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2022-12-15 21:44:23 +01:00
/* -------------------------------------------- */
import { Hero6Utility } from "./hero6-utility.js";
import { Hero6RollDialog } from "./hero6-roll-dialog.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const __saveFirstToKey = { r: "reflex", f: "fortitude", w: "willpower"}
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class Hero6Commands {
static init() {
2022-12-15 22:12:28 +01:00
if (!game.system.hero6.commands) {
const hero6Commands = new Hero6Commands();
hero6Commands.registerCommand({ path: ["/rtarget"], func: (content, msg, params) => Hero6Commands.rollTarget(msg, params), descr: "Launch the target roll window" });
hero6Commands.registerCommand({ path: ["/rsave"], func: (content, msg, params) => Hero6Commands.rollSave(msg, params), descr: "Performs a save roll" });
game.system.hero6.commands = hero6Commands;
2022-12-15 21:44:23 +01:00
constructor() {
this.commandsTable = {};
/* -------------------------------------------- */
registerCommand(command) {
this._addCommand(this.commandsTable, command.path, '', command);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_addCommand(targetTable, path, fullPath, command) {
if (!this._validateCommand(targetTable, path, command)) {
const term = path[0];
fullPath = fullPath + term + ' '
if (path.length == 1) {
command.descr = `<strong>${fullPath}</strong>: ${command.descr}`;
targetTable[term] = command;
else {
if (!targetTable[term]) {
targetTable[term] = { subTable: {} };
this._addCommand(targetTable[term].subTable, path.slice(1), fullPath, command)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_validateCommand(targetTable, path, command) {
if (path.length > 0 && path[0] && command.descr && (path.length != 1 || targetTable[path[0]] == undefined)) {
return true;
console.warn("Hero6Commands._validateCommand failed ", targetTable, path, command);
return false;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Manage chat commands */
processChatCommand(commandLine, content = '', msg = {}) {
// Setup new message's visibility
let rollMode = game.settings.get("core", "rollMode");
if (["gmroll", "blindroll"].includes(rollMode)) msg["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM");
if (rollMode === "blindroll") msg["blind"] = true;
msg["type"] = 0;
let command = commandLine[0].toLowerCase();
let params = commandLine.slice(1);
return this.process(command, params, content, msg);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
process(command, params, content, msg) {
return this._processCommand(this.commandsTable, command, params, content, msg);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_processCommand(commandsTable, name, params, content = '', msg = {}, path = "") {
console.log("===> Processing command")
let command = commandsTable[name];
path = path + name + " ";
if (command && command.subTable) {
if (params[0]) {
return this._processCommand(command.subTable, params[0], params.slice(1), content, msg, path)
else {
this.help(msg, command.subTable);
return true;
if (command && command.func) {
const result = command.func(content, msg, params);
if (result == false) {
Hero6Commands._chatAnswer(msg, command.descr);
return true;
return false;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _chatAnswer(msg, content) {
msg.whisper = [game.user.id];
msg.content = content;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static rollTarget(msg, params) {
const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker()
let actor
if (speaker.token) actor = game.actors.tokens[speaker.token]
if (!actor) actor = game.actors.get(speaker.actor)
if (!actor) {
return ui.notifications.warn(`Select your actor to run the macro`)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static rollSave(msg, params) {
console.log(msg, params)
if ( params.length == 0) {
ui.notifications.warn("/rsave command error : syntax is /rsave reflex, /rsave fortitude or /rsave willpower")
let saveKey = params[0].toLowerCase()
if ( saveKey.length > 0 && (saveKey[0] == "r" || saveKey[0] == "f" || saveKey[0] == "w")) {
const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker()
let actor
if (speaker.token) actor = game.actors.tokens[speaker.token]
if (!actor) actor = game.actors.get(speaker.actor)
if (!actor) {
return ui.notifications.warn(`Select your actor to run the macro`)
actor.rollSave( __saveFirstToKey[saveKey[0]] )
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("/rsave syntax error : syntax is /rsave reflex, /rsave fortitude or /rsave willpower")