Various fixes and enhancements
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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ export class TeDeumActorPJSheet extends ActorSheet {
description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.description, { async: true }),
notes: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.notes, { async: true }),
options: this.options,
@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ export class TeDeumActor extends Actor {
return nb
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEducations() {
let educations = this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'education')
return educations
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetences() {
let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'competence') || [])
return comp;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { TeDeumUtility } from "../common/tedeum-utility.js";
import { TeDeumActor } from "../actors/tedeum-actor.js";
export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
for (let stage in game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation) {
this.stages[stage] = { selectedItem: null, items: [] }
console.log(this.stages, game.system.tedeum.etapesEducation)
const educations = await TeDeumUtility.loadCompendium("")
for (let edu of educations) {
@ -32,6 +31,7 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
increaseCompetence(compName) {
if (compName === "" || compName == undefined || compName == "undefined") { return }
compName = compName.toLowerCase()
if (!this.competenceBonus[compName]) {
this.competenceBonus[compName] = { value: 1 }
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
let fullResponses = []
for (let key in question.reponses) {
let response = question.reponses[key]
fullResponses.push({ id: key, label: `${response.reponse} (${response.compName} +1)` })
fullResponses.push({ id: key, label: `${response.reponse} (${TeDeumUtility.upperFirst( response.compName)} +1)` })
return fullResponses
@ -53,9 +53,15 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
processReponsesRadio(question) {
let fullResponses = {}
let selected = true
for (let key in question.reponses) {
let response = question.reponses[key]
fullResponses[key] = `${response.reponse} (${response.compName} +1)`
if (response.toSelect) {
fullResponses[key] = { label: `${response.reponse}`, competences: response.compList, selected }
} else {
fullResponses[key] = { label: `${response.reponse} (${response.compName} +1)`, selected }
selected = false
return fullResponses
@ -89,17 +95,16 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
processCompetences(stage) {
for (let compKey in stage.system.competences) {
let comp = stage.system.competences[compKey]
if (comp.valid && comp.compName !== "") {
processCompetences(compList) {
for (let compName in compList) {
async askQuestionnaire(stage, context) {
context.subtitle = "Questionnaire"
for (let key in stage.system.questionnaire) {
let question = stage.system.questionnaire[key]
if (question.question === "") { break }
@ -107,6 +112,8 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
context.question = question.question
context.responses = this.processReponses(question)
context.responsesRadio = this.processReponsesRadio(question)
context.competences = {}
context.responseKey = "reponse1" // By default
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-select-questions.hbs", context)
const choiceResult = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
@ -129,24 +136,138 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
rejectClose: false, // Click on Close button will not launch an error
render: (event, dialog) => {
$(".questionnaire-radio").click(event => {
let responseKey = $("response-key")
context.responseKey = responseKey
$(".questionnaire-select-competence").change(event => {
// Get the responseKey data
let responseKey = $("response-key")
let compName =
console.log("Questionnaire Change", responseKey, compName)
context.competences[responseKey] = compName.toLowerCase()
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
let selectedResponse = question.reponses[choiceResult.responseKey]
console.log(choiceResult, selectedResponse, question)
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
let selectedResponse = question.reponses[context.responseKey]
let compName = context.competences[context.responseKey] || selectedResponse.compName
/*------------- -------------------------------*/
async askCompetences(stage, context) {
context.subtitle = "Choix des Compétences"
context.fixedCompetences = {}
context.selectCompetences = {}
for (let compKey in stage.system.competences) {
let comp = stage.system.competences[compKey]
if (comp.valid && comp.compName !== "") {
if (comp.toSelect) {
context.hasSelectCompetences = true
context.selectCompetences[comp.compName] = TeDeumUtility.upperFirst(comp.compName)
} else {
context.fixedCompetences[comp.compName] = TeDeumUtility.upperFirst(comp.compName)
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-select-competences.hbs", context)
const choiceResult = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
window: { title: context.title },
classes: ["fvtt-te-deum"],
buttons: [
label: context.label,
callback: (event, button, dialog) => {
const output = Array.from(button.form.elements).reduce((obj, input) => {
if ( obj[] = input.value
return obj
}, {})
return output
actions: {
rejectClose: false, // Click on Close button will not launch an error
render: (event, dialog) => {
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
context.fixedCompetences[choiceResult.selectedCompetence] = choiceResult.selectedCompetence
// Handle specific case when multiple skills can be selected (ie compagnon case)
if ( stage.system.hasCompetencesOpt ) {
context.fixedCompetences = []
context.hasSelectCompetences = true
for (let i = 0; i < stage.system.competencesOptNumber; i++) {
context.competences = {}
context.selectCompetences = {}
for (let compKey in stage.system.competencesOpt) {
let comp = stage.system.competencesOpt[compKey]
if (comp.compName !== "") {
context.selectCompetences[comp.compName] = TeDeumUtility.upperFirst(comp.compName)
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-select-competences.hbs", context)
const choiceResult = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
window: { title: context.title },
classes: ["fvtt-te-deum"],
buttons: [
label: context.label,
callback: (event, button, dialog) => {
const output = Array.from(button.form.elements).reduce((obj, input) => {
if ( obj[] = input.value
return obj
}, {})
return output
actions: {
rejectClose: false, // Click on Close button will not launch an error
render: (event, dialog) => {
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
context.fixedCompetences[choiceResult.selectedCompetence] = choiceResult.selectedCompetence
/*------------- -------------------------------*/
async askCarac(stage, context) {
context.subtitle = "Choix des Caractéristiques"
let selected = []
for (let i = 0; i < stage.system.nbChoixCarac; i++) {
context.caracList = []
for (let caracKey in stage.system.caracteristiques) {
let carac = stage.system.caracteristiques[caracKey]
if (selected.includes(carac.caracId)) { continue }
context.competences = stage.system.competences
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-select-carac.hbs", context)
const choiceResult = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
@ -171,21 +292,26 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
render: (event, dialog) => {
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
this.caracBonus[choiceResult.carac].value += 1
async renderOrigineSociale(stage) {
let context = {
title: "Création de personnage - Origine Sociale",
title: "Création de personnage",
subtitle: "Origine Sociale",
sexeChoice: { "homme": "Homme", "femme": "Femme" },
religionChoice: { "catholique": "Catholique", "protestante": "Protestante" },
origineChoice: game.system.tedeum.config.origineSociale
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-origine.hbs", context)
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-origine.hbs", context)
const label = "Valider le choix de l'Origine Sociale"
const choiceResult = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
window: { title: context.title },
@ -209,13 +335,17 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
render: (event, dialog) => { }
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
this.sexe = choiceResult.sexe
this.religion = choiceResult.religion
this.origineSociale = foundry.utils.duplicate(game.system.tedeum.config.origineSociale[choiceResult.origineSociale])
for (let key in this.origineSociale.caracteristiques) {
this.caracBonus[key].value += this.origineSociale.caracteristiques[key]
this.currentStage = "pouponniere"
@ -228,22 +358,28 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
let context = {
title: "Création de personnage - La Pouponnière",
subtitle: "Choix de la Pouponnière",
label: "Valider le choix de la Pouponnière",
choices: pouponniereItems
choices: pouponniereItems,
caracBonus: this.caracBonus,
competenceBonus: this.competenceBonus
let choiceResult = await this.askStageName(context)
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
this.pouponniere = foundry.utils.duplicate(stage.items.find(item => === choiceResult.selectedItem))
context.title = `La Pouponnière - ${}`
console.log(choiceResult, this.pouponniere)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de caracteristique"
await this.askCarac(this.pouponniere, context)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de compétences"
await this.askCompetences(this.pouponniere, context)
context.title = "Création de personnage - La Pouponnière - Questions"
context.label = "Valider cette réponse"
await this.askQuestionnaire(this.pouponniere, context)
@ -256,24 +392,28 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
let grimaudsItems = stage.items.filter(item => item.system.accessible[].isaccessible)
let context = {
title: "Création de personnage - Les Petits Grimauds",
title: "Les Petits Grimauds",
label: "Valider le choix des Petits Grimauds",
choices: grimaudsItems
choices: grimaudsItems,
caracBonus: this.caracBonus,
competenceBonus: this.competenceBonus
let choiceResult = await this.askStageName(context)
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
this.grimauds = foundry.utils.duplicate(stage.items.find(item => === choiceResult.selectedItem))
context.title = `LesPetits Grimauds - ${}"`
console.log(choiceResult, this.grimauds)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de caracteristique"
await this.askCarac(this.grimauds, context)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de compétences"
await this.askCompetences(this.grimauds, context)
context.title = "Création de personnage - Les Petits Grimauds - Questions"
context.label = "Valider cette réponse"
await this.askQuestionnaire(this.grimauds, context)
@ -288,22 +428,27 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
let context = {
title: "Création de personnage - Les Roses de la Vie",
label: "Valider le choix des Roses de la Vie",
choices: rosesItems
choices: rosesItems,
caracBonus: this.caracBonus,
competenceBonus: this.competenceBonus
let choiceResult = await this.askStageName(context)
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
this.roses = foundry.utils.duplicate(stage.items.find(item => === choiceResult.selectedItem))
context.title = `Les Roses de la Vie - ${}`
console.log(choiceResult, this.roses)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de caracteristique"
await this.askCarac(this.roses, context)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de compétences"
await this.askCompetences(this.roses, context)
context.title = "Création de personnage - Les Roses de la Vie - Questions"
context.label = "Valider cette réponse"
await this.askQuestionnaire(this.roses, context)
@ -312,26 +457,41 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
async renderAgeViril(stage) {
// Filter available pouponniere from origineSociale
let ageVirilItems = stage.items.filter(item => item.system.accessible[].isaccessible)
let virilDebouche = this.roses.system.debouches
let ageVirilItems = []
for (let key in virilDebouche) {
let debouche = virilDebouche[key]
if (debouche.debouche === "") { continue }
let deboucheItem = stage.items.find(item =>
if (deboucheItem) {
} else {
console.log(`Debouche ${debouche.debouche} not found !`)
let context = {
title: "Création de personnage - L'Age Viril",
label: "Valider le choix de l'Age Viril",
choices: ageVirilItems
choices: ageVirilItems,
caracBonus: this.caracBonus,
competenceBonus: this.competenceBonus
let choiceResult = await this.askStageName(context)
if (choiceResult == null) { return }
if (choiceResult == null) {
this.currentStage = "cancelled"
this.ageViril = foundry.utils.duplicate(stage.items.find(item => === choiceResult.selectedItem))
context.title = `L'Age Viril - ${}`
console.log(choiceResult, this.ageViril)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de caracteristique"
await this.askCarac(this.ageViril, context)
context.label = "Valider l'augmentation de compétences"
await this.askCompetences(this.ageViril, context)
this.currentStage = "finished"
@ -356,11 +516,78 @@ export class TeDeumCharacterCreator {
case "ageviril":
await this.renderAgeViril(stage)
case "cancelled":
console.log("Carac Bonus", this.caracBonus)
console.log("Competence Bonus", this.competenceBonus)
let actor = await TeDeumActor.create({name: "Nouveau personnage", type: "pj"})
let updates = {}
for (let key in this.caracBonus) {
updates[`system.caracteristiques.${key}.value`] = Number(this.caracBonus[key].value)+1
updates['system.genre'] = this.sexe
updates['system.religion'] = this.religion
updates['system.statutocial'] = this.origineSociale.label
updates['system.equipmentfree'] = this.ageViril.system.trousseau
actor.update( updates);
// Process competences : increase know skills
let updateComp = []
let toAdd = []
for (let compName in this.competenceBonus) {
let comp = actor.items.find( i => i.type == "competence" && === compName.toLowerCase())
if (comp) {
updateComp.push({ _id: comp._id, "system.score": this.competenceBonus[compName].value })
} else {
toAdd.push( compName)
actor.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", updateComp)
// Process adding skills
let compendiumSkill = TeDeumUtility.getCompetences()
let compToAdd = [ this.pouponniere, this.grimauds, this.roses, this.ageViril ]
for (let compName of toAdd) {
let comp = compendiumSkill.find( i => === compName.toLowerCase())
comp.system.score = this.competenceBonus[compName].value
await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', compToAdd)
let newArgent = this.origineSociale.cagnotte * this.ageViril.system.cagnotteMultiplier
newArgent /= this.ageViril.system.cagnotteDivider
await actor.update({ [`system.fortune.${this.origineSociale.cagnotteUnit}`]: newArgent})
const content = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/character-creator-finished.hbs", context)
const label = "Terminer"
const choiceResult = await foundry.applications.api.DialogV2.wait({
window: { title: context.title },
classes: ["fvtt-te-deum"],
buttons: [
label: label,
callback: (event, button, dialog) => {
const output = Array.from(button.form.elements).reduce((obj, input) => {
if ( obj[] = input.value
return obj
}, {})
return output
actions: {
rejectClose: false, // Click on Close button will not launch an error
render: (event, dialog) => { }
@ -146,22 +146,22 @@ export const TEDEUM_CONFIG = {
livre: { label: "Livres", id: "livre", value: 100 }
etapesEducation: {
pouponniere: { label: "La Pouponnière", value: "pouponniere", agemin: 0, agemax: 6, nbCompetences: 2, nbCaracteristiques: 3, hasQuestionnaire: true, hasMultiplier: false },
petitsgrimauds: { label: "La classe des Petits Grimauds", value: "petitsgrimauds", agemin: 7, agemax: 12,nbCompetences: 10, nbCaracteristiques: 3, hasQuestionnaire: true, hasMultiplier: false },
rosevie: { label: "Les Roses de la Vie", value: "rosevie", agemin: 13, agemax: 16, nbCompetences: 2, nbCaracteristiques: 3, hasQuestionnaire: true, hasMultiplier: false },
ageviril: { label: "L'Age Viril", value: "ageviril", agemin: 17, agemax: 17, nbCompetences: 9, nbCaracteristiques: 2, hasQuestionnaire: false, hasMultiplier: true },
pouponniere: { label: "La Pouponnière", value: "pouponniere", agemin: 0, agemax: 6, nbCompetences: 2, nbCaracteristiques: 3, hasQuestionnaire: true, hasDebouches: false, hasMultiplier: false, canCompetencesOpt: false },
petitsgrimauds: { label: "La classe des Petits Grimauds", value: "petitsgrimauds", agemin: 7, agemax: 12,nbCompetences: 10, nbCaracteristiques: 3, hasDebouches: false, hasQuestionnaire: true, hasMultiplier: false, canCompetencesOpt: false },
rosevie: { label: "Les Roses de la Vie", value: "rosevie", agemin: 13, agemax: 16, nbCompetences: 2, nbCaracteristiques: 3, hasQuestionnaire: true, hasDebouches: true, hasMultiplier: false, canCompetencesOpt: false },
ageviril: { label: "L'Age Viril", value: "ageviril", agemin: 17, agemax: 17, nbCompetences: 9, nbCaracteristiques: 2, hasQuestionnaire: false, hasDebouches: false, hasMultiplier: true, canCompetencesOpt: true },
origineSociale: {
noblesseepee: { label: "Noblesse d'épée", id: "noblesseepee", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, puissance: 1}, cagnotte: 10, cagnotteUnit: "livre", value: 1 },
noblessecloche: { label: "Noblesse de cloche", id: "noblessecloche", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, savoir: 1}, cagnotte: 50, cagnotteUnit: "livre", value: 2 },
hautenoblesse: { label: "Haute noblesse (Illégitime)", id: "hautenoblesse", caracteristiques: {complexion: 1, puissance: 1}, cagnotte: 20, cagnotteUnit: "livre", value: 3 },
hautebourgeoisie: { label: "Haute bourgeoisie", id: "hautebourgeoisie", caracteristiques: {savoir: 1, sensibilite: 1}, cagnotte: 60, cagnotteUnit: "livre",value: 4 },
petitebourgeoisie: { label: "Petite bourgeoisie (Marchands)", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, sensibilite: 1}, cagnotte: 20, cagnotteUnit: "livre",id: "petitebourgeoisie", value: 5 },
artisan: { label: "Artisans", id: "artisan", caracteristiques: {adresse: 1, sensibilite: 1}, cagnotte: 10, cagnotteUnit: "livre",value: 6 },
laboureur: { label: "Laboureurs", id: "laboureur", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, complexion: 1}, cagnotte: 10, cagnotteUnit: "livre",value: 7 },
domesticite: { label: "Domesticité", id: "domesticite", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, adresse: 1}, cagnotte: 2, cagnotteUnit: "sol",value: 8 },
paysannerie: { label: "Paysannerie", id: "paysannerie", caracteristiques: {puissance: 1, complexion: 1}, cagnotte: 1, cagnotteUnit: "sol", value: 9 },
gueux: { label: "Gueux", id: "gueux", caracteristiques: {adresse: 1, complexion: 1}, cagnotte: 4, cagnotteUnit: "denier", value: 10 },
noblesseepee: { label: "Noblesse d'épée", id: "noblesseepee", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, puissance: 1}, cagnotte: 10, cagnotteUnit: "livres", value: 1 },
noblessecloche: { label: "Noblesse de cloche", id: "noblessecloche", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, savoir: 1}, cagnotte: 50, cagnotteUnit: "livres", value: 2 },
hautenoblesse: { label: "Haute noblesse (Illégitime)", id: "hautenoblesse", caracteristiques: {complexion: 1, puissance: 1}, cagnotte: 20, cagnotteUnit: "livres", value: 3 },
hautebourgeoisie: { label: "Haute bourgeoisie", id: "hautebourgeoisie", caracteristiques: {savoir: 1, sensibilite: 1}, cagnotte: 60, cagnotteUnit: "livres",value: 4 },
petitebourgeoisie: { label: "Petite bourgeoisie (Marchands)", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, sensibilite: 1}, cagnotte: 20, cagnotteUnit: "livres",id: "petitebourgeoisie", value: 5 },
artisan: { label: "Artisans", id: "artisan", caracteristiques: {adresse: 1, sensibilite: 1}, cagnotte: 10, cagnotteUnit: "livres",value: 6 },
laboureur: { label: "Laboureurs", id: "laboureur", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, complexion: 1}, cagnotte: 10, cagnotteUnit: "livres",value: 7 },
domesticite: { label: "Domesticité", id: "domesticite", caracteristiques: {entregent: 1, adresse: 1}, cagnotte: 2, cagnotteUnit: "sous",value: 8 },
paysannerie: { label: "Paysannerie", id: "paysannerie", caracteristiques: {puissance: 1, complexion: 1}, cagnotte: 1, cagnotteUnit: "sous", value: 9 },
gueux: { label: "Gueux", id: "gueux", caracteristiques: {adresse: 1, complexion: 1}, cagnotte: 4, cagnotteUnit: "deniers", value: 10 },
bonusMalus: [
{ value: "-2", label: "-2 niveaux" },
@ -6,6 +6,19 @@ export class TeDeumUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async init() {
Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, data) => TeDeumUtility.chatListeners(html));
Hooks.on("renderActorDirectory", (app, html, data) => {
if (game.user.can('ACTOR_CREATE')) {
const button = document.createElement('button');
|||| = '90%';
button.innerHTML = 'Créer un Personnage'
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
let cr = new game.system.tedeum.TeDeumCharacterCreator();
//Hooks.on("getChatLogEntryContext", (html, options) => TeDeumUtility.chatMenuManager(html, options));
@ -64,6 +77,9 @@ export class TeDeumUtility {
Handlebars.registerHelper('getCaracDescription', function (key, value) {
return game.system.tedeum.config.descriptionValeur[Number(value)][key]
Handlebars.registerHelper('getEducationEtape', function (key) {
return game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation[key].label
Handlebars.registerHelper('isGM', function () {
return game.user.isGM
@ -76,6 +92,31 @@ export class TeDeumUtility {
for (let i of this.competences) {
this.competencesList[] = { name:, id: i._id }
this.competencesList = Object.entries(this.competencesList).sort().reduce((o, [k, v]) => (o[k] = v, o), {})
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async importDefaultScene() {
let exists = game.scenes.find(j => == "Te Deum");
if (!exists) {
const scenes = await TeDeumUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-te-deum.scenes")
let newDocuments = scenes.filter(i => == "Te Deum");
if (newDocuments) {
await game.scenes.documentClass.create(newDocuments);
game.scenes.find(i => == "Te Deum").activate();
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static welcomeMessage() {
if (game.user.isGM) {
whisper: [],
content: `<div id="welcome-message-tedeum"><span class="rdd-roll-part">
<strong>Bienvenu dans Te Deum Pour Un Massacre !</strong>` });
/*-------------------------------------------- */
@ -89,22 +130,25 @@ export class TeDeumUtility {
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static prepareEducationContent(formData) {
let nbCompetences = game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation[formData.system.etape].nbCompetences
let etape = game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation[formData.system.etape]
let nbCompetences = etape.nbCompetences
for (let key in formData.system.competences) {
formData.system.competences[key].valid = false
for (let i = 1; i <= nbCompetences; i++) {
formData.system.competences[`comp${i}`].valid = true
let nbCaracteristiques = game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation[formData.system.etape].nbCaracteristiques
let nbCaracteristiques = etape.nbCaracteristiques
for (let key in formData.system.caracteristiques) {
formData.system.caracteristiques[key].valid = false
for (let i = 1; i <= nbCaracteristiques; i++) {
formData.system.caracteristiques[`carac${i}`].valid = true
formData.hasQuestionnaire = game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation[formData.system.etape].hasQuestionnaire;
formData.hasMultiplier = game.system.tedeum.config.etapesEducation[formData.system.etape].hasMultiplier;
formData.hasQuestionnaire = etape.hasQuestionnaire;
formData.hasMultiplier = etape.hasMultiplier;
formData.hasDebouches = etape.hasDebouches;
formData.canCompetencesOpt = etape.canCompetencesOpt;
/*-------------------------------------------- */
@ -183,7 +227,8 @@ export class TeDeumUtility {
const templatePaths = [
return loadTemplates(templatePaths);
@ -416,7 +461,7 @@ export class TeDeumUtility {
await this.getLocalisation(rollData)
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
let bDegats = actor.getBonusDegats()
let degatsRoll = await new Roll(rollData.arme.system.degats+"+"+bDegats.value ).roll()
let degatsRoll = await new Roll(rollData.arme.system.degats + "+" + bDegats.value).roll()
await this.showDiceSoNice(degatsRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
rollData.degatsRoll = foundry.utils.duplicate(degatsRoll)
rollData.degats =
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export class TeDeumEducationSchema extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
return caracs;
}, {}));
schema.competences = new fields.SchemaField(Array.fromRange(10, 1).reduce((comps, i) => {
comps[`comp${i}`] = new fields.SchemaField({
compName: new fields.StringField({ required: true, blank: true, initial: "" }),
@ -30,6 +31,15 @@ export class TeDeumEducationSchema extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
return comps;
}, {}));
schema.hasCompetencesOpt = new fields.BooleanField({initial: false})
schema.competencesOptNumber = new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 1, min:0 })
schema.competencesOpt = new fields.SchemaField(Array.fromRange(14, 1).reduce((comps, i) => {
comps[`comp${i}`] = new fields.SchemaField({
compName: new fields.StringField({ required: true, blank: true, initial: "" })
return comps;
}, {}));
schema.questionnaire = new fields.SchemaField(Array.fromRange(8, 1).reduce((questions, i) => {
questions[`question${i}`] = new fields.SchemaField({
question: new fields.StringField({ required: true, blank: true, initial: "" }),
@ -52,10 +62,18 @@ export class TeDeumEducationSchema extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
return questions;
}, {}));
schema.debouches = new fields.SchemaField(Array.fromRange(24, 1).reduce((debouches, i) => {
debouches[`debouche${i}`] = new fields.SchemaField({
debouche: new fields.StringField({ required: true, blank: true, initial: "" })
return debouches;
}, {}));
schema.cagnotteMultiplier = new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredDouble, initial: 1.0, min: 0 });
schema.cagnotteDivider = new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredDouble, initial: 1.0, min: 0 });
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({ required: true, blank: true });
schema.trousseau = new fields.StringField({ required: true, blank: true, initial: "" });
return schema;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export class TeDeumPJSchema extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
schema.fortune = new fields.SchemaField({
"ecu": new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
"ecus": new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }),
"livres": new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }) ,
"sous": new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 }) ,
"deniers": new fields.NumberField({ ...requiredInteger, initial: 0, min: 0 })
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ export class TeDeumPJSchema extends foundry.abstract.TypeDataModel {
schema.description = new fields.HTMLField({required: true, blank: true});
schema.connaissances = new fields.HTMLField({required: true, blank: true});
schema.vetements = new fields.HTMLField({required: true, blank: true});
//schema.descriptiongraces = new fields.HTMLField({required: true, blank: true});
schema.equipmentfree = new fields.HTMLField({required: true, blank: true});
schema.genre = new fields.StringField({required: true, choices: ["Homme", "Femme"], initial: "Femme"});
schema.age = new fields.StringField({ required: false, blank: true, initial: undefined });
schema.statutocial = new fields.StringField({ required: false, blank: true, initial: undefined });
@ -92,16 +92,6 @@ Hooks.once("init", async function () {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
function welcomeMessage() {
if (game.user.isGM) {
whisper: [],
content: `<div id="welcome-message-tedeum"><span class="rdd-roll-part">
<strong>Bienvenu dans Te Deum Pour Un Massacre !</strong>` });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */
@ -125,7 +115,8 @@ Hooks.once("ready", function () {
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.844175 7ff40d5f96c0 Recovering log #28
2025/01/31-11:46:44.854119 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=3 #26
2025/01/31-11:46:44.854226 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=0 #28
2025/01/31-11:54:21.927622 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.927655 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.934817 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #31
2025/01/31-11:54:21.941818 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!InCQeTRdT5jXMX82' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wxIHkrq98eQ3cOvp' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:38.814947 7f5b477fe6c0 Recovering log #66
2025/02/03-22:58:38.869766 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=3 #64
2025/02/03-22:58:38.869877 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=0 #66
2025/02/03-23:00:39.704731 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.704771 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.711745 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #69
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725416 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!InCQeTRdT5jXMX82' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wxIHkrq98eQ3cOvp' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.195113 7ff40ddfa6c0 Recovering log #24
2025/01/31-10:35:52.204734 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=3 #22
2025/01/31-10:35:52.204791 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=0 #24
2025/01/31-11:04:13.723993 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.724023 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.731157 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #27
2025/01/31-11:04:13.737704 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!InCQeTRdT5jXMX82' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wxIHkrq98eQ3cOvp' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.422885 7f5b477fe6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/02/03-22:55:39.432766 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/02/03-22:55:39.432891 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/02/03-22:56:09.836871 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.836910 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.845000 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/02/03-22:56:09.845233 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!InCQeTRdT5jXMX82' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!wxIHkrq98eQ3cOvp' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.857100 7ff40cdf86c0 Recovering log #28
2025/01/31-11:46:44.867698 7ff40cdf86c0 Delete type=3 #26
2025/01/31-11:46:44.867759 7ff40cdf86c0 Delete type=0 #28
2025/01/31-11:54:21.921258 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.921301 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.927470 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #31
2025/01/31-11:54:21.941807 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!2wTJBj3dicRKzNOE' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ufvhWG5V8pX0qrtR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:38.873517 7f5b47fff6c0 Recovering log #66
2025/02/03-22:58:38.934682 7f5b47fff6c0 Delete type=3 #64
2025/02/03-22:58:38.934746 7f5b47fff6c0 Delete type=0 #66
2025/02/03-23:00:39.711892 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.711920 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.718489 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #69
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725430 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!2wTJBj3dicRKzNOE' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ufvhWG5V8pX0qrtR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.207464 7ff40d5f96c0 Recovering log #24
2025/01/31-10:35:52.217843 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=3 #22
2025/01/31-10:35:52.217933 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=0 #24
2025/01/31-11:04:13.711638 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.711706 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.717727 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #27
2025/01/31-11:04:13.737680 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!2wTJBj3dicRKzNOE' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ufvhWG5V8pX0qrtR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.435305 7f5b46ffd6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/02/03-22:55:39.448063 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/02/03-22:55:39.448145 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/02/03-22:56:09.811365 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.811409 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.825285 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/02/03-22:56:09.845202 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!2wTJBj3dicRKzNOE' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ufvhWG5V8pX0qrtR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.830669 7ff40ddfa6c0 Recovering log #24
2025/01/31-11:46:44.841211 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=3 #22
2025/01/31-11:46:44.841295 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=0 #24
2025/01/31-11:54:21.935004 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.935040 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.941608 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #27
2025/01/31-11:54:21.941830 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!4OPhigzcPv46qbWW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yx4k7lQHGcom99mk' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:38.713094 7f5b46ffd6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/02/03-22:58:38.811025 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/02/03-22:58:38.811091 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/02/03-23:00:39.698334 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.698390 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.704554 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725398 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!4OPhigzcPv46qbWW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yx4k7lQHGcom99mk' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.181034 7ff407fff6c0 Recovering log #20
2025/01/31-10:35:52.190874 7ff407fff6c0 Delete type=3 #18
2025/01/31-10:35:52.190954 7ff407fff6c0 Delete type=0 #20
2025/01/31-11:04:13.731297 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #25: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.731324 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #25: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.737594 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #23
2025/01/31-11:04:13.737713 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!4OPhigzcPv46qbWW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yx4k7lQHGcom99mk' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.408463 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Recovering log #58
2025/02/03-22:55:39.419892 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=3 #56
2025/02/03-22:55:39.419948 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=0 #58
2025/02/03-22:56:09.755630 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #63: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.755689 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #63: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.767928 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #61
2025/02/03-22:56:09.795616 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!4OPhigzcPv46qbWW' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yx4k7lQHGcom99mk' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.870558 7ff407fff6c0 Recovering log #30
2025/01/31-11:46:44.881583 7ff407fff6c0 Delete type=3 #28
2025/01/31-11:46:44.881667 7ff407fff6c0 Delete type=0 #30
2025/01/31-11:54:21.913634 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #35: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.913684 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #35: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.921092 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #33
2025/01/31-11:54:21.941791 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!9PQi3Lv54rpcxavo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zGlRtP7zSnkjuuue' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:38.937489 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Recovering log #72
2025/02/03-22:58:38.996464 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=3 #70
2025/02/03-22:58:38.996519 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=0 #72
2025/02/03-23:00:39.718801 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #77: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.718847 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #77: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725264 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #75
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725442 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!9PQi3Lv54rpcxavo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zGlRtP7zSnkjuuue' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.220665 7ff40cdf86c0 Recovering log #26
2025/01/31-10:35:52.230157 7ff40cdf86c0 Delete type=3 #24
2025/01/31-10:35:52.230214 7ff40cdf86c0 Delete type=0 #26
2025/01/31-11:04:13.717844 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #31: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.717874 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #31: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.723869 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #29
2025/01/31-11:04:13.737691 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!9PQi3Lv54rpcxavo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zGlRtP7zSnkjuuue' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.451121 7f5b47fff6c0 Recovering log #68
2025/02/03-22:55:39.461341 7f5b47fff6c0 Delete type=3 #66
2025/02/03-22:55:39.461419 7f5b47fff6c0 Delete type=0 #68
2025/02/03-22:56:09.739226 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #73: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.739289 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #73: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.755387 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #71
2025/02/03-22:56:09.795602 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!9PQi3Lv54rpcxavo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zGlRtP7zSnkjuuue' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.884470 7ff40ddfa6c0 Recovering log #28
2025/01/31-11:46:44.894138 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=3 #26
2025/01/31-11:46:44.894195 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=0 #28
2025/01/31-11:54:21.948160 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.948194 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.955532 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #31
2025/01/31-11:54:21.968494 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!17mjvwS8R3B6LloG' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zUYIVOuFpRur9aAR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:39.000429 7f5b46ffd6c0 Recovering log #66
2025/02/03-22:58:39.053445 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #64
2025/02/03-22:58:39.053656 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #66
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725538 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.725596 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.731775 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #69
2025/02/03-23:00:39.756486 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!17mjvwS8R3B6LloG' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zUYIVOuFpRur9aAR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.236046 7ff407fff6c0 Recovering log #24
2025/01/31-10:35:52.246980 7ff407fff6c0 Delete type=3 #22
2025/01/31-10:35:52.247064 7ff407fff6c0 Delete type=0 #24
2025/01/31-11:04:13.756831 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.756871 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.763061 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #27
2025/01/31-11:04:13.763275 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!17mjvwS8R3B6LloG' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zUYIVOuFpRur9aAR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.466809 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/02/03-22:55:39.476938 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/02/03-22:55:39.477075 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/02/03-22:56:09.782715 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.782754 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.795445 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/02/03-22:56:09.795640 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!17mjvwS8R3B6LloG' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zUYIVOuFpRur9aAR' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.896163 7ff40d5f96c0 Recovering log #28
2025/01/31-11:46:44.906324 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=3 #26
2025/01/31-11:46:44.906382 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=0 #28
2025/01/31-11:54:21.955722 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.955751 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.961763 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #31
2025/01/31-11:54:21.968509 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1icaxIywAwDXQcMz' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ysGehYm1VkMWrI22' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:39.056439 7f5b477fe6c0 Recovering log #66
2025/02/03-22:58:39.113609 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=3 #64
2025/02/03-22:58:39.113751 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=0 #66
2025/02/03-23:00:39.731972 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.732009 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.738907 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #69
2025/02/03-23:00:39.756507 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1icaxIywAwDXQcMz' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ysGehYm1VkMWrI22' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.250782 7ff40ddfa6c0 Recovering log #24
2025/01/31-10:35:52.261073 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=3 #22
2025/01/31-10:35:52.261148 7ff40ddfa6c0 Delete type=0 #24
2025/01/31-11:04:13.749864 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.749896 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.756656 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #27
2025/01/31-11:04:13.763260 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1icaxIywAwDXQcMz' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ysGehYm1VkMWrI22' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.480778 7f5b477fe6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/02/03-22:55:39.490923 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/02/03-22:55:39.490983 7f5b477fe6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/02/03-22:56:09.768155 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.768198 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.782479 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/02/03-22:56:09.795627 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1icaxIywAwDXQcMz' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ysGehYm1VkMWrI22' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
2025/02/03-22:58:39.184051 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Recovering log #4
2025/02/03-22:58:39.237212 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=3 #2
2025/02/03-22:58:39.237307 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=0 #4
2025/02/03-23:00:39.746652 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #9: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.750249 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #9: 1475 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.756314 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #7
2025/02/03-23:00:39.756534 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!scenes!FJXugdbkBpEJEdR6' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!scenes!FJXugdbkBpEJEdR6' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
2025/02/03-22:55:39.520711 7f5b4c9fa6c0 Delete type=3 #1
2025/02/03-22:56:09.795741 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #5: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.801852 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #5: 1348 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.811173 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #3
2025/02/03-22:56:09.845181 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!scenes!T55C6Rrtsfqgk7A9' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!scenes!T55C6Rrtsfqgk7A9' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-11:46:44.908555 7ff40cdf86c0 Recovering log #28
2025/01/31-11:46:44.919483 7ff40cdf86c0 Delete type=3 #26
2025/01/31-11:46:44.919542 7ff40cdf86c0 Delete type=0 #28
2025/01/31-11:54:21.961885 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: started
2025/01/31-11:54:21.961918 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #33: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:54:21.968366 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #31
2025/01/31-11:54:21.968523 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1bAL2MQVpVBd0c5Z' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs67k4sxCid6oTK3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:58:39.116335 7f5b47fff6c0 Recovering log #66
2025/02/03-22:58:39.180738 7f5b47fff6c0 Delete type=3 #64
2025/02/03-22:58:39.180880 7f5b47fff6c0 Delete type=0 #66
2025/02/03-23:00:39.739100 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: started
2025/02/03-23:00:39.739142 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #71: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-23:00:39.746461 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #69
2025/02/03-23:00:39.756517 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1bAL2MQVpVBd0c5Z' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs67k4sxCid6oTK3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2025/01/31-10:35:52.264998 7ff40d5f96c0 Recovering log #24
2025/01/31-10:35:52.275223 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=3 #22
2025/01/31-10:35:52.275287 7ff40d5f96c0 Delete type=0 #24
2025/01/31-11:04:13.743745 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: started
2025/01/31-11:04:13.743773 7ff4077fe6c0 Level-0 table #29: 0 bytes OK
2025/01/31-11:04:13.749756 7ff4077fe6c0 Delete type=0 #27
2025/01/31-11:04:13.763245 7ff4077fe6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1bAL2MQVpVBd0c5Z' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs67k4sxCid6oTK3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/03-22:55:39.493788 7f5b46ffd6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/02/03-22:55:39.503575 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/02/03-22:55:39.503705 7f5b46ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/02/03-22:56:09.825483 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/02/03-22:56:09.825510 7f5b463ff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/03-22:56:09.836693 7f5b463ff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/02/03-22:56:09.845218 7f5b463ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!1bAL2MQVpVBd0c5Z' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs67k4sxCid6oTK3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -381,6 +381,15 @@ table {
padding: 0 3px;
.questionnaire-reponse {
max-width: 42rem;
margin-left: 1rem;
.questionnaire-element {
margin-top: 0.5rem;
input[type="text"], select[type="text"] {
background: white;
color: #494e6b;
@ -1015,7 +1024,7 @@ ul, li {
color: #CCC;
& > img {
content: url(../images/ui/te-deum_logo_small_01.webp);
content: url(../images/ui/logo_tedeum_pause.webp);
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
top: -200px;
@ -1023,7 +1032,7 @@ ul, li {
#logo {
content: url(../images/ui/te-deum_logo_small_01.webp);
content: url(../images/ui/logo_tedeum_pause.webp);
width: 100px;
height: 60px;
@ -1233,3 +1242,19 @@ ul, li {
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.fvtt-te-deum-character-creator {
font-family: "GreatPrimer";
font-size: 0.9rem;
.field-title {
font-weight: bold;
.status-section {
display: block;
max-width: 34rem;
.item-name-label {
min-width: 12rem;
@ -361,6 +361,15 @@ table {
padding: 0 3px;
.questionnaire-reponse {
max-width: 42rem;
margin-left: 1rem;
.questionnaire-element {
margin-top: 0.5rem;
input[type="text"], select[type="text"] {
background: white;
color: #494e6b;
@ -1170,3 +1179,21 @@ ul, li {
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.fvtt-te-deum-character-creator {
font-family: "GreatPrimer";
font-size: 0.9rem;
.fvtt-te-deum-character-creator .field-title {
font-weight: bold;
.fvtt-te-deum-character-creator .status-section {
display: block;
max-width: 34rem;
.item-name-label {
min-width: 12rem;
@ -105,6 +105,18 @@
"label": "Scenes",
"type": "Scene",
"name": "scenes",
"path": "packs/scenes",
"system": "fvtt-te-deum",
"flags": {},
"ownership": {
"license": "LICENSE.txt",
@ -126,7 +138,7 @@
"url": "",
"version": "12.0.9",
"download": "",
"background": "",
"background": "systems/fvtt-te-deum/images/ui/tdeum_welcome_page_01.webp",
"flags": {
"hotReload": {
"extensions": [
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"Actor": {
"types": ["pj", "pnj"],
"htmlFields": ["description"],
"htmlFields": ["description", "equipmentfree"],
"pj": {},
"pnj": {}
@ -318,6 +318,16 @@
{{!-- Equipement Tab --}}
<div class="tab equipements" data-group="primary" data-tab="equipements">
<div class="form-group">
{{#each system.fortune as |fortune key|}}
<div class="flexrow">
<label class="item-field item-field-label-medium">{{upperFirst key}}</label>
<input type="text" class="input-numeric-short" name="system.fortune.{{key}}.value" value="{{fortune}}"
data-dtype="Number" />
<span class="item-name-label-header items-title-bg">
<h3><label class="items-title-text">Zone libre</label></h3>
@ -355,9 +365,6 @@
{{!-- Biography Tab --}}
@ -366,14 +373,19 @@
<div class="grid grid-2col">
<ul class="item-list alternate-list">
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Genre</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.genre" value="{{system.genre}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Lieu de naissance</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.lieunaissance" value="{{system.biodata.lieunaissance}}"
<input type="text" class="" name="system.lieunaissance" value="{{system.lieunaissance}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Age</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.age" value="{{system.biodata.age}}"
<input type="text" class="" name="system.age" value="{{system.age}}"
data-dtype="String" />
@ -381,24 +393,53 @@
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Statut social</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.statutocial" value="{{system.biodata.residence}}"
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Origine sociale</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.statutocial" value="{{system.statutocial}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Charges et Titres</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.chargestitre" value="{{system.biodata.nationalite}}"
<input type="text" class="" name="system.chargestitre" value="{{system.chargestitre}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Religion</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.enfance" value="{{system.biodata.enfance}}"
<input type="text" class="" name="system.religion" value="{{system.religion}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<ul class="item-list alternate-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item items-title-bg">
<span class="item-field-label-long">
<h3><label class="item-field-label-long">Education</label></h3>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
{{#each educations as |education key|}}
<li class="item list-item flexrow list-item-shadow item-id" data-item-id="{{education._id}}">
<a class="item-edit item-name-img" title="Edit Item"><img class="sheet-competence-img"
src="{{education.img}}" /></a>
<span class="item-name-label">{{}}</span>
<span class="item-name-label">{{getEducationEtape education.system.etape}}</span>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-edit" title="Editer une éducation"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
{{#if @root.isGM}}
<a class="item-control item-delete" title="Supprimer une éducation"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<span class="item-name-label-header items-title-bg">
<h3><label class="items-title-text">Background</label></h3>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<div class="fvtt-te-deum-character-creator">
<h3>Création de personnage terminée !</h3>
<div class="form-group">
L'ensemble des choix a été appliqué sur la fiche de personnage nouvellement créée.
Le Trousseau issu de l'Age Viril a été copié dans zone d'équipement libre de la fiche de personnage, à vous de créer les objets de jeu nécessaires (armes, richesses, etc.).
Vous devez maintenant choisir un Grâce, en fonction des pré-requis de votre personnage, et l'appliquer sur la fiche de personnage.
Vous pouvez également choisir un nom pour votre personnage, et le renseigner dans la fiche de personnage.
Enfin, vous pouvez choisir un portrait pour votre personnage.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<div class="fvtt-te-deum-character-creator">
<div class="form-group">
<select name="sexe">
@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
<div class="fvtt-te-deum-character-creator">
<div class="form-group">
<select name="carac">
{{selectOptions caracList valueAttr="id" labelAttr="label"}}
{{#each competences as |comp idx|}}
{{#if comp.valid}}
<div class="form-group">
<label>Compétence +1 : {{comp.compName}}</label>
{{> systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/partial-creator-status.hbs}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<div class="fvtt-te-deum-character-creator">
{{#each fixedCompetences as |compName idx|}}
<div class="form-group">
<label>Compétence +1 : {{upperFirst compName}}</label>
{{#if hasSelectCompetences}}
<div class="form-group">
<select name="selectedCompetence">
{{selectOptions selectCompetences }}
{{> systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/partial-creator-status.hbs}}
@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
<div class="fvtt-te-deum-character-creator">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="flexcol">
{{radioBoxes 'responseKey' responsesRadio checked="reponse1" valueAttr="id" labelAttr="label"}}
<div class="questionnaire-reponse">
{{#each responsesRadio as |response key|}}
<div class="questionnaire-element">
<input class="questionnaire-radio" type="radio" name="responseKey" data-response-key="{{key}}" value="{{key}}" {{#if response.selected}}checked{{/if}}>
{{#if response.competences}}
<select class="questionnaire-select-competence" data-response-key="{{key}}">
{{#each response.competences as |competence|}}
<option value="{{competence.compName}}">{{upperFirst competence.compName}}</option>
{{> systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/partial-creator-status.hbs}}
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
<div class="fvtt-te-deum-character-creator">
<div class="form-group">
<select name="selectedItem">
{{selectOptions choices valueAttr="id" labelAttr="name"}}
{{> systems/fvtt-te-deum/templates/dialogs/partial-creator-status.hbs}}
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
{{#if skill}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize}} : </span>
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{skill.value}}</span>
{{#if impactMalus}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.impactmalus"}} : </span>
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{impactMalus}}</span>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.skilltranscendence"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-select-transcendence" data-type="Number">
{{#select skillTranscendence}}
{{#for 0 skill.value 1}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
{{#if forcedSpec}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.spec"}} : </span>
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{}} (+{{forcedSpec.system.bonus}})</span>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.spec"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-specialization" data-type="String" multiple>
{{#each skill.spec as |spec idx|}}
<option value="{{}}">{{}} (+{{spec.system.bonus}})</option>
{{#if spleen}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.applyspleen"}} {{}}</span>
<input type="checkbox" class="item-field-label-short" id="roll-use-spleen" {{checked useSpleen}} />
{{#if ideal}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.applyideal"}} {{}}</span>
<input type="checkbox" class="item-field-label-short" id="roll-use-ideal" {{checked useIdeal}} />
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.traitbonus"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-trait-bonus" data-type="String" multiple>
{{#each traits as | trait idx|}}
<option value="{{trait._id}}">{{}} ({{trait.system.level}})</option>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.traitmalus"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-trait-malus" data-type="String" multiple>
{{#each traits as | trait idx|}}
<option value="{{trait._id}}">{{}} ({{trait.system.level}})</option>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">Bonus/Malus : </span>
<select id="bonusMalusPerso" name="bonusMalusPerso">
{{#select bonusMalusPerso}}
<option value="-3">-3</option>
<option value="-2">-2</option>
<option value="-1">-1</option>
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">+1</option>
<option value="2">+2</option>
<option value="3">+3</option>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<div class="status-section">
<label class="field-title">Caractéristiques : </label>
{{#each caracBonus as |bonus key|}}
<label class="">{{upperFirst key}} +{{bonus.value}} / </label>
<label class="field-title">Compétences : </label>
{{#each competenceBonus as |bonus key|}}
<label class="">{{upperFirst key}} +{{bonus.value}} /</label>
@ -25,16 +25,22 @@
{{#if hasMultiplier}}
{{#each system.accessible as |access accId|}}
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{getConfigLabel "origineSociale" accId}}</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="system.accessible.{{accId}}.isaccessible" {{checked access.isaccessible}} />
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">Nombre de bonus de Caractéristiques</label>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short " name="system.nbChoixCarac" value="{{system.nbChoixCarac}}" data-dtype="Number" />
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short " name="system.nbChoixCarac"
value="{{system.nbChoixCarac}}" data-dtype="Number" />
{{#each system.caracteristiques as |carac caracKey|}}
{{#if carac.valid}}
@ -61,21 +67,47 @@
{{#if canCompetencesOpt}}
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">Compétences à choisir ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="system.hasCompetencesOpt" {{checked system.hasCompetencesOpt}} />
{{#if system.hasCompetencesOpt}}
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">Nombre de compétences à choisir</label>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.competencesOptNumber"
value="{{system.competencesOptNumber}}" data-dtype="Number" />
{{#each system.competencesOpt as |comp compKey|}}
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">Compétence +1</label>
<select name="system.competencesOpt.{{compKey}}.compName">
{{selectOptions @root.competences selected=comp.compName labelAttr="name" blank=""}}
{{#if hasMultiplier}}
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">Multiplicateur de cagnotte</label>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short"
name="system.cagnotteMultiplier" value="{{system.cagnotteMultiplier}}"
data-dtype="Number" />
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.cagnotteMultiplier"
value="{{system.cagnotteMultiplier}}" data-dtype="Number" />
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">Diviseur de cagnotte</label>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short"
name="system.cagnotteDivider" value="{{system.cagnotteDivider}}"
data-dtype="Number" />
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.cagnotteDivider"
value="{{system.cagnotteDivider}}" data-dtype="Number" />
<li class="flexrow">
<textarea name="system.trousseau" cols="30" rows="5"/>{{system.trousseau}} </textarea>
{{#if hasQuestionnaire}}
{{#each system.questionnaire as |question quesKey|}}
@ -89,10 +121,12 @@
data-dtype="String" />
<label class="item-name-label-long">Choix multiple?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="system.questionnaire.{{quesKey}}.reponses.{{repKey}}.toSelect" {{checked reponse.toSelect}} />
<input type="checkbox" name="system.questionnaire.{{quesKey}}.reponses.{{repKey}}.toSelect" {{checked
reponse.toSelect}} />
{{#if reponse.toSelect}}
{{#each reponse.compList as |comp compKey|}}
<select class="item-name-label-medium" name="system.questionnaire.{{quesKey}}.reponses.{{repKey}}.compList.{{compKey}}.compName">
<select class="item-name-label-medium"
{{selectOptions @root.competences selected=comp.compName labelAttr="name" blank=""}}
@ -108,6 +142,16 @@
{{#if hasDebouches}}
<label>Débouchés possibles à l'Age Viril</label>
{{#each system.debouches as |debouche debKey|}}
<li class="flexrow">
<input type="text" name="system.debouches.{{debKey}}.debouche" value="{{debouche.debouche}}"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user