/* -------------------------------------------- */ import { MaleficesUtility } from "./malefices-utility.js"; import { MaleficesRollDialog } from "./malefices-roll-dialog.js"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Extend the base Actor entity by defining a custom roll data structure which is ideal for the Simple system. * @extends {Actor} */ export class MaleficesActor extends Actor { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Override the create() function to provide additional SoS functionality. * * This overrided create() function adds initial items * Namely: Basic skills, money, * * @param {Object} data Barebones actor data which this function adds onto. * @param {Object} options (Unused) Additional options which customize the creation workflow. * */ static async create(data, options) { // Case of compendium global import if (data instanceof Array) { return super.create(data, options); } // If the created actor has items (only applicable to foundry.utils.duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic if (data.items) { let actor = super.create(data, options); return actor; } if (data.type == 'character') { } if (data.type == 'npc') { } return super.create(data, options); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareBaseData() { } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async prepareData() { super.prepareData() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ computeHitPoints() { if (this.type == "character") { } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ prepareDerivedData() { if (this.type == 'character' || game.user.isGM) { } super.prepareDerivedData(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _preUpdate(changed, options, user) { super._preUpdate(changed, options, user); } /*_onUpdateEmbeddedDocuments( embeddedName, ...args ) { this.rebuildSkills() super._onUpdateEmbeddedDocuments(embeddedName, ...args) }*/ /* -------------------------------------------- */ getMoneys() { let comp = this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'money'); MaleficesUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return comp; } getSorts() { let comp = this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'sortilege'); MaleficesUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return comp; } getArchetype() { let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.find(item => item.type == 'archetype') || {name: "Pas d'archetype"}) if (comp && comp.system) { comp.tarot = MaleficesUtility.getTarot(comp.system.lametutelaire) } return comp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getElementsBio() { let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'elementbio') || []) MaleficesUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return comp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getTarots() { let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'tarot' && !item.system.isgm) || []) MaleficesUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return comp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getHiddenTarots() { let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'tarot' && item.system.isgm) || []) MaleficesUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return comp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getArmes() { let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'arme') || []) MaleficesUtility.sortArrayObjectsByName(comp) return comp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getItemById(id) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == id); if (item) { item = foundry.utils.duplicate(item) } return item; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async equipItem(itemId) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == itemId) if (item && item.system) { if (item.type == "armor") { let armor = this.items.find(item => item.id != itemId && item.type == "armor" && item.system.equipped) if (armor) { ui.notifications.warn("You already have an armor equipped!") return } } if (item.type == "shield") { let shield = this.items.find(item => item.id != itemId && item.type == "shield" && item.system.equipped) if (shield) { ui.notifications.warn("You already have a shield equipped!") return } } let update = { _id: item.id, "system.equipped": !item.system.equipped }; await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [update]); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ compareName(a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------- */ getEquipements() { return this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'equipement') } /* ------------------------------------------- */ async buildContainerTree() { let equipments = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == "equipment") || []) for (let equip1 of equipments) { if (equip1.system.iscontainer) { equip1.system.contents = [] equip1.system.contentsEnc = 0 for (let equip2 of equipments) { if (equip1._id != equip2.id && equip2.system.containerid == equip1.id) { equip1.system.contents.push(equip2) let q = equip2.system.quantity ?? 1 equip1.system.contentsEnc += q * equip2.system.weight } } } } // Compute whole enc let enc = 0 for (let item of equipments) { //item.data.idrDice = MaleficesUtility.getDiceFromLevel(Number(item.data.idr)) if (item.system.equipped) { if (item.system.iscontainer) { enc += item.system.contentsEnc } else if (item.system.containerid == "") { let q = item.system.quantity ?? 1 enc += q * item.system.weight } } } for (let item of this.items) { // Process items/shields/armors if ((item.type == "weapon" || item.type == "shield" || item.type == "armor") && item.system.equipped) { let q = item.system.quantity ?? 1 enc += q * item.system.weight } } // Store local values this.encCurrent = enc this.containersTree = equipments.filter(item => item.system.containerid == "") // Returns the root of equipements without container } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async equipGear(equipmentId) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.id == equipmentId); if (item && item.system) { let update = { _id: item.id, "system.equipped": !item.system.equipped }; await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [update]); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ clearInitiative(){ this.getFlag("world", "initiative", -1) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getInitiativeScore(combatId, combatantId) { let init = Math.floor( (this.system.attributs.physique.value+this.system.attributs.habilite.value) / 2) let subvalue = new Roll("1d20").roll({async: false}) return init + (subvalue.total / 100) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getSubActors() { let subActors = []; for (let id of this.system.subactors) { subActors.push(foundry.utils.duplicate(game.actors.get(id))) } return subActors; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async addSubActor(subActorId) { let subActors = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.subactors); subActors.push(subActorId); await this.update({ 'system.subactors': subActors }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async delSubActor(subActorId) { let newArray = []; for (let id of this.system.subactors) { if (id != subActorId) { newArray.push(id); } } await this.update({ 'system.subactors': newArray }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async deleteAllItemsByType(itemType) { let items = this.items.filter(item => item.type == itemType); await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', items); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async addItemWithoutDuplicate(newItem) { let item = this.items.find(item => item.type == newItem.type && item.name.toLowerCase() == newItem.name.toLowerCase()) if (!item) { await this.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [newItem]); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ incDecFluide(value) { let fluide = this.system.fluide + value this.update( {'system.fluide': fluide} ) } incDecDestin(value) { let destin = this.system.pointdestin + value this.update( {'system.pointdestin': destin} ) } incDecMPMB(value) { let mpmb = this.system.mpmb + value this.update( {'system.mpmb': mpmb} ) } incDecMPMN(value) { let mpmn = this.system.mpmn + value this.update( {'system.mpmn': mpmn} ) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ incDecAttr(attrKey, value) { let attr = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.attributs[attrKey]) attr.value += value this.update( { [`system.attributs.${attrKey}`]: attr}) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async incDecQuantity(objetId, incDec = 0) { let objetQ = this.items.get(objetId) if (objetQ) { let newQ = objetQ.system.quantity + incDec if (newQ >= 0) { const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: objetQ.id, 'system.quantity': newQ }]) // pdates one EmbeddedEntity } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async incDecAmmo(objetId, incDec = 0) { let objetQ = this.items.get(objetId) if (objetQ) { let newQ = objetQ.system.ammocurrent + incDec; if (newQ >= 0 && newQ <= objetQ.system.ammomax) { const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: objetQ.id, 'system.ammocurrent': newQ }]); // pdates one EmbeddedEntity } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getAtttributImage( attrKey) { return `systems/fvtt-malefices/images/icons/${attrKey}.webp` } /* -------------------------------------------- */ incDecDestin( value) { let newValue = Math.max( this.system.pointdestin + value, 0) this.update( {'system.pointdestin': newValue}) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getCommonRollData() { let rollData = MaleficesUtility.getBasicRollData() rollData.alias = this.name rollData.actorImg = this.img rollData.actorId = this.id rollData.img = this.img rollData.phyMalus = this.getPhysiqueMalus() rollData.elementsbio = this.getElementsBio() rollData.destin = this.system.pointdestin rollData.isReroll = false rollData.confrontationDegre = 0 rollData.confrontationModif = 0 rollData.config = game.system.malefices.config console.log("ROLLDATA", rollData) return rollData } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getPhysiqueMalus() { if ( this.system.attributs.constitution.value <= 8) { return -(9 - this.system.attributs.constitution.value) } return 0 } /* -------------------------------------------- */ rollAttribut(attrKey) { let attr = this.system.attributs[attrKey] let rollData = this.getCommonRollData() rollData.attr = foundry.utils.duplicate(attr) rollData.mode = "attribut" rollData.title = attr.label rollData.img = this.getAtttributImage(attrKey) this.startRoll(rollData) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ rollArme(weaponId) { let arme = this.items.get(weaponId) if (arme) { arme = foundry.utils.duplicate(arme) let rollData = this.getCommonRollData() if (arme.system.armetype == "mainsnues" || arme.system.armetype == "epee") { rollData.attr = { label: "(Physique+Habilité)/2", value: Math.floor( (this.getPhysiqueMalus()+this.system.attributs.physique.value+this.system.attributs.habilite.value) / 2) } } else { rollData.attr = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.attributs.habilite) } rollData.mode = "arme" rollData.arme = arme rollData.img = arme.img rollData.title = arme.name this.startRoll(rollData) } else { ui.notifications.warn("Impossible de trouver l'arme concernée ") } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async startRoll(rollData) { let rollDialog = await MaleficesRollDialog.create(this, rollData) rollDialog.render(true) } }