{ "name": "Power", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Skills.webp", "system": { "displayname": "Power", "description": "This Skill represents a character’s ability to use one (or more) of his powers or abilities in creative or unusual ways. Its name varies from campaign to campaign, setting to setting, character to character. Characters can base Power on any one of several Characteristics, depending on the nature of the Skill as the character uses it. If based on INT, it is considered an Intellect Skill; if on DEX, an Agility Skill; and so forth.\nPower serves two related functions. First, it may act as a Required Skill Roll (see BR 71) for abilities which the GM rules must have a Skill Roll to function. For example, in a Fantasy campaign, Power would be called Magic and all wizards would use it to cast spells.\nSecond, Power can simulate a character’s level of skill with a particular power, ability, or attack. Characters who make appropriate Power rolls can perform “tricks” or do unusual things with their powers. For example, a “brick” in a comic book superhero campaign might buy Power as Strength Tricks and use it to etch a message into hardened steel without breaking the steel or hurting himself.\nGMs should control all uses of Power care- fully. Characters who want to perform a particular “trick” or “power stunt” frequently should pay Character Points for it (especially if it has an effect on combat).", "notes": "", "effects": "", "cost": "", "activecost": "", "basecost": "3", "value": "", "modifiers": "", "skilltype": "Varies", "characteristic": "", "base": "", "levelscost": "2", "levels": "", "plusonecost": 0, "skillroll": "" }, "effects": [], "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "fvtt-hero-system-6", "systemVersion": "10.0.4", "coreVersion": "10.291", "createdTime": 1671911635138, "modifiedTime": 1674948505025, "lastModifiedBy": "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr" }, "folder": null, "sort": 0, "ownership": { "default": 0, "PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr": 3 }, "_id": "MJRfmSE068zx6VgW", "_key": "!items!MJRfmSE068zx6VgW" }