"Score";"A";"b";"c";"d";"e" "01-05";"Foe escapes like the wind. +0H";"Your attack falls short. +0H";"Your fingernails deal a vicious wound. +1H";"A little elbow before you lose your grip. +2H";"You grip strand of foe’s hair. It breaks. +3H" "06-10";"Grab foe’s arm. Oops. Try again. +0H";"Your grip fails. +2H";"Foe grabs, misses. You have initiative. +3H";"This was not a special moment. +4H";"You have initiative next round. +5H" "11-15";"You impede foe’s combat stance. You have the initiative. +0H";"Foe collides with your attack before you get a grip. Small bruise. +2H";"You cannot get a good grip, foe hurts himself evading. You have initiative. +4H";"Grab foe's head. If foe has helm, you twist it. Otherwise, you gain initiative. with helm: ∑";"Lame attack, but foe is concerned. He moves back. +6H – π" "16-20";"Foe breaks free of a weak grip. You have the initiative next round. +0H";"Grab foe and give him a weak punch. He thinks you are dangerous. π";"Foe recovers, continues his defense by sweeping his weapon at your feet. π";"Push foe, unbalancing him. You have initiative for 2 rounds. —";"Strong passing blow near foe's head. His violent evasion is not productive. +3H – ∑" "21-35";"Almost get a grip on foe's arm. He avoids his mistake. You gain the initiative next round. +3H";"You grip foe's shield arm. Foe's strike toward your head makes you let go of him. He keeps a distance. π(-20)";"Collide with foe. You push him away and he stumbles back 5 feet. It went better than you could have hoped. +2H – ∑";"Hard, but poorly placed. Foe bounces back out of your grip. He looks like he does not recognize you. +3H – ∑";"Uncoordinated attack and a little luck, allows foe to escape your grasp. You have initiative for 2 rounds. ∑" "36-45";"Grip to lower back. Foe wards off your attack and prepares for your next move. π";"Grip fails, but bash does not. You unbalance your foe. You have the initiative. +4H – π";"Your attack is almost comical as you seek any little grip you can get. All the tiny tugs finally have an effect on foe. ∑π";"Strike to foe's shield arm. If foe has no shield, you immobilize arm for 6 rounds. with shield: +3H";"Attack to upper leg. Foe spins to break free. He is disoriented badly. It takes a moment for him to see you. ∑∏" "46-50";"Hinder foe’s weapon arm. Foe violently frees himself and takes a defensive stance. π";"Pull foe over, he breaks free. He is having trouble recovering. Your heart is broken. 5H – ∑";"Grab foe's waist. Your grip appeared to be strong, but now it is losing its advantage. Your foe is working free. 3(-25)";"Painful grip on foe's hand. You do not break anything, but he thinks so. You have initiative for 4 rounds. 3(-30)";"You and foe collide. He breaks your grip and stumbles away. You bounce back and miss a good opportunity. 2∑∏" "51-55";"You get in close and grab at foe's hair. He is daunted and steps back to escape your reach. π(-20)";"Grip to foe's garments. They rip and you lose a hopeful hold. Foe is carried back by his break-away. +7H – ∑";"Grapple foe's leg and try to lift it up off the ground. Foe slips away, but is off balance while recovering. ∑∏";"Catch foe's waist garments and pull him in. He is in trouble. He seeks to strike your hand and break your hold. 3(-50)";"Grip to shield arm. Foe drops his shield as he wails in pain. You try to stay serious. +5H – 2∑∏" "56-60";"Foe spins away and comes back to face you. He is unbalanced. +3H – ∑";"Foe spins out of your grasp. However, spin nullifies his conterattack. ∑π";"Short fingers render thigh hold ineffectual. Try lower next time. +3H – ∑∏";"Grip foe's side and shake him like a rattle. He is disoriented, but gets free. +6H – 3∑";"Grasp around foe's leg proves effective. Foe is unbalanced for a moment. ∑∏ – 3(-25)" "61-65";"Grip to arm gives foe a bruised bicep. Foe shakes free and prepares for your assault. +3H – π(-20";"Slipping grasp around foe’s waist is weak. He breaks your grip and stumbles out of your way. 2∑";"Grab foe around waist. Just when you think your grip is iron, he begins to break free. You might still prevail. +3H – 3(-50)";"Clumsy bear hug around foe. Foe can do little to escape for the moment. Both his arms are pinned. 2∏ – π(-20)";"You find yourself on foe’s shield side. If he has a shield, you are stymied. w/o shield: +7H – 3∑∏" 66;"Strike foe’s weapon, disarming him. Foe fails to recover weapon. He has put himself in a bad spot. +3H – 2∑";"You grab foe’s weapon arm and make him drop it with a violent shake. Foe strains wrist trying to break free. 2∑ – (-25)";"Grab foe, he falls down and you follow. You knock him prone to stand back up. He is down for 1 round. +5H";"Grab leg and flip foe to ground, pinning him. Prone and immobile for 2 rounds, he might surrender. +6H";"Grasp foe around neck and bring him to ground. Muscles and tendons tear. Foe is prone and immobilized for 3 rounds. +3H – ∑" "67-70";"Passing chest strike. Foe eludes grapple, keeps defensive stance. 2π(-20)";"Grip foe's neck. Push foe's chin back steadily. He should act soon, or... 1(-10) – 1(-20) – 1(-30)";"Grab foe's shield arm. If foe has shield you grapple it. Until dropped: (-50) w/o shield: 3(-40)";"Foe barely escapes immobilization, but must recover from the ordeal. +7H – 2∏";"You almost disarm foe and trip him. He uses weapon arm to prevent his fall. 2∑∏ – 1(-75)" "71-75";"Grab an exposed garment. Uneasy grip impedes foe's actions. +5H – 2(-50)";"Weak hold around foe's waist. He brings his knee up and you lose your grip. Foe does not recover quickly. +4H – 3(-50)";"Very strong grip around foe's waist. Foe is held at a great disadvanatge. He might get free. 2∑∏ – (-50)";"You grapple foe in a brutal way. Hold proves to be excellent. You have him. What next? ∑∏ – 3(-70)";"Foe evades your grasp by falling to the ground. A clever ploy. Smile at your good fortune. +9H – 2∑∏" "76-80";"Grapple foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, you pull it down. If foe has no shield, you immobilize his arm. +2H – 4(-50)";"Entangle foe's shield arm. If foe has shield, your grip makes it impossible to use. Until shield dropped: (-30) If no shield his arm is entangled. (-40)";"Entangle foe's weapon arm. His weapon is held immobile. He cannot use it, but he will not drop it. He tries to knee you to escape, this fails. 2∑∏ – (-50)";"Entangle foe's weapon arm. Foe hangs onto his weapon, but the arm is immobilized. You try to make him strike himself. It fails. +4H";"Grab foe's weapon arm and beat on it, without concern foe the rest of foe. Foe is disarmed. You tear ligaments and pull muscles. 3∑ – (-40)" ;;;;; "81-85";"Useful grip on foe's neck. Foe's face turns red. He cannot breath easily. Slowly he breaks your grip. +5H – 2∑ – 2(-25)";"Grip around foe's waist unbalances him. You have the initiative. Foe shares much profanity with you. 6(-50)";"Brutal grip around foe's chest, leaves bruises all over him. Your assault has created much confusion. +3H – 3∑∏ – (-5)";"Grab knee and send foe down. He breaks his fall by breaking his shield arm. He is disarmed and prone. +5H – 2∑∏ – (-10)";"Entangle both of foe's arms and pin them to his body. Foe cannot move his arms and he looks ready to surrender. 10(-75)" "86-90";"Grasp foe's leg, lifting it off the ground for a moment. You have the initiative for 6 rounds. +3H – 3∑";"Entangle foe's leg and send him down. He does not hit hard. He pulls a muscle in his leg struggling. 2∑∏ – (-10)";"Your assault is strong and lucky. As you grapple foe, you stomp his foot. He falls hard, breaking his shoulder. +10H – 6∑ – (-40)";"Tie up both of foe's arms. He is immobile and cannot fight back effectively. You have him now. +10H – 9∑∏";"Foe stumbles, with your assistance, and falls. His weapon breaks on impact. If foe has no chest armor, he takes a""D"" Krush. +3H – ∑" "91-95";"Entangle foe’s leg. Foe is knocked down. Foe lands on his weapon arm. He kicks and breaks free. +4H – 2∑∏";"Pull foe’s legs together. He goes down, hitting hard and dropping his weapon. He feebly attempts to crawl for it. 2∑∏ – 4(-25)";"Painfully immobilize weapon arm. Foe cannot surrender quickly enough to avoid the damage and pain. +15H – 4∑∏ – 8(-95)";"Grapple foe’s legs and send him over. He hits his head in the fall. You get little resistance after that. +10H – 30∑∏";"Wrap up foe’s legs. Foe tumbles to the ground like a ragdoll breaking both arms and an ankle. Foe is knocked out. +20H – (-95)" "96-99";"Ride foe down and immobilize him. He can do nothing for 12 rounds. You are prone also, while holding him down.";"Entangle foe’s arm and flip him to ground, fracturing his leg. You immobilize him completely. He is prone, face down and still conscious. (-40)";"Entangle foe's legs. Grapple weapon arm and break it on an available surface. You send foe to the ground. He falls very hard and is knocked out. +20H – 10∑∏ – (-30)";"Crushing grip around foe's neck. If no neck armor, foe dies in 6 rounds from your mortal grip. Foe is disarmed. with neck armor: 3∑∏";"Attack results in strangling hold. Foe flails legs in desperation. Foe is unable to break free and dies after 9 rounds of helpless struggling. Grim. +3H – ∑" 100;"Foe’s legs are entangled long enough to make him fall. He is knocked out for 5 rounds. +9H – (+20)";"Grip foe’s neck in a vicious hold. If foe cannot break your grip in 4 rounds, he will begin to pass out from suffocation. +10H – ∑ – (-40)";"Grip foe’s head and jerk it around. If foe has no neck armor, he dies. no neck armor: +5H – 5∑∏ – (-75)";"Grapple foe's head. His skull is fractured during this assault. If he has no helm, he is in a coma for 30 days. with helmet: +3H – 9∑∏";"Crush foe's windpipe and pull the head from his body. You are mighty. 1(+25)"