305 lines
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305 lines
11 KiB
import { SYSTEM } from "../../config/system.mjs"
import CthulhuEternalRoll from '../../documents/roll.mjs'
export let RollHandler = null
Hooks.once('tokenActionHudCoreApiReady', async (coreModule) => {
* Extends Token Action HUD Core's RollHandler class and handles action events triggered when an action is clicked
RollHandler = class RollHandler extends coreModule.api.RollHandler {
* Handle action click
* Called by Token Action HUD Core when an action is left or right-clicked
* @override
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {string} encodedValue The encoded value
async handleActionClick (event, encodedValue) {
const [actionTypeId, actionId] = encodedValue.split('|')
const knownCharacters = ['character']
// If single actor is selected
if (this.actor) {
await this.#handleAction(event, this.actor, this.token, actionTypeId, actionId)
const controlledTokens = canvas.tokens.controlled
.filter((token) => knownCharacters.includes(token.actor?.type))
// If multiple actors are selected
for (const token of controlledTokens) {
const actor = token.actor
await this.#handleAction(event, actor, token, actionTypeId, actionId)
* Handle action hover
* Called by Token Action HUD Core when an action is hovered on or off
* @override
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {string} encodedValue The encoded value
async handleActionHover (event, encodedValue) {
* Handle group click
* Called by Token Action HUD Core when a group is right-clicked while the HUD is locked
* @override
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} group The group
async handleGroupClick (event, group) {
* Handle action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {object} token The token
* @param {string} actionTypeId The action type id
* @param {string} actionId The actionId
async #handleAction (event, actor, token, actionTypeId, actionId) {
switch (actionTypeId) {
case 'attributes':
await this.#handleAttributesAction(event, actor, actionId)
case 'skills':
await this.#handleSkillsAction(event, actor, actionId)
case 'weapons':
await this.#handleWeaponsAction(event, actor, actionId)
case 'damage':
await this.#handleDamageAction(event, actor, actionId)
case 'lethality':
await this.#handleLethalityAction(event, actor, actionId)
case 'specialTraining':
await this.#handleSpecialTrainingAction(event, actor, actionId)
case 'typedSkills':
await this.#handleCustomTypedAction(event, actor, actionId)
/* case 'rituals':
await this.#handleRitualsAction(event, actor, actionId)
break */
case 'utility':
await this.#handleUtilityAction(token, actionId)
* Handle Attribute action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleAttributesAction (event, actor, actionId) {
let rollType
if (actionId === 'wp' || actionId === 'health') return
if (actionId.includes('_add') || actionId.includes('_subtract')) {
const attr = actionId.split('_')[0]
const action = actionId.split('_')[1]
const update = {}
update.system = {}
update.system[attr] = {}
update.system[attr].value = action === 'add' ? this.actor.system[attr].value + 1 : this.actor.system[attr].value - 1
if (update.system[attr].value > this.actor.system[attr].max || update.system[attr].value < this.actor.system[attr].min) return
return await this.actor.update(update)
if (actionId === 'sanity') {
rollType = actionId
} else if (actionId === 'luck') {
rollType = actionId
} else {
rollType = 'stat'
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
key: actionId
const roll = new DGPercentileRoll('1D100', {}, options)
return await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle Skill action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleSkillsAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'skill',
key: actionId
const skill = this.actor.system.skills[actionId]
if (!skill) return ui.notifications.warn('Bad skill name in HUD.')
const roll = new DGPercentileRoll('1D100', {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle Typed/Custom skills action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleCustomTypedAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'skill',
key: actionId
const roll = new DGPercentileRoll('1D100', {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle SoecialTraining action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleSpecialTrainingAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const attr = this.actor.system.specialTraining.find(a => a.name === actionId).attribute
let target = 0
if (DG.statistics.includes(attr)) {
target = this.actor.system.statistics[attr].x5
} else if (DG.skills.includes(attr)) {
target = this.actor.system.skills[attr].proficiency
} else {
target = this.actor.system.typedSkills[attr].proficiency
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'special-training',
key: attr,
specialTrainingName: actionId,
const roll = new DGPercentileRoll('1D100', {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle Weapon action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleWeaponsAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const item = this.actor.items.get(actionId)
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'weapon',
key: item.system.skill,
const roll = new DGPercentileRoll('1D100', {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle Damage action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleDamageAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const item = this.actor.items.get(actionId)
if (item.system.lethality > 0 && event.ctrlKey) {
// Toggle on/off lethality
const isLethal = !item.system.isLethal
await item.update({ 'system.isLethal': isLethal })
} else {
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'damage',
key: item.system.damage,
const roll = new DGDamageRoll(item.system.damage, {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle Lethality action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleLethalityAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const item = await this.actor.items.get(actionId)
if (item.system.damage !== '' && event.ctrlKey) {
const isLethal = !item.system.isLethal
await item.update({ 'system.isLethal': isLethal })
} else {
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'lethality',
key: item.system.lethality,
const roll = new DGLethalityRoll(item.system.damage, {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle Ritual action
* @private
* @param {object} event The event
* @param {object} actor The actor
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleRitualsAction (event, actor, actionId) {
const options = {
actor: this.actor,
rollType: 'ritual',
key: actionId
const roll = new DGPercentileRoll('1D100', {}, options)
await this.actor.sheet.processRoll(event, roll)
* Handle utility action
* @private
* @param {object} token The token
* @param {string} actionId The action id
async #handleUtilityAction (token, actionId) {
switch (actionId) {
case 'endTurn':
if (game.combat?.current?.tokenId === token.id) {
await game.combat?.nextTurn()