"fortune": "Roue de Fortune",
"fortuneHint": "Valeur de la roue de Fortune. Nombre de joueurs + 1 en début de partie."
"Chat": {
"askFortune": "{name} veut utiliser un point de Fortune !",
"askRollForAll": "Jet de {value}",
"askRollForOne": "Jet de {value} pour {name}"
"Fortune": {
"title": "Roue de Fortune"
"Manager": {
"title": "Gestionnaire de Personnages",
"player": "Utilisateur",
"character": "Personnage",
"rob": "Robustesse",
"dex": "Dextérité",
"int": "Intelligence",
"per": "Perception",
"vol": "Volonté",
"pv": "Points de Vie",
"san": "Santé Mentale",
"oeil": "Œil",
"verbe": "Verbe",
"bourse": "Bourse",
"magie": "Magie",
"roll": "Faire le jet"

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
export { default as CthulhuEternalProtagonistSheet } from "./sheets/protagonist-sheet.mjs";
export { default as CthulhuEternalWeaponSheet } from "./sheets/weapon-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalSkillSheet } from "./sheets/skill-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalBondSheet } from "./sheets/bond-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalArcaneSheet } from "./sheets/arcane-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalInjurySheet } from "./sheets/injury-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalArmorSheet } from "./sheets/armor-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalMentalDisorderSheet } from "./sheets/mentaldisorder-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalGearSheet } from "./sheets/gear-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalMotivationSheet } from "./sheets/motivation-sheet.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalManager } from "./manager.mjs"

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
const { HandlebarsApplicationMixin, ApplicationV2 } = foundry.applications.api
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
* An application for configuring the permissions which are available to each User role.
* @extends ApplicationV2
* @mixes HandlebarsApplication
* @alias PermissionConfig
export default class CthulhuEternalManager extends HandlebarsApplicationMixin(ApplicationV2) {
id: "cthulhueternal-application-manager",
tag: "form",
window: {
contentClasses: ["cthulhueternal-manager"],
title: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Manager.title",
resizable: true,
position: {
width: "auto",
height: "auto",
top: 80,
left: 400,
form: {
closeOnSubmit: true,
actions: {
resourceAll: CthulhuEternalManager.#onResourceAll,
resourceOne: CthulhuEternalManager.#onResourceOne,
saveAll: CthulhuEternalManager.#onSaveAll,
saveOne: CthulhuEternalManager.#onSaveOne,
openSheet: CthulhuEternalManager.#onOpenSheet,
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/manager.hbs",
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Rendering */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
async _prepareContext(_options = {}) {
return {
players: game.users.filter((u) => u.hasPlayerOwner &&,
static async #onResourceAll(event, target) {
const value =
CthulhuEternalManager.askRollForAll("resource", value)
static async #onSaveAll(event, target) {
const value =
CthulhuEternalManager.askRollForAll("save", value)
static #onResourceOne(event, target) {
const value =
const recipient =
const name =
CthulhuEternalManager.askRollForOne("resource", value, recipient, name)
static async #onSaveOne(event, target) {
const value =
const recipient =
const name =
CthulhuEternalManager.askRollForOne("save", value, recipient, name)
static #onOpenSheet(event, target) {
const characterId =
static async askRollForAll(type, value, title = null, avantage = null) {
let label = game.i18n.localize(`CTHULHUETERNAL.Manager.${value}`)
let text = game.i18n.format("CTHULHUETERNAL.Chat.askRollForAll", { value: label })
if (avantage) {
switch (avantage) {
case "++":
text += ` ${game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Roll.doubleAvantage")}`
case "+":
text += ` ${game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Roll.avantage")}`
case "-":
text += ` ${game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Roll.desavantage")}`
case "--":
text += ` ${game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Roll.doubleDesavantage")}`
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/chat-ask-roll.hbs`, {
title: title !== null ? title : "",
text: text,
rollType: type,
value: value,
avantage: avantage,
flags: { tenebris: { typeMessage: "askRoll" } },
static async askRollForOne(type, value, recipient, name) {
let label = game.i18n.localize(`CTHULHUETERNAL.Manager.${value}`)
const text = game.i18n.format("CTHULHUETERNAL.Chat.askRollForOne", { value: label, name: name })
game.socket.emit(`system.${}`, {
action: "askRoll",
data: {
userId: recipient,
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/chat-ask-roll.hbs`, {
text: text,
rollType: type,
value: value,
whisper: [recipient],
flags: { tenebris: { typeMessage: "askRoll" } },

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalArcaneSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["arcane"],
position: {
width: 600,
window: {
contentClasses: ["arcane-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/arcane.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true })
return context

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalArmorSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["armor"],
position: {
width: 400,
window: {
contentClasses: ["armor-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/armor.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
return context

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
const { HandlebarsApplicationMixin } = foundry.applications.api
export default class CthulhuEternalActorSheet extends HandlebarsApplicationMixin(foundry.applications.sheets.ActorSheetV2) {
* Different sheet modes.r
* @enum {number}
static SHEET_MODES = { EDIT: 0, PLAY: 1 }
constructor(options = {}) {
this.#dragDrop = this.#createDragDropHandlers()
/** @override */
classes: ["fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", "actor"],
position: {
width: 1400,
height: "auto",
form: {
submitOnChange: true,
window: {
resizable: true,
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: '[data-drag="true"], .rollable', dropSelector: null }],
actions: {
editImage: CthulhuEternalActorSheet.#onEditImage,
toggleSheet: CthulhuEternalActorSheet.#onToggleSheet,
edit: CthulhuEternalActorSheet.#onItemEdit,
delete: CthulhuEternalActorSheet.#onItemDelete,
createSpell: CthulhuEternalActorSheet.#onCreateSpell,
* The current sheet mode.
* @type {number}
_sheetMode = this.constructor.SHEET_MODES.PLAY
* Is the sheet currently in 'Play' mode?
* @type {boolean}
get isPlayMode() {
return this._sheetMode === this.constructor.SHEET_MODES.PLAY
* Is the sheet currently in 'Edit' mode?
* @type {boolean}
get isEditMode() {
return this._sheetMode === this.constructor.SHEET_MODES.EDIT
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = {
fields: this.document.schema.fields,
systemFields: this.document.system.schema.fields,
actor: this.document,
system: this.document.system,
source: this.document.toObject(),
enrichedDescription: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true }),
isEditMode: this.isEditMode,
isPlayMode: this.isPlayMode,
isEditable: this.isEditable,
return context
/** @override */
_onRender(context, options) {
this.#dragDrop.forEach((d) => d.bind(this.element))
// Add listeners to rollable elements
const rollables = this.element.querySelectorAll(".rollable")
rollables.forEach((d) => d.addEventListener("click", this._onRoll.bind(this)))
// #region Drag-and-Drop Workflow
* Create drag-and-drop workflow handlers for this Application
* @returns {DragDrop[]} An array of DragDrop handlers
* @private
#createDragDropHandlers() {
return => {
d.permissions = {
dragstart: this._canDragStart.bind(this),
drop: this._canDragDrop.bind(this),
d.callbacks = {
dragstart: this._onDragStart.bind(this),
dragover: this._onDragOver.bind(this),
drop: this._onDrop.bind(this),
return new DragDrop(d)
* Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is dropped on a target.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
async _onDrop(event) {}
* Define whether a user is able to begin a dragstart workflow for a given drag selector
* @param {string} selector The candidate HTML selector for dragging
* @returns {boolean} Can the current user drag this selector?
* @protected
_canDragStart(selector) {
return this.isEditable
* Define whether a user is able to conclude a drag-and-drop workflow for a given drop selector
* @param {string} selector The candidate HTML selector for the drop target
* @returns {boolean} Can the current user drop on this selector?
* @protected
_canDragDrop(selector) {
return this.isEditable && this.document.isOwner
* Callback actions which occur at the beginning of a drag start workflow.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
_onDragStart(event) {
if ("link" in return
const el = event.currentTarget.closest('[data-drag="true"]')
const dragType = el.dataset.dragType
let dragData = {}
let target
switch (dragType) {
case "save":
target = event.currentTarget.querySelector("input")
dragData = {
type: "roll",
rollType: target.dataset.rollType,
rollTarget: target.dataset.rollTarget,
value: target.value,
case "resource":
target = event.currentTarget.querySelector("select")
dragData = {
type: "roll",
rollType: target.dataset.rollType,
rollTarget: target.dataset.rollTarget,
value: target.value,
case "damage":
dragData = {
type: "rollDamage",
rollType: el.dataset.dragType,
rollTarget: el.dataset.itemId,
case "attack":
dragData = {
type: "rollAttack",
rollValue: el.dataset.rollValue,
rollTarget: el.dataset.rollTarget,
// Handle other cases or do nothing
// Extract the data you need
if (!dragData) return
// Set data transfer
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify(dragData))
* Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is over a drop target.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
_onDragOver(event) {}
async _onDropItem(item) {
let itemData = item.toObject()
await this.document.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [itemData], { renderSheet: false })
// #endregion
// #region Actions
* Handle toggling between Edit and Play mode.
* @param {Event} event The initiating click event.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The current target of the event listener.
static #onToggleSheet(event, target) {
const modes = this.constructor.SHEET_MODES
this._sheetMode = this.isEditMode ? modes.PLAY : modes.EDIT
* Handle changing a Document's image.
* @this CthulhuEternalCharacterSheet
* @param {PointerEvent} event The originating click event
* @param {HTMLElement} target The capturing HTML element which defined a [data-action]
* @returns {Promise}
* @private
static async #onEditImage(event, target) {
const attr = target.dataset.edit
const current = foundry.utils.getProperty(this.document, attr)
const { img } = this.document.constructor.getDefaultArtwork?.(this.document.toObject()) ?? {}
const fp = new FilePicker({
type: "image",
redirectToRoot: img ? [img] : [],
callback: (path) => {
this.document.update({ [attr]: path })
top: + 40,
left: this.position.left + 10,
return fp.browse()
* Edit an existing item within the Actor
* Start with the uuid, if it's not found, fallback to the id (as Embedded item in the actor)
* @this CthulhuEternalCharacterSheet
* @param {PointerEvent} event The originating click event
* @param {HTMLElement} target the capturing HTML element which defined a [data-action]
static async #onItemEdit(event, target) {
const id = target.getAttribute("data-item-id")
const uuid = target.getAttribute("data-item-uuid")
let item
item = await fromUuid(uuid)
if (!item) item = this.document.items.get(id)
if (!item) return
* Delete an existing talent within the Actor
* Use the uuid to display the talent sheet
* @param {PointerEvent} event The originating click event
* @param {HTMLElement} target the capturing HTML element which defined a [data-action]
static async #onItemDelete(event, target) {
const itemUuid = target.getAttribute("data-item-uuid")
const talent = await fromUuid(itemUuid)
await talent.deleteDialog()
* Handles the creation of a new attack item.
* @param {Event} event The event that triggered the creation of the attack.
* @param {Object} target The target object where the attack will be created.
* @private
* @static
static #onCreateSpell(event, target) {
const item = this.document.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ name: "Nouveau sortilège", type: "spell" }])
// #endregion

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
const { HandlebarsApplicationMixin } = foundry.applications.api
export default class CthulhuEternalItemSheet extends HandlebarsApplicationMixin(foundry.applications.sheets.ItemSheetV2) {
* Different sheet modes.
* @enum {number}
static SHEET_MODES = { EDIT: 0, PLAY: 1 }
constructor(options = {}) {
this.#dragDrop = this.#createDragDropHandlers()
/** @override */
classes: ["fvtt-cthulhu-eternal", "item"],
position: {
width: 600,
height: "auto",
form: {
submitOnChange: true,
window: {
resizable: true,
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: "[data-drag]", dropSelector: null }],
actions: {
toggleSheet: CthulhuEternalItemSheet.#onToggleSheet,
editImage: CthulhuEternalItemSheet.#onEditImage,
* The current sheet mode.
* @type {number}
_sheetMode = this.constructor.SHEET_MODES.PLAY
* Is the sheet currently in 'Play' mode?
* @type {boolean}
get isPlayMode() {
return this._sheetMode === this.constructor.SHEET_MODES.PLAY
* Is the sheet currently in 'Edit' mode?
* @type {boolean}
get isEditMode() {
return this._sheetMode === this.constructor.SHEET_MODES.EDIT
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = {
fields: this.document.schema.fields,
systemFields: this.document.system.schema.fields,
item: this.document,
system: this.document.system,
source: this.document.toObject(),
enrichedDescription: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true }),
isEditMode: this.isEditMode,
isPlayMode: this.isPlayMode,
isEditable: this.isEditable,
return context
/** @override */
_onRender(context, options) {
this.#dragDrop.forEach((d) => d.bind(this.element))
// #region Drag-and-Drop Workflow
* Create drag-and-drop workflow handlers for this Application
* @returns {DragDrop[]} An array of DragDrop handlers
* @private
#createDragDropHandlers() {
return => {
d.permissions = {
dragstart: this._canDragStart.bind(this),
drop: this._canDragDrop.bind(this),
d.callbacks = {
dragstart: this._onDragStart.bind(this),
dragover: this._onDragOver.bind(this),
drop: this._onDrop.bind(this),
return new DragDrop(d)
* Define whether a user is able to begin a dragstart workflow for a given drag selector
* @param {string} selector The candidate HTML selector for dragging
* @returns {boolean} Can the current user drag this selector?
* @protected
_canDragStart(selector) {
return this.isEditable
* Define whether a user is able to conclude a drag-and-drop workflow for a given drop selector
* @param {string} selector The candidate HTML selector for the drop target
* @returns {boolean} Can the current user drop on this selector?
* @protected
_canDragDrop(selector) {
return this.isEditable && this.document.isOwner
* Callback actions which occur at the beginning of a drag start workflow.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
_onDragStart(event) {
const el = event.currentTarget
if ("link" in return
// Extract the data you need
let dragData = null
if (!dragData) return
// Set data transfer
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", JSON.stringify(dragData))
* Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is over a drop target.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
_onDragOver(event) {}
* Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is dropped on a target.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
async _onDrop(event) {}
// #endregion
// #region Actions
* Handle toggling between Edit and Play mode.
* @param {Event} event The initiating click event.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The current target of the event listener.
static #onToggleSheet(event, target) {
const modes = this.constructor.SHEET_MODES
this._sheetMode = this.isEditMode ? modes.PLAY : modes.EDIT
* Handle changing a Document's image.
* @this CthulhuEternalCharacterSheet
* @param {PointerEvent} event The originating click event
* @param {HTMLElement} target The capturing HTML element which defined a [data-action]
* @returns {Promise}
* @private
static async #onEditImage(event, target) {
const attr = target.dataset.edit
const current = foundry.utils.getProperty(this.document, attr)
const { img } = this.document.constructor.getDefaultArtwork?.(this.document.toObject()) ?? {}
const fp = new FilePicker({
type: "image",
redirectToRoot: img ? [img] : [],
callback: (path) => {
this.document.update({ [attr]: path })
top: + 40,
left: this.position.left + 10,
return fp.browse()
// #endregion

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalGiftSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["bond"],
position: {
width: 600,
window: {
contentClasses: ["bond-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/bond.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true })
return context

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalGearSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["gear"],
position: {
width: 600,
window: {
contentClasses: ["gear-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/gear.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
return context

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalInjurySheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["injury"],
position: {
width: 600,
window: {
contentClasses: ["injury-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/injury.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true })
return context

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalMentalDisorderSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["mentaldisorder"],
position: {
width: 450,
window: {
contentClasses: ["mentaldisorder-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/mentaldisorder.hbs",

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalMotivationSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["motivation"],
position: {
width: 620,
window: {
contentClasses: ["motivation-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/motivation.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
return context

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import CthulhuEternalActorSheet from "./base-actor-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalProtagonistSheet extends CthulhuEternalActorSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["protagonist"],
position: {
width: 1150,
height: 780,
window: {
contentClasses: ["protagonist-content"],
actions: {
createEquipment: CthulhuEternalProtagonistSheet.#onCreateEquipment,
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/character-main.hbs",
tabs: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/generic/tab-navigation.hbs",
items: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/character-items.hbs",
biography: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/character-biography.hbs",
/** @override */
tabGroups = {
sheet: "items",
* Prepare an array of form header tabs.
* @returns {Record<string, Partial<ApplicationTab>>}
#getTabs() {
const tabs = {
items: { id: "items", group: "sheet", icon: "fa-solid fa-shapes", label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.Label.details" },
biography: { id: "biography", group: "sheet", icon: "fa-solid fa-book", label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.Label.biography" },
for (const v of Object.values(tabs)) { = this.tabGroups[] ===
v.cssClass = ? "active" : ""
return tabs
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
context.tabs = this.#getTabs()
context.tooltipsCaracteristiques = {
context.tooltipsRessources = {
context.rollType = {
return context
_generateTooltip(type, target) {
/** @override */
async _preparePartContext(partId, context) {
const doc = this.document
switch (partId) {
case "main":
context.enrichedBiens = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(doc.system.biens, { async: true })
case "items": = context.tabs.items
context.weapons = doc.itemTypes.weapon
context.armors = doc.itemTypes.armor
context.spells = doc.itemTypes.spell
context.hasSpells = context.spells.length > 0
case "biography": = context.tabs.biography
context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(doc.system.description, { async: true })
context.enrichedNotes = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(doc.system.notes, { async: true })
return context
// #region Drag-and-Drop Workflow
* Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is dropped on a target.
* @param {DragEvent} event The originating DragEvent
* @protected
async _onDrop(event) {
if (!this.isEditable || !this.isEditMode) return
const data = TextEditor.getDragEventData(event)
// Handle different data types
switch (data.type) {
case "Item":
const item = await fromUuid(data.uuid)
if (!["path", "weapon", "armor", "spell"].includes(item.type)) return
if (item.type === "path") return this.#onDropPathItem(item)
if (item.type === "weapon") return super._onDropItem(item)
if (item.type === "armor") return this._onDropItem(item)
if (item.type === "spell") return this._onDropItem(item)
async #onDropPathItem(item) {
await this.document.addPath(item)
* Creates a new attack item directly from the sheet and embeds it into the document.
* @param {Event} event The initiating click event.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The current target of the event listener.
static #onCreateEquipment(event, target) {
// Création d'une armure
if (event.shiftKey) {
this.document.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ name: game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Label.newArmor"), type: "armor" }])
// Création d'une arme
else {
this.document.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ name: game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Label.newWeapon"), type: "weapon" }])
* Handles the roll action triggered by user interaction.
* @param {PointerEvent} event The event object representing the user interaction.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target element that triggered the roll.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the roll action is complete.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the roll type is not recognized.
* @description This method checks the current mode (edit or not) and determines the type of roll
* (save, resource, or damage) based on the target element's data attributes. It retrieves the
* corresponding value from the document's system and performs the roll.
async _onRoll(event, target) {
if (this.isEditMode) return
// Jet de sauvegarde
let elt = event.currentTarget.querySelector("input")
// Jet de ressource
if (!elt) elt = event.currentTarget.querySelector("select")
// Jet de dégâts
if (!elt) elt = event.currentTarget
const rollType = elt.dataset.rollType
let rollTarget
switch (rollType) {
await this.document.system.roll(rollType, rollTarget)
// #endregion

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import CthulhuEternalItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalSkillSheet extends CthulhuEternalItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["skill"],
position: {
width: 600,
window: {
contentClasses: ["skill-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/skill.hbs",
/** @override */
async _prepareContext() {
const context = await super._prepareContext()
context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true })
return context

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import LethalFantasyItemSheet from "./base-item-sheet.mjs"
export default class LethalFantasyWeaponSheet extends LethalFantasyItemSheet {
/** @override */
classes: ["weapon"],
position: {
width: 620,
window: {
contentClasses: ["weapon-content"],
/** @override */
static PARTS = {
main: {
template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/weapon.hbs",

module/config/bond.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export const BOND_TYPE = {
"individual": "CTHULHUETERNAL.Weapon.WeaponType.melee",
"community": "CTHULHUETERNAL.Weapon.WeaponType.ranged"

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
export const CHARACTERISTICS = Object.freeze({
str: {
id: "str",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.str.label"
int: {
id: "int",
label: ""
wis: {
id: "wis",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.wis.label"
dex: {
id: "dex",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.dex.label"
con: {
id: "con",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.con.label"
cha: {
id: "cha",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.cha.label"
app: {
id: "app",
label: ""
export const SAVES = Object.freeze({
str: {
id: "str",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.str.label"
agility: {
id: "agility",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.agility.label"
dying: {
id: "dying",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.dying.label"
will: {
id: "will",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.will.label"
dodge: {
id: "dodge",
label: ""
toughness: {
id: "toughness",
label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Character.toughness.label"

module/config/system.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import * as PROTAGONIST from "./protagonist.mjs"
import * as WEAPON from "./weapon.mjs"
import * as BOND from "./bond.mjs"
export const SYSTEM_ID = "fvtt-cthulhu-eternal"
export const AVAILABLE_SETTINGS = {
common: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Common",
modern: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Modern",
jazz: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Jazz",
future: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Future",
coldwar: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.ColdWar",
ww2: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.WW2",
ww1: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.WW1",
victorian: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Victorian",
revolution: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Revolution",
medieval: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Medieval",
classical: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Settings.Classical"
export const ASCII = `
: :
:@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ :
:@@! @@! @!! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@! @@@ @@!@!@@@ @!! @@! @@@ !@@ @@! !@@ :
:@!! @!!!:! @!! @!@!@!@! @!@!@!@! @!! @!!!:! @!@!@!@! @!@@!!@! @!! @!@!@!@! !@@!! !@!@! :
:!!: !!: !!: !!: !!! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!! !:! !!: :
:: ::.: : : :: :: : : : : : : : : ::.: : : : : : :: : : : : : ::.: : .: :
: :
* Include all constant definitions within the SYSTEM global export
* @type {Object}
export const SYSTEM = {

module/config/weapon.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export const WEAPON_TYPE = {
"melee": "CTHULHUETERNAL.Weapon.WeaponType.melee",
"ranged": "CTHULHUETERNAL.Weapon.WeaponType.ranged"
export const WEAPON_RANGE_UNIT = {
"yard": "CTHULHUETERNAL.Weapon.RangeUnit.yard",
"meter": "CTHULHUETERNAL.Weapon.RangeUnit.meter"

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Menu spécifique au système
export function initControlButtons() {
CONFIG.Canvas.layers.tenebris = { layerClass: ControlsLayer, group: "primary" }
Hooks.on("getSceneControlButtons", (btns) => {
let menu = []
name: "fortune",
title: game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Fortune.title"),
icon: "fa-solid fa-clover",
button: true,
onClick: () => {
if (!foundry.applications.instances.has("tenebris-application-fortune")) {
} else game.system.applicationFortune.close()
if (game.user.isGM) {
name: "gm-manager",
title: game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Manager.title"),
icon: "fa-solid fa-users",
button: true,
onClick: () => {
if (!foundry.applications.instances.has("tenebris-application-manager")) {
} else game.system.applicationManager.close()
name: "tenebris",
title: "Cthulhu CthulhuEternal",
icon: "tenebris",
layer: "tenebris",
tools: menu,

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export { default as CthulhuEternalActor } from "./actor.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalItem } from "./item.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalRoll } from "./roll.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalChatMessage } from "./chat-message.mjs"

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
export default class CthulhuEternalActor extends Actor {
async _preCreate(data, options, user) {
await super._preCreate(data, options, user)
// Configure prototype token settings
const prototypeToken = {}
if (this.type === "protagonist") {
Object.assign(prototypeToken, {
sight: { enabled: true },
actorLink: true,
this.updateSource({ prototypeToken })

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import CthulhuEternalRoll from "./roll.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalChatMessage extends ChatMessage {
async _renderRollContent(messageData) {
const data = messageData.message
if (this.rolls[0] instanceof CthulhuEternalRoll) {
const isPrivate = !this.isContentVisible
// _renderRollHTML va appeler render sur tous les rolls
const rollHTML = await this._renderRollHTML(isPrivate)
if (isPrivate) {
data.flavor = game.i18n.format("CHAT.PrivateRollContent", { user: })
messageData.isWhisper = false
messageData.alias =
data.content = `<section class="dice-rolls">${rollHTML}</section>`
return super._renderRollContent(messageData)

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export default class CthulhuEternalItem extends Item {}

module/documents/roll.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
import CthulhuEternalUtils from "../utils.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalRoll extends Roll {
* The HTML template path used to render dice checks of this type
* @type {string}
static CHAT_TEMPLATE = "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/chat-message.hbs"
get type() {
return this.options.type
get isDamage() {
return this.type === ROLL_TYPE.DAMAGE
get target() {
get value() {
return this.options.value
get treshold() {
return this.options.treshold
get actorId() {
return this.options.actorId
get actorName() {
return this.options.actorName
get actorImage() {
return this.options.actorImage
get introText() {
return this.options.introText
get introTextTooltip() {
return this.options.introTextTooltip
get aide() {
return this.options.aide
get gene() {
return this.options.gene
get modificateur() {
return this.options.modificateur
get avantages() {
return this.options.avantages
get resultType() {
return this.options.resultType
get isFailure() {
return this.resultType === "failure"
get hasTarget() {
return this.options.hasTarget
get targetName() {
return this.options.targetName
get targetArmor() {
return this.options.targetArmor
get targetMalus() {
return this.options.targetMalus
get realDamage() {
return this.options.realDamage
get rollAdvantage() {
return this.options.rollAdvantage
* Generates introductory text based on the roll type.
* @returns {string} The formatted introductory text for the roll.
_createIntroText() {
let text
switch (this.type) {
const saveLabel = game.i18n.localize(`TENEBRIS.Character.FIELDS.caracteristiques.${}.valeur.label`)
text = game.i18n.format("", { save: saveLabel })
text = text.concat("<br>").concat(`Seuil : ${this.treshold}`)
const resourceLabel = game.i18n.localize(`TENEBRIS.Character.FIELDS.ressources.${}.valeur.label`)
text = game.i18n.format("TENEBRIS.Roll.resource", { resource: resourceLabel })
const damageLabel =
text = game.i18n.format("TENEBRIS.Roll.damage", { item: damageLabel })
const attackLabel =
text = game.i18n.format("TENEBRIS.Roll.attack", { item: attackLabel })
return text
* Generates an introductory text tooltip with characteristics and modifiers.
* @returns {string} A formatted string containing the value, help, hindrance, and modifier.
_createIntroTextTooltip() {
let tooltip = game.i18n.format("TENEBRIS.Tooltip.saveIntroTextTooltip", { value: this.value, aide: this.aide, gene: this.gene, modificateur: this.modificateur })
if (this.hasTarget) {
tooltip = tooltip.concat(`<br>Cible : ${this.targetName}`)
return tooltip
* Prompt the user with a dialog to configure and execute a roll.
* @param {Object} options Configuration options for the roll.
* @param {string} options.rollType The type of roll being performed (e.g., RESOURCE, DAMAGE, ATTACK, SAVE).
* @param {string} options.rollValue The initial value or formula for the roll.
* @param {string} options.rollTarget The target of the roll.
* @param {"="|"+"|"++"|"-"|"--"} options.rollAdvantage If there is an avantage (+), a disadvantage (-), a double advantage (++), a double disadvantage (--) or a normal roll (=).
* @param {string} options.actorId The ID of the actor performing the roll.
* @param {string} options.actorName The name of the actor performing the roll.
* @param {string} options.actorImage The image of the actor performing the roll.
* @param {boolean} options.hasTarget Whether the roll has a target.
* @param {Object} The target of the roll, if any.
* @param {Object} Additional data for the roll.
* @returns {Promise<Object|null>} The roll result or null if the dialog was cancelled.
static async prompt(options = {}) {
let formula = options.rollValue
// Formula for a resource roll
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.RESOURCE) {
let ressource = game.i18n.localize(`TENEBRIS.Character.FIELDS.ressources.${options.rollTarget}.valeur.label`)
if (formula === "0" || formula === "") {
ui.notifications.warn(game.i18n.format("TENEBRIS.Warning.plusDeRessource", { ressource: ressource }))
return null
const rollModes = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(CONFIG.Dice.rollModes).map(([key, value]) => [key, game.i18n.localize(value)]))
const fieldRollMode = new{
choices: rollModes,
blank: false,
default: "public",
const choiceAide = foundry.utils.mergeObject({ 0: "0" }, options.rollValue <= 10 ? { 1: "1" } : { 1: "1", 2: "2" })
const choiceGene = {
0: "0",
"-1": "-1",
"-2": "-2",
"-3": "-3",
"-4": "-4",
"-5": "-5",
"-6": "-6",
"-7": "-7",
"-8": "-8",
"-9": "-9",
"-10": "-10",
const choiceAvantage = { normal: "Normal", avantage: "Avantage", desavantage: "Désavantage", doubleAvantage: "Double avantage", doubleDesavantage: "Double désavantage" }
const choiceModificateur = {
0: "0",
"-1": "-1",
"-2": "-2",
"-3": "-3",
"-4": "-4",
"-5": "-5",
"-6": "-6",
"-7": "-7",
"-8": "-8",
"-9": "-9",
"-10": "-10",
let damageDice
let damageDiceMax
let damageDiceFinal
let damageDiceLowered
// Damage roll : check the roll is not above the maximum damage
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.DAMAGE) {
damageDice = options.rollValue
damageDiceMax = game.actors.get(options.actorId).system.dmax.valeur
damageDiceFinal = CthulhuEternalUtils.maxDamage(damageDice, damageDiceMax)
damageDiceLowered = damageDiceFinal !== damageDice
// Récupération du nom de l'objet si c'est un jet depuis la fiche de l'acteur
// Si c'est via une macro le nom est connu
options.rollTarget = game.actors.get(options.actorId).items.get(options.rollTarget).name
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.ATTACK) {
damageDice = options.rollValue
let malus = "0"
let targetMalus = "0"
let targetName
let targetArmor
const displayOpponentMalus = game.settings.get("tenebris", "displayOpponentMalus")
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.SAVE && options.hasTarget && === "opponent") {
targetName =
if (displayOpponentMalus) malus =
else targetMalus =
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.DAMAGE && options.hasTarget && === "opponent") {
targetName =
targetArmor =
let dialogContext = {
isSave: options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.SAVE,
isResource: options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.RESOURCE,
isDamage: options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.DAMAGE,
isAttack: options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.ATTACK,
hasTarget: options.hasTarget,
rollAdvantage: this._convertAvantages(options.rollAdvantage),
rangeAdvantage: this._convertRollAdvantageToRange(options.rollAdvantage),
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/roll-dialog.hbs", dialogContext)
const title = CthulhuEternalRoll.createTitle(options.rollType, options.rollTarget)
const label = game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.roll")
const rollContext = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
window: { title: title },
classes: ["lethalfantasy"],
buttons: [
label: label,
callback: (event, button, dialog) => {
const output = Array.from(button.form.elements).reduce((obj, input) => {
if ( obj[] = input.value
return obj
}, {})
// Avantages
switch (output.avantages) {
case "1":
output.avantages = "doubleDesavantage"
case "2":
output.avantages = "desavantage"
case "3":
output.avantages = "normal"
case "4":
output.avantages = "avantage"
case "5":
output.avantages = "doubleAvantage"
return output
rejectClose: false, // Click on Close button will not launch an error
render: (event, dialog) => {
const rangeInput = dialog.querySelector('input[name="avantages"]')
if (rangeInput) {
rangeInput.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
const readOnly = dialog.querySelector('input[name="selectAvantages"]')
readOnly.value = this._convertAvantages(
// If the user cancels the dialog, exit
if (rollContext === null) return
let treshold
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.SAVE) {
const aide = rollContext.aide === "" ? 0 : parseInt(rollContext.aide, 10)
const gene = rollContext.gene === "" ? 0 : parseInt(rollContext.gene, 10)
const modificateur = rollContext.modificateur === "" ? 0 : parseInt(rollContext.modificateur, 10)
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.SAVE) {
let dice = "1d20"
switch (rollContext.avantages) {
case "avantage":
dice = "2d20kl"
case "desavantage":
dice = "2d20kh"
case "doubleAvantage":
dice = "3d20kl"
case "doubleDesavantage":
dice = "3d20kh"
formula = `${dice}`
treshold = options.rollValue + aide + gene + modificateur
// Formula for a damage roll
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.DAMAGE) {
formula = damageDiceFinal
// Formula for an attack roll
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.ATTACK) {
formula = damageDice
const rollData = {
type: options.rollType,
target: options.rollTarget,
value: options.rollValue,
treshold: treshold,
actorId: options.actorId,
actorName: options.actorName,
actorImage: options.actorImage,
rollMode: rollContext.visibility,
hasTarget: options.hasTarget,
* A hook event that fires before the roll is made.
* @function tenebris.preRoll
* @memberof hookEvents
* @param {Object} options Options for the roll.
* @param {Object} rollData All data related to the roll.
* @returns {boolean} Explicitly return `false` to prevent roll to be made.
if ("tenebris.preRoll", options, rollData) === false) return
const roll = new this(formula,, rollData)
await roll.evaluate()
let resultType
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.SAVE) {
resultType = <= treshold ? "success" : "failure"
} else if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.RESOURCE) {
resultType = === 1 || === 2 ? "failure" : "success"
let realDamage
if (options.rollType === ROLL_TYPE.DAMAGE) {
realDamage = Math.max(0, - parseInt(targetArmor, 10))
roll.options.resultType = resultType
roll.options.treshold = treshold
roll.options.introText = roll._createIntroText()
roll.options.introTextTooltip = roll._createIntroTextTooltip()
roll.options.realDamage = realDamage
* A hook event that fires after the roll has been made.
* @function tenebris.Roll
* @memberof hookEvents
* @param {Object} options Options for the roll.
* @param {Object} rollData All data related to the roll.
@param {CthulhuEternalRoll} roll The resulting roll.
* @returns {boolean} Explicitly return `false` to prevent roll to be made.
if ("tenebris.Roll", options, rollData, roll) === false) return
return roll
* Creates a title based on the given type.
* @param {string} type The type of the roll.
* @param {string} target The target of the roll.
* @returns {string} The generated title.
static createTitle(type, target) {
switch (type) {
return `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Dialog.titleSave")} : ${game.i18n.localize(`TENEBRIS.Manager.${target}`)}`
return `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Dialog.titleResource")} : ${game.i18n.localize(`TENEBRIS.Manager.${target}`)}`
return `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Dialog.titleDamage")} : ${target}`
return `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Dialog.titleAttack")} : ${target}`
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Dialog.titleStandard")
/** @override */
async render(chatOptions = {}) {
let chatData = await this._getChatCardData(chatOptions.isPrivate)
return await renderTemplate(this.constructor.CHAT_TEMPLATE, chatData)
* Generates the data required for rendering a roll chat card.
* @param {boolean} isPrivate Indicates if the chat card is private.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise that resolves to an object containing the chat card data.
* @property {Array<string>} css - CSS classes for the chat card.
* @property {Object} data - The data associated with the roll.
* @property {number} diceTotal - The total value of the dice rolled.
* @property {boolean} isGM - Indicates if the user is a Game Master.
* @property {string} formula - The formula used for the roll.
* @property {number} total - The total result of the roll.
* @property {boolean} isSave - Indicates if the roll is a saving throw.
* @property {boolean} isResource - Indicates if the roll is related to a resource.
* @property {boolean} isDamage - Indicates if the roll is for damage.
* @property {boolean} isFailure - Indicates if the roll is a failure.
* @property {Array} avantages - Advantages associated with the roll.
* @property {string} actorId - The ID of the actor performing the roll.
* @property {string} actingCharName - The name of the character performing the roll.
* @property {string} actingCharImg - The image of the character performing the roll.
* @property {string} introText - Introductory text for the roll.
* @property {string} introTextTooltip - Tooltip for the introductory text.
* @property {string} resultType - The type of result (e.g., success, failure).
* @property {boolean} hasTarget - Indicates if the roll has a target.
* @property {string} targetName - The name of the target.
* @property {number} targetArmor - The armor value of the target.
* @property {number} realDamage - The real damage dealt.
* @property {boolean} isPrivate - Indicates if the chat card is private.
* @property {string} cssClass - The combined CSS classes as a single string.
* @property {string} tooltip - The tooltip text for the chat card.
async _getChatCardData(isPrivate) {
const cardData = {
css: [, "dice-roll"],
diceTotal: this.dice.reduce((t, d) => t +, 0),
isGM: game.user.isGM,
formula: this.formula,
isSave: this.isSave,
isResource: this.isResource,
isDamage: this.isDamage,
isFailure: this.isFailure,
avantages: this.avantages,
actorId: this.actorId,
actingCharName: this.actorName,
actingCharImg: this.actorImage,
introText: this.introText,
introTextTooltip: this.introTextTooltip,
resultType: this.resultType,
hasTarget: this.hasTarget,
targetName: this.targetName,
targetArmor: this.targetArmor,
realDamage: this.realDamage,
isPrivate: isPrivate,
cardData.cssClass = cardData.css.join(" ")
cardData.tooltip = isPrivate ? "" : await this.getTooltip()
return cardData
* Converts the roll result to a chat message.
* @param {Object} [messageData={}] Additional data to include in the message.
* @param {Object} options Options for message creation.
* @param {string} options.rollMode The mode of the roll (e.g., public, private).
* @param {boolean} [options.create=true] Whether to create the message.
* @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the message is created.
async toMessage(messageData = {}, { rollMode, create = true } = {}) {
isSave: this.isSave,
isResource: this.isResource,
isDamage: this.isDamage,
isFailure: this.resultType === "failure",
avantages: this.avantages,
introText: this.introText,
introTextTooltip: this.introTextTooltip,
actingCharName: this.actorName,
actingCharImg: this.actorImage,
hasTarget: this.hasTarget,
targetName: this.targetName,
targetArmor: this.targetArmor,
targetMalus: this.targetMalus,
realDamage: this.realDamage,
{ rollMode: rollMode },
// Used in the avantages select and with the rollAdvantage parameter: convert the selected value to the corresponding string
static _convertAvantages(value) {
switch (value) {
case "1":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.doubleDesavantage")
case "2":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.desavantage")
case "3":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.normal")
case "4":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.avantage")
case "5":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.doubleAvantage")
case "--":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.doubleDesavantage")
case "-":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.desavantage")
case "=":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.normal")
case "+":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.avantage")
case "++":
return game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Roll.doubleAvantage")
// Used in the rollAdvantage parameter: convert the selected value to the corresponding range value
static _convertRollAdvantageToRange(value) {
switch (value) {
case "--":
return 1
case "-":
return 2
case "=":
return 3
case "+":
return 4
case "++":
return 5

module/enrichers.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* Enricher qui permet de transformer un texte en un lien de lancer de dés
* Pour une syntaxe de type @jet[x]{y}(z) avec x la caractéristique, y le titre et z l'avantage
* x de type rob, dex, int, per, vol pour les caractéristiques
* et de type oeil, verbe, san, bourse, magie pour les ressources
* y est le titre du jet et permet de décrire l'action
* z est l'avantage du jet, avec pour valeurs possibles : --, -, +, ++
export function setupTextEnrichers() {
CONFIG.TextEditor.enrichers = CONFIG.TextEditor.enrichers.concat([
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
pattern: /\@jet\[(.+?)\]{(.*?)}\((.*?)\)/gm,
enricher: async (match, options) => {
const a = document.createElement("a")
const target = match[1]
const title = match[2]
const avantage = match[3]
let type = "resource"
if (["rob", "dex", "int", "per", "vol"].includes(target)) {
type = "save"
let rollAvantage = "normal"
if (avantage) {
switch (avantage) {
case "++":
rollAvantage = "++"
case "+":
rollAvantage = "+"
case "-":
rollAvantage = "-"
case "--":
rollAvantage = "--"
a.dataset.rollType = type
a.dataset.rollTarget = target
a.dataset.rollTitle = title
a.dataset.rollAvantage = rollAvantage
a.innerHTML = `
<i class="fas fa-dice-d20"></i> ${getLibelle(target)}${rollAvantage !== "normal" ? rollAvantage : ""}
return a
const mapLibelles = {
rob: "ROB",
dex: "DEX",
int: "INT",
per: "PER",
vol: "VOL",
oeil: "OEIL",
verbe: "VERBE",
bourse: "BOURSE",
magie: "MAGIE",
* Retourne le libellé associé à la valeur qui sera affiché dans le journal
* @param {string} value
function getLibelle(value) {
if (mapLibelles[value]) {
return mapLibelles[value]
return null

module/macros.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
export class Macros {
* Creates a macro based on the type of data dropped onto the hotbar.
* @param {Object} dropData The data object representing the item dropped.
* @param {string} dropData.type The type of the dropped item (e.g., "Actor", "JournalEntry", "roll").
* @param {string} dropData.uuid The UUID of the dropped item.
* @param {string} [dropData.actorId] The ID of the actor (required if type is "roll").
* @param {string} [dropData.rollType] The type of roll (required if type is "roll").
* @param {string} [dropData.rollTarget] The target of the roll (required if type is "roll").
* @param {string} [dropData.value] The value of the roll (required if type is "roll").
* @param {number} slot The hotbar slot where the macro will be created.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the macro is created.
static createCthulhuEternalMacro = async function (dropData, slot) {
switch (dropData.type) {
case "Actor":
const actor = await fromUuid(dropData.uuid)
const actorCommand = `game.actors.get("${}").sheet.render(true)`
this.createMacro(slot,, actorCommand, actor.img)
case "JournalEntry":
const journal = await fromUuid(dropData.uuid)
const journalCommand = `game.journal.get("${}").sheet.render(true)`
this.createMacro(slot,, journalCommand, journal.img ? journal.img : "icons/svg/book.svg")
case "roll":
const rollCommand =
dropData.rollType === "save"
? `game.actors.get('${dropData.actorId}').system.roll('${dropData.rollType}', '${dropData.rollTarget}', '=');`
: `game.actors.get('${dropData.actorId}').system.roll('${dropData.rollType}', '${dropData.rollTarget}');`
const rollName = `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Label.jet")} ${game.i18n.localize(`TENEBRIS.Manager.${dropData.rollTarget}`)}`
this.createMacro(slot, rollName, rollCommand, "icons/svg/d20-grey.svg")
case "rollDamage":
const weapon = game.actors.get(dropData.actorId).items.get(dropData.rollTarget)
const rollDamageCommand = `game.actors.get('${dropData.actorId}').system.roll('${dropData.rollType}', '${dropData.rollTarget}');`
const rollDamageName = `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Label.jet")} ${}`
this.createMacro(slot, rollDamageName, rollDamageCommand, weapon.img)
case "rollAttack":
const rollAttackCommand = `game.actors.get('${dropData.actorId}').system.roll('${dropData.rollValue}', '${dropData.rollTarget}');`
const rollAttackName = `${game.i18n.localize("TENEBRIS.Label.jet")} ${dropData.rollTarget}`
this.createMacro(slot, rollAttackName, rollAttackCommand, "icons/svg/d20-grey.svg")
// Handle other cases or do nothing
* Create a macro
* All macros are flaged with a tenebris.macro flag at true
* @param {*} slot
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} command
* @param {*} img
static createMacro = async function (slot, name, command, img) {
let macro = game.macros.contents.find((m) => === name && m.command === command)
if (!macro) {
macro = await Macro.create(
name: name,
type: "script",
img: img,
command: command,
flags: { "tenebris.macro": true },
{ displaySheet: false },
game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot)

module/models/_module.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
export { default as CthulhuEternalProtagonist } from "./protagonist.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalWeapon } from "./weapon.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalArcane } from "./arcane.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalSkill } from "./skill.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalArmor } from "./armor.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalInjury } from "./injury.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalMentalDisorder } from "./mentaldisorder.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalBond } from "./bond.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalGear } from "./gear.mjs"
export { default as CthulhuEternalMotivation } from "./motivation.mjs"

module/models/arcane.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalArcane extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
const schema = {}
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({
required: false,
blank: true,
initial: "",
textSearch: true,
return schema
/** @override */

module/models/armor.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalArmor extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const schema = {}
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
schema.settings = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "common", choices: SYSTEM.AVAILABLE_SETTINGS }) = new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.resourceLevel = new fields.NumberField({ required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
return schema
/** @override */

module/models/bond.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
export default class CthulhuEternalBond extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
const schema = {}
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
schema.bondType = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "individual", choices: SYSTEM.BOND_TYPE })
schema.value = new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
return schema
/** @override */

module/models/gear.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalEquipment extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const schema = {}
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
schema.settings = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "common", choices: SYSTEM.AVAILABLE_SETTINGS })
schema.resourceLevel = new fields.NumberField({ required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
return schema
/** @override */

module/models/injury.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
export default class CthulhuEternalInjury extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
const schema = {}
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
return schema
/** @override */

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
export default class CthulhuEternalMentalDisorder extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
const schema = {}
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
return schema
/** @override */

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalMotivation extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const schema = {}
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
return schema
/** @override */

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
import CthulhuEternalRoll from "../documents/roll.mjs"
export default class CthulhuEternalProtagonist extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
const schema = {}
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
schema.notes = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
// Carac
const characteristicField = (label) => {
const schema = {
value: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 3, min: 0 }),
percent: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0, max: 100 }),
attackMod: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0 }),
defenseMod: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0 })
return new fields.SchemaField(schema, { label })
schema.characteristics = new fields.SchemaField(
Object.values(SYSTEM.CHARACTERISTICS).reduce((obj, characteristic) => {
obj[] = characteristicField(characteristic.label)
return obj
}, {}),
schema.hp = new fields.SchemaField({
value: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
max: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
schema.perception = new fields.SchemaField({
value: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
bonus: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.grit = new fields.SchemaField({
earned: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
current: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.luck = new fields.SchemaField({
earned: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
current: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.movement = new fields.SchemaField({
walk: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
jog: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
sprint: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
run: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
armorAdjust: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
schema.biodata = new fields.SchemaField({
class: new fields.StringField({ required: true, nullable: false, initial: "" }),
level: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 1, min: 1 }),
mortal: new fields.StringField({ required: true, nullable: false, initial: "" }),
alignment: new fields.StringField({ required: true, nullable: false, initial: "" }),
age: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 15, min: 6 }),
height: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 170, min: 50 }),
eyes: new fields.StringField({ required: true, nullable: false, initial: "" }),
hair: new fields.StringField({ required: true, nullable: false, initial: "" })
schema.developmentPoints = new fields.SchemaField({
total: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
remaining: new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 })
return schema
/** @override */
* Rolls a dice for a character.
* @param {("save"|"resource|damage")} rollType The type of the roll.
* @param {number} rollTarget The target value for the roll. Which caracteristic or resource. If the roll is a damage roll, this is the id of the item.
* @param {"="|"+"|"++"|"-"|"--"} rollAdvantage If there is an avantage (+), a disadvantage (-), a double advantage (++), a double disadvantage (--) or a normal roll (=).
* @returns {Promise<null>} - A promise that resolves to null if the roll is cancelled.
async roll(rollType, rollTarget, rollAdvantage = "=") {
let rollValue
let opponentTarget
switch (rollType) {
// Handle other cases or do nothing
await this._roll(rollType, rollTarget, rollValue, opponentTarget, rollAdvantage)
* Rolls a dice for a character.
* @param {("save"|"resource|damage")} rollType The type of the roll.
* @param {number} rollTarget The target value for the roll. Which caracteristic or resource. If the roll is a damage roll, this is the id of the item.
* @param {number} rollValue The value of the roll. If the roll is a damage roll, this is the dice to roll.
* @param {Token} opponentTarget The target of the roll : used for save rolls to get the oppponent's malus.
* @param {"="|"+"|"++"|"-"|"--"} rollAdvantage If there is an avantage (+), a disadvantage (-), a double advantage (++), a double disadvantage (--) or a normal roll (=).
* @returns {Promise<null>} - A promise that resolves to null if the roll is cancelled.
async _roll(rollType, rollTarget, rollValue, opponentTarget = undefined, rollAdvantage = "=") {
const hasTarget = opponentTarget !== undefined
let roll = await CthulhuEternalRoll.prompt({
actorImage: this.parent.img,
target: opponentTarget,
if (!roll) return null
await roll.toMessage({}, { rollMode: roll.options.rollMode })

module/models/skill.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
export default class LethalFantasySkill extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const schema = {}
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
schema.settings = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "common", choices: SYSTEM.AVAILABLE_SETTINGS })
schema.base = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "WIS" })
schema.bonus = new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.diceEvolved = new fields.BooleanField({ required: true, initial: true })
schema.rollFailed = new fields.BooleanField({ required: true, initial: false })
return schema
/** @override */
prepareDerivedData() {
this.skillTotal = this.computeBase();
computeBase() {
let actor = this.parent?.actor;
if (!actor) {
return `${this.base } + ${ String(this.bonus)}`;
// Split the base value per stat : WIS,DEX,STR,INT,CHA (example)
const base = this.base;
let baseSplit = base.split(",");
let baseSplitLength = baseSplit.length;
if ( baseSplitLength > 0) {
// Select the max stat value from the parent actor
let maxStat = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < baseSplitLength; i++) {
const stat = baseSplit[i];
const statValue = actor.system.characteristics[stat.toLowerCase()]?.value || 0;
if (statValue > maxStat) {
maxStat = statValue;
return maxStat;
} else {
// Split with + calculate the total
baseSplit = base.split("+");
baseSplitLength = baseSplit.length;
if ( baseSplitLength > 0) {
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < baseSplitLength; i++) {
const stat = baseSplit[i];
const statValue = actor.system.characteristics[stat.toLowerCase()]?.value || 0;
total += statValue;
return total
return `${this.base } + ${ String(this.bonus)}`;

module/models/weapon.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import { SYSTEM } from "../config/system.mjs"
export default class LethalFantasySkill extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
static defineSchema() {
const fields =
const schema = {}
const requiredInteger = { required: true, nullable: false, integer: true }
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, textSearch: true })
schema.settings = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "common", choices: SYSTEM.AVAILABLE_SETTINGS })
schema.weaponType = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "melee", choices: SYSTEM.WEAPON_TYPE })
schema.damage = new fields.StringField({required: true, initial: "1d6"})
schema.baseRange = new fields.StringField({required: true, initial: ""})
schema.rangeDistance = new fields.StringField({ required: true, initial: "yard", choices: SYSTEM.WEAPON_RANGE_UNIT })
schema.lethality = new fields.NumberField({ required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.killRadius = new fields.NumberField({ required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
schema.resourceLevel = new fields.NumberField({ required: true, initial: 0, min: 0 })
return schema
/** @override */
get weaponCategory() {
return game.i18n.localize(CATEGORY[this.category].label)

module/socket.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Handles socket events based on the provided action.
* @param {Object} [params={}] The parameters for the socket event.
* @param {string|null} [params.action=null] The action to be performed.
* @param {Object} [{}] The data associated with the action.
* @returns {*} The result of the action handler, if applicable.
export function handleSocketEvent({ action = null, data = {} } = {}) {
console.debug("handleSocketEvent", action, data)
switch (action) {
case "fortune":
return CthulhuEternalFortune.handleSocketEvent(data)
case "askRoll":
return _askRoll(data)
* Handles the socket event to ask for a roll.
* @param {Object} [options={}] The options object.
* @param {string} [options.userId] The ID of the user who initiated the roll.
export function _askRoll({ userId } = {}) {
console.debug(`handleSocketEvent _askRoll from ${userId} !`)
const currentUser = game.user._id
if (userId === currentUser) {{ src: "/systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/sounds/drums.wav", volume: 0.8, autoplay: true, loop: false }, false)

module/utils.mjs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export default class CthulhuEternalUtils {

node_modules/.bin/acorn generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/errno generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/eslint generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/eslint-config-prettier generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/fvtt generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/gulp generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/image-size generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/js-yaml generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/lessc generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/mime generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/mkdirp generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/needle generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/node-gyp-build generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/node-gyp-build-optional generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/node-gyp-build-test generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/node-which generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/prettier generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/resolve generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.bin/semver generated vendored Symbolic link

@ -0,0 +1 @@

node_modules/.package-lock.json generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/ generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
# CHANGES for `@es-joy/jsdoccomment`
## 0.46.0
- chore: update esquery, drop bundling of types, update devDeps
## 0.45.0
- feat: get following comment (experimental)
## 0.44.0
- feat: add `getNonJsdocComment` for getting non-JSDoc comments above node
## 0.43.1
- fix: for `@template` name parsing, ensure (default-)bracketed name is not broken with internal spaces.
## 0.43.0
This release brings surgical round trip parsing to generated AST and reconstruction of JSDoc comment blocks via: `parseComment` ->
`commentParserToESTree` -> `estreeToString`.
- feat: new option `spacing` for `commentParserToESTree`; the default is `compact` removing empty description lines.
Set to `preserve` to retain empty description lines.
- feat: new properties in the `JsdocBlock` generated AST `delimiterLineBreak` and `preterminalLineBreak` that encode
any line break after the opening `delimiter` and before the closing `terminal` string. Values are either `\n` or an
empty string.
- chore: update devDeps / switch to Vitest.
- New [API documentation](
- [@typhonrt](
## 0.42.0
- feat: expand argument for `parseComment` to accept a comment token string ([@typhonrt](
- chore: update devDeps.
## 0.41.0
- feat: look above surrounding parenthesis tokens for comment blocks, even if on a higher line than the corresponding AST structure
- chore: update comment-parser and devDeps.
## 0.40.1
- chore(TS): fix path issue
## 0.40.0
- chore: update comment-parser and devDeps.
- chore(TS): switch to NodeNext
## 0.39.4
- fix: include type exports for full inlineTags (and line) property support on blocks and tags
## 0.39.3
- fix: add type details for Node range and settings
## 0.39.2
- fix: export additional typedefs from index.js
## 0.39.1
- fix: typing export
## 0.39.0
- feat: types for test files and emit declaration files
- fix(estreeToString): add `JsdodInlineTag` stringify support
- refactor: lint
- docs: add `JsdocInlineTag` to README
- chore: update devDeps.
## 0.38.0
- feat: add parsing inline tags (#12); fixes #11
## 0.37.1
- chore: support Node 20
- chore: update esquery, devDeps.
## 0.37.0
## 0.37.0-pre.0
- fix: update `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` (supports bracket indexes)
## 0.36.1
- fix(`getReducedASTNode`): stop checking for comment blocks at return
## 0.36.0
- feat: add `hasPreterminalTagDescription` property
- fix: avoid description line properties if tag is present
- fix: ensure description and description lines added to terminal multi-line tag
## 0.35.0
- feat: add `hasPreterminalDescription` property
- fix: allow newline even for 1st line (after 0th)
## 0.34.0
- feat: add `descriptionStartLine` and `descriptionEndLine` properties
- fix: avoid duplication with 0 line comments
- chore: update devDeps.
## 0.33.4
- chore: republish as npm seems to have missed the release
## 0.33.3
- fix: ensure multi-line `description` includes newline except for
initial line descriptions
## 0.33.2
- fix: avoid repetition within multi-line descriptions
## 0.33.1
- fix: add to default no types: `description`, `example`, `file`,
`fileoverview`, `license`, `overview`, `see`, `summary`
- fix: add to no names: `file`, `fileoverview, `overview`
## 0.33.0
- chore: add Node 19 to `engines` (@RodEsp)
- chore: update devDeps. and build file accordingly
## 0.32.0
- feat: have comment checking stop at assignment patterns (comments for
defaults should not rise to function itself)
- chore: bump devDeps.
## 0.31.0
- feat: support default values with `@template` per
## 0.30.0
- chore: bump `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` and devDeps.
## 0.29.0
- fix: update `engines` as per current `getJSDocComment` behavior
- chore: update devDeps.
## 0.28.1
- fix(`getReducedASTNode`): token checking
- build: add Node 18 support (@WikiRik)
## 0.28.0
- chore: bump `engines` to support Node 18
## 0.27.0
- chore: bump `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` and devDeps.
## 0.26.1
- fix(`estreeToString`): ensure `typeLines` may be picked up
## 0.26.0
- feat(`getJSDocComment`): allow function to detect comments just preceding a
parenthesized expression (these have no special AST but their tokens
have to be overpassed)
## 0.25.0
- feat(`parseComment`): properly support whitespace
- fix(`estreeToString`): carriage return placement for ending of JSDoc block
- fix(`commentParserToESTree`): avoid adding initial space before a tag if on
a single line
- test: make tests more accurate to jsdoc semantically
## 0.24.0
- feat(`estreeToString`): support stringification of `parsedType` but with
a new `preferRawType` option allowing the old behavior of using `rawType`
## 0.23.6
- fix(`commentParserToESTree`): ensure `postType` added after multi-line type
- fix(`estreeToString`): ensure `JsdocTypeLine` stringified with `initial` and
that they are joined together with newlines
## 0.23.5
- fix(`commentParserToESTree`): avoid duplicating tag names
## 0.23.4
- fix(`estreeToString`): add `delimiter`, etc. if adding `JsdocDescriptionLine`
for `JsdocBlock`
- fix(`estreeToString`): add line break when tags are present (unless already
ending in newline)
## 0.23.3
- fix(`estreeToString`): handle multi-line block descriptions followed by
tags with line break
## 0.23.2
- fix: ensure JsdocBlock stringifier has any initial whitespace on end line
## 0.23.1
- docs(README): update
## 0.23.0
- BREAKING CHANGE(`commentParserToESTree`): rename `start` and `end` to
`initial` and `terminal` to avoid any conflicts with Acorn-style parsers
- feat: add `initial` and `terminal` on `JsdocBlock`
## 0.22.2
- fix: preserve type tokens
- perf: cache tokenizers
## 0.22.1
- fix: ensure `getJSDocComment` does not treat block comments as JSDoc unless
their first asterisk is followed by whitespace
## 0.22.0
- fix: update dep. `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`
- chore: update `comment-parser` and simplify as possible
## 0.21.2
- fix: only throw if the raw type is not empty
## 0.21.1
- fix: provide clearer error message for `throwOnTypeParsingErrors`
## 0.21.0
- feat: add `throwOnTypeParsingErrors` to receive run-time type parsing errors
for `parsedType`
- chore: update jsdoc-type-pratt-parser and devDeps.; also lints
## 0.20.1
- fix: resume catching bad parsed type (at least until
`jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` may support all expected types)
## 0.20.0
- feat: add estree stringifer
- fix: properly supports `name`/`postName` for multi-line type
- fix: allow pratt parser to fail (unless empty)
- fix: don't add tag postDelimiter when on 0 description line
- fix: avoid adding extra line when only name and no succeeding description
- docs: clarify re: `kind`
- test: add `parsedType` with correct mode; add tests
- chore: updates jsdoc-type-pratt-parser
- chore: updates devDeps.
## 0.19.0
### User-impacting
- feat: treat `@kind` as having no name
### Dev-impacting
- docs: jsdoc
- test: begin checking `jsdoccomment`
- test: adds lcov reporter and open script for it
- chore: update devDeps.
## 0.18.0
### User-impacting
- feat: add non-visitable `endLine` property (so can detect line number
when no description present)
- feat: supply `indent` default for `parseComment`
- fix: ensure `postName` gets a space for `@template` with a description
- fix: converting JSDoc comment with tag on same line as end (e.g., single
line) to AST
- chore: update `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`
### Dev-impacting
- docs: add jsdoc blocks internally
- chore: update devDeps.
- test: avoid need for `expect`
- test: complete coverage for `commentHandler`, `parseComment` tests
## 0.17.0
### User-impacting
- Enhancement: Re-export `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`
- Update: `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` to 2.2.1
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.16.0
### User-impacting
- Update: `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` to 2.2.0
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.15.0
### User-impacting
- Update: `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` to 2.1.0
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.14.2
### User-impacting
- Fix: Find comments previous to parentheses (used commonly in TypeScript)
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.14.1
### User-impacting
- Update: `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` to 2.0.2
## 0.14.0
### User-impacting
- Update: `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` to 2.0.1
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.13.0
### User-impacting
- Update: `comment-parser` to 1.3.0
- Fix: Allow comment on `ExportDefaultDeclaration`
## 0.12.0
### User-impacting
- Update: `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` to 2.0.0
- Enhancement: Support Node 17 (@timgates42)
- Docs: Typo (@timgates42)
### Dev-impacting
- Linting: As per latest ash-nazg
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.11.0
- Update: For `@typescript/eslint-parser@5`, add `PropertyDefinition`
## 0.10.8
### User-impacting
- npm: Liberalize `engines` as per `comment-parser` change
- npm: Bump `comment-parser`
### Dev-impacting
- Linting: As per latest ash-nazg
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.10.7
- npm: Update comment-parser with CJS fix and re-exports
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.10.6
- Fix: Ensure copying latest build of `comment-parser`'s ESM utils
## 0.10.5
- npm: Bump fixed `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` and devDeps.
## 0.10.4
- Fix: Bundle `comment-parser` nested imports so that IDEs (like Atom)
bundling older Node versions can still work. Still mirroring the
stricter `comment-parser` `engines` for now, however.
## 0.10.3
- npm: Avoid exporting nested subpaths for sake of older Node versions
## 0.10.2
- npm: Specify exact supported range: `^12.20 || ^14.14.0 || ^16`
## 0.10.1
- npm: Apply patch version of `comment-parser`
## 0.10.0
- npm: Point to stable `comment-parser`
## 0.9.0-alpha.6
### User-impacting
- Update: For `comment-parser` update, add `lineEnd`
## 0.9.0-alpha.5
### User-impacting
- npm: Bump `comment-parser` (for true ESM)
- Update: Remove extensions for packages for native ESM in `comment-parser` fix
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.9.0-alpha.4
- Docs: Update repo info in `package.json`
## 0.9.0-alpha.3
- Fix: Due to `comment-parser` still needing changes, revert for now to alpha.1
## 0.9.0-alpha.2
### User-impacting
- npm: Bump `comment-parser` (for true ESM)
- Update: Remove extensions for packages for native ESM in `comment-parser` fix
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.9.0-alpha.1
### User-impacting
- Breaking change: Indicate minimum for `engines` as Node >= 12
- npm: Bump `comment-parser`
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Lint cjs files
- npm: Fix eslint script
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.8.0
### User-impacting
- npm: Update `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` (prerelease to stable patch)
### Dev-impacting
- npm: Update devDeps.
## 0.8.0-alpha.2
- Fix: Avoid erring with missing `typeLines`
## 0.8.0-alpha.1
- Breaking change: Export globally as `JsdocComment`
- Breaking change: Change `JSDoc` prefixes of all node types to `Jsdoc`
- Breaking change: Drop `jsdoctypeparserToESTree`
- Breaking enhancement: Switch to `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` (toward greater
TypeScript expressivity and compatibility/support with catharsis)
- Enhancement: Export `jsdocTypeVisitorKeys` (from `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`)
## 0.7.2
- Fix: Add `@description` to `noNames`
## 0.7.1
- Fix: Add `@summary` to `noNames`
## 0.7.0
- Enhancement: Allow specifying `noNames` and `noTypes` on `parseComment`
to override (or add to) tags which should have no names or types.
- Enhancement: Export `hasSeeWithLink` utility and `defaultNoTypes` and
## 0.6.0
- Change `comment-parser` `tag` AST to avoid initial `@`
## 0.5.1
- Fix: Avoid setting `variation` name (just the description) (including in
- npm: Add `prepublishOnly` script
## 0.5.0
- Fix: Avoid setting `variation` name (just the description)
## 0.4.4
- Fix: Avoid setting `name` and `description` for simple `@template SomeName`
## 0.4.3
- npm: Ignores Github file
## 0.4.2
- Fix: Ensure replacement of camel-casing (used in `jsdoctypeparser` nodes and
visitor keys is global. The practical effect is that
`JSDocTypeNamed_parameter` -> `JSDocTypeNamedParameter`,
`JSDocTypeRecord_entry` -> `JSDocTypeRecordEntry`
`JSDocTypeNot_nullable` -> `JSDocTypeNotNullable`
`JSDocTypeInner_member` -> `JSDocTypeInnerMember`
`JSDocTypeInstance_member` -> `JSDocTypeInstanceMember`
`JSDocTypeString_value` -> `JSDocTypeStringValue`
`JSDocTypeNumber_value` -> `JSDocTypeNumberValue`
`JSDocTypeFile_path` -> `JSDocTypeFilePath`
`JSDocTypeType_query` -> `JSDocTypeTypeQuery`
`JSDocTypeKey_query` -> `JSDocTypeKeyQuery`
- Fix: Add missing `JSDocTypeLine` to visitor keys
- Docs: Explain AST structure/differences
## 0.4.1
- Docs: Indicate available methods with brief summary on README
## 0.4.0
- Enhancement: Expose `parseComment` and `getTokenizers`.
## 0.3.0
- Enhancement: Expose `toCamelCase` as new method rather than within a
utility file.
## 0.2.0
- Enhancement: Exposes new methods: `commentHandler`,
`commentParserToESTree`, `jsdocVisitorKeys`, `jsdoctypeparserToESTree`,
## 0.1.1
- Build: Add Babel to work with earlier Node
## 0.1.0
- Initial version

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/LICENSE-MIT.txt generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors,
Copyright (c) 2021 Brett Zamir
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/ generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# @es-joy/jsdoccomment
[![Build Status](](#)
[![API Docs](](
This project aims to preserve and expand upon the
`SourceCode#getJSDocComment` functionality of the deprecated ESLint method.
It also exports a number of functions currently for working with JSDoc:
## API
### `parseComment`
For parsing `comment-parser` in a JSDoc-specific manner.
Might wish to have tags with or without tags, etc. derived from a split off
JSON file.
### `commentParserToESTree`
Converts [comment-parser](
AST to ESTree/ESLint/Babel friendly AST. See the "ESLint AST..." section below.
### `estreeToString`
Stringifies. In addition to the node argument, it accepts an optional second
options object with a single `preferRawType` key. If you don't need to modify
JSDoc type AST, you might wish to set this to `true` to get the benefits of
preserving the raw form, but for AST-based stringification of JSDoc types,
keep it `false` (the default).
### `jsdocVisitorKeys`
The [VisitorKeys](
for `JsdocBlock`, `JsdocDescriptionLine`, and `JsdocTag`. More likely to be
subject to change or dropped in favor of another type parser.
### `jsdocTypeVisitorKeys`
Just a re-export of [VisitorKeys](
from [`jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`](
### `getDefaultTagStructureForMode`
Provides info on JSDoc tags:
- `nameContents` ('namepath-referencing'|'namepath-defining'|
'dual-namepath-referencing'|false) - Whether and how a name is allowed
following any type. Tags without a proper name (value `false`) may still
have a description (which can appear like a name); `descriptionAllowed`
in such cases would be `true`.
The presence of a truthy `nameContents` value is therefore only intended
to signify whether separate parsing should occur for a name vs. a
description, and what its nature should be.
- `nameRequired` (boolean) - Whether a name must be present following any type.
- `descriptionAllowed` (boolean) - Whether a description (following any name)
is allowed.
- `typeAllowed` (boolean) - Whether the tag accepts a curly bracketed portion.
Even without a type, a tag may still have a name and/or description.
- `typeRequired` (boolean) - Whether a curly bracketed type must be present.
- `typeOrNameRequired` (boolean) - Whether either a curly bracketed type is
required or a name, but not necessarily both.
### Miscellaneous
Also currently exports these utilities:
- `getTokenizers` - Used with `parseComment` (its main core).
- `hasSeeWithLink` - A utility to detect if a tag is `@see` and has a `@link`.
- `commentHandler` - Used by `eslint-plugin-jsdoc`.
- `commentParserToESTree`- Converts [comment-parser](
AST to ESTree/ESLint/Babel friendly AST.
- `jsdocVisitorKeys` - The [VisitorKeys](
for `JSDocBlock`, `JSDocDescriptionLine`, and `JSDocTag`.
- `jsdocTypeVisitorKeys` - [VisitorKeys](
for `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`.
- `defaultNoTypes` = The tags which allow no types by default:
`default`, `defaultvalue`, `description`, `example`, `file`,
`fileoverview`, `license`, `overview`, `see`, `summary`
- `defaultNoNames` - The tags which allow no names by default:
`access`, `author`, `default`, `defaultvalue`, `description`, `example`,
`exception`, `file`, `fileoverview`, `kind`, `license`, `overview`,
`return`, `returns`, `since`, `summary`, `throws`, `version`, `variation`
## ESLint AST produced for `comment-parser` nodes (`JsdocBlock`, `JsdocTag`, and `JsdocDescriptionLine`)
Note: Although not added in this package, `@es-joy/jsdoc-eslint-parser` adds
a `jsdoc` property to other ES nodes (using this project's `getJSDocComment`
to determine the specific comment-block that will be attached as AST).
### `JsdocBlock`
Has the following visitable properties:
1. `descriptionLines` (an array of `JsdocDescriptionLine` for multiline
2. `tags` (an array of `JsdocTag`; see below)
3. `inlineTags` (an array of `JsdocInlineTag`; see below)
Has the following custom non-visitable property:
1. `delimiterLineBreak` - A string containing any line break after `delimiter`.
2. `lastDescriptionLine` - A number
3. `endLine` - A number representing the line number with `end`/`terminal`
4. `descriptionStartLine` - A 0+ number indicating the line where any
description begins
5. `descriptionEndLine` - A 0+ number indicating the line where the description
6. `hasPreterminalDescription` - Set to 0 or 1. On if has a block description
on the same line as the terminal `*/`.
7. `hasPreterminalTagDescription` - Set to 0 or 1. On if has a tag description
on the same line as the terminal `*/`.
8. `preterminalLineBreak` - A string containing any line break before `terminal`.
May also have the following non-visitable properties from `comment-parser`:
1. `description` - Same as `descriptionLines` but as a string with newlines.
2. `delimiter`
3. `postDelimiter`
4. `lineEnd`
5. `initial` (from `start`)
6. `terminal` (from `end`)
### `JsdocTag`
Has the following visitable properties:
1. `parsedType` (the `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` AST representation of the tag's
type (see the `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` section below)).
2. `typeLines` (an array of `JsdocTypeLine` for multiline type strings)
3. `descriptionLines` (an array of `JsdocDescriptionLine` for multiline
4. `inlineTags` (an array of `JsdocInlineTag`)
May also have the following non-visitable properties from `comment-parser`
(note that all are included from `comment-parser` except `end` as that is only
for JSDoc blocks and note that `type` is renamed to `rawType` and `start` to
1. `description` - Same as `descriptionLines` but as a string with newlines.
2. `rawType` - `comment-parser` has this named as `type`, but because of a
conflict with ESTree using `type` for Node type, we renamed it to
`rawType`. It is otherwise the same as in `comment-parser`, i.e., a string
with newlines, though with the initial `{` and final `}` stripped out.
See `typeLines` for the array version of this property.
3. `initial` - Renamed from `start` to avoid potential conflicts with
Acorn-style parser processing tools
4. `delimiter`
5. `postDelimiter`
6. `tag` (this does differ from `comment-parser` now in terms of our stripping
the initial `@`)
7. `postTag`
8. `name`
9. `postName`
10. `postType`
### `JsdocDescriptionLine`
No visitable properties.
May also have the following non-visitable properties from `comment-parser`:
1. `delimiter`
2. `postDelimiter`
3. `initial` (from `start`)
4. `description`
### `JsdocTypeLine`
No visitable properties.
May also have the following non-visitable properties from `comment-parser`:
1. `delimiter`
2. `postDelimiter`
3. `initial` (from `start`)
4. `rawType` - Renamed from `comment-parser` to avoid a conflict. See
explanation under `JsdocTag`
### `JsdocInlineTag`
No visitable properties.
Has the following non-visitable properties:
1. `format`: 'pipe' | 'plain' | 'prefix' | 'space'. These follow the styles of [link]( or [tutorial](
1. `pipe`: `{@link namepathOrURL|link text}`
2. `plain`: `{@link namepathOrURL}`
3. `prefix`: `[link text]{@link namepathOrURL}`
4. `space`: `{@link namepathOrURL link text (after the first space)}`
2. `namepathOrURL`: string
3. `tag`: string. The standard allows `tutorial` or `link`
4. `text`: string
## ESLint AST produced for `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser`
The AST, including `type`, remains as is from [jsdoc-type-pratt-parser](
The type will always begin with a `JsdocType` prefix added, along with a
camel-cased type name, e.g., `JsdocTypeUnion`.
The `jsdoc-type-pratt-parser` visitor keys are also preserved without change.
You can get a sense of the structure of these types using the parser's
## Installation
npm i @es-joy/jsdoccomment
## Changelog
The changelog can be found on the [](
<!--## Contributing
Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the [contributing guidelines](
## Authors and license
[Brett Zamir]( and
MIT License, see the included [LICENSE-MIT.txt]( file.
## To-dos
1. Get complete code coverage
1. Given that `esquery` expects a `right` property to search for `>` (the
child selector), we should perhaps insist, for example, that params are
the child property for `JsdocBlock` or such. Where `:has()` is currently
needed, one could thus instead just use `>`.
1. Might add `trailing` for `JsdocBlock` to know whether it is followed by a
line break or what not; `comment-parser` does not provide, however
1. Fix and properly utilize `indent` argument (challenging for
`eslint-plugin-jsdoc` but needed for `jsdoc-eslint-parser` stringifiers
to be more faithful); should also then use the proposed `trailing` as well

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/dist/index.cjs.cjs generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
import * as comment_parser from 'comment-parser';
import * as jsdoc_type_pratt_parser from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
export * from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
export { visitorKeys as jsdocTypeVisitorKeys } from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
import * as _typescript_eslint_types from '@typescript-eslint/types';
import * as estree from 'estree';
import * as eslint from 'eslint';
type JsdocTypeLine = {
delimiter: string;
postDelimiter: string;
rawType: string;
initial: string;
type: 'JsdocTypeLine';
type JsdocDescriptionLine = {
delimiter: string;
description: string;
postDelimiter: string;
initial: string;
type: 'JsdocDescriptionLine';
type JsdocInlineTagNoType = {
format: 'pipe' | 'plain' | 'prefix' | 'space';
namepathOrURL: string;
tag: string;
text: string;
type JsdocInlineTag = JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
type: 'JsdocInlineTag';
type JsdocTag = {
delimiter: string;
description: string;
descriptionLines: JsdocDescriptionLine[];
initial: string;
inlineTags: JsdocInlineTag[];
name: string;
postDelimiter: string;
postName: string;
postTag: string;
postType: string;
rawType: string;
parsedType: jsdoc_type_pratt_parser.RootResult | null;
tag: string;
type: 'JsdocTag';
typeLines: JsdocTypeLine[];
type Integer = number;
type JsdocBlock = {
delimiter: string;
delimiterLineBreak: string;
description: string;
descriptionEndLine?: Integer;
descriptionLines: JsdocDescriptionLine[];
descriptionStartLine?: Integer;
hasPreterminalDescription: 0 | 1;
hasPreterminalTagDescription?: 1;
initial: string;
inlineTags: JsdocInlineTag[];
lastDescriptionLine?: Integer;
endLine: Integer;
lineEnd: string;
postDelimiter: string;
tags: JsdocTag[];
terminal: string;
preterminalLineBreak: string;
type: 'JsdocBlock';
* Converts comment parser AST to ESTree format.
* @param {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline} jsdoc
* @param {import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').ParseMode} mode
* @param {object} opts
* @param {'compact'|'preserve'} [opts.spacing] By default, empty lines are
* compacted; set to 'preserve' to preserve empty comment lines.
* @param {boolean} [opts.throwOnTypeParsingErrors]
* @returns {JsdocBlock}
declare function commentParserToESTree(
jsdoc: JsdocBlockWithInline,
mode: jsdoc_type_pratt_parser.ParseMode,
}?: {
spacing?: 'compact' | 'preserve';
throwOnTypeParsingErrors?: boolean;
): JsdocBlock;
declare namespace jsdocVisitorKeys {
let JsdocBlock: string[];
let JsdocDescriptionLine: any[];
let JsdocTypeLine: any[];
let JsdocTag: string[];
let JsdocInlineTag: any[];
* @param {{[name: string]: any}} settings
* @returns {import('.').CommentHandler}
declare function commentHandler(settings: { [name: string]: any }): CommentHandler;
* @todo convert for use by escodegen (until may be patched to support
* custom entries?).
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocBlock|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocDescriptionLine|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTypeLine|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTag|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTag|
* import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').RootResult
* } node
* @param {import('.').ESTreeToStringOptions} opts
* @throws {Error}
* @returns {string}
declare function estreeToString(
| JsdocBlock
| JsdocDescriptionLine
| JsdocTypeLine
| JsdocTag
| JsdocInlineTag
| jsdoc_type_pratt_parser.RootResult,
opts?: ESTreeToStringOptions,
): string;
type Token =
| eslint.AST.Token
| estree.Comment
| {
type: eslint.AST.TokenType | 'Line' | 'Block' | 'Shebang';
range: [number, number];
value: string;
type ESLintOrTSNode = eslint.Rule.Node | _typescript_eslint_types.TSESTree.Node;
type int = number;
* Reduces the provided node to the appropriate node for evaluating
* JSDoc comment status.
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} node An AST node.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode.
* @returns {ESLintOrTSNode} The AST node that
* can be evaluated for appropriate JSDoc comments.
declare function getReducedASTNode(node: ESLintOrTSNode, sourceCode: eslint.SourceCode): ESLintOrTSNode;
* Retrieves the JSDoc comment for a given node.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode
* @param {import('eslint').Rule.Node} node The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @param {{maxLines: int, minLines: int, [name: string]: any}} settings The
* settings in context
* @returns {Token|null} The Block comment
* token containing the JSDoc comment for the given node or
* null if not found.
* @public
declare function getJSDocComment(
sourceCode: eslint.SourceCode,
node: eslint.Rule.Node,
settings: {
maxLines: int;
minLines: int;
[name: string]: any;
): Token | null;
* Retrieves the comment preceding a given node.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} node The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @param {{maxLines: int, minLines: int, [name: string]: any}} settings The
* settings in context
* @returns {Token|null} The Block comment
* token containing the JSDoc comment for the given node or
* null if not found.
* @public
declare function getNonJsdocComment(
sourceCode: eslint.SourceCode,
node: ESLintOrTSNode,
settings: {
maxLines: int;
minLines: int;
[name: string]: any;
): Token | null;
* @param {(ESLintOrTSNode|import('estree').Comment) & {
* declaration?: any,
* decorators?: any[],
* parent?: import('eslint').Rule.Node & {
* decorators?: any[]
* }
* }} node
* @returns {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.Decorator|undefined}
declare function getDecorator(
node: (ESLintOrTSNode | estree.Comment) & {
declaration?: any;
decorators?: any[];
parent?: eslint.Rule.Node & {
decorators?: any[];
): _typescript_eslint_types.TSESTree.Decorator | undefined;
* Checks for the presence of a JSDoc comment for the given node and returns it.
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} astNode The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode
* @param {{maxLines: int, minLines: int, [name: string]: any}} settings
* @param {{nonJSDoc?: boolean}} [opts]
* @returns {Token|null} The Block comment token containing the JSDoc comment
* for the given node or null if not found.
declare function findJSDocComment(
astNode: ESLintOrTSNode,
sourceCode: eslint.SourceCode,
settings: {
maxLines: int;
minLines: int;
[name: string]: any;
opts?: {
nonJSDoc?: boolean;
): Token | null;
* Checks for the presence of a comment following the given node and
* returns it.
* This method is experimental.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} astNode The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @returns {Token|null} The comment token containing the comment
* for the given node or null if not found.
declare function getFollowingComment(sourceCode: eslint.SourceCode, astNode: ESLintOrTSNode): Token | null;
declare function hasSeeWithLink(spec: comment_parser.Spec): boolean;
declare const defaultNoTypes: string[];
declare const defaultNoNames: string[];
* Can't import `comment-parser/es6/parser/tokenizers/index.js`,
* so we redefine here.
type CommentParserTokenizer = (spec: comment_parser.Spec) => comment_parser.Spec;
* Can't import `comment-parser/es6/parser/tokenizers/index.js`,
* so we redefine here.
* @typedef {(spec: import('comment-parser').Spec) =>
* import('comment-parser').Spec} CommentParserTokenizer
* @param {object} [cfg]
* @param {string[]} [cfg.noTypes]
* @param {string[]} [cfg.noNames]
* @returns {CommentParserTokenizer[]}
declare function getTokenizers({
}?: {
noTypes?: string[];
noNames?: string[];
}): CommentParserTokenizer[];
* Accepts a comment token or complete comment string and converts it into
* `comment-parser` AST.
* @param {string | {value: string}} commentOrNode
* @param {string} [indent] Whitespace
* @returns {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline}
declare function parseComment(
| string
| {
value: string;
indent?: string,
): JsdocBlockWithInline;
* Splits the `{@prefix}` from remaining `Spec.lines[].token.description`
* into the `inlineTags` tokens, and populates `spec.inlineTags`
* @param {import('comment-parser').Block} block
* @returns {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline}
declare function parseInlineTags(block: comment_parser.Block): JsdocBlockWithInline;
type InlineTag = JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
start: number;
end: number;
type JsdocTagWithInline = comment_parser.Spec & {
line?: Integer;
inlineTags: (JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
line?: Integer;
* Expands on comment-parser's `Block` interface.
type JsdocBlockWithInline = {
description: string;
source: comment_parser.Line[];
problems: comment_parser.Problem[];
tags: JsdocTagWithInline[];
inlineTags: (JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
line?: Integer;
type ESTreeToStringOptions = {
preferRawType?: boolean;
type CommentHandler = (commentSelector: string, jsdoc: JsdocBlockWithInline) => boolean;
export {
type CommentHandler,
type CommentParserTokenizer,
type ESLintOrTSNode,
type ESTreeToStringOptions,
type InlineTag,
type Integer,
type JsdocBlockWithInline,
type JsdocInlineTagNoType,
type JsdocTagWithInline,
type Token,
type int,

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/package.json generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
"name": "@es-joy/jsdoccomment",
"version": "0.46.0",
"author": "Brett Zamir <>",
"contributors": [],
"description": "Maintained replacement for ESLint's deprecated SourceCode#getJSDocComment along with other jsdoc utilities",
"license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
"type": "module",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"import": "./src/index.js",
"require": "./dist/index.cjs.cjs"
"browserslist": [
"cover 100%"
"typedocOptions": {
"dmtLinksService": {
"GitHub": "",
"NPM": ""
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"engines": {
"node": ">=16"
"dependencies": {
"comment-parser": "1.4.1",
"esquery": "^1.6.0",
"jsdoc-type-pratt-parser": "~4.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.24.7",
"@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties": "^7.12.13",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.24.7",
"@brettz9/eslint-plugin": "^1.0.4",
"@rollup/plugin-babel": "^6.0.4",
"@types/eslint": "^8.56.10",
"@types/esquery": "^1.5.4",
"@types/estraverse": "^5.1.7",
"@types/estree": "^1.0.5",
"@typescript-eslint/types": "^7.16.0",
"@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys": "^7.16.0",
"@typhonjs-build-test/esm-d-ts": "0.3.0-next.1",
"@typhonjs-typedoc/typedoc-pkg": "^0.0.5",
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "^2.0.1",
"@vitest/ui": "^2.0.1",
"eslint": "^8.56.0",
"eslint-config-ash-nazg": "35.3.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "^17.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-array-func": "^4.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-compat": "^4.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-eslint-comments": "^3.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-html": "^7.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.29.1",
"eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "^48.0.4",
"eslint-plugin-markdown": "^3.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-n": "^16.6.2",
"eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized": "^4.0.2",
"eslint-plugin-no-use-extend-native": "^0.5.0",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1",
"eslint-plugin-sonarjs": "^0.23.0",
"eslint-plugin-unicorn": "^50.0.1",
"espree": "^10.1.0",
"estraverse": "^5.3.0",
"rollup": "^4.18.1",
"typescript": "^5.5.3",
"typescript-eslint": "^7.16.0",
"vitest": "^2.0.1"
"files": [
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c && npm run types",
"docs": "typedoc-pkg --api-link es",
"eslint": "eslint --ext=js,cjs,md,html .",
"lint": "npm run eslint --",
"open": "open ./coverage/index.html",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run build && npm run test-ui",
"test-ui": "vitest --ui --coverage",
"test-cov": "vitest --coverage",
"tsc": "tsc",
"types": "esm-d-ts gen ./src/index.js --output ./dist/index.d.ts"

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import esquery from 'esquery';
import {
visitorKeys as jsdocTypePrattParserVisitorKeys
} from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
import {
commentParserToESTree, jsdocVisitorKeys
} from './commentParserToESTree.js';
* @param {{[name: string]: any}} settings
* @returns {import('.').CommentHandler}
const commentHandler = (settings) => {
* @type {import('.').CommentHandler}
return (commentSelector, jsdoc) => {
const {mode} = settings;
const selector = esquery.parse(commentSelector);
const ast = commentParserToESTree(jsdoc, mode);
const _ast = /** @type {unknown} */ (ast);
return esquery.matches(/** @type {import('estree').Node} */ (
), selector, undefined, {
visitorKeys: {
export {commentHandler};

@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
import {parse as jsdocTypePrattParse} from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
* Removes initial and ending brackets from `rawType`
* @param {JsdocTypeLine[]|JsdocTag} container
* @param {boolean} [isArr]
* @returns {void}
const stripEncapsulatingBrackets = (container, isArr) => {
if (isArr) {
const firstItem = /** @type {JsdocTypeLine[]} */ (container)[0];
firstItem.rawType = firstItem.rawType.replace(
/^\{/u, ''
const lastItem = /** @type {JsdocTypeLine} */ (
/** @type {JsdocTypeLine[]} */ (
lastItem.rawType = lastItem.rawType.replace(/\}$/u, '');
/** @type {JsdocTag} */ (container).rawType =
/** @type {JsdocTag} */ (container).rawType.replace(
/^\{/u, ''
).replace(/\}$/u, '');
* @typedef {{
* delimiter: string,
* postDelimiter: string,
* rawType: string,
* initial: string,
* type: "JsdocTypeLine"
* }} JsdocTypeLine
* @typedef {{
* delimiter: string,
* description: string,
* postDelimiter: string,
* initial: string,
* type: "JsdocDescriptionLine"
* }} JsdocDescriptionLine
* @typedef {{
* format: 'pipe' | 'plain' | 'prefix' | 'space',
* namepathOrURL: string,
* tag: string,
* text: string,
* }} JsdocInlineTagNoType
* @typedef {JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
* type: "JsdocInlineTag"
* }} JsdocInlineTag
* @typedef {{
* delimiter: string,
* description: string,
* descriptionLines: JsdocDescriptionLine[],
* initial: string,
* inlineTags: JsdocInlineTag[]
* name: string,
* postDelimiter: string,
* postName: string,
* postTag: string,
* postType: string,
* rawType: string,
* parsedType: import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').RootResult|null
* tag: string,
* type: "JsdocTag",
* typeLines: JsdocTypeLine[],
* }} JsdocTag
* @typedef {number} Integer
* @typedef {{
* delimiter: string,
* delimiterLineBreak: string,
* description: string,
* descriptionEndLine?: Integer,
* descriptionLines: JsdocDescriptionLine[],
* descriptionStartLine?: Integer,
* hasPreterminalDescription: 0|1,
* hasPreterminalTagDescription?: 1,
* initial: string,
* inlineTags: JsdocInlineTag[]
* lastDescriptionLine?: Integer,
* endLine: Integer,
* lineEnd: string,
* postDelimiter: string,
* tags: JsdocTag[],
* terminal: string,
* preterminalLineBreak: string,
* type: "JsdocBlock",
* }} JsdocBlock
* @param {object} cfg
* @param {string} cfg.text
* @param {string} cfg.tag
* @param {'pipe' | 'plain' | 'prefix' | 'space'} cfg.format
* @param {string} cfg.namepathOrURL
* @returns {JsdocInlineTag}
const inlineTagToAST = ({text, tag, format, namepathOrURL}) => ({
type: 'JsdocInlineTag'
* Converts comment parser AST to ESTree format.
* @param {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline} jsdoc
* @param {import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').ParseMode} mode
* @param {object} opts
* @param {'compact'|'preserve'} [opts.spacing] By default, empty lines are
* compacted; set to 'preserve' to preserve empty comment lines.
* @param {boolean} [opts.throwOnTypeParsingErrors]
* @returns {JsdocBlock}
const commentParserToESTree = (jsdoc, mode, {
spacing = 'compact',
throwOnTypeParsingErrors = false
} = {}) => {
* Strips brackets from a tag's `rawType` values and adds `parsedType`
* @param {JsdocTag} lastTag
* @returns {void}
const cleanUpLastTag = (lastTag) => {
// Strip out `}` that encapsulates and is not part of
// the type
if (lastTag.typeLines.length) {
stripEncapsulatingBrackets(lastTag.typeLines, true);
// Remove single empty line description.
if (lastTag.descriptionLines.length === 1 &&
lastTag.descriptionLines[0].description === '') {
lastTag.descriptionLines.length = 0;
// With even a multiline type now in full, add parsing
let parsedType = null;
try {
parsedType = jsdocTypePrattParse(lastTag.rawType, mode);
} catch (err) {
// Ignore
if (lastTag.rawType && throwOnTypeParsingErrors) {
/** @type {Error} */ (
).message = `Tag @${lastTag.tag} with raw type ` +
`\`${lastTag.rawType}\` had parsing error: ${
/** @type {Error} */ (err).message}`;
throw err;
lastTag.parsedType = parsedType;
const {source, inlineTags: blockInlineTags} = jsdoc;
const {tokens: {
delimiter: delimiterRoot,
lineEnd: lineEndRoot,
postDelimiter: postDelimiterRoot,
start: startRoot,
end: endRoot
}} = source[0];
const endLine = source.length - 1;
/** @type {JsdocBlock} */
const ast = {
delimiter: delimiterRoot,
delimiterLineBreak: '\n',
description: '',
descriptionLines: [],
inlineTags: => inlineTagToAST(t)),
initial: startRoot,
tags: [],
// `terminal` will be overwritten if there are other entries
terminal: endRoot,
preterminalLineBreak: '\n',
hasPreterminalDescription: 0,
postDelimiter: postDelimiterRoot,
lineEnd: lineEndRoot,
type: 'JsdocBlock'
* @type {JsdocTag[]}
const tags = [];
/** @type {Integer|undefined} */
let lastDescriptionLine;
/** @type {JsdocTag|null} */
let lastTag = null;
// Tracks when first valid tag description line is seen.
let tagDescriptionSeen = false;
let descLineStateOpen = true;
source.forEach((info, idx) => {
const {tokens} = info;
const {
start: initial,
type: rawType
} = tokens;
if (!tag && description && descLineStateOpen) {
if (ast.descriptionStartLine === undefined) {
ast.descriptionStartLine = idx;
ast.descriptionEndLine = idx;
if (tag || end) {
descLineStateOpen = false;
if (lastDescriptionLine === undefined) {
lastDescriptionLine = idx;
// Clean-up with last tag before end or new tag
if (lastTag) {
// Stop the iteration when we reach the end
// but only when there is no tag earlier in the line
// to still process
if (end && !tag) {
ast.terminal = end;
// Check if there are any description lines and if not then this is a
// one line comment block.
const isDelimiterLine = ast.descriptionLines.length === 0 &&
delimiter === '/**';
// Remove delimiter line break for one line comments blocks.
if (isDelimiterLine) {
ast.delimiterLineBreak = '';
if (description) {
// Remove terminal line break at end when description is defined.
if (ast.terminal === '*/') {
ast.preterminalLineBreak = '';
if (lastTag) {
ast.hasPreterminalTagDescription = 1;
} else {
ast.hasPreterminalDescription = 1;
const holder = lastTag || ast;
holder.description += (holder.description ? '\n' : '') + description;
// Do not include `delimiter` / `postDelimiter` for opening
// delimiter line.
delimiter: isDelimiterLine ? '' : delimiter,
postDelimiter: isDelimiterLine ? '' : postDelimiter,
type: 'JsdocDescriptionLine'
const {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -- Discarding
end: ed,
delimiter: de,
postDelimiter: pd,
start: init,
} = tokens;
if (! {
let i = 1;
while (source[idx + i]) {
const {tokens: {
tag: tg
}} = source[idx + i];
if (tg) {
if (name) {
tkns.postType = postType; = name;
tkns.postName = postName;
* @type {JsdocInlineTag[]}
let tagInlineTags = [];
if (tag) {
// Assuming the tags from `source` are in the same order as `jsdoc.tags`
// we can use the `tags` length as index into the parser result tags.
tagInlineTags =
* @type {import('comment-parser').Spec & {
* inlineTags: JsdocInlineTagNoType[]
* }}
*/ (
(t) => inlineTagToAST(t)
/** @type {JsdocTag} */
const tagObj = {
initial: endLine ? init : '',
postDelimiter: lastDescriptionLine ? pd : '',
delimiter: lastDescriptionLine ? de : '',
descriptionLines: [],
inlineTags: tagInlineTags,
parsedType: null,
rawType: '',
type: 'JsdocTag',
typeLines: []
tagObj.tag = tagObj.tag.replace(/^@/u, '');
lastTag = tagObj;
tagDescriptionSeen = false;
if (rawType) {
// Will strip rawType brackets after this tag
/** @type {JsdocTag} */ (lastTag).typeLines.push(
/** @type {JsdocTag} */ (lastTag).typeLines.length
? {
type: 'JsdocTypeLine'
: {
delimiter: '',
postDelimiter: '',
initial: '',
type: 'JsdocTypeLine'
/** @type {JsdocTag} */ (lastTag).rawType += /** @type {JsdocTag} */ (
? '\n' + rawType
: rawType;
// In `compact` mode skip processing if `description` is an empty string
// unless lastTag is being processed.
// In `preserve` mode process when `description` is not the `empty string
// or the `delimiter` is not `/**` ensuring empty lines are preserved.
if (((spacing === 'compact' && description) || lastTag) ||
(spacing === 'preserve' && (description || delimiter !== '/**'))) {
const holder = lastTag || ast;
// Check if there are any description lines and if not then this is a
// multi-line comment block with description on 0th line. Treat
// `delimiter` / `postDelimiter` / `initial` as being on a new line.
const isDelimiterLine = holder.descriptionLines.length === 0 &&
delimiter === '/**';
// Remove delimiter line break for one line comments blocks.
if (isDelimiterLine) {
ast.delimiterLineBreak = '';
// Track when the first description line is seen to avoid adding empty
// description lines for tag type lines.
tagDescriptionSeen ||= Boolean(lastTag &&
(rawType === '' || rawType?.endsWith('}')));
if (lastTag) {
if (tagDescriptionSeen) {
// The first tag description line is a continuation after type /
// name parsing.
const isFirstDescriptionLine = holder.descriptionLines.length === 0;
// For `compact` spacing must allow through first description line.
if ((spacing === 'compact' &&
(description || isFirstDescriptionLine)) ||
spacing === 'preserve') {
delimiter: isFirstDescriptionLine ? '' : delimiter,
postDelimiter: isFirstDescriptionLine ? '' : postDelimiter,
initial: isFirstDescriptionLine ? '' : initial,
type: 'JsdocDescriptionLine'
} else {
delimiter: isDelimiterLine ? '' : delimiter,
postDelimiter: isDelimiterLine ? '' : postDelimiter,
initial: isDelimiterLine ? `` : initial,
type: 'JsdocDescriptionLine'
if (!tag) {
if (lastTag) {
// For `compact` spacing must filter out any empty description lines
// after the initial `holder.description` has content.
if (tagDescriptionSeen && !(spacing === 'compact' &&
holder.description && description === '')) {
holder.description += !holder.description
? description
: '\n' + description;
} else {
holder.description += !holder.description
? description
: '\n' + description;
// Clean-up where last line itself has tag content
if (end && tag) {
ast.terminal = end;
ast.hasPreterminalTagDescription = 1;
// Remove terminal line break at end when tag is defined on last line.
if (ast.terminal === '*/') {
ast.preterminalLineBreak = '';
cleanUpLastTag(/** @type {JsdocTag} */ (lastTag));
ast.lastDescriptionLine = lastDescriptionLine;
ast.tags = tags;
return ast;
const jsdocVisitorKeys = {
JsdocBlock: ['descriptionLines', 'tags', 'inlineTags'],
JsdocDescriptionLine: [],
JsdocTypeLine: [],
JsdocTag: ['parsedType', 'typeLines', 'descriptionLines', 'inlineTags'],
JsdocInlineTag: []
export {commentParserToESTree, jsdocVisitorKeys};

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/src/estreeToString.js generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import {stringify as prattStringify} from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
/** @type {Record<string, Function>} */
const stringifiers = {
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocDescriptionLine} node
* @returns {string}
JsdocDescriptionLine ({
initial, delimiter, postDelimiter, description
}) {
return `${initial}${delimiter}${postDelimiter}${description}`;
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTypeLine} node
* @returns {string}
JsdocTypeLine ({
initial, delimiter, postDelimiter, rawType
}) {
return `${initial}${delimiter}${postDelimiter}${rawType}`;
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTag} node
JsdocInlineTag ({format, namepathOrURL, tag, text}) {
return format === 'pipe'
? `{@${tag} ${namepathOrURL}|${text}}`
: format === 'plain'
? `{@${tag} ${namepathOrURL}}`
: format === 'prefix'
? `[${text}]{@${tag} ${namepathOrURL}}`
// "space"
: `{@${tag} ${namepathOrURL} ${text}}`;
* @todo convert for use by escodegen (until may be patched to support
* custom entries?).
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocBlock|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocDescriptionLine|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTypeLine|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTag|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTag|
* import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').RootResult
* } node
* @param {import('.').ESTreeToStringOptions} opts
* @throws {Error}
* @returns {string}
function estreeToString (node, opts = {}) {
if (, node.type)) {
return stringifiers[
* @type {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocBlock|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocDescriptionLine|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTypeLine|
* import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTag}
// We use raw type instead but it is a key as other apps may wish to traverse
if (node.type.startsWith('JsdocType')) {
return opts.preferRawType
? ''
: `{${prattStringify(
/** @type {import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').RootResult} */ (
throw new Error(`Unhandled node type: ${node.type}`);
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocBlock} node
* @param {import('.').ESTreeToStringOptions} opts
* @returns {string}
function JsdocBlock (node, opts) {
const {delimiter, delimiterLineBreak, descriptionLines,
initial, postDelimiter, preterminalLineBreak, tags, terminal} = node;
const terminalPrepend = preterminalLineBreak !== ''
? `${preterminalLineBreak}${initial} `
: '';
let result = `${initial}${delimiter}${postDelimiter}${delimiterLineBreak}`;
for (let i = 0; i < descriptionLines.length; i++) {
result += estreeToString(descriptionLines[i]);
if (i !== descriptionLines.length - 1 || tags.length) {
result += '\n';
for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
result += estreeToString(tags[i], opts);
if (i !== tags.length - 1) {
result += '\n';
result += `${terminalPrepend}${terminal}`;
return result;
* @param {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocTag} node
* @param {import('.').ESTreeToStringOptions} opts
* @returns {string}
function JsdocTag (node, opts) {
const {
delimiter, descriptionLines, initial, name, parsedType, postDelimiter,
postName, postTag, postType, tag, typeLines
} = node;
let result = `${initial}${delimiter}${postDelimiter}@${tag}${postTag}`;
// Could do `rawType` but may have been changed; could also do
// `typeLines` but not as likely to be changed
// parsedType
// Comment this out later in favor of `parsedType`
// We can't use raw `typeLines` as first argument has delimiter on it
if (opts.preferRawType || !parsedType) {
if (typeLines.length) {
result += '{';
for (let i = 0; i < typeLines.length; i++) {
result += estreeToString(typeLines[i]);
if (i !== typeLines.length - 1) {
result += '\n';
result += '}';
} else if (parsedType?.type.startsWith('JsdocType')) {
result += `{${prattStringify(
/** @type {import('jsdoc-type-pratt-parser').RootResult} */ (
result += name ? `${postType}${name}${postName}` : postType;
for (let i = 0; i < descriptionLines.length; i++) {
const descriptionLine = descriptionLines[i];
result += estreeToString(descriptionLine);
if (i !== descriptionLines.length - 1) {
result += '\n';
return result;
export {estreeToString};

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/src/index.js generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* @typedef {import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
* start: number,
* end: number,
* }} InlineTag
* @typedef {import('comment-parser').Spec & {
* line?: import('./commentParserToESTree').Integer,
* inlineTags: (import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
* line?: import('./commentParserToESTree').Integer
* })[]
* }} JsdocTagWithInline
* Expands on comment-parser's `Block` interface.
* @typedef {{
* description: string,
* source: import('comment-parser').Line[],
* problems: import('comment-parser').Problem[],
* tags: JsdocTagWithInline[],
* inlineTags: (import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
* line?: import('./commentParserToESTree').Integer
* })[]
* }} JsdocBlockWithInline
* @typedef {{preferRawType?: boolean}} ESTreeToStringOptions
* @callback CommentHandler
* @param {string} commentSelector
* @param {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline} jsdoc
* @returns {boolean}
export {visitorKeys as jsdocTypeVisitorKeys} from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
export * from 'jsdoc-type-pratt-parser';
export * from './commentHandler.js';
export * from './commentParserToESTree.js';
export * from './estreeToString.js';
export * from './jsdoccomment.js';
export * from './parseComment.js';
export * from './parseInlineTags.js';

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/src/jsdoccomment.js generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
* Obtained originally from {@link}.
* @license MIT
* @typedef {import('eslint').AST.Token | import('estree').Comment | {
* type: import('eslint').AST.TokenType|"Line"|"Block"|"Shebang",
* range: [number, number],
* value: string
* }} Token
* @typedef {import('eslint').Rule.Node|
* import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.Node} ESLintOrTSNode
* @typedef {number} int
* Checks if the given token is a comment token or not.
* @param {Token} token - The token to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a comment token.
const isCommentToken = (token) => {
return token.type === 'Line' || token.type === 'Block' ||
token.type === 'Shebang';
* @param {(ESLintOrTSNode|import('estree').Comment) & {
* declaration?: any,
* decorators?: any[],
* parent?: import('eslint').Rule.Node & {
* decorators?: any[]
* }
* }} node
* @returns {import('@typescript-eslint/types').TSESTree.Decorator|undefined}
const getDecorator = (node) => {
return node?.declaration?.decorators?.[0] || node?.decorators?.[0] ||
* Check to see if it is a ES6 export declaration.
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} astNode An AST node.
* @returns {boolean} whether the given node represents an export declaration.
* @private
const looksLikeExport = function (astNode) {
return astNode.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' ||
astNode.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ||
astNode.type === 'ExportAllDeclaration' ||
astNode.type === 'ExportSpecifier';
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} astNode
* @returns {ESLintOrTSNode}
const getTSFunctionComment = function (astNode) {
const {parent} = astNode;
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!parent) {
return astNode;
const grandparent = parent.parent;
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!grandparent) {
return astNode;
const greatGrandparent = grandparent.parent;
const greatGreatGrandparent = greatGrandparent && greatGrandparent.parent;
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (/** @type {ESLintOrTSNode} */ (parent).type !== 'TSTypeAnnotation') {
return astNode;
switch (/** @type {ESLintOrTSNode} */ (grandparent).type) {
// @ts-expect-error -- For `ClassProperty`.
case 'PropertyDefinition': case 'ClassProperty':
case 'TSDeclareFunction':
case 'TSMethodSignature':
case 'TSPropertySignature':
return grandparent;
case 'ArrowFunctionExpression':
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!greatGrandparent) {
return astNode;
if (
greatGrandparent.type === 'VariableDeclarator'
// && greatGreatGrandparent.parent.type === 'VariableDeclaration'
) {
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!greatGreatGrandparent || !greatGreatGrandparent.parent) {
return astNode;
return greatGreatGrandparent.parent;
/* v8 ignore next */
return astNode;
case 'FunctionExpression':
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!greatGreatGrandparent) {
return astNode;
if (greatGrandparent.type === 'MethodDefinition') {
return greatGrandparent;
// Fallthrough
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (grandparent.type !== 'Identifier') {
return astNode;
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!greatGreatGrandparent) {
return astNode;
switch (greatGrandparent.type) {
case 'ArrowFunctionExpression':
if (
greatGreatGrandparent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' &&
greatGreatGrandparent.parent.type === 'VariableDeclaration'
) {
return greatGreatGrandparent.parent;
return astNode;
case 'FunctionDeclaration':
return greatGrandparent;
case 'VariableDeclarator':
if (greatGreatGrandparent.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
return greatGreatGrandparent;
/* v8 ignore next 2 */
// Fallthrough
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
return astNode;
const invokedExpression = new Set(
['CallExpression', 'OptionalCallExpression', 'NewExpression']
const allowableCommentNode = new Set([
* Reduces the provided node to the appropriate node for evaluating
* JSDoc comment status.
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} node An AST node.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode.
* @returns {ESLintOrTSNode} The AST node that
* can be evaluated for appropriate JSDoc comments.
const getReducedASTNode = function (node, sourceCode) {
let {parent} = node;
switch (/** @type {ESLintOrTSNode} */ (node).type) {
case 'TSFunctionType':
return getTSFunctionComment(node);
case 'TSInterfaceDeclaration':
case 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration':
case 'TSEnumDeclaration':
case 'ClassDeclaration':
case 'FunctionDeclaration':
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!parent) {
return node;
return looksLikeExport(parent) ? parent : node;
case 'TSDeclareFunction':
case 'ClassExpression':
case 'ObjectExpression':
case 'ArrowFunctionExpression':
case 'TSEmptyBodyFunctionExpression':
case 'FunctionExpression':
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!parent) {
return node;
if (
) {
* @type {ESLintOrTSNode|Token|null}
let token = node;
do {
token = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node|import('eslint').AST.Token} */ (
{includeComments: true}
} while (token && token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '(');
if (token && token.type === 'Block') {
return node;
if (sourceCode.getCommentsBefore(
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */
).length) {
return node;
while (
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */
).length &&
!(/Function/u).test(parent.type) &&
) {
({parent} = parent);
if (!parent) {
if (parent && parent.type !== 'FunctionDeclaration' &&
parent.type !== 'Program'
) {
if (parent.parent && parent.parent.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration') {
return parent.parent;
return parent;
return node;
return node;
* Checks for the presence of a JSDoc comment for the given node and returns it.
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} astNode The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode
* @param {{maxLines: int, minLines: int, [name: string]: any}} settings
* @param {{nonJSDoc?: boolean}} [opts]
* @returns {Token|null} The Block comment token containing the JSDoc comment
* for the given node or null if not found.
const findJSDocComment = (astNode, sourceCode, settings, opts = {}) => {
const {nonJSDoc} = opts;
const {minLines, maxLines} = settings;
/** @type {ESLintOrTSNode|import('estree').Comment} */
let currentNode = astNode;
let tokenBefore = null;
let parenthesisToken = null;
while (currentNode) {
const decorator = getDecorator(
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */
if (decorator) {
const dec = /** @type {unknown} */ (decorator);
currentNode = /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */ (dec);
tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */
{includeComments: true}
if (
tokenBefore && tokenBefore.type === 'Punctuator' &&
tokenBefore.value === '('
) {
parenthesisToken = tokenBefore;
[tokenBefore] = sourceCode.getTokensBefore(
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */
count: 2,
includeComments: true
if (!tokenBefore || !isCommentToken(tokenBefore)) {
return null;
if (!nonJSDoc && tokenBefore.type === 'Line') {
currentNode = tokenBefore;
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
if (!tokenBefore || !currentNode.loc || !tokenBefore.loc) {
return null;
if (
(nonJSDoc && (tokenBefore.type !== 'Block' ||
!(/^\*\s/u).test(tokenBefore.value))) ||
(!nonJSDoc && tokenBefore.type === 'Block' &&
) &&
currentNode.loc.start.line - (
/** @type {import('eslint').AST.Token} */
(parenthesisToken ?? tokenBefore)
).loc.end.line >= minLines &&
currentNode.loc.start.line - (
/** @type {import('eslint').AST.Token} */
(parenthesisToken ?? tokenBefore)
).loc.end.line <= maxLines
) {
return tokenBefore;
return null;
* Retrieves the JSDoc comment for a given node.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode
* @param {import('eslint').Rule.Node} node The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @param {{maxLines: int, minLines: int, [name: string]: any}} settings The
* settings in context
* @returns {Token|null} The Block comment
* token containing the JSDoc comment for the given node or
* null if not found.
* @public
const getJSDocComment = function (sourceCode, node, settings) {
const reducedNode = getReducedASTNode(node, sourceCode);
return findJSDocComment(reducedNode, sourceCode, settings);
* Retrieves the comment preceding a given node.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} node The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @param {{maxLines: int, minLines: int, [name: string]: any}} settings The
* settings in context
* @returns {Token|null} The Block comment
* token containing the JSDoc comment for the given node or
* null if not found.
* @public
const getNonJsdocComment = function (sourceCode, node, settings) {
const reducedNode = getReducedASTNode(node, sourceCode);
return findJSDocComment(reducedNode, sourceCode, settings, {
nonJSDoc: true
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode|import('eslint').AST.Token|
* import('estree').Comment
* } nodeA The AST node or token to compare
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode|import('eslint').AST.Token|
* import('estree').Comment} nodeB The
* AST node or token to compare
const compareLocEndToStart = (nodeA, nodeB) => {
/* v8 ignore next */
return (nodeA.loc?.end.line ?? 0) === (nodeB.loc?.start.line ?? 0);
* Checks for the presence of a comment following the given node and
* returns it.
* This method is experimental.
* @param {import('eslint').SourceCode} sourceCode
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} astNode The AST node to get
* the comment for.
* @returns {Token|null} The comment token containing the comment
* for the given node or null if not found.
const getFollowingComment = function (sourceCode, astNode) {
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} node The
* AST node to get the comment for.
const getTokensAfterIgnoringSemis = (node) => {
let tokenAfter = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(
/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.Node} */
{includeComments: true}
while (
tokenAfter && tokenAfter.type === 'Punctuator' &&
// tokenAfter.value === ')' // Don't apparently need to ignore
tokenAfter.value === ';'
) {
[tokenAfter] = sourceCode.getTokensAfter(tokenAfter, {
includeComments: true
return tokenAfter;
* @param {ESLintOrTSNode} node The
* AST node to get the comment for.
const tokenAfterIgnoringSemis = (node) => {
const tokenAfter = getTokensAfterIgnoringSemis(node);
return (
tokenAfter &&
isCommentToken(tokenAfter) &&
compareLocEndToStart(node, tokenAfter)
? tokenAfter
: null;
let tokenAfter = tokenAfterIgnoringSemis(astNode);
if (!tokenAfter) {
switch (astNode.type) {
case 'FunctionDeclaration':
tokenAfter = tokenAfterIgnoringSemis(
/** @type {ESLintOrTSNode} */
case 'ExpressionStatement':
tokenAfter = tokenAfterIgnoringSemis(
/** @type {ESLintOrTSNode} */
/* v8 ignore next 3 */
return tokenAfter;
export {
getReducedASTNode, getJSDocComment, getNonJsdocComment,
getDecorator, findJSDocComment, getFollowingComment

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/src/parseComment.js generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
/* eslint-disable prefer-named-capture-group -- Temporary */
import {
parse as commentParser,
} from 'comment-parser';
import {parseInlineTags} from './parseInlineTags.js';
const {
name: nameTokenizer,
tag: tagTokenizer,
type: typeTokenizer,
description: descriptionTokenizer
} = tokenizers;
* @param {import('comment-parser').Spec} spec
* @returns {boolean}
export const hasSeeWithLink = (spec) => {
return spec.tag === 'see' && (/\{@link.+?\}/u).test(spec.source[0].source);
export const defaultNoTypes = [
'default', 'defaultvalue', 'description', 'example',
'file', 'fileoverview', 'license',
'overview', 'see', 'summary'
export const defaultNoNames = [
'access', 'author',
'default', 'defaultvalue',
'example', 'exception', 'file', 'fileoverview',
'license', 'overview',
'return', 'returns',
'since', 'summary',
'version', 'variation'
const optionalBrackets = /^\[(?<name>[^=]*)=[^\]]*\]/u;
const preserveTypeTokenizer = typeTokenizer('preserve');
const preserveDescriptionTokenizer = descriptionTokenizer('preserve');
const plainNameTokenizer = nameTokenizer();
* Can't import `comment-parser/es6/parser/tokenizers/index.js`,
* so we redefine here.
* @typedef {(spec: import('comment-parser').Spec) =>
* import('comment-parser').Spec} CommentParserTokenizer
* @param {object} [cfg]
* @param {string[]} [cfg.noTypes]
* @param {string[]} [cfg.noNames]
* @returns {CommentParserTokenizer[]}
const getTokenizers = ({
noTypes = defaultNoTypes,
noNames = defaultNoNames
} = {}) => {
// trim
return [
// Tag
* Type tokenizer.
* @param {import('comment-parser').Spec} spec
* @returns {import('comment-parser').Spec}
(spec) => {
if (noTypes.includes(spec.tag)) {
return spec;
return preserveTypeTokenizer(spec);
* Name tokenizer.
* @param {import('comment-parser').Spec} spec
* @returns {import('comment-parser').Spec}
(spec) => {
if (spec.tag === 'template') {
// const preWS = spec.postTag;
const remainder = spec.source[0].tokens.description;
let pos;
if (remainder.startsWith('[') && remainder.includes(']')) {
const endingBracketPos = remainder.indexOf(']');
pos = remainder.slice(endingBracketPos).search(/(?<![\s,])\s/u);
if (pos > -1) { // Add offset to starting point if space found
pos += endingBracketPos;
} else {
pos =<![\s,])\s/u);
let name = pos === -1 ? remainder : remainder.slice(0, pos);
const extra = remainder.slice(pos);
let postName = '', description = '', lineEnd = '';
if (pos > -1) {
[, postName, description, lineEnd] = /** @type {RegExpMatchArray} */ (
if (optionalBrackets.test(name)) {
name = /** @type {string} */ (
/** @type {RegExpMatchArray} */ (
spec.optional = true;
} else {
spec.optional = false;
} = name;
const {tokens} = spec.source[0]; = name;
tokens.postName = postName;
tokens.description = description;
tokens.lineEnd = lineEnd || '';
return spec;
if (noNames.includes(spec.tag) || hasSeeWithLink(spec)) {
return spec;
return plainNameTokenizer(spec);
* Description tokenizer.
* @param {import('comment-parser').Spec} spec
* @returns {import('comment-parser').Spec}
(spec) => {
return preserveDescriptionTokenizer(spec);
* Accepts a comment token or complete comment string and converts it into
* `comment-parser` AST.
* @param {string | {value: string}} commentOrNode
* @param {string} [indent] Whitespace
* @returns {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline}
const parseComment = (commentOrNode, indent = '') => {
let block;
switch (typeof commentOrNode) {
case 'string':
// Preserve JSDoc block start/end indentation.
[block] = commentParser(`${indent}${commentOrNode}`, {
// @see
tokenizers: getTokenizers()
case 'object':
if (commentOrNode === null) {
throw new TypeError(`'commentOrNode' is not a string or object.`);
// Preserve JSDoc block start/end indentation.
[block] = commentParser(`${indent}/*${commentOrNode.value}*/`, {
// @see
tokenizers: getTokenizers()
throw new TypeError(`'commentOrNode' is not a string or object.`);
return parseInlineTags(block);
export {getTokenizers, parseComment};

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* @param {RegExpMatchArray & {
* indices: {
* groups: {
* [key: string]: [number, number]
* }
* }
* groups: {[key: string]: string}
* }} match An inline tag regexp match.
* @returns {'pipe' | 'plain' | 'prefix' | 'space'}
function determineFormat (match) {
const {separator, text} = match.groups;
const [, textEnd] = match.indices.groups.text;
const [tagStart] = match.indices.groups.tag;
if (!text) {
return 'plain';
} else if (separator === '|') {
return 'pipe';
} else if (textEnd < tagStart) {
return 'prefix';
return 'space';
* Extracts inline tags from a description.
* @param {string} description
* @returns {import('.').InlineTag[]} Array of inline tags from the description.
function parseDescription (description) {
/** @type {import('.').InlineTag[]} */
const result = [];
// This could have been expressed in a single pattern,
// but having two avoids a potentially exponential time regex.
const prefixedTextPattern = new RegExp(/(?:\[(?<text>[^\]]+)\])\{@(?<tag>[^}\s]+)\s?(?<namepathOrURL>[^}\s|]*)\}/gu, 'gud');
// The pattern used to match for text after tag uses a negative lookbehind
// on the ']' char to avoid matching the prefixed case too.
const suffixedAfterPattern = new RegExp(/(?<!\])\{@(?<tag>[^}\s]+)\s?(?<namepathOrURL>[^}\s|]*)\s*(?<separator>[\s|])?\s*(?<text>[^}]*)\}/gu, 'gud');
const matches = [
for (const mtch of matches) {
const match = /**
* @type {RegExpMatchArray & {
* indices: {
* groups: {
* [key: string]: [number, number]
* }
* }
* groups: {[key: string]: string}
* }}
*/ (
const {tag, namepathOrURL, text} = match.groups;
const [start, end] = match.indices[0];
const format = determineFormat(match);
return result;
* Splits the `{@prefix}` from remaining `Spec.lines[].token.description`
* into the `inlineTags` tokens, and populates `spec.inlineTags`
* @param {import('comment-parser').Block} block
* @returns {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline}
export function parseInlineTags (block) {
const inlineTags =
* @type {(import('./commentParserToESTree').JsdocInlineTagNoType & {
* line?: import('./commentParserToESTree').Integer
* })[]}
*/ (
/** @type {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline} */ (
).inlineTags = inlineTags;
for (const tag of block.tags) {
* @type {import('.').JsdocTagWithInline}
*/ (tag).inlineTags = parseDescription(tag.description);
return (
* @type {import('.').JsdocBlockWithInline}
*/ (block)

node_modules/@es-joy/jsdoccomment/src/toCamelCase.js generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
const toCamelCase = (str) => {
return str.toLowerCase().replaceAll(/^[a-z]/gu, (init) => {
return init.toUpperCase();
}).replaceAll(/_(?<wordInit>[a-z])/gu, (_, n1, o, s, {wordInit}) => {
return wordInit.toUpperCase();
export {toCamelCase};

node_modules/@eslint-community/eslint-utils/LICENSE generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Toru Nagashima
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

node_modules/@eslint-community/eslint-utils/ generated vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# @eslint-community/eslint-utils
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[![Coverage Status](](
## 🏁 Goal
This package provides utility functions and classes for make ESLint custom rules.
For examples:
- [`getStaticValue`]( evaluates static value on AST.
- [`ReferenceTracker`]( checks the members of modules/globals as handling assignments and destructuring.
## 📖 Usage
See [documentation](
## 📰 Changelog
See [releases](
## ❤️ Contributing
Welcome contributing!
Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.
### Development Tools
- `npm test` runs tests and measures coverage.
- `npm run clean` removes the coverage result of `npm test` command.
- `npm run coverage` shows the coverage result of the last `npm test` command.
- `npm run lint` runs ESLint.
- `npm run watch` runs tests on each file change.

node_modules/@eslint-community/eslint-utils/index.js generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

node_modules/@eslint-community/eslint-utils/index.mjs generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# eslint-visitor-keys
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Constants and utilities about visitor keys to traverse AST.
## 💿 Installation
Use [npm] to install.
$ npm install eslint-visitor-keys
### Requirements
- [Node.js] `^12.22.0`, `^14.17.0`, or `>=16.0.0`
## 📖 Usage
To use in an ESM file:
import * as evk from "eslint-visitor-keys"
To use in a CommonJS file:
const evk = require("eslint-visitor-keys")
### evk.KEYS
> type: `{ [type: string]: string[] | undefined }`
Visitor keys. This keys are frozen.
This is an object. Keys are the type of [ESTree] nodes. Their values are an array of property names which have child nodes.
For example:
console.log(evk.KEYS.AssignmentExpression) // → ["left", "right"]
### evk.getKeys(node)
> type: `(node: object) => string[]`
Get the visitor keys of a given AST node.
This is similar to `Object.keys(node)` of ES Standard, but some keys are excluded: `parent`, `leadingComments`, `trailingComments`, and names which start with `_`.
This will be used to traverse unknown nodes.
For example:
const node = {
type: "AssignmentExpression",
left: { type: "Identifier", name: "foo" },
right: { type: "Literal", value: 0 }
console.log(evk.getKeys(node)) // → ["type", "left", "right"]
### evk.unionWith(additionalKeys)
> type: `(additionalKeys: object) => { [type: string]: string[] | undefined }`
Make the union set with `evk.KEYS` and the given keys.
- The order of keys is, `additionalKeys` is at first, then `evk.KEYS` is concatenated after that.
- It removes duplicated keys as keeping the first one.
For example:
MethodDefinition: ["decorators"]
})) // → { ..., MethodDefinition: ["decorators", "key", "value"], ... }
## 📰 Change log
See [GitHub releases](
## 🍻 Contributing
Welcome. See [ESLint contribution guidelines](
### Development commands
- `npm test` runs tests and measures code coverage.
- `npm run lint` checks source codes with ESLint.
- `npm run test:open-coverage` opens the code coverage report of the previous test with your default browser.

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
* @typedef {{ readonly [type: string]: ReadonlyArray<string> }} VisitorKeys
* @type {VisitorKeys}
const KEYS = {
ArrayExpression: [
ArrayPattern: [
ArrowFunctionExpression: [
AssignmentExpression: [
AssignmentPattern: [
AwaitExpression: [
BinaryExpression: [
BlockStatement: [
BreakStatement: [
CallExpression: [
CatchClause: [
ChainExpression: [
ClassBody: [
ClassDeclaration: [
ClassExpression: [
ConditionalExpression: [
ContinueStatement: [
DebuggerStatement: [],
DoWhileStatement: [
EmptyStatement: [],
ExperimentalRestProperty: [
ExperimentalSpreadProperty: [
ExportAllDeclaration: [
ExportDefaultDeclaration: [
ExportNamedDeclaration: [
ExportSpecifier: [
ExpressionStatement: [
ForInStatement: [
ForOfStatement: [
ForStatement: [
FunctionDeclaration: [
FunctionExpression: [
Identifier: [],
IfStatement: [
ImportDeclaration: [
ImportDefaultSpecifier: [
ImportExpression: [
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [
ImportSpecifier: [
JSXAttribute: [
JSXClosingElement: [
JSXClosingFragment: [],
JSXElement: [
JSXEmptyExpression: [],
JSXExpressionContainer: [
JSXFragment: [
JSXIdentifier: [],
JSXMemberExpression: [
JSXNamespacedName: [
JSXOpeningElement: [
JSXOpeningFragment: [],
JSXSpreadAttribute: [
JSXSpreadChild: [
JSXText: [],
LabeledStatement: [
Literal: [],
LogicalExpression: [
MemberExpression: [
MetaProperty: [
MethodDefinition: [
NewExpression: [
ObjectExpression: [
ObjectPattern: [
PrivateIdentifier: [],
Program: [
Property: [
PropertyDefinition: [
RestElement: [
ReturnStatement: [
SequenceExpression: [
SpreadElement: [
StaticBlock: [
Super: [],
SwitchCase: [
SwitchStatement: [
TaggedTemplateExpression: [
TemplateElement: [],
TemplateLiteral: [
ThisExpression: [],
ThrowStatement: [
TryStatement: [
UnaryExpression: [
UpdateExpression: [
VariableDeclaration: [
VariableDeclarator: [
WhileStatement: [
WithStatement: [
YieldExpression: [
// Types.
const NODE_TYPES = Object.keys(KEYS);
// Freeze the keys.
for (const type of NODE_TYPES) {
* @author Toru Nagashima <>
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
* @typedef {import('./visitor-keys.js').VisitorKeys} VisitorKeys
// List to ignore keys.
const KEY_BLACKLIST = new Set([
* Check whether a given key should be used or not.
* @param {string} key The key to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the key should be used.
function filterKey(key) {
return !KEY_BLACKLIST.has(key) && key[0] !== "_";
* Get visitor keys of a given node.
* @param {object} node The AST node to get keys.
* @returns {readonly string[]} Visitor keys of the node.
function getKeys(node) {
return Object.keys(node).filter(filterKey);
// Disable valid-jsdoc rule because it reports syntax error on the type of @returns.
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Make the union set with `KEYS` and given keys.
* @param {VisitorKeys} additionalKeys The additional keys.
* @returns {VisitorKeys} The union set.
function unionWith(additionalKeys) {
const retv = /** @type {{
[type: string]: ReadonlyArray<string>
}} */ (Object.assign({}, KEYS));
for (const type of Object.keys(additionalKeys)) {
if (, type)) {
const keys = new Set(additionalKeys[type]);
for (const key of retv[type]) {
retv[type] = Object.freeze(Array.from(keys));
} else {
retv[type] = Object.freeze(Array.from(additionalKeys[type]));
return Object.freeze(retv);
exports.KEYS = KEYS;
exports.getKeys = getKeys;
exports.unionWith = unionWith;

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
type VisitorKeys$1 = {
readonly [type: string]: readonly string[];
* @typedef {{ readonly [type: string]: ReadonlyArray<string> }} VisitorKeys
* @type {VisitorKeys}
declare const KEYS: VisitorKeys$1;
* Get visitor keys of a given node.
* @param {object} node The AST node to get keys.
* @returns {readonly string[]} Visitor keys of the node.
declare function getKeys(node: object): readonly string[];
* Make the union set with `KEYS` and given keys.
* @param {VisitorKeys} additionalKeys The additional keys.
* @returns {VisitorKeys} The union set.
declare function unionWith(additionalKeys: VisitorKeys): VisitorKeys;
type VisitorKeys = VisitorKeys$1;
export { KEYS, VisitorKeys, getKeys, unionWith };

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Get visitor keys of a given node.
* @param {object} node The AST node to get keys.
* @returns {readonly string[]} Visitor keys of the node.
export function getKeys(node: object): readonly string[];
* Make the union set with `KEYS` and given keys.
* @param {VisitorKeys} additionalKeys The additional keys.
* @returns {VisitorKeys} The union set.
export function unionWith(additionalKeys: VisitorKeys): VisitorKeys;
export { KEYS };
export type VisitorKeys = import('./visitor-keys.js').VisitorKeys;
import KEYS from "./visitor-keys.js";

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export default KEYS;
export type VisitorKeys = {
readonly [type: string]: readonly string[];
* @typedef {{ readonly [type: string]: ReadonlyArray<string> }} VisitorKeys
* @type {VisitorKeys}
declare const KEYS: VisitorKeys;

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
* @author Toru Nagashima <>
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
import KEYS from "./visitor-keys.js";
* @typedef {import('./visitor-keys.js').VisitorKeys} VisitorKeys
// List to ignore keys.
const KEY_BLACKLIST = new Set([
* Check whether a given key should be used or not.
* @param {string} key The key to check.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the key should be used.
function filterKey(key) {
return !KEY_BLACKLIST.has(key) && key[0] !== "_";
* Get visitor keys of a given node.
* @param {object} node The AST node to get keys.
* @returns {readonly string[]} Visitor keys of the node.
export function getKeys(node) {
return Object.keys(node).filter(filterKey);
// Disable valid-jsdoc rule because it reports syntax error on the type of @returns.
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Make the union set with `KEYS` and given keys.
* @param {VisitorKeys} additionalKeys The additional keys.
* @returns {VisitorKeys} The union set.
export function unionWith(additionalKeys) {
const retv = /** @type {{
[type: string]: ReadonlyArray<string>
}} */ (Object.assign({}, KEYS));
for (const type of Object.keys(additionalKeys)) {
if (, type)) {
const keys = new Set(additionalKeys[type]);
for (const key of retv[type]) {
retv[type] = Object.freeze(Array.from(keys));
} else {
retv[type] = Object.freeze(Array.from(additionalKeys[type]));
return Object.freeze(retv);
export { KEYS };

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
* @typedef {{ readonly [type: string]: ReadonlyArray<string> }} VisitorKeys
* @type {VisitorKeys}
const KEYS = {
ArrayExpression: [
ArrayPattern: [
ArrowFunctionExpression: [
AssignmentExpression: [
AssignmentPattern: [
AwaitExpression: [
BinaryExpression: [
BlockStatement: [
BreakStatement: [
CallExpression: [
CatchClause: [
ChainExpression: [
ClassBody: [
ClassDeclaration: [
ClassExpression: [
ConditionalExpression: [
ContinueStatement: [
DebuggerStatement: [],
DoWhileStatement: [
EmptyStatement: [],
ExperimentalRestProperty: [
ExperimentalSpreadProperty: [
ExportAllDeclaration: [
ExportDefaultDeclaration: [
ExportNamedDeclaration: [
ExportSpecifier: [
ExpressionStatement: [
ForInStatement: [
ForOfStatement: [
ForStatement: [
FunctionDeclaration: [
FunctionExpression: [
Identifier: [],
IfStatement: [
ImportDeclaration: [
ImportDefaultSpecifier: [
ImportExpression: [
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [
ImportSpecifier: [
JSXAttribute: [
JSXClosingElement: [
JSXClosingFragment: [],
JSXElement: [
JSXEmptyExpression: [],
JSXExpressionContainer: [
JSXFragment: [
JSXIdentifier: [],
JSXMemberExpression: [
JSXNamespacedName: [
JSXOpeningElement: [
JSXOpeningFragment: [],
JSXSpreadAttribute: [
JSXSpreadChild: [
JSXText: [],
LabeledStatement: [
Literal: [],
LogicalExpression: [
MemberExpression: [
MetaProperty: [
MethodDefinition: [
NewExpression: [
ObjectExpression: [
ObjectPattern: [
PrivateIdentifier: [],
Program: [
Property: [
PropertyDefinition: [
RestElement: [
ReturnStatement: [
SequenceExpression: [
SpreadElement: [
StaticBlock: [
Super: [],
SwitchCase: [
SwitchStatement: [
TaggedTemplateExpression: [
TemplateElement: [],
TemplateLiteral: [
ThisExpression: [],
ThrowStatement: [
TryStatement: [
UnaryExpression: [
UpdateExpression: [
VariableDeclaration: [
VariableDeclarator: [
WhileStatement: [
WithStatement: [
YieldExpression: [
// Types.
const NODE_TYPES = Object.keys(KEYS);
// Freeze the keys.
for (const type of NODE_TYPES) {
export default KEYS;

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