{ "name": "Forbid Undead", "type": "spell", "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.packs._source.xBjSkFCoB0qwTIm4" }, "exportSource": { "world": "the-old-world", "system": "wfrp4e", "coreVersion": "0.6.6", "systemVersion": "2.1.0" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire/icons/spell_forbid_undead.jpg", "effects": [], "_id": "xBjSkFCoB0qwTIm4", "system": { "description": { "value": "

You touch the door of a building and guard it from intrusion by the undead. While the spell lasts, any creature with the Undead Trait must win an Opposed Willpower Test to remain or trespass inside the building; otherwise, the creature suffers a Broken Condition and must leave, suffering SL+1 Wounds per Round (ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armour Points). The range of this spell is limited to a single structure (such as a house or shop) no greater than Willpower yards in length, width, and height.

" }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "lore": { "value": "Necromancy", "effectString": "" }, "range": { "value": "Touch", "vortex": false }, "target": { "value": "Special", "aoe": false }, "duration": { "value": "Until sunrise", "extendable": false }, "damage": { "dice": "", "value": "" }, "cn": { "value": 4, "SL": 0 }, "magicMissile": { "value": false }, "ritual": { "value": false, "type": "", "xp": 0 }, "memorized": { "value": false }, "skill": { "value": "" }, "ingredients": [], "currentIng": { "value": "0" }, "wind": { "value": "" }, "overcast": { "enabled": false, "label": "", "valuePerOvercast": { "type": "", "value": 1, "SL": false, "characteristic": "", "bonus": false }, "initial": { "type": "", "value": 1, "SL": false, "characteristic": "", "bonus": false } } }, "folder": null, "sort": 0, "_key": "!items!xBjSkFCoB0qwTIm4" }