Rolling for : {{name}}
{{#if weapon}}
With Weapon : {{}}
{{/if}} {{#if highopen }}
Rolled over 95 - High Open-Ended!
{{/if}} {{#if lowopen }}
Rolled under 6 - Low Open-Ended!
{{/if}} {{#if difficulty}}
Difficulty : {{difficulty}}
{{/if}} {{#if combatSituation}}
Combat situation : {{combatSituation}}
{{/if}} {{#if stunnedModifier}}
Stunned : {{stunnedModifier}}
{{/if}} {{#if hitsPerRound}}
Hits/round malus : {{hitsPerRound}}
{{/if}} {{#if lightningModifier}}
Lightning modifierLight : {{lightningModifier}}
{{/if}} {{#if darknessModifier}}
Darkness modifierDark : {{darknessModifier}}
{{/if}} {{#if woundsModifier}}
% of hits malus : {{woundsModifier}}
Total of d100 rolls:

({{#each rolls as |roll|}}{{}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}})

Character Bonus : {{characterBonus}}
Total :


{{#if attackResult}}
Damage result :


{{/if}} {{#if fumbleResult}}
Fumble !!!: {{fumbleResult}}
{{/if}} {{#if criticalResult}}
Critical {{criticalResult.key}}: {{criticalResult.description}}
{{#each criticalResult.effects as |effect|}} {{#if effect.cannot_parry}}
Cannot parry
{{/if}} {{#if effect.damage}}
Damage : {{effect.damage}}
{{/if}} {{#if effect.must_parry}}
Must parry
{{/if}} {{#if effect.mustparry_duration}}
Must parry for {{effect.mustparry_duration}} rounds
{{/if}} {{#if effect.mustparry_value}}
Must parry with a value of {{effect.mustparry_value}}
{{/if}} {{#if effect.round_bonus_duration}}
Bonus for {{effect.round_bonus_duration}} rounds
{{/if}} {{#if effect.round_penalty_duration}}
Penalty for {{effect.round_penalty_duration}} rounds
{{/if}} {{#if effect.stunned}}
{{/if}} {{#if effect.wounds_per_round}}
Wounds per round : {{effect.wounds_per_round}}
{{/each}} {{/if}}