{"name":"Follower","type":"perk","img":"systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Perks.webp","system":{"displayname":"Follower","description":"This Perk means the character has a Follower of some kind — a person loyal to him and willing to do what he asks. Examples of Followers include human agents, familiars, golems, robots, and kid sidekicks.\nYou build Followers with the same Base Points as any other character in the campaign, with an amount of Total Points and an amount of Matching Complications. However, the Follower must be built on fewer Total Points than the character who buys him.\nThe cost to buy a Follower is his Total Points divided by 5. (Don’t reduce the Total Points by his Matching Complications amount.) For example, suppose Beetleman wants a kid sidekick, Buggy. Beetleman is built on 400 Total Points. Buggy is built on 300 Total Points (including 50 Matching Complications points). Buggy costs Beetleman (300/5 =) 60 Character Points.","notes":"","effects":"","cost":"","activecost":"","basecost":"1","value":"","modifiers":"","hasroll":"","roll":"","levelscost":"1","characteristic":"","levels":""},"effects":[],"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0"}},"_stats":{"systemId":"fvtt-hero-system-6","systemVersion":"10.0.4","coreVersion":"10.291","createdTime":1671911635138,"modifiedTime":1674949916155,"lastModifiedBy":"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr"},"ownership":{"default":0,"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr":3},"folder":null,"sort":0,"_id":"L3vwlIh3oloE6A8W"} {"name":"Money","type":"perk","img":"systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Perks.webp","system":{"displayname":"Money","description":"

Money may not make the world go round, but it can help motivate PCs. This Perk is most applicable in Heroic games, where characters spend money in the game to buy things.


In Superheroic campaigns, where characters buy equipment with Character Points, Money isn’t as important.


The accompanying table gives the point cost for various levels of annual income. It lists dollar figures; substitute other types and amounts of money (gold pieces, Space Confederation credits, or the like) as appropriate for the campaign.

ValueAnnual Income
(10)Complication: Destitute ($3,000)
(5)Complication: Poor ($10,000)
0Middle Class: $75,000
5Well Off: $500,000
10Wealthy: $5,000,000
15Filthy Rich: unlimited income


","notes":"","effects":"","cost":null,"activecost":null,"basecost":0,"value":"","modifiers":"","hasroll":false,"roll":"","levelscost":"5","characteristic":"","levels":""},"effects":[],"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0"}},"_stats":{"systemId":"fvtt-hero-system-6","systemVersion":"10.0.4","coreVersion":"10.291","createdTime":1671911635138,"modifiedTime":1674950084138,"lastModifiedBy":"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr"},"ownership":{"default":0,"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr":3},"folder":null,"sort":0,"_id":"iJpTf46Zei339kOu"} {"name":"Fringe Benefit","type":"perk","img":"systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Perks.webp","system":{"displayname":"Fringe Benefit","description":"

A Fringe Benefit is a Perquisite the character acquires from his job or background — a “perk” in the classic sense. The Fringe Benefits Table lists the cost for some common Fringe Benefits in various campaigns.


Universal Perks (any genre or time period)
1 point    License to practice a profession
1-10 points     Membership (see text)
5 points     Diplomatic Immunity
10 points     Head of State (with GM’s permission; may cost more)


Modern-Day Perks
1 point    Passport
1 point    Press Pass
1 point    Weapon Permit (where appropriate)
2 points     Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate)
2 points     Local Police Powers
2 points     Private Investigator License
3 points     Federal/National Police Powers
5 points     International Police Powers
10 points     License to Kill


Fantasy Perks
2 points     Knight
2 points     Member of the Lower Nobility
3 points     Low Justice: Character has the right to mete out justice
5 points     Member of the Aristocracy/Higher Nobility


Science Fiction Perks
1 point    Starship License
3 points     Galactic Computernet Access Card
5 points     Planetary Police Powers
8 points     Interstellar Police Powers

","notes":"","effects":"","cost":null,"activecost":null,"basecost":1,"value":"","modifiers":"","hasroll":false,"roll":"","levelscost":"1","characteristic":"","levels":""},"effects":[],"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0"}},"_stats":{"systemId":"fvtt-hero-system-6","systemVersion":"10.0.4","coreVersion":"10.291","createdTime":1671911635138,"modifiedTime":1674950242210,"lastModifiedBy":"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr"},"ownership":{"default":0,"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr":3},"folder":null,"sort":0,"_id":"nsIbgyutCg1NQqyr"} {"name":"Contact","type":"perk","img":"systems/fvtt-hero-system-6/images/icons/HeroIcon-Perks.webp","system":{"displayname":"Contact","description":"A character with this Perk knows someone who can occasionally help him out, usually because that person has a job, position, or other resources useful to the character. A character can buy this Perk many times; in each case, it represents a different person he knows.\nA Contact costs 2 Character Points for an 11- roll. Each +1 to the roll costs +1 Character Point.\nWhen a character wants to use his Contact, he must make his roll. If the roll fails, the Contact is of no use to him — either the character can’t get in touch with his Contact, or the Contact can’t help. If the roll succeeds, the Contact helps the character as best he can, though he probably won’t risk his life, job, or anything else really important.","notes":"","effects":"","cost":null,"activecost":null,"basecost":2,"value":"","modifiers":"","hasroll":true,"roll":11,"levelscost":"1","characteristic":"","levels":""},"effects":[],"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.KBoef00TNP73lDg0"}},"_stats":{"systemId":"fvtt-hero-system-6","systemVersion":"10.0.4","coreVersion":"10.291","createdTime":1671911635138,"modifiedTime":1674950102276,"lastModifiedBy":"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr"},"ownership":{"default":0,"PNdow54uXjPLt2Zr":3},"folder":null,"sort":0,"_id":"yWTR7MCOtGWm1KCz"}