{ "label": "SWADE Équipement", "mapping": { "description": "system.description", "skill": { "path": "system.actions.skill", "converter": "gear_skill" }, "range": { "path": "system.range", "converter": "gear_range" }, "ammo": { "path": "system.ammo", "converter": "gear_ammo" } }, "entries": { "\"Bug\" (Micro Transmitter)": { "name": "\"Bug\" (Micro Transmitter)", "description": "

12 heures d'utilisation continue.

" }, "Bullets, Large": { "name": "Balles, Grandes", "description": "

.50 caliber and larger rounds

" }, "Bullets, Medium": { "name": "Balles, Mediums", "description": "

9mm to .45 caliber

" }, "Bullets, Small": { "name": "Balles, Petites", "description": "

.22 to .32 caliber

" }, "Bipod/Tripod": { "name": "Bipod/Tripod", "description": "

Takes an action to deploy. Negates @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Recoil]{Recoil} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Minimum Strength]{Minimum Strength} penalties.

" }, "Blanket": { "name": "Blanket", "description": "
" }, "Boots, Hiking": { "name": "Boots, Hiking", "description": "
" }, "Candle": { "name": "Bougie", "description": "

One hour, 2” radius

" }, "Button Camera": { "name": "Button Camera", "description": "

12 hours of continuous use.

" }, "Camera (digital)": { "name": "Caméra (digitale)", "description": "
" }, "Camera (disposable)": { "name": "Camera (disposable)", "description": "
" }, "Camera (regular)": { "name": "Camera (regular)", "description": "
" }, "Camouflage Fatigues": { "name": "Camouflage Fatigues", "description": "
" }, "Canister Shot (Cannon)": { "name": "Canister Shot (Cannon)", "description": "

Grapeshot or canister is a shell that detonates inside the barrel of a cannon and fires out a spray of deadly balls or other debris like a giant shotgun. The attack is the size of a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Area Effect Attacks]{Medium Blast Template} and moves in a straight line up to 24” (it affects [[/r d6]] targets if not using miniatures, or [[/r 2d6]] if they’re tightly packed). Compare the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll to every target within using a base TN of 4, adjusted for each target’s cover, special abilities like the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Dodge]{Dodge} Edge, etc. A hit causes 2d6 damage and a raise causes 3d6.

" }, "Canteen (waterskin)": { "name": "Canteen (waterskin)", "description": "
" }, "Cellular Interceptor": { "name": "Cellular Interceptor", "description": "
" }, "Horse": { "name": "Cheval", "description": "

See @Actor[RFfhBAdJgR2vIiCw]{Horse} for stats.

" }, "War Horse": { "name": "Cheval de guerre", "description": "

See @Actor[YhXM3GoaSTkJKto3]{Horse, War} for stats.

" }, "Clothing, Casual": { "name": "Clothing, Casual", "description": "" }, "Clothing, Formal": { "name": "Clothing, Formal", "description": "
" }, "Elaborate Saddle": { "name": "Elaborate Saddle", "description": "
" }, "Fast Food Meal": { "name": "Fast Food Meal", "description": "
" }, "First Aid Kit": { "name": "First Aid Kit", "description": "

Three uses, see @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Healing]{Healing}.

" }, "Flashlight": { "name": "Flashlight", "description": "

10” beam

" }, "Flask (ceramic)": { "name": "Flask (ceramic)", "description": "
" }, "Arrows/Bolts": { "name": "Flèches/Carreaux", "description": "

Arrows for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.Bow]{bows}, bolts for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.Crossbow]{crossbow}

" }, "Flint and Steel": { "name": "Flint and Steel", "description": "
" }, "Goggles": { "name": "Goggles", "description": "
" }, "Good Meal (restaurant)": { "name": "Good Meal (restaurant)", "description": "
" }, "GPS": { "name": "GPS", "description": "
" }, "Grappling Hook": { "name": "Grappling Hook", "description": "
" }, "Handcuffs (manacles)": { "name": "Handcuffs (manacles)", "description": "
" }, "Oil": { "name": "Huile", "description": "

For lantern; one pint

" }, "Lantern": { "name": "Lanterne", "description": "

Four hours, 4” radius

" }, "Laser Battery, Gatling": { "name": "Laser Battery, Gatling", "description": "

Provides one full magazine for the listed weapon

" }, "Laser Battery, Pistol": { "name": "Laser Battery, Pistol", "description": "

Provides one full magazine for the listed weapon

" }, "Laser Battery, Rifle / SMG": { "name": "Laser Battery, Rifle / SMG", "description": "

Provides one full magazine for the listed weapon

" }, "Laser/Red Dot Sight": { "name": "Laser/Red Dot Sight", "description": "

+1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} at Short and Medium @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Range}.

" }, "Lighter": { "name": "Lighter", "description": "
" }, "Lineman's Telephone": { "name": "Lineman's Telephone", "description": "

@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll to tap into a phone line.

" }, "Lockpicks": { "name": "Lockpicks", "description": "
" }, "Hammer": { "name": "Marteau", "description": "
" }, "Medic Kit": { "name": "Medic Kit", "description": "

Five uses, +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Healing]{Healing} skill rolls; $25 to refill.


Also see main @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Healing]{Healing} rules.

" }, "MRE (Meal Ready to Eat)": { "name": "MRE (Meal Ready to Eat)", "description": "
" }, "Night Vision Goggles": { "name": "Night Vision Goggles", "description": "

No penalty for Dim or Dark @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Illumination]{Illumination}. For double the price the goggles are “active” and ignore all Illumination penalties.

" }, "Computer, Desktop": { "name": "Ordinateur, Desktop", "description": "
" }, "Computer, Laptop": { "name": "Ordinateur, Laptop", "description": "
" }, "Computer, Hand held": { "name": "Ordinateur, terminal portatif", "description": "
" }, "Parabolic Microphone": { "name": "Parabolic Microphone", "description": "

Hear whispers up to 200 yards distant.

" }, "Pepper Spray": { "name": "Pepper Spray", "description": "

Use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} (or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} if engaged). No @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Attacks]{Range Penalty} but max range is 2″ (about 10 feet), Shots 5, victim must make @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} roll at –2 or be @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}.

" }, "Crowbar": { "name": "Pied de biche", "description": "
" }, "Quiver": { "name": "Quiver", "description": "

Holds 20 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.Arrows/Bolts]{Arrows/Bolts}.

" }, "Rifle Scope": { "name": "Rifle Scope", "description": "

Cancels 2 additional points of penalties when @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Aim]{Aiming}.

" }, "Rope, hemp": { "name": "Rope, hemp", "description": "

10”/20 yards

" }, "Rope, nylon": { "name": "Rope, nylon", "description": "

10”/20 yards

" }, "Backpack": { "name": "Sac à dos", "description": "
" }, "Bedroll": { "name": "Sac de couchage", "description": "

Sleeping bag; winterized

" }, "Saddle": { "name": "Saddle", "description": "
" }, "Shot (w/ powder)": { "name": "Shot (w/ powder)", "description": "

For black powder weapons

" }, "Shotgun Shells": { "name": "Shotgun Shells", "description": "

Standard buckshot

" }, "Shotgun Slugs": { "name": "Shotgun Slugs", "description": "

See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Shotguns]{Shotguns}.

" }, "Shovel": { "name": "Shovel", "description": "
" }, "Shrapnel Shot (Cannon)": { "name": "Shrapnel Shot (Cannon)", "description": "

Explosive shells filled with small metal balls that explode outward in a shower of debris. This is an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Area Effect Attacks]{Area Effect Attack} and uses the Medium Blast Template unless otherwise noted.

" }, "Sling stones": { "name": "Sling stones", "description": "
" }, "Soap": { "name": "Soap", "description": "
" }, "Solid Shot (Cannon)": { "name": "Solid Shot (Cannon)", "description": "

Heavy balls of iron, lead, or stone designed to batter walls or plow through packed ranks of troops. To fire, the leader of the crew makes a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll as usual. If successful, roll a die. If even, it bounces to another victim behind and within 6” of the first and hits him as well. Continue in this way until the die roll is odd.

" }, "Stun Gun": { "name": "Stun Gun", "description": "

Uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting}. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Range} 1/2/4. Shots 3 before needing to be recharged for at least two hours. Victims must make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} roll at –2 or be @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}.

" }, "Telephone Tap": { "name": "Telephone Tap", "description": "
" }, "Tool Kit": { "name": "Tool Kit", "description": "
" }, "Torch": { "name": "Torch", "description": "

 One hour, 4” radius.

" }, "Trail Rations": { "name": "Trail Rations", "description": "

5 meals; keeps one week.

" }, "Transmitter Detector": { "name": "Transmitter Detector", "description": "
" }, "Umbrella": { "name": "Umbrella", "description": "
" }, "Whetstone": { "name": "Whetstone", "description": "
" }, "Whistle": { "name": "Whistle", "description": "
" }, "Winter Boots": { "name": "Winter Boots", "description": "
" }, "Winter Gear (cloak/parka)": { "name": "Winter Gear (cloak/parka)", "description": "
" } } }