85 lines
2.2 KiB
85 lines
2.2 KiB
"name": "Read Out",
"permission": {
"default": 0,
"49AXXoPz63AAzPKB": 3
"type": "spell",
"data": {
"description": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Description",
"value": "<p>A disembodied voice will read aloud, without translation or inflection, the text of one document, scroll, book, sign, or similar writing in a slow, clear manner that people nearby can hear. Once begun, the whole text will be read aloud and cannot be stopped without dispelling the spell. A listener is allowed an <strong>Easy (+40) Intelligence </strong>Test to memorise the information being read, with a cumulative penalty of -10 for every 10 minutes spent listening. The spell will not activate or help you memorise magical effects, summonings, prayers, and the like.<span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span></p>"
"gmdescription": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Description",
"value": ""
"lore": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Lore",
"value": "petty",
"effect": ""
"range": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Range",
"value": "Touch"
"target": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Target",
"value": "Special",
"aoe": false
"duration": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Duration",
"value": "Special",
"extendable": false
"damage": {
"type": "String",
"label": "Damage",
"value": ""
"cn": {
"type": "Number",
"label": "Casting Number",
"value": 0,
"SL": 0
"magicMissile": {
"type": "Boolean",
"label": "Magic Missile",
"value": false
"memorized": {
"type": "Boolean",
"label": "Memorized",
"value": false
"ingredients": [],
"currentIng": {
"type": "Number",
"label": "Ingredient",
"value": 0
"wind": {
"value": ""
"flags": {
"dynamiceffects": {
"equipActive": false,
"alwaysActive": false,
"effects": []
"img": "modules/wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire/icons/petty_magic.jpg",
"_id": "vDP2U7Q3yMuDE4ka",
"effects": [],
"_key": "!items!vDP2U7Q3yMuDE4ka"