264 lines
6.8 KiB

'use strict'
const test = require('tape')
const { AbstractLevel, AbstractIterator, AbstractKeyIterator, AbstractValueIterator } = require('../..')
const testCommon = require('../common')({
factory: function () {
return new AbstractLevel({ encodings: { utf8: true } })
for (const Ctor of [AbstractIterator, AbstractKeyIterator, AbstractValueIterator]) {
test(`test ${Ctor.name} extensibility`, function (t) {
const Test = class TestIterator extends Ctor {}
const db = testCommon.factory()
const test = new Test(db, {})
t.ok(test.db === db, 'instance has db reference')
test(`${Ctor.name} throws on invalid db argument`, function (t) {
t.plan(4 * 2)
for (const args of [[], [null], [undefined], 'foo']) {
const hint = args[0] === null ? 'null' : typeof args[0]
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Ctor(...args)
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.name, 'TypeError')
t.is(err.message, 'The first argument must be an abstract-level database, received ' + hint)
test(`${Ctor.name} throws on invalid options argument`, function (t) {
t.plan(4 * 2)
for (const args of [[], [null], [undefined], 'foo']) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Ctor({}, ...args)
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.name, 'TypeError')
t.is(err.message, 'The second argument must be an options object')
test(`${Ctor.name}.next() extensibility`, async function (t) {
class TestIterator extends Ctor {
_next (callback) {
t.is(this, it, 'thisArg on _next() was correct')
t.is(arguments.length, 1, 'got one argument')
t.is(typeof callback, 'function', 'got a callback function')
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new TestIterator(db, {})
await it.next()
await db.close()
test(`${Ctor.name}.next() throws on invalid callback argument`, async function (t) {
t.plan(3 * 2)
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
for (const invalid of [{}, null, 'foo']) {
const it = new Ctor(db, {})
try {
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.name, 'TypeError')
t.is(err.message, 'Callback must be a function')
test(`${Ctor.name}.nextv() extensibility`, async function (t) {
t.plan(5 * 2)
class TestIterator extends Ctor {
_nextv (size, options, callback) {
t.is(this, it, 'thisArg on _nextv() was correct')
t.is(arguments.length, 3, 'got 3 arguments')
t.is(size, 100)
t.same(options, {}, 'empty options')
t.is(typeof callback, 'function', 'got a callback function')
this.nextTick(callback, null, [])
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new TestIterator(db, {})
await it.nextv(100)
await it.nextv(100, {})
await db.close()
test(`${Ctor.name}.nextv() extensibility (options)`, async function (t) {
class TestIterator extends Ctor {
_nextv (size, options, callback) {
t.is(size, 100)
t.same(options, { foo: 123 }, 'got options')
this.nextTick(callback, null, [])
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new TestIterator(db, {})
await it.nextv(100, { foo: 123 })
await db.close()
test(`${Ctor.name}.nextv() throws on invalid callback argument`, async function (t) {
t.plan(3 * 2)
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
for (const invalid of [{}, null, 'foo']) {
const it = new Ctor(db, {})
try {
it.nextv(100, {}, invalid)
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.name, 'TypeError')
t.is(err.message, 'Callback must be a function')
test(`${Ctor.name}.all() extensibility`, async function (t) {
t.plan(2 * 4)
for (const args of [[], [{}]]) {
class TestIterator extends Ctor {
_all (options, callback) {
t.is(this, it, 'thisArg on _all() was correct')
t.is(arguments.length, 2, 'got 2 arguments')
t.same(options, {}, 'empty options')
t.is(typeof callback, 'function', 'got a callback function')
this.nextTick(callback, null, [])
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new TestIterator(db, {})
await it.all(...args)
await db.close()
test(`${Ctor.name}.all() extensibility (options)`, async function (t) {
class TestIterator extends Ctor {
_all (options, callback) {
t.same(options, { foo: 123 }, 'got options')
this.nextTick(callback, null, [])
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new TestIterator(db, {})
await it.all({ foo: 123 })
await db.close()
test(`${Ctor.name}.all() throws on invalid callback argument`, async function (t) {
t.plan(3 * 2)
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
for (const invalid of [{}, null, 'foo']) {
const it = new Ctor(db, {})
try {
it.all({}, invalid)
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.name, 'TypeError')
t.is(err.message, 'Callback must be a function')
test(`${Ctor.name}.close() extensibility`, async function (t) {
class TestIterator extends Ctor {
_close (callback) {
t.is(this, it, 'thisArg on _close() was correct')
t.is(arguments.length, 1, 'got one argument')
t.is(typeof callback, 'function', 'got a callback function')
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new TestIterator(db, {})
await it.close()
await db.close()
test(`${Ctor.name}.close() throws on invalid callback argument`, async function (t) {
t.plan(3 * 2)
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
for (const invalid of [{}, null, 'foo']) {
const it = new Ctor(db, {})
try {
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.name, 'TypeError')
t.is(err.message, 'Callback must be a function')
test('AbstractIterator throws when accessing legacy properties', async function (t) {
t.plan(3 * 2)
const db = testCommon.factory()
await db.open()
const it = new AbstractIterator(db, {})
for (const k of ['_ended property', '_nexting property', '_end method']) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
it[k.split(' ')[0]]
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.code, 'LEVEL_LEGACY')
try {
it[k.split(' ')[0]] = 123
} catch (err) {
t.is(err.code, 'LEVEL_LEGACY')