87 lines
1.9 KiB
87 lines
1.9 KiB
"name": "Tale of Metal",
"type": "spell",
"flags": {
"_sheetTab": "details",
"core": {
"sourceId": "Compendium.packs._source.KnYX0ivBpzzKAlmE"
"img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/spells/metal.png",
"_id": "KnYX0ivBpzzKAlmE",
"effects": [],
"system": {
"description": {
"value": "<p>You touch any metal object and look into its past, unlocking its secrets and visualising the circumstances of its forging and creation as if you were there. You may make a Challenging (+0) Channelling Test to discern a magic item’s special properties, learning one special property of the GM’s choosing per SL (minimum of 1). In the case of cursed, tainted or spoiled items, you uncover the dangerous properties last.</p>"
"gmdescription": {
"value": ""
"lore": {
"value": "metal",
"effectString": ""
"range": {
"value": "Touch",
"vortex": false
"target": {
"value": "Special",
"aoe": false
"duration": {
"value": "Instant",
"extendable": false
"damage": {
"dice": "",
"value": ""
"cn": {
"value": 8,
"SL": 0
"magicMissile": {
"value": false
"ritual": {
"value": false,
"type": "",
"xp": 0
"memorized": {
"value": false
"skill": {
"value": ""
"ingredients": [],
"currentIng": {
"value": "0"
"wind": {
"value": ""
"overcast": {
"enabled": false,
"label": "",
"valuePerOvercast": {
"type": "",
"value": 1,
"SL": false,
"characteristic": "",
"bonus": false
"initial": {
"type": "",
"value": 1,
"SL": false,
"characteristic": "",
"bonus": false
"folder": null,
"sort": 0,
"_key": "!items!KnYX0ivBpzzKAlmE"