fvtt-rolemaster-frp/module/criticals_data/origdata/4.1 Brawling critical strike table.pdf.csv

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2024-11-16 09:31:15 +01:00
"01-05";"Feeble. Vou'regetting old.
+OH";"Maybe next time....
+OH";"Barely madeit.
+1H";"Great move.
+2H";"Light blow, but foe's thinksit's your best.
"06-10";"Vouhit foe's forehead.
+1H";"A glancingblow.
+1H";"Vou pull at foe's hair.
+2H";"Vou gain the initiativenext round.
+2H";"Things just failed to connect right.
"11-15";"Pushfoe withthe punch. Vou receiveinitiative next round.
+1H";"Deflected blow, but you gainthe initiativenext round.
+2H";"Vou move quickly after blocking punch.Vou gain theinitiativenext round.
+2H";"Use your body likea broom. Foeis unbalanced.
+2H-X";"Vou blackfoe's forearm. Vou gainthe initiativenext round.
"16-20";"Foe steps aside unbalanced.Vou gain the initiativenext round.
+2H";"Vaur backhand is powerful.Strikefoe across his face.Vou unbalance him.
+2H-X";"Stepinto foeto knock him down. Bash tosideunbalances foe.
+3H-X";"Elbow to foe's side sends him reeling. Vaur follow-up swing misses.
+4H-2X";"Duck incloseandhammer foe's side. Vou gainthe initiativenext round.
"21-35";"Good placement. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext two rounds.
+3H";"Pushfoe back and kick his leg. Vou gain theinitiative next round.
+3H-X";"Vou trytosweep your foe off his feet.
+4H-X-(+10)";"Vou trip foe. He shuffles a full15 feet beforehegets his balance.
+5H-'Q-X";"Cheap shot to foe's sidebruises ribs. Foe crashes into the nearest obstacle.
+8H- 'Q - 4(-20)"
"36-45";"Slight abrasion. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext two rounds.
+4H";"Leg strike unsteadies foe. Vou stomp foe's feet for an extra advantage.
+4H-X";"Boat to calf hits hard. Vou havethe initiativenext round.
+5H- 'Q- (-20)";"Vou go in low and strikefoein hiscalf. H stumbles back withanasty bruise.
+6H- 2-Q";"Striketo the back of foe's leggives youa back attacknext round.
+10H- a"
"46-50";"Glancing blow to foe's back. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext three rounds.
+5H";"Foe lunges past you and youcorne down on his back. He realizes hispain.
+5H- 'Q";"Vou grab foe andbring your knee into foe's side. Strikelifts foe up and sends foe reeling.
+6H- 0- (+5)";"Pull foe off balanceand hammer himin theback witha solid fist.
+10H-O®";"Vou bashfoe brutally. Vaur strike is solid.
"51-55";"Strikelands solid to thechest. Foe leaps back on the defensive.
+5H-X";"Vou strikefoe in his chest. Foereels.
+6H- 'Q";"Classic gripto foe's collar garment. Vou punch himhard. He stumblesback 5 feet.
+8H- 2-Q";"Chest strikecauses deepbruise. Foe looks very surprised.
+10H- a®- (-10)";"Chest woundknocks foe down. Vaur attack puts you inthe placehe was just standing.
"56-60";"Foe kicks out at you and you strike his leg in response.
+5H- 'Q";"Vou duck down andstrikeacross at foe. Blow to thighleaves abad bruise.
+6H-2O";"Striketo foe's thigh. Vaur fist hitshard.
+BH-20®";"Bring your forearmdown on foe's thigh, withmost of your weight behind it. Vou have theinitiativenext round.
+10H-2-a®";"Vou do not know what a sweep ora throw is, but this surely seems like one. Vou slamfoe to the ground.
"61-65";"Armstrikegives foe abruised bicep. Vou are cruel.
+6H- (X-25)";"Vou black foe's guardand punch him in theface. He just stands there.
+6H--a®";"Catchweaponarmandstrikeit across your ownknee. Foe drops his weapon.
+8H- 2-a®- (+5)";"Striketo nervein foe's upper armcauses him to drop whatever he is carrying.
+10H- 2-a®- (+5)";"Strong shoulder strikeanda follow-up striketo the face.
66;"Grapplefoe's weapon armandjerk his weapon free. Foe goes twisting and spinning out of your grasp.
+BH-6-Q-(-15)";"Hammer foe in hiskidneys. Vou know he is in pain. He gripshis side and falls down. Finish him, thepain will not last.
+18H- 3-Q- 6(-60)";"Nasty strike to foe's mouthknocks out 2 teethand reduces foe's appearance, by 5, when hesmiles.
+9H- 6-a®- (-45)";"Driveyour finger into foe's eye, causing blindness. Thereisa 10%chance that thisaffliction is permanent.
+15H-(-60)";"Face strikeis so hard foe's cheekboneis shattered.Theshards mortally wound foe. He diesafter 10 rounds of agony.
"67-70";"Blow to abdomen. Foe bends over and throws up.
+4H-2-a®";"Blow to foe's chest. Vou havemastered the common punch.
+8H--a®";"Strong blow to foe's forearmcauses fracture.
+10H-2-a®";"Smash foe's hip. Vou have theinitiative next round.
+12H- 20®- (-10)";"Throw foe into a solidabject. Hefalls down.
"71-75";"Leg strikedamages muscleand sends foe stumbling back.
+6H- 3-Q";"Calf strike deliversa deep bruise. Foe looks down at thedamage, forgetting about you.
+10H-2O-®";"A light punch unbalances foe. A kickto foe's leg knocks him down. He falls forward under you.
+10H- 2-a®- (+5)";"Leg strikecauses foe to fall. Voupush him to hinder his landingandhe sprains his ankle.
+12H- 3-Q- (-20)";"Snap palminto placeagainst foe's knee. Tendonand cartilagedamage. Foehas difficulty standing.
+15H- 5-Q- (-50)"
"76-80";"Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has anything that resemblesa shield, it is broken.
+BH-2-a®";"Vou snap foe's armaround like
a noodle. His wrist is strained withthe impact.
+10H-2-a®- (+5)";"Gripfoe's weaponarmanddrivehisfist against a hard surface. Hand is fractured. Foe isdisarmed.
+10H- 3-Q- (-30)";"Strong blow to foe's weaponarm fractures his wrist. Thepainmakes his hand useless.
+15H- 30- (-30)";"Fierce blow to foe's weaponarm breaks bone. Arm isuseless. Use arm as leverageto flip foe onto his stomach.
"81-85";"Precision striketo foe's arm disarms him. Weapon hand is fractured. Foe is in pain.
+8H- 2-a®- (-25)";"Hand strike jams foe's fingers into their sockets.Ouch! Foe drops everything in his hands.
+10H-3-Q- (-15)";"Strong blow to foe's armfractures shoulder. Vou hit his shoulder one moretimetomake your point.
+1OH- 3-a®- (-20)";"Grab foe's weaponarm and pull him over. Vaur kicktotheribs finally drops him to theground.
+15H-3-a®";"Shoulder strikebreaks foe's collar bone. Miscellaneous internai organ damage.
+18H- 6-a®- •- (-30)"
"86-90";"Two brutal punches to foe's face. This barrageleaves foe confused and swingingin the wrong direction.
+8H- 3-a®- (+20)";"Grab foe's weaponarmandbeat onit without concern for therest of foe. Foe is disarmedas ligaments aretorn and muscles are pulled.
+10H- 4-Q- (-25)";"Accuratechest strikeknocks windout of foe. He falls over on you and you knock him off withanupper eut. He stand back up andstumbles5 feet.
+12H- 3-a®- (-30)";"Blow to front of foe's neck. His head snaps back, but it does not breakhis neck. Foe cannot speak for 2-20 hours. He yells in silence.
+18H-6O";"Nasty blow ruptures stomach. Foe is knockeddown. Internai bleeding is mortal. Foe will diein 20 rounds. He is still active.
+20H- 'Q- 1o•-(-50)"
"91-95";"Head strikebreaks foe's nase. Appearancedropsby 5 due to black eyes.
+10H- 3-a®- (-25)";"Landa solid shot to foe's head. Foeis definitely impressed. He steps toward you to keepfrom falling.
+12H- 8-a®- (-40)";"Precisionstrike to foe's head sends him to theground. Vou canactually see the stars spinning around his head.
+15H- 9-a®- (-35)";"Strong blow to face cracks jawbone. Ow! Jaw is stuck open and foe appears permanently surprisedabout something.
+20H- 90- (-30)- (+10)";"Blow to foe's side. Bruiseribs, akidney and alung. Foe managesto remain standing. Oh that hurts ya know!
+25H- 6-a®- (-75)"
"96-99";"Blow to solar plexuscauses foe to vomit. He falls tohisknees. Foe is unable to do anythingbut retch. Do you have pity?
+10H";"Groin strikeis solid. Voukick himagain. Vaur strikeleaves foe helpless. Really unkind.
+18H-12-a®";"Strikefoe in hishead. If hehas a helm, you pull it off and hit him withit. He is knocked out for 4 hours. If foe has no helm, you knock him out for 5 rounds.
+20H";"Strong blow to theabdomen causes internai bleedingandorgan damage. Foe makes it ahabit of spitting blood.
+25H- •";"Grip foe's neck. Vou shakehimviolently, while attempting to chokehim. Hepasses out. Vou canfinishhimif youwant.
+30 hits- • - (+20)"
100;"Elbow foe's face and then punch him hard.Heis paralyzed fromthe neck down for 2 days. He falls instantly to theground.
+13H";"Striketo foe's head. If hehas no helm, he is in a coma for 10-100 days.
If foe has a helmit leavesa bruise onhis head. Foe drops and is unconscious.
+20H";"Mighty strikecrashes into foe's head.
If hehas a helmet, he is unconscious for1-10 days. If hehas no helmet, skull collapses andbrainisdead.
+25H- •";"Gripfoe's arm and pound on foe's head. One shot hitshard. Crushing striketo foe's temple. Foe dies instantly.";"Vaur strikeis frightening. Foe's head snaps to one side. Foecannot breathe. He looks uponthe world one last time and then dies. Vouare horrifiedat his doom."