import CthulhuEternalActorSheet from "./base-actor-sheet.mjs" export default class CthulhuEternalVehicleSheet extends CthulhuEternalActorSheet { /** @override */ static DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { classes: ["vehicle"], position: { width: 680, height: 540, }, window: { contentClasses: ["vehicle-content"], }, actions: { createGear: CthulhuEternalVehicleSheet.#onCreateGear, createWeapon: CthulhuEternalVehicleSheet.#onCreateWeapon, }, } /** @override */ static PARTS = { main: { template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/vehicle-main.hbs", }, tabs: { template: "templates/generic/tab-navigation.hbs", }, equipment: { template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/vehicle-equipment.hbs", }, description: { template: "systems/fvtt-cthulhu-eternal/templates/vehicle-description.hbs", }, } /** @override */ tabGroups = { sheet: "equipment", } /** * Prepare an array of form header tabs. * @returns {Record<string, Partial<ApplicationTab>>} */ #getTabs() { const tabs = { equipment: { id: "equipment", group: "sheet", icon: "fa-solid fa-shapes", label: "" }, description: { id: "description", group: "sheet", icon: "fa-solid fa-book", label: "CTHULHUETERNAL.Label.description" }, } for (const v of Object.values(tabs)) { = this.tabGroups[] === v.cssClass = ? "active" : "" } return tabs } /** @override */ async _prepareContext() { const context = await super._prepareContext() context.tabs = this.#getTabs() context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.description, { async: true }) context.enrichedNotes = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.document.system.notes, { async: true }) return context } _generateTooltip(type, target) { } /** @override */ async _preparePartContext(partId, context) { const doc = this.document switch (partId) { case "main": break case "equipment": = context.weapons = doc.itemTypes.weapon context.gears = doc.itemTypes.gear break case "description": = context.tabs.description context.enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(doc.system.description, { async: true }) context.enrichedNotes = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(doc.system.notes, { async: true }) break } return context } /** * Creates a new attack item directly from the sheet and embeds it into the document. * @param {Event} event The initiating click event. * @param {HTMLElement} target The current target of the event listener. */ static #onCreateGear(event, target) { this.document.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ name: game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Label.newGear"), type: "gear" }]) } static #onCreateWeapon(event, target) { this.document.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ name: game.i18n.localize("CTHULHUETERNAL.Label.newWeapon"), type: "weapon" }]) } async _onDrop(event) { if (!this.isEditable || !this.isEditMode) return const data = TextEditor.getDragEventData(event) // Handle different data types switch (data.type) { case "Item": const item = await fromUuid(data.uuid) return super._onDropItem(item) } } }