# vinyl-sourcemap [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][ci-image]][ci-url] [![Coveralls Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url] Add/write sourcemaps to/from Vinyl files. ## Usage ```js sourcemap.add(file, function (err, updatedFile) { // updatedFile will have a .sourceMap property }); // The 2nd argument can be given as a path string sourcemap.write(file, './maps', function (err, updatedFile, sourcemapFile) { // sourcemapFile will be a Vinyl file to be written to some location // updatedFile will have the .contents property updated with a sourceMappingURL that resolves to sourcemapFile }); // If not defined, the sourcemap is inlined sourcemap.write(file, function (err, updatedFile, sourcemapFile) { // sourcemapFile is undefined // updatedFile will have the .contents property updated with a sourceMappingURL that is an inlined sourcemap }); ``` ## API ### `sourcemap.add(file, callback)` Takes a [Vinyl][vinyl] `file` object and a `callback` function. It attempts to parse an inline sourcemap or load an external sourcemap for the file. If a valid sourcemap is found, the `sources` & `sourcesContent` properties are resolved to actual files (if possible) and a fully resolved sourcemap is attached as `file.sourceMap`. If a sourcemap is not found, a stub sourcemap is generated for the file and attached as `file.sourceMap`. Once all resolution is complete, the `callback(err, updatedFile)` is called with the `updatedFile`. If an error occurs, it will be passed as `err` and `updatedFile` will be undefined. **Note:** The original file is mutated but `updatedFile` is passed to the callback as a convenience. If the `file` is not a Vinyl object or the contents are streaming, an Error will be passed to the `callback`. If the `file` has a `.sourceMap` property or the contents are null, the `callback` will be called immediately without mutation to the file. All filesystem operations are optional & non-fatal so any errors will not be bubbled to the `callback`. ### `sourcemap.write(file, [outputPath,] callback)` Takes a [Vinyl][vinyl] `file` object, (optionally) an `outputPath` string and a `callback` function. If `outputPath` is not passed, an inline sourcemap will be generated from the `file.sourceMap` property and appended to the `file.contents`. Once the inline sourcemap is appended, the `callback(err, updatedFile)` is called with the `updatedFile`. If an error occurs, it will be passed as `err` and `updatedFile` will be undefined. **Note:** The original file is mutated but `updatedFile` is passed to the callback as a convenience. If `outputPath` is passed, a new Vinyl file will be generated using `file.cwd` and `file.base` from the original file, the path to the external sourcemap, and the `file.sourceMap` (as contents). The external location will be appended to the `file.contents` of the original file. Once the new file is created and location appended, the `callback(err, updatedFile, sourcemapFile)` is called with the `updatedFile` and the `sourcemapFile`. If an error occurs, it will be passed as `err` and `updatedFile`/`sourcemapFile` will be undefined. **Note:** The original file is mutated but `updatedFile` is passed to the callback as a convenience. If the `file` is not a Vinyl object or the contents are streaming, an Error will be passed to the `callback`. If the `file` doesn't have a `.sourceMap` property or the contents are null, the `callback` will be called immediately without mutation to the file. ## License MIT [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/vinyl-sourcemap.svg?style=flat-square [npm-url]: https://npmjs.com/package/vinyl-sourcemap [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/vinyl-sourcemap.svg?style=flat-square [ci-url]: https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl-sourcemap/actions?query=workflow:dev [ci-image]: https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/gulpjs/vinyl-sourcemap/dev?style=flat-square [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/gulpjs/vinyl-sourcemap [coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/gulpjs/vinyl-sourcemap/master.svg?style=flat-square [vinyl]: https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl