Initial Exhaustion Calculations Fix for Skill Categories with two stats Added Racial Bonuses for Resistances
37 lines
989 B
37 lines
989 B
// Our Item Sheet extends the default
export default class RMSSArmorSheet extends ItemSheet {
// Set the height and width
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
width: 530,
height: 440,
template: "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/items/rmss-armor-sheet.html",
classes: ["rmss", "sheet", "item"]
// If our sheet is called here it is.
get template() {
return "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/items/rmss-armor-sheet.html";
// Make the data available to the sheet template
async getData() {
const baseData = await super.getData();
let enrichedDescription = await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.item.system.description, {async: true});
let sheetData = {
owner: this.item.isOwner,
editable: this.isEditable,
item: baseData.item,
system: baseData.item.system,
config: CONFIG.rmss,
enrichedDescription: enrichedDescription
return sheetData;