{ "name": "Combat Skill Levels", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Skills.webp", "system": { "displayname": "Combat Skill Levels", "description": "Once a character knows how to use an attack, he can improve his Combat Value by buying Combat Skill Levels (CSLs). The applicability and uses of a CSL depend on what types of attacks it works with. There are four categories of CSL, each described below. A character must define what attacks a Combat Skill Level works with when he buys it, and cannot change it thereafter.\n2-Point Combat Skill Levels\nA 2-point Combat Skill Level adds +1 to a character’s OCV when he uses one single type of attack. Two-point CSLs can never apply to DCV. Examples of attacks a 2-point CSL could be bought for include Punches, Broadswords, and Claws.\n3-Point Combat Skill Levels\nA 3-point Combat Skill Level can add +1 to a character’s OCV or +1 to his DCV with a Small Group of attacks. This means any group of up to three related maneuvers or attacks, or any other group of attacks the GM regards as smaller than a Large Group.\n5-Point Combat Skill Levels\nA 5-point Combat Skill Level can add +1 to a character’s OCV or +1 to his DCV with a Small Group of attacks. This means more attacks than a Small Group, but fewer than “all HTH Combat” or “all Ranged Combat,” such as any Power Framework with more than three slots, or any Martial Arts style with more than three Martial Maneuvers.\n8-Point Combat Skill Levels\nAn 8-point Combat Skill Level can add +1 to a character’s OCV or +1 to his DCV with either All HTH Combat or All Ranged Combat.\n10-Point Combat Skill Levels\nAn 8-point Combat Skill Level can add +1 to a character’s OCV or +1 to his DCV with All Combat— HTH or Ranged.\nAllocating Combat Skill Levels\nA single 2-point Combat Skill Level can only improve a character’s OCV. It adds to the attack it was bought for whenever the character uses that attack.\nA Combat Skill Level costing 3, 5, 8, or 10 points can improve either a character’s OCV or his DCV when the character uses the attacks it was bought for. The character has to choose which one it improves, though he can change the assignment of his CSLs from Phase to Phase. Changing the assignment of CSLs constitutes a Zero Phase Action, but a character can only do it once per Phase. After he attacks, his CSLs stay as they are until his next Phase begins or he Aborts to a defensive Action.\nCombat Skill Levels On Foci\nWith the GM’s permission, characters can put Limitations on CSLs (for example, to build equipment, like a laser sight for a gun). The GM may restrict which types of CSLs a character can Limit; for example he might rule that only 3-point or more expensive CSLs can have Limitations. Unless the GM rules otherwise, CSLs with Limitations can only increase the user’s OCV, not DCV.", "notes": "", "effects": "", "cost": "", "activecost": "", "basecost": "", "value": "", "modifiers": "", "skilltype": "Combat", "characteristic": "", "base": "", "levelscost": "", "levels": "", "plusonecost": 0, "skillroll": "" }, "effects": [], "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "fvtt-hero-system-6", "systemVersion": "10.0.4", "coreVersion": "10.291", "createdTime": 1671911635138, "modifiedTime": 1674948505026, "lastModifiedBy": "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr" }, "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0, "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr": 3 }, "_id": "tEKOW2ah9VQVYtMB", "_key": "!items!tEKOW2ah9VQVYtMB" }