/* -------------------------------------------- */ import { HeritiersUtility } from "./heritiers-utility.js"; import { HeritiersRollDialog } from "./heritiers-roll-dialog.js"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ const __degatsBonus = [-2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10] const __vitesseBonus = [-2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8] /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Extend the base Actor entity by defining a custom roll data structure which is ideal for the Simple system. * @extends {Actor} */ export class HeritiersActor extends Actor { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Override the create() function to provide additional SoS functionality. * * This overrided create() function adds initial items * Namely: Basic skills, money, * * @param {Object} data Barebones actor data which this function adds onto. * @param {Object} options (Unused) Additional options which customize the creation workflow. * */ static async create(data, options) { // Case of compendium global import if (data instanceof Array) { return super.create(data, options); } // If the created actor has items (only applicable to duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic if (data.items) { let actor = super.create(data, options); return actor; } if (data.type == 'personnage') { const skills = await HeritiersUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-les-heritiers.competences") data.items = [] for (let skill of skills) { if (skill.system.categorie == "utile") { data.items.push(skill.toObject()) } } } if (data.type == 'pnj') { } return super.create(data, options); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareArme(arme) { arme = duplicate(arme) arme.system.isMelee = HeritiersUtility.isArmeMelee(arme) return arme } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getWeapons() { let armes = [] for (let arme of this.items) { if (arme.type == "arme") { armes.push(this.prepareArme(arme)) } } return armes } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getOtherMeleeWeapons(excludeArme) { let armes = [] for (let arme of this.items) { if (HeritiersUtility.isArmeMelee(arme) && arme.id != excludeArme._id) { armes.push(this.prepareArme(arme)) } } return armes } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getMonnaies() { return this.items.filter(it => it.type == "monnaie") } /* ----------------------- --------------------- */ addMember(actorId) { let members = duplicate(this.system.members) members.push({ id: actorId }) this.update({ 'system.members': members }) } async removeMember(actorId) { let members = this.system.members.filter(it => it.id != actorId) this.update({ 'system.members': members }) } /* ----------------------- --------------------- */ getItemSorted(types) { let items = this.items.filter(item => types.includes(item.type)) || [] HeritiersUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(items) return items } getEquipments() { return this.getItemSorted(["equipement", "accessoire"]) } getAvantages() { return this.getItemSorted(["avantage"]) } getDesavantages() { return this.getItemSorted(["desavantage"]) } getMonnaies() { return this.getItemSorted(["monnaie"]) } getArmors() { return this.getItemSorted(["protection"]) } getTalents() { return this.getItemSorted(["talent"]) } getContacts() { return this.getItemSorted(["contact"]) } getAtouts() { return this.getItemSorted(["atoutfeerique"]) } getCapacites() { return this.getItemSorted(["capacitenaturelle"]) } getFee() { return this.items.find(item => item.type == "fee") } getProfils() { return this.getItemSorted(["profil"]) } getPouvoirs() { let pouvoirs = [] for (let item of this.items) { if (item.type == "pouvoir") { let itemObj = duplicate(item) itemObj.maxUsage = this.getPouvoirUsageMax(item) pouvoirs.push(itemObj) } } HeritiersUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(pouvoirs) return pouvoirs } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getSkills() { let comp = [] for (let item of this.items) { item = duplicate(item) if (item.type == "competence") { comp.push(item) } } return HeritiersUtility.sortByName(comp) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareUtileSkill(item) { let specList = [] if (item?.system?.categorie == "utile") { for (let spec of item.system.specialites) { specList.push(spec.name) } } item.nbSpec = specList.length item.specList = specList.toString() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ organizeUtileSkills(kind = "mental") { let comp = {} for (let key in game.system.lesheritiers.config.competenceProfil) { if (game.system.lesheritiers.config.competenceProfil[key].kind == kind) comp[key] = { skills: [], niveau: this.system.competences[key].niveau } } for (let item of this.items) { if (item.type == "competence") { if (item.system.categorie == "utile" && comp[item.system.profil]) { this.prepareUtileSkill(item) comp[item.system.profil].skills.push(item) } } } for (let key in comp) { HeritiersUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp[key].skills) } return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(comp).sort()) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ organizeContacts() { let contactList = {} for (let item of this.items) { if (item.type == "contact") { let c = contactList[item.system.contacttype] || { label: game.system.lesheritiers.config.contactType[item.system.contacttype], list: [] } c.list.push(item) contactList[item.system.contacttype] = c } } for (let key in contactList) { HeritiersUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(contactList[key].list) } return contactList } /* -------------------------------------------- */ organizeFutileSkills() { let comp = [] for (let item of this.items) { if (item.type == "competence") { if (item.system.categorie == "futile") { comp.push(item) } } } HeritiersUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return HeritiersUtility.sortByName(comp) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getDefenseBase() { return Math.max(this.system.attributs.tre.value, this.system.attributs.pui.value) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getVitesseBase() { return 5 + __vitesseBonus[this.system.attributs.adr.value] } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getProtection() { let equipProtection = 0 for (let armor in this.items) { if (armor.type == "protection" && armor.system.equipped) { equipProtection += Number(armor.system.protection) } } if (equipProtection < 4) { return 4 + equipProtection // Cas des boucliers + sans armure } return equipProtection // Uniquement la protection des armures + boucliers } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCombatValues() { let combat = { } return combat } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareBaseData() { } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async prepareData() { super.prepareData(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareDerivedData() { if (this.type == 'personnage') { } super.prepareDerivedData() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _preUpdate(changed, options, user) { super._preUpdate(changed, options, user); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getItemById(id) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == id); if (item) { item = duplicate(item) } return item; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async equipItem(itemId) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == itemId) if (item?.system) { let update = { _id: item.id, "system.equipped": !item.system.equipped } await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [update]); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ editItemField(itemId, itemType, itemField, dataType, value) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == itemId) if (item) { console.log("Item ", item, itemField, dataType, value) if (dataType) { if (dataType.toLowerCase() == "number") { value = Number(value) } else { value = String(value) } } let update = { _id: item.id, [`system.${itemField}`]: value }; this.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [update]) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getPvMalus() { if (this.system.pv.value > 0) { if (this.system.pv.value < 5) { return { name: "Santé", value: -2 } } if (this.system.pv.value < this.system.pv.max / 2) { return { name: "Santé", value: -1 } } return { name: "Santé", value: 0 } } return { name: "Moribond(e)", value: -50 } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ compareName(a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCarac(attrKey) { return duplicate(this.system.caracteristiques) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getBonusDegats() { return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async equipGear(equipmentId) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == equipmentId); if (item?.system) { let update = { _id: item.id, "system.equipped": !item.system.equipped }; await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [update]); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getSubActors() { let subActors = []; for (let id of this.system.subactors) { subActors.push(duplicate(game.actors.get(id))); } return subActors; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async addSubActor(subActorId) { let subActors = duplicate(this.system.subactors); subActors.push(subActorId); await this.update({ 'system.subactors': subActors }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async delSubActor(subActorId) { let newArray = []; for (let id of this.system.subactors) { if (id != subActorId) { newArray.push(id); } } await this.update({ 'system.subactors': newArray }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getTotalAdversite() { return this.system.adversite.bleue + this.system.adversite.rouge + this.system.adversite.noire } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async incDecAdversite(adv, incDec = 0) { let adversite = duplicate(this.system.adversite) adversite[adv] += Number(incDec) adversite[adv] = Math.max(adversite[adv], 0) this.update({ 'system.adversite': adversite }) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async incDecQuantity(objetId, incDec = 0) { let objetQ = this.items.get(objetId) if (objetQ) { let newQ = objetQ.system.quantite + incDec newQ = Math.max(newQ, 0) const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: objetQ.id, 'system.quantite': newQ }]); // pdates one EmbeddedEntity } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ computeRichesse() { let valueSC = 0 for (let monnaie of this.items) { if (monnaie.type == "monnaie") { valueSC += Number(monnaie.system.prixsc) * Number(monnaie.system.quantite) } } return HeritiersUtility.computeMonnaieDetails(valueSC) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ computeValeurEquipement() { let valueSC = 0 for (let equip of this.items) { if (equip.type == "equipement" || equip.type == "arme" || equip.type == "protection") { valueSC += Number(equip.system.prixsc) * Number(equip.system.quantite ?? 1) valueSC += (Number(equip.system.prixca) * Number(equip.system.quantite ?? 1)) * 20 valueSC += (Number(equip.system.prixpo) * Number(equip.system.quantite ?? 1)) * 400 } } return HeritiersUtility.computeMonnaieDetails(valueSC) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCompetence(compId) { return this.items.get(compId) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async setPredilectionUsed(compId, predIdx) { let comp = this.items.get(compId) let pred = duplicate(comp.system.predilections) pred[predIdx].used = true await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: compId, 'system.predilections': pred }]) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getInitiativeScore() { let init = this.getFlag("world", "last-initiative") return init || -1 } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getBestDefenseValue() { let defenseList = this.items.filter(item => (item.type == "arme") && item.system.equipped) let maxDef = 0 let bestArme for (let arme of defenseList) { if (arme.type == "arme") { arme = this.prepareArme(arme) } if (arme.system.totalDefensif > maxDef) { maxDef = arme.system.totalDefensif bestArme = duplicate(arme) } } return bestArme } /* -------------------------------------------- */ searchRelevantTalents(competence) { let talents = [] for (let talent of this.items) { if (talent.type == "talent" && talent.system.isautomated && talent.system.automations.length > 0) { for (let auto of talent.system.automations) { if (auto.eventtype === "prepare-roll") { if (auto.competence.toLowerCase() == competence.name.toLowerCase()) { talent = duplicate(talent) talent.system.bonus = auto.bonus talent.system.baCost = auto.baCost talents.push(talent) } } } } } return talents } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCurrentParade() { if (this.system.statutmasque == "masque") { return this.system.combat.parade.masquee } return this.system.combat.parade.demasquee } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCurrentEsquive() { if (this.system.statutmasque == "masque") { return this.system.combat.esquive.masquee } return this.system.combat.esquive.demasquee } getCurrentResistancePhysique() { return this.system.combat.resistancephysique.value } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getTricherie() { return this.system.rang.tricherie.value } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getHeritages() { return this.system.rang.heritage.value } /* -------------------------------------------- */ incDecTricherie(value) { let tricherie = this.system.rang.tricherie tricherie.value += value if (tricherie.value < 0 || tricherie.value > tricherie.max) { ui.notifications.warn("Pas assez de points de Tricherie !") return false } tricherie.value = Math.max(tricherie.value, 0) tricherie.value = Math.min(tricherie.value, tricherie.max) this.update({ 'system.rang.tricherie': tricherie }) return true } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getPireCompetence(compName1, compName2) { let comp1 = this.items.find(it => it.name == compName1) let comp2 = this.items.find(it => it.name == compName2) if (comp1 && comp2) { if (comp1.system.niveau > comp2.system.niveau) { return comp1 } else { return comp2 } } return undefined } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCommonRollData(compId = undefined, compName = undefined) { let rollData = HeritiersUtility.getBasicRollData() rollData.alias = this.name rollData.actorImg = this.img rollData.actorId = this.id rollData.tokenId = this.token?.id rollData.img = this.img rollData.caracList = this.getCarac() rollData.caracKey = "agi" rollData.tricherie = this.getTricherie() rollData.heritage = this.getHeritages() rollData.useTricherie = false rollData.useSpecialite = false rollData.useHeritage = false rollData.pouvoirPointsUsage = 1 rollData.rulesMalus.push(this.getPvMalus()) if (compId) { rollData.competence = duplicate(this.items.get(compId) || {}) this.prepareUtileSkill(rollData.competence) rollData.actionImg = rollData.competence?.img } if (compName) { rollData.competence = duplicate(this.items.find(item => item.name.toLowerCase() == compName.toLowerCase()) || {}) if (rollData.competence?.name) { this.prepareUtileSkill(rollData.competence) rollData.actionImg = rollData.competence?.img } else { rollData.competence = undefined } } HeritiersUtility.updateWithTarget(rollData) return rollData } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollInitiative() { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(undefined, "Art de la guerre") rollData.mode = "init" if (this.system.caracteristiques["san"].value > this.system.caracteristiques["per"].value) { rollData.caracKey = "san" } else { rollData.caracKey = "per" } rollData.carac = this.system.caracteristiques[rollData.caracKey] let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollCarac(key, isInit = false) { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData() rollData.mode = "carac" rollData.carac = this.system.caracteristiques[key] rollData.caracKey = key let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollRang(key, isInit = false) { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData() rollData.mode = "rang" rollData.rang = this.system.rang[key] rollData.rangKey = key let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollRootCompetence(compKey) { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData() rollData.mode = "competence" rollData.competence = { name: this.system.competences[compKey].label, system: { niveau: this.system.competences[compKey].niveau } } console.log("RollDatra", rollData) let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollCompetence(compId) { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(compId) rollData.mode = "competence" console.log("RollDatra", rollData) let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollAttaqueArme(armeId) { let arme = this.items.get(armeId) if (arme) { arme = duplicate(arme) arme.system.isMelee = HeritiersUtility.isArmeMelee(arme) let competenceName = "Tir" let key = "prec" if (arme.system.isMelee) { competenceName = "Mêlée" key = "agi" } let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(undefined, competenceName) rollData.carac = this.system.caracteristiques[key] rollData.caracKey = key rollData.arme = arme rollData.mode = "arme" rollData.armes = this.getOtherMeleeWeapons(arme) if (rollData.defenderTokenId && arme.system.isMelee) { rollData.cacheDifficulte = true } console.log(">>>> ARME", rollData) let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollAttaqueBrutaleArme(armeId) { let arme = this.items.get(armeId) if (arme) { let key = "for" let competenceName = "Mêlée" arme.system.isMelee = HeritiersUtility.isArmeMelee(arme) let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(undefined, competenceName) rollData.carac = this.system.caracteristiques[key] rollData.caracKey = key rollData.arme = duplicate(arme) rollData.mode = "attaquebrutale" rollData.armes = this.getOtherMeleeWeapons(arme) rollData.rulesMalus.push({ name: "Attaque brutale", value: -2 }) let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollAttaqueChargeArme(armeId) { let arme = this.items.get(armeId) if (arme) { let key = "agi" arme.system.isMelee = HeritiersUtility.isArmeMelee(arme) let pireCompetence = this.getPireCompetence("Mêlée", "Mouvement") let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(undefined, pireCompetence.name) rollData.carac = this.system.caracteristiques[key] rollData.caracKey = key rollData.arme = duplicate(arme) rollData.armes = this.getOtherMeleeWeapons(arme) rollData.mode = "attaquecharge" let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollAssomerArme(armeId) { let arme = this.items.get(armeId) if (arme) { let competenceName = "Mêlée" //arme.system.isMelee = HeritiersUtility.isArmeMelee(arme) let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(undefined, competenceName) rollData.carac = this.system.caracteristiques["agi"] rollData.caracKey = "agi" rollData.arme = duplicate(arme) rollData.mode = "assommer" if (rollData.defenderTokenId) { rollData.cacheDifficulte = true } let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollPouvoir(pouvoirId) { let pouvoir = this.items.get(pouvoirId) if (pouvoir) { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(undefined, undefined) if (pouvoir.system.feeriemasque != "autre") { rollData.pouvoirBase = duplicate(this.system.rang[pouvoir.system.feeriemasque.toLowerCase()]) rollData.pouvoirBase.label = "Féerie" rollData.carac = duplicate(this.system.caracteristiques[pouvoir.system.carac]) rollData.caracKey = pouvoir.system.carac } rollData.pouvoirMaxUsage = this.getPouvoirUsageMax(pouvoir) rollData.pouvoir = duplicate(pouvoir) rollData.mode = "pouvoir" let rollDialog = await HeritiersRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ incDecPointsUsage(pouvoirId, value) { let pouvoir = this.items.get(pouvoirId) let newValue = pouvoir.system.pointsusagecourant + value newValue = Math.max(newValue, 0) newValue = Math.min(newValue, this.getPouvoirUsageMax(pouvoir)) this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: pouvoirId, 'system.pointsusagecourant': newValue }]) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getPouvoirUsage(pouvoirId) { let pouvoir = this.items.get(pouvoirId) return pouvoir.system.pointsusagecourant } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getPouvoirUsageMax(pouvoir) { if (pouvoir.system.masquetype == "masque") { return this.system.rang.masque.value } return this.system.rang.feerie.value } /* -------------------------------------------- */ recupUsage(value) { let updates = [] for (let pouvoir of this.items) { if (pouvoir.type == "pouvoir") { let newValue = pouvoir.system.pointsusagecourant + value newValue = Math.max(newValue, 0) newValue = Math.min(newValue, this.getPouvoirUsageMax(pouvoir)) updates.push({ _id: pouvoir.id, 'system.pointsusagecourant': newValue }) } } if (updates.length > 0) { this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', updates) } } }