150 lines
4.9 KiB
150 lines
4.9 KiB
"TYPES": {
"Actor": {
"Personnage": "PC"
"Item": {
"trait": "Trait",
"weapon": "Weapon",
"equipment": "Equipment",
"maneuver": "Maneuver",
"specialization": "Specialization"
"ECRY": {
"settings": {
"cogs": "Cogs",
"cephaly": "Cephaly",
"boheme": "Boheme",
"amertume": "Amertume"
"chat": {
"formula": "Formula",
"difficulty": "Difficulty",
"dicesum": "Dices result",
"result": "Result",
"margin": "Margin",
"success": "Success!",
"failure": "Failed!",
"specialization": "Specialization",
"traitbonus": "Bonus trait",
"traitmalus": "Malus trait",
"bonusmalustraits": "Traits Bonus/Malus",
"spectranscend": "Self-Transcend : "
"rule": {
"cephaly-success-2": "Duration : 1 scene - Impact : Superficial - Bonus : 1 - Elegy : 1",
"cephaly-success-4": "Duration : 1 week - Impact : Light - Bonus : 2 - Elegy : 2",
"cephaly-success-6": "Duration : 1 month - Impact : Serious - Bonus : 3 - Elegy : 3",
"cephaly-success-8": "Duration : 1 year - Impact : Major - Bonus : 4 - Elegy : 4",
"cephaly-success-10": "Duration : Permanent - Impact : Dead - Bonus : 5 - Elegy : 5",
"cephaly-failure-2": "Duration : 1 scene - Impact : Superficial - Malus : 1",
"cephaly-failure-4": "Duration : 1 week - Impact : Light - Malus : 2",
"cephaly-failure-6": "Duration : 1 month - Impact : Serious - Malus : 3",
"cephaly-failure-8": "Duration : 1 year - Impact : Major - Malus : 4",
"cephaly-failure-10": "Duration : Permanent - Impact : Death/Madness - Malus : 5"
"warn": {
"notenoughdice": "Execution and Preservation must have 2 dices allocated"
"ui": {
"traitType": "Trait type",
"niveauTrait": "Trait level",
"weight": "Weight",
"cost": "Cost",
"costunit": "Unit",
"effect": "Incidence",
"ingot": "Ingot",
"ingotin": "Ingotin",
"goldcoin": "Gold coin",
"lige": "Lige",
"hurle": "Howl",
"coin": "Penny",
"notes": "Notes",
"bio": "Bio",
"bionotes": "Bio&Notes",
"skills": "Skills",
"traits": "Traits",
"equipment": "Equipment",
"physical": "Physical",
"mental": "Mental",
"social": "Social",
"athletics": "Athletics",
"driving": "Driving",
"fencing": "Fencing",
"brawling": "Brawling",
"shooting": "Shooting",
"anthropomecanology": "Anthropo-Mecanology",
"ecrymology": "Ecrymology",
"traumatology": "Traumatology",
"traversology": "Traversology",
"urbatechnology": "Urbatechnology",
"quibbling": "Quibbling",
"creativity": "Creativity",
"loquacity": "Loquacity",
"guile": "Guile",
"performance": "Performance",
"skill": "Skill",
"troublesome": "Troublesome",
"occasional": "Occasional",
"difficult": "Difficult",
"uncommon": "Uncommon",
"verydifficult": "Very Difficult",
"rare": "Rare",
"extremdifficult": "Extremely difficult",
"veryrare": "Very rare",
"increddifficult": "Incredibly difficult",
"exceptrare": "Exceptionally rare",
"none": "None",
"roll": "Roll !",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"rolltitle": "Test roll",
"spec": "Specialization",
"traitbonus": "Bonus traits",
"traitmalus": "Malus traits",
"applyideal": "Apply ideal",
"applyspleen": "Apply spleen",
"skilltranscendence": "Self Transcendence",
"confrontation": "Confrontation",
"rollnormal": "Normal (4d6)",
"rollspleen": "With Spleen (5d6, worst 4 are kept)",
"rollideal": "With Ideal (5d6, best 4 are kept)",
"superficial": "Superficial",
"light": "Light",
"serious": "Serious",
"major": "Major",
"impactType": "Impact type",
"impactLevel": "Impact level",
"impactphysical": "Physical",
"impactmental": "Mental",
"impactsocial": "Social",
"impactmalus": "Impact Malus",
"ongoingconfront": "Ongoing confrontation",
"launchconfront": "Launch confrontation",
"execution": "Execution",
"preservation": "Preservation",
"dicepool": "Available dices",
"selectconfront": "Select for confrontation",
"transcendapply": "Apply la Transcend to ",
"healthcombat": "Health&Fight",
"name": "Name",
"weapons": "Weapons",
"weapon": "Weapon",
"melee": "Melee",
"ranged": "Ranged",
"weapontype": "Weapon type",
"type": "Type",
"applyimpact": "Apply impact",
"applybonus": "Apply bonus",
"bonuspool": "Available bonuses",
"cephaly": "Cephaly",
"elegy": "Elegy",
"entelechy": "Entelechy",
"mekany": "Mekany",
"psyche": "Psyche",
"scoria": "Scoria",
"cephalydifficulty": "Set Cephaly difficulty"
} |