{ "label": "SWADE Espèces", "mapping": { "description_full": "data.description" }, "entries": [ { "id": "#[CF_tempEntity]", "name": "#[CF_tempEntity]", "description": "", "description_full": "" }, { "id": "Android", "name": "Androide", "description_full": "


" }, { "id": "Aquarian", "name": "Aquarian", "description_full": "



From the crushing ocean depths come aquatic folk. They are thick and sturdy beneath the waves but often vulnerable in the dry air or searing heat of the surface.

" }, { "id": "Avion", "name": "Avion", "description_full": "



Avions are humanoids with wings. They tend to be very slight of build owing to their hollow bones. Some are feathered while others are leathery or even scaled.

" }, { "id": "Celestials", "name": "Celestials", "description_full": "



Angels are a great and varied lot, but all have these traits in common.

" }, { "id": "Dwarves", "name": "Dwarves", "description_full": "



Dwarves are short but stout, hardy people who come from massive caverns or high mountains. They are a proud, warlike race, usually made so by frequent contact with hostile races such as orcs and goblins.


Dwarves usually live upwards of 200 years. In most fantasy campaigns, they have ruddy skin and all human hair colors.

" }, { "id": "Elves", "name": "Elves", "description_full": "



Elves are tall, thin souls with pointed ears and deep-set eyes of various colors. Whether they hail from the deep forests or hidden valleys, they are all born more graceful than humans, though somewhat slighter. Most elves live upwards of 300 years. They have fair skin and their hair includes all human colors, plus shades of silver, blue, and gold.

" }, { "id": "Guardians", "name": "Guardians", "description_full": "



Those humans who serve the Heavenly Choir are called guardians.

" }, { "id": "Half-Elves", "name": "Half-Elves", "description_full": "



Half-elves gain the elves’ grace but none of their elegant frailty. Most are well-adjusted, but some are shunned by one side of the family or the other and grow resentful. Others may even be mistreated. Their lifespans are closer to their human parent than those of their elven kin, living only to about 100 years.

" }, { "id": "Half-Folk", "name": "Half-Folk", "description_full": "



Half-folk are small, nimble people with fuzzy brown or black hair. Though they are frail compared to most other races, their cheerful optimism (or wily cunning) gives them a “never say die” attitude that makes them more than a match for creatures twice their size. Half-folk see no reason to invite trouble and tend to live in their own close-knit communities far off the beaten path.

" }, { "id": "Humans", "name": "Humans", "description_full": "



Humans in most settings get one free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Edge} of their choice. This option reflects their versatility and adaptability compared to most other races.


For more variety, the GM might give humans abilities based on culture rather than race. For instance, a nomadic, horse-based society might start with skill points in Riding and Survival. Cultural templates are designed just like making new races, though GMs should allow for more exceptions than usual since the abilities tend to be learned rather than truly innate.

" }, { "id": "Rakashans", "name": "Rakashans", "description_full": "



Rakashans are humanoid felines. Some have the bright colors of tigers, the speckled hides of leopards, or the exotic look of Siamese cats. All have sharp claws and teeth, and a cruel nature when it comes to dealing with their prey.


Rakashans can be found in their own remote and exotic cities or as fringe elements of normal society. They are often too clever and beautiful to be shunned, but too cunning to gain others’ complete trust.

" }, { "id": "Saurians", "name": "Saurians", "description_full": "



Lizard men typically come from steaming jungles or deep deserts where they have unique civilizations unknown to other sentient races.

" } ] }