296 lines
6.5 KiB
296 lines
6.5 KiB
"TYPES": {
"Actor": {
"protagonist": "Protagonist"
"Item": {
"skill": "Skill",
"weapon": "Weapon",
"armor": "Armor",
"injury": "Injury",
"gear": "Gear",
"motivation": "Motivation",
"mentaldisorder": "Mental Disorder",
"bond": "Bond" ,
"arcane": "Arcane",
"archetype": "Archetype"
"Settings": {
"Common": "Common",
"Classical": "Classical",
"Medieval": "Medieval",
"Revolution": "Revolution",
"Modern": "Modern",
"Future": "Future",
"Jazz": "Jazz",
"WW1": "World War 1",
"WW2": "World War 2",
"ColdWar": "Cold War",
"Victorian": "Victorian",
"AgeOfSail": "Age of Sail"
"Protagonist": {
"characteristics:": {
"str": {
"label": "Strength"
"dex": {
"label": "Dexterity"
"int": {
"label": "Intelligence"
"pow": {
"label": "Power"
"con": {
"label": "Constitution"
"char": {
"label": "Charisma"
"Skill": {
"Unnatural": "Unnatural",
"settings": {
"label": "Settings era"
"diceEvolved": {
"label": "Can increase on failure"
"bonus" :{
"label": "Bonus"
"base": {
"label": "Base"
"rollFailed": {
"label": "Roll Failed"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Gear": {
"resourceLevel": {
"label": "Resource level"
"settings": {
"label": "Settings era"
"Injury": {
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Weapon": {
"WeaponType": {
"melee": "Melee",
"rangedprimitive": "Ranged Primitive",
"rangedthrown": "Ranged Thrown",
"rangedfirearm": "Ranged Firearm",
"unarmed": "Unarmed"
"WeaponSubtype": {
"basicfirearm": "Basic Firearm",
"pistol": "Pistol",
"shotgun": "Shotgun",
"submachinegun": "Submachinegun",
"riflecarabine": "Rifle/Carabine"
"settings": {
"label": "Settings era"
"weaponType": {
"label": "Type"
"weaponSubtype": {
"label": "Firearm Subtype"
"damage": {
"label": "Damage"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"baseRange": {
"label": "Base range"
"rangeUnit": {
"label": "Range unit"
"killRadius": {
"label": "Kill radius"
"lethality": {
"label": "Lethality"
"resourceLevel": {
"label": "Resource level"
"armorPiercing": {
"label": "Armor piercing"
"Armor": {
"settings": {
"label": "Settings Era"
"protection": {
"label": "Protection"
"resourceLevel": {
"label": "Resource level"
"Motivation": {
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"MentalDisorder": {
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Bond": {
"bondType": {
"label": "Type"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"value": {
"label": "Value"
"Arcane": {
"value": {
"label": "Value"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"Archetype": {
"settings": {
"label": "Settings era"
"value": {
"label": "Value"
"description": {
"label": "Description"
"BondType": {
"individual": "Individual",
"community": "Community"
"Harshness": {
"normal": "Normal",
"harsh": "Harsh",
"veryHarsh": "Very Harsh"
"Label": {
"biodata": "Biodata",
"skill": "Skill",
"modifier": "Modifier",
"rollView": "Roll View",
"protagonist": "Protagonist",
"characteristics": "Characteristics",
"description": "Description",
"strShort": "STR",
"dexShort": "DEX",
"intShort": "INT",
"powShort": "POW",
"conShort": "CON",
"chaShort": "CHA",
"strLong": "Strength",
"dexLong": "Dexterity",
"intLong": "Intelligence",
"powLong": "Power",
"conLong": "Constitution",
"chaLong": "Charisma",
"total": "Total",
"skills": "Skills",
"gear": "Gear",
"damage": "Damage",
"resource": "Resource",
"newArmor": "New Armor",
"newWeapon": "New Weapon",
"armor": "Armor",
"malus": "Malus",
"experience": "Experience",
"maximum": "Maximum",
"equipment": "Equipment",
"biography": "Biography",
"notes": "Notes",
"weapons": "Weapons",
"HP": "HP",
"SAN": "SAN",
"current": "Current",
"max": "Max",
"recovery": "Recovery",
"violence" : "Violence",
"helplessness": "Helplessness",
"breakingPoint": "Breaking Point",
"willpower": "Willpower",
"totalScore": "Total Score",
"exhausted": "Exhausted",
"skillRoll": "Skill Roll",
"charRoll": "Characteristic Roll",
"finalScore": "Final Score",
"failure": "Failure",
"success": "Success",
"criticalSuccess": "Critical Success",
"criticalFailure": "Critical Failure",
"Characteristic": "Characteristic",
"targetScore": "Target Score"
"Edit": "Edit",
"Delete": "Delete",
"ToggleSheet": "Toggle Sheet",
"Warning": { },
"Dialog": {
"Roll": {
"skill": "Skill",
"roll": "Roll"
"Tooltip": {
"sanBP": ">5 SAN lost in one roll, temporary insanity. If SAN less reaches BP = a Disorder unconscious Breaking and AND reset BP."
"Setting": {
"Chat": {