export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet { // Override Default Options, Set CSS Classes, Set Default Sheet, Set up Sheet Tabs static get defaultOptions() { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { template: "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/actors/rmss-character-sheet.html", classes: ["rmss", "sheet", "actor"], tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "features" }] }); } // Make the data available to the sheet template getData() { const context = super.getData(); // Use a safe clone of the actor data for further operations. const actorData = this.actor.toObject(false); // Add the actor's data to context.data for easier access, as well as flags. context.system = actorData.system; context.flags = actorData.flags; // Prepare character data and items. if (actorData.type == 'character') { this._prepareItems(context); this._prepareCharacterData(context); } // Prepare NPC data and items. if (actorData.type == 'npc') { this._prepareItems(context); } return context; } //Override this method to check for duplicates when things are dragged to the sheet // We don't want duplicate skills and skill categories. async _onDropItem(event, data) { // Reconstruct the item from the event const newitem = await Item.implementation.fromDropData(data); const itemData = newitem.toObject(); // To Do: Seperate Skills and Skill Categories. Increment Counts for items if (itemData.type === "skill_category"){ // Get the already owned Items from the actor and push into an array const owneditems = this.object.getOwnedItemsByType("skill_category"); var ownedskillcatlist = Object.values(owneditems); // Check if the dragged item is not in the array and not owned if (!ownedskillcatlist.includes(itemData.name)) { console.log("Not Owned!"); super._onDropItem(event, data); } } else if ( itemData.type === "skill") { // Get the already owned Items from the actor and push into an array const owneditems = this.object.getOwnedItemsByType("skill"); var ownedskilllist = Object.values(owneditems); // Check if the dragged item is not in the array and not owned if (!ownedskilllist.includes(itemData.name)) { console.log("Not Owned!"); super._onDropItem(event, data); } } else { super._onDropItem(event, data); } } _prepareCharacterData(context) { } _prepareItems(context) { console.log("rmss | rmss_player_sheet.js | Preparing items for: "+ this.name); // Initialize containers. const gear = []; const playerskill= []; const skillcat = []; const weapons = []; const armor = []; const herbs = []; const spells = []; const equipables = []; // Iterate through items, allocating to containers for (let i of context.items) { i.img = i.img || DEFAULT_TOKEN; // Append to gear. if (i.type === 'item') { gear.push(i); } else if (i.type === 'weapon') { weapons.push(i); } else if (i.type === 'herb_or_poison') { herbs.push(i); } // Append to skill categories. else if (i.type === 'skill_category') { skillcat.push(i); } // Append to playerskill else if (i.type === 'skill') { playerskill.push(i); } else if (i.type === 'armor') { armor.push(i); } else if (i.type === 'spell') { spells.push(i); } } // Sort Skill/Skillcat Arrays skillcat.sort(function (a, b){ if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } return 0; }); playerskill.sort(function (a, b){ if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } return 0; }); // Assign and return context.gear = gear; context.skillcat = skillcat; context.playerskill = playerskill; context.weapons = weapons; context.armor = armor; context.herbs = herbs; context.spells = spells; } activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); // Render the item sheet for viewing/editing prior to the editable check. html.find('.item-edit').click(ev => { const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); //console.log(this); item.sheet.render(true); }); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable if (!this.isEditable) return; // Add Item html.find('.item-create').click(this._onItemCreate.bind(this)); // Delete Item html.find('.item-delete').click(ev => { console.log(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); item.delete(); }); // Check/Uncheck Favorite Skill html.find('.skill-favorite').click(ev => { const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); console.log(item); console.log("Before change: " + item.system.favorite); if (item.system.favorite === true) { console.log("Setting False"); item.update({system: {"favorite": false}}); } else { console.log("Setting True"); item.update({system: {"favorite": true}}); } console.log("After change: " + item.system.favorite); }); // Check/Uncheck Favorite Spell html.find('.spell-favorite').click(ev => { const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); console.log(item); console.log("Before change: " + item.system.favorite); if (item.system.favorite === true) { console.log("Setting False"); item.update({system: {"favorite": false}}); } else { console.log("Setting True"); item.update({system: {"favorite": true}}); } console.log("After change: " + item.system.favorite); }); // Equip/Unequip Item html.find('.equippable').click(ev => { const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); console.log(item); console.log("Before change: " + item.system.equipped); if (item.system.equipped === true) { console.log("Setting False"); item.update({system: {"equipped": false}}); } else { console.log("Setting True"); item.update({system: {"equipped": true}}); } console.log("After change: " + item.system.equipped); }); // Change New Ranks value when clicked in player sheet. From 0-3. html.find('.skill-newrank').click(ev => { const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); console.log("Firing in the Player Sheet"); console.log(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("value")); console.log(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); switch(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("value")) { case "0": console.log("Skill NewRanks is 0 setting to 1"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 1 }}}); break; case "1": console.log("Skill NewRanks is 1 setting to 2"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 2 }}}); break; case "2": console.log("Skill NewRanks is 2 setting to 3"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 3 }}}); break; case "3": console.log("Skill NewRanks is 3 setting to 0"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 0 }}}); break; } }); // Change New Ranks value when clicked in player sheet. From 0-3. html.find('.skillcategory-newrank').click(ev => { const item = this.actor.items.get(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); console.log("Firing in the Player Sheet"); console.log(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("value")); console.log(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-item-id")); switch(ev.currentTarget.getAttribute("value")) { case "0": console.log("Skill Category NewRanks is 0 setting to 1"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 1 }}}); break; case "1": console.log("Skill Category NewRanks is 1 setting to 2"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 2 }}}); break; case "2": console.log("Skill Category NewRanks is 2 setting to 3"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 3 }}}); break; case "3": console.log("Skill Category NewRanks is 3 setting to 0"); item.update({system: {new_ranks:{ "value": 0 }}}); break; } }); } async _onItemCreate(event) { event.preventDefault(); const header = event.currentTarget; // Get the type of item to create. const type = header.dataset.type; // Grab any data associated with this control. const data = duplicate(header.dataset); // Initialize a default name. const name = `New ${type.capitalize()}`; // Prepare the item object. const itemData = { name: name, type: type, data: data }; // Remove the type from the dataset since it's in the itemData.type prop. delete itemData.data.type; // Finally, create the item! return await Item.create(itemData, {parent: this.actor}); } }