local lfs = require "lfs" local json = require "dkjson" local _CRIT_KEYS = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"} local function process_values(rest, condition) -- Get the +XH (with X being a number) local damage = rest:match("%+(%d*)H") -- π = mustparry local mustparry = false if rest:match("– π") then mustparry = 1 end if rest:match("– (%d)π") then mustparry = rest:match("– (%d*)π") end local mustparry_duration = false local mustparry_value = false local duration, value = rest:match("– (%d?)%((π%-?%d+)%)") if duration or value then mustparry_duration = tonumber(duration) or 1 mustparry_value = tonumber(value) end -- ∑ = stunned local stunned = false local match = rest:match("– (%d*)∑") if match then stunned = tonumber(match) or 1 end -- ∏ = cannot parry local cannot_parry = false match = rest:match("– (%d*)∑?∏") if match then cannot_parry = tonumber(match) or 1 end match = rest:match("– (%d*)∏") if match then cannot_parry = tonumber(match) or 1 end -- ∫ = wounds per rounds local wounds_per_round = false match = rest:match("– (%d?)∫") if match then wounds_per_round = tonumber(match) or 1 end -- Round penalty local round_penalty_duration = false local nbRounds, round_penalty_value = rest:match("– (%d?)%((%-?%d+)%)") if nbRounds or round_penalty_value then round_penalty_duration = tonumber(nbRounds) or 1 round_penalty_value = tonumber(round_penalty_value) end -- Round bonus local round_bonus_duration = false local nbRounds, round_bonus_value = rest:match("– (%d?)%((%+?%d+)%)") if nbRounds or round_bonus_value then round_bonus_duration = tonumber(nbRounds) or 1 round_bonus_value = tonumber(round_bonus_value) end print(rest, damage, mustparry, stunned, cannot_parry, wounds_per_round, round_penalty_duration, round_penalty_value, round_bonus_duration, round_bonus_value) return { condition = condition or "none", damage = damage, mustparry = mustparry, stunned = stunned, cannot_parry = cannot_parry, wounds_per_round = wounds_per_round, round_penalty_duration = round_penalty_duration, round_penalty_value = round_penalty_value, round_bonus_duration = round_bonus_duration, round_bonus_value = round_bonus_value, mustparry_duration = mustparry_duration, mustparry_value = mustparry_value } end local all_criticals = {} -- Loop thru all JSON files in the criticals_data directory for file in lfs.dir("./") do if file:match("json$") then local json_file = io.open("./" .. file, "r") local json_data = json_file:read("*a") json_file:close() local crit = { name = string.match(file, "(%w+).json"), criticals = {} } local rows = json.decode(json_data) for _, c in ipairs(rows) do local new_crit = { score = c.Score, levels = {} } for _, key in ipairs(_CRIT_KEYS) do local effects = {} local line = c[key] if not line then break end -- Get description (ie all text befire the first \n) local desc = line:match("([^\n]+)") -- Get the rest of the text local rest = line:match("\n(.+)") if rest then if rest:match("with ") then local reasonwith, with, reasonwithout , without = rest:match("(with[^:]*): ([^w]+)(w/o[^:]*): (.+)") print("SPLITTEW WITH", desc) effects[1] = process_values(with, reasonwith) effects[2] = process_values(without, reasonwithout) else effects[1] = process_values(rest) end else print("NO REST", desc) end new_crit.levels[key] = { key = key, description = desc, effects = effects } end table.insert(crit.criticals, new_crit) end all_criticals[crit.name] = crit end end -- Convert to JSON local json_data = json.encode(all_criticals, {indent = true}) print(json_data)