{ "name": "Bribery", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Skills.webp", "system": { "displayname": "Bribery", "description": "A character with Bribery knows when to bribe someone, how to approach him, and how much to offer. If a Bribery attempt fails badly, or if the character attempts to bribe an incorruptible target, the potential bribee may call his superior or the police, arrest the character, or threaten him wita weapon. Also, just because a character has bribed someone doesn’t mean he’ll stay bribed.", "notes": "", "effects": "", "cost": "", "activecost": "", "basecost": "3", "value": "", "modifiers": "", "skilltype": "Interaction", "characteristic": "PRE", "base": "", "levelscost": "2", "levels": "", "plusonecost": 0, "skillroll": "" }, "effects": [], "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "fvtt-hero-system-6", "systemVersion": "10.0.4", "coreVersion": "10.291", "createdTime": 1671911635138, "modifiedTime": 1674948505026, "lastModifiedBy": "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr" }, "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0, "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr": 3 }, "_id": "2vZ9IPyad2RaqrCZ", "_key": "!items!2vZ9IPyad2RaqrCZ" }