
699 lines
23 KiB

/* -------------------------------------------- */
import { WastelandCombat } from "./wasteland-combat.js";
import { WastelandCommands } from "./wasteland-commands.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class WastelandUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async init() {
Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, data) => WastelandUtility.chatListeners(html))
Hooks.on("getChatLogEntryContext", (html, options) => WastelandUtility.chatRollMenu(html, options))
Hooks.on("getCombatTrackerEntryContext", (html, options) => {
WastelandUtility.pushInitiativeOptions(html, options);
Hooks.on("dropCanvasData", (canvas, data) => {
WastelandUtility.dropItemOnToken(canvas, data)
this.rollDataStore = {}
this.defenderStore = {}
Handlebars.registerHelper('count', function (list) {
return list.length;
Handlebars.registerHelper('includes', function (array, val) {
return array.includes(val);
Handlebars.registerHelper('upper', function (text) {
return text.toUpperCase();
Handlebars.registerHelper('lower', function (text) {
return text.toLowerCase()
Handlebars.registerHelper('upperFirst', function (text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') return text
return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1)
Handlebars.registerHelper('notEmpty', function (list) {
return list.length > 0;
Handlebars.registerHelper('mul', function (a, b) {
return parseInt(a) * parseInt(b);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getActorFromRollData(rollData) {
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
if (rollData.tokenId) {
let token = canvas.tokens.placeables.find(t => t.id == rollData.tokenId)
if (token) {
actor = token.actor
return actor
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getModificateurOptions() {
let opt = []
for (let i = -15; i <= 15; i++) {
opt.push(`<option value="${i}">${i}</option>`)
return opt.concat("\n")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static sortArrayObjectsByName(myArray) {
myArray.sort((a, b) => {
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getPointAmeOptions() {
let opt = []
for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
opt.push(`<option value="${i}">${i}</option>`)
return opt.concat("\n")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getAttributs() {
return { adr: "Adresse", pui: "Puissance", cla: "Clairvoyance", pre: "Présence", tre: "Trempe" }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static pushInitiativeOptions(html, options) {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getSkills() {
return this.skills
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async ready() {
const skills = await WastelandUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-wasteland.skills")
this.skills = skills.map(i => i.toObject())
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async loadCompendiumData(compendium) {
const pack = game.packs.get(compendium);
return await pack?.getDocuments() ?? [];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async loadCompendium(compendium, filter = item => true) {
let compendiumData = await WastelandUtility.loadCompendiumData(compendium);
return compendiumData.filter(filter);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getOptionsStatusList() {
return this.optionsStatusList;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async chatListeners(html) {
html.on("click", '.predilection-reroll', async event => {
let predIdx = $(event.currentTarget).data("predilection-index")
let messageId = WastelandUtility.findChatMessageId(event.currentTarget)
let message = game.messages.get(messageId)
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
let actor = WastelandUtility.getActorFromRollData(rollData)
await actor.setPredilectionUsed(rollData.competence._id, predIdx)
rollData.competence = duplicate(actor.getCompetence(rollData.competence._id))
await WastelandUtility.rollWasteland(rollData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async preloadHandlebarsTemplates() {
const templatePaths = [
return loadTemplates(templatePaths);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static removeChatMessageId(messageId) {
if (messageId) {
static findChatMessageId(current) {
return WastelandUtility.getChatMessageId(WastelandUtility.findChatMessage(current));
static getChatMessageId(node) {
return node?.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id')?.value;
static findChatMessage(current) {
return WastelandUtility.findNodeMatching(current, it => it.classList.contains('chat-message') && it.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id'))
static findNodeMatching(current, predicate) {
if (current) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return current;
return WastelandUtility.findNodeMatching(current.parentElement, predicate);
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static createDirectOptionList(min, max) {
let options = {};
for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
options[`${i}`] = `${i}`;
return options;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildListOptions(min, max) {
let options = ""
for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
options += `<option value="${i}">${i}</option>`
return options;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getTarget() {
if (game.user.targets && game.user.targets.size == 1) {
for (let target of game.user.targets) {
return target;
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static updateRollData(rollData) {
let id = rollData.rollId;
let oldRollData = this.rollDataStore[id] || {};
let newRollData = mergeObject(oldRollData, rollData);
this.rollDataStore[id] = newRollData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static saveRollData(rollData) {
game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-wasteland", {
name: "msg_update_roll", data: rollData
}); // Notify all other clients of the roll
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getRollData(id) {
return this.rollDataStore[id];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static onSocketMesssage(msg) {
if (msg.name == "msg_update_defense_state") {
this.updateDefenseState(msg.data.defenderId, msg.data.rollId);
if (msg.name == "msg_update_roll") {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static chatDataSetup(content, modeOverride, isRoll = false, forceWhisper) {
let chatData = {
user: game.user.id,
rollMode: modeOverride || game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
content: content
if (["gmroll", "blindroll"].includes(chatData.rollMode)) chatData["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM").map(u => u.id);
if (chatData.rollMode === "blindroll") chatData["blind"] = true;
else if (chatData.rollMode === "selfroll") chatData["whisper"] = [game.user];
if (forceWhisper) { // Final force !
chatData["speaker"] = ChatMessage.getSpeaker();
chatData["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(forceWhisper);
return chatData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async showDiceSoNice(roll, rollMode) {
if (game.modules.get("dice-so-nice")?.active) {
if (game.dice3d) {
let whisper = null;
let blind = false;
rollMode = rollMode ?? game.settings.get("core", "rollMode");
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": //GM only
blind = true;
case "gmroll": //GM + rolling player
whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
case "roll": //everybody
whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.active);
case "selfroll":
whisper = [game.user.id];
await game.dice3d.showForRoll(roll, game.user, true, whisper, blind);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static computeResult(rollData) {
if (rollData.mainDice == "1d20") {
let diceValue = rollData.roll.terms[0].results[0].result
diceValue *= (rollData.doubleD20) ? 2 : 1
//console.log("PAIR/IMP", diceValue)
if (diceValue % 2 == 1) {
//console.log("PAIR/IMP2", diceValue)
rollData.finalResult -= rollData.roll.terms[0].results[0].result // Substract value
if (diceValue == 1 || diceValue == 11) {
rollData.isDramatique = true
rollData.isSuccess = false
//console.log("Result : ", rollData)
if (rollData.difficulte > 0 && !rollData.isDramatique) {
rollData.isSuccess = (rollData.finalResult >= rollData.difficulte)
rollData.isHeroique = ((rollData.finalResult - rollData.difficulte) >= 10)
rollData.isDramatique = ((rollData.finalResult - rollData.difficulte) <= -10)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async rollWasteland(rollData) {
let actor = WastelandUtility.getActorFromRollData(rollData)
if (rollData.attrKey == "tochoose") { // No attr selected, force address
rollData.attrKey = "adr"
if (!rollData.attr) {
rollData.actionImg = "systems/fvtt-wasteland/assets/icons/" + actor.system.attributs[rollData.attrKey].labelnorm + ".webp"
rollData.attr = duplicate(actor.system.attributs[rollData.attrKey])
rollData.diceFormula = rollData.mainDice
if (rollData.doubleD20) { // Multiply result !
rollData.diceFormula += "*2"
if (!rollData.isReroll) {
//console.log("BEFORE COMP", rollData)
if (rollData.competence) {
rollData.predilections = duplicate(rollData.competence.system.predilections.filter(pred => !pred.used) || [])
let compmod = (rollData.competence.system.niveau == 0) ? -3 : 0
rollData.diceFormula += `+${rollData.attr.value}+${rollData.competence.system.niveau}+${rollData.modificateur}+${compmod}`
} else {
rollData.diceFormula += `+${rollData.attr.value}*2+${rollData.modificateur}`
if (rollData.arme && rollData.arme.type == "arme") {
rollData.diceFormula += `+${rollData.arme.system.bonusmaniementoff}`
if (rollData.rune) {
rollData.runeduree = Math.ceil((rollData.runeame + 3) / 3)
if (rollData.runemode == "inscrire") {
rollData.runeduree *= 2
if (rollData.runemode == "prononcer") {
rollData.runeduree = 1
let myRoll = new Roll(rollData.diceFormula).roll({ async: false })
await this.showDiceSoNice(myRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
rollData.roll = duplicate(myRoll)
rollData.diceResult = myRoll.terms[0].results[0].result
console.log(">>>> ", myRoll)
rollData.finalResult = myRoll.total
if (rollData.rune) {
let subAme = rollData.runeame
if (rollData.isEchec && !rollData.isDramatique) {
subAme = Math.ceil((subAme + 1) / 2)
actor.subPointsAme(rollData.runemode, subAme)
this.createChatWithRollMode(rollData.alias, {
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-wasteland/templates/chat-generic-result.html`, rollData)
}, rollData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async bonusRollWasteland(rollData) {
rollData.bonusFormula = rollData.addedBonus
let bonusRoll = new Roll(rollData.bonusFormula).roll({ async: false })
await this.showDiceSoNice(bonusRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"));
rollData.bonusRoll = duplicate(bonusRoll)
rollData.finalResult += rollData.bonusRoll.total
this.createChatWithRollMode(rollData.alias, {
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-wasteland/templates/chat-generic-result.html`, rollData)
}, rollData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getUsers(filter) {
return game.users.filter(filter).map(user => user.data._id);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name) {
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": return this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
case "gmroll": return this.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name);
case "selfroll": return [game.user.id];
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name) {
let recep1 = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name) || [];
return recep1.concat(ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM'));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) {
let chatGM = duplicate(chatOptions);
chatGM.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatGM.content = "Blinde message of " + game.user.name + "<br>" + chatOptions.content;
console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM);
game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-weapons-of-the-gods", { msg: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatGM });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async searchItem(dataItem) {
let item;
if (dataItem.pack) {
item = await fromUuid("Compendium." + dataItem.pack + "." + dataItem.id);
} else {
item = game.items.get(dataItem.id)
return item
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static split3Columns(data) {
let array = [[], [], []];
if (data == undefined) return array;
let col = 0;
for (let key in data) {
let keyword = data[key];
keyword.key = key; // Self-reference
if (col == 3) col = 0;
return array;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async createChatMessage(name, rollMode, chatOptions, rollData = undefined) {
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": // GM only
if (!game.user.isGM) {
chatOptions.whisper = [game.user.id];
chatOptions.content = "Message only to the GM";
else {
chatOptions.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatOptions.whisper = this.getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name);
chatOptions.alias = chatOptions.alias || name
let msg = await ChatMessage.create(chatOptions)
console.log("=======>", rollData)
msg.setFlag("world", "wasteland-roll", rollData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getBasicRollData() {
let rollData = {
rollId: randomID(16),
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
modificateursOptions: this.getModificateurOptions(),
pointAmeOptions: this.getPointAmeOptions(),
difficulte: 0,
modificateur: 0,
return rollData
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static updateWithTarget(rollData) {
let target = WastelandUtility.getTarget()
if (target) {
rollData.defenderTokenId = target.id
let defender = game.canvas.tokens.get(rollData.defenderTokenId).actor
rollData.armeDefense = defender.getBestDefenseValue()
if (rollData.armeDefense) {
rollData.difficulte = rollData.armeDefense.system.totalDefensif
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Aucune arme de défense équipée, difficulté manuelle à positionner.")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static createChatWithRollMode(name, chatOptions, rollData = undefined) {
this.createChatMessage(name, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"), chatOptions, rollData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static applyBonneAventureRoll(li, changed, addedBonus) {
let msgId = li.data("message-id")
let msg = game.messages.get(msgId)
if (msg) {
let rollData = msg.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
let actor = WastelandUtility.getActorFromRollData(rollData)
rollData.isReroll = true
rollData.textBonus = "Bonus de Points d'Aventure"
if (addedBonus == "reroll") {
} else {
rollData.addedBonus = addedBonus
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static applyEclatRoll(li, changed, addedBonus) {
let msgId = li.data("message-id")
let msg = game.messages.get(msgId)
if (msg) {
let rollData = msg.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
let actor = WastelandUtility.getActorFromRollData(rollData)
rollData.isReroll = true
rollData.textBonus = "Bonus d'Eclat"
rollData.addedBonus = addedBonus
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static chatRollMenu(html, options) {
let canApply = li => canvas.tokens.controlled.length && li.find(".wasteland-roll").length
let hasBA = function (li) {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
if (rollData?.actorId) {
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
return actor.getBonneAventure() > 0
return false
let hasBA2 = function (li) {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
if (rollData?.actorId) {
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
return actor.getBonneAventure() >= 2
return false
let hasBA3 = function (li) {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
if (rollData?.actorId) {
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
return actor.getBonneAventure() >= 3
return false
let hasPE = function (li) {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
if (rollData?.actorId) {
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
return actor.getEclat() >= 1
return false
let hasPredilection = function (li) {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
if (rollData.competence) {
let nbPred = rollData.competence.data.predilections.filter(pred => !pred.used).length
return (!rollData.isReroll && rollData.competence && nbPred > 0)
return false
let canCompetenceDouble = function (li) {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "wasteland-roll")
if (rollData.competence) {
return rollData.competence.data.doublebonus
return false
name: "Ajouter +3 (1 point de Bonne Aventure)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasBA,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.applyBonneAventureRoll(li, -1, "+3")
name: "Gain de 1 Point de Santé / 24 heure (1 point de Bonne Aventure)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasBA,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.incDecSante(1)
name: "Gain de 2 Points de Santé / 24 heure (2 points de Bonne Aventure)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasBA2,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.incDecSante(2)
name: "Relancer le jet (3 points de Bonne Aventure)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasBA3,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.applyBonneAventureRoll(li, -3, "reroll")
name: "Bénéficier d'1 action supplémentaire (3 points de Bonne Aventure)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasBA3,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.applyBonneAventureRoll(li, -3, "newaction")
name: "Ajouter +10 (1 Point d'Eclat)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasPE,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.applyEclatRoll(li, -1, "+10")
name: "Double le résultat du d20 (1 Point d'Eclat)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasPE,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.applyEclatRoll(li, -1, "double20")
name: "Annuler une blessure (1 Point d'Eclat)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasPE,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.cancelBlessure(li)
name: "Recharger ses points de BA (1 Point d'Eclat)",
icon: "<i class='fas fa-user-plus'></i>",
condition: canApply && hasPE,
callback: li => WastelandUtility.reloadBA(li)
return options
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async confirmDelete(actorSheet, li) {
let itemId = li.data("item-id");
let msgTxt = "<p>Are you sure to remove this Item ?";
let buttons = {
delete: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>',
label: "Yes, remove it",
callback: () => {
actorSheet.actor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [itemId]);
li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false));
cancel: {
icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>',
label: "Cancel"
msgTxt += "</p>";
let d = new Dialog({
title: "Confirm removal",
content: msgTxt,
buttons: buttons,
default: "cancel"