{ "name": "Paramedics", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Skills.webp", "system": { "displayname": "Paramedics", "description": "A character with Paramedics knows how to perform first aid, stop bleeding, repair damage, and generally keep someone alive. He can prevent someone from bleeding to death (BR 103); a successful roll (with a penalty of -1 per 2 BODY of\ndamage sustained) stops the victim from losing any more BODY due to bleeding. Advanced medical care, such as surgery, requires a hospital and Skills such as Science Skill: Medicine.", "notes": "", "effects": "", "cost": "", "activecost": "", "basecost": "3", "value": "", "modifiers": "", "skilltype": "Intellect", "characteristic": "INT", "base": "", "levelscost": "2", "levels": "", "plusonecost": 0, "skillroll": "" }, "effects": [], "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "fvtt-hero-system-6", "systemVersion": "10.0.4", "coreVersion": "10.291", "createdTime": 1671911635138, "modifiedTime": 1674948505025, "lastModifiedBy": "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr" }, "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0, "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr": 3 }, "_id": "Xz4zc1x90THjxm6I", "_key": "!items!Xz4zc1x90THjxm6I" }