{ "_id": "Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2", "name": "Elk (Familiar)", "type": "creature", "sort": 100001, "flags": { "autoCalcRun": true, "autoCalcWalk": true, "autoCalcWounds": true, "autoCalcCritW": true, "autoCalcCorruption": true, "autoCalcEnc": true, "modifier": "", "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.packs._source.Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2" }, "autoCalcSize": true }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire/tokens/token_familiar_elk.png", "items": [ { "_id": "P863ZTFLK474ttva", "name": "Arboreal", "type": "trait", "sort": 100000, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.traits.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/traits/trait.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "The creature is at home in the forests. In the woodlands, it adds its Agility Bonus to the SL of all Climb and Stealth Tests." }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "rollable": { "value": false, "damage": false, "skill": "", "rollCharacteristic": "", "bonusCharacteristic": "", "dice": "", "defaultDifficulty": "challenging", "SL": true, "attackType": "melee" }, "specification": { "value": "" }, "qualities": { "value": [] }, "flaws": { "value": [] }, "category": "standard", "disabled": false }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.P863ZTFLK474ttva" }, { "_id": "0NYPEk64vNNyQNZe", "name": "Armour", "type": "trait", "sort": 200000, "flags": { "_sheetTab": "details", "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.traits.VUJUZVN3VYhOaPjj" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/traits/trait.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "The creature is protected by armor or thick hide. It has Rating Armor Points on all Hit Locations" }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "rollable": { "value": false, "damage": false, "skill": "", "rollCharacteristic": "", "bonusCharacteristic": "", "dice": "", "defaultDifficulty": "challenging", "SL": true, "attackType": "melee" }, "specification": { "value": "1" }, "qualities": { "value": [] }, "flaws": { "value": [] }, "category": "standard", "disabled": false }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.0NYPEk64vNNyQNZe" }, { "_id": "GuhXjVsKXNDNrJBO", "name": "Stride", "type": "trait", "sort": 300000, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.traits.UmxGZRV0Lw3TZ0Kx" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/traits/trait.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "

The creature has a long stride, perhaps because it is a quadruped or has especially long legs. Multiply Run Movement by 1.5 when Running. 

" }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "rollable": { "value": false, "damage": false, "skill": "", "rollCharacteristic": "", "bonusCharacteristic": "", "dice": "", "defaultDifficulty": "challenging", "SL": true, "attackType": "melee" }, "specification": { "value": "" }, "qualities": { "value": [] }, "flaws": { "value": [] }, "category": "standard", "disabled": false }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.GuhXjVsKXNDNrJBO" }, { "_id": "PsaKoP2pbiLUvhab", "name": "Weapon", "type": "trait", "sort": 400000, "flags": { "_sheetTab": "details", "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/traits/trait.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "The creature carries a melee weapon, or uses teeth, claws, or similar in combat.\n \n The weapon causes Damage equal to its Rating which already includes the creature’s Strength Bonus. Typically it will be 4 + its Strength Bonus (representing a Hand Weapon)" }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "rollable": { "value": true, "damage": false, "skill": "", "rollCharacteristic": "ws", "bonusCharacteristic": "s", "dice": "", "defaultDifficulty": "challenging", "SL": true, "attackType": "melee" }, "specification": { "value": "2" }, "qualities": { "value": [] }, "flaws": { "value": [] }, "category": "standard", "disabled": false }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.PsaKoP2pbiLUvhab" }, { "_id": "A8fIWQOuNMpV6QyQ", "name": "Sixth Sense", "type": "talent", "sort": 500000, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.talents.mNoCuaVbFBflfO6X" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/talents/sixth-sense.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "You get a strange feeling when you are threatened, and can react accordingly. The GM may warn you if you are walking into danger; this will normally come after a secret Intuition Test on your behalf. Further, you may ignore Surprise if you pass an Intuition Test" }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "max": { "value": "i" }, "advances": { "value": 1, "force": false }, "career": { "value": "" }, "tests": { "value": "Intuition Tests involving your Sixth Sense" } }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.A8fIWQOuNMpV6QyQ" }, { "_id": "MLRJIp09bYzghapl", "name": "Sprinter", "type": "talent", "sort": 600000, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.talents.AwUUEwwf2Vt4ksCN" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/talents/sprinter.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "You are a swift runner. Your Movement Attribute counts as 1 higher when Running." }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "max": { "value": "s" }, "advances": { "value": 1, "force": false }, "career": { "value": "" }, "tests": { "value": "Athletics Tests concerning Running" } }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.MLRJIp09bYzghapl" }, { "_id": "HFHBIKfucGvxsDVm", "name": "Ethereal", "type": "trait", "sort": 700000, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.traits.tNWrJUOArwfWXsPw" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/traits/trait.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "The creature’s form is insubstantial, allowing it to pass through solid objects. It can only be harmed by Magical attacks." }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "rollable": { "value": false, "damage": false, "skill": "", "rollCharacteristic": "", "bonusCharacteristic": "", "dice": "", "defaultDifficulty": "challenging", "SL": true, "attackType": "melee" }, "specification": { "value": "" }, "qualities": { "value": [] }, "flaws": { "value": [] }, "category": "standard", "disabled": false }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.HFHBIKfucGvxsDVm" }, { "_id": "KYFPqixZuEwAltLZ", "name": "Hardy", "type": "trait", "sort": 800000, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Compendium.wfrp4e-content.traits.HbrwGhUl0ZXz4kLA" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-content/icons/traits/trait.png", "effects": [], "system": { "description": { "value": "The creature can sustain more damage than most. Increase its Wounds by a number equal to its Toughness Bonus (applied before any Size modifers)." }, "gmdescription": { "value": "" }, "rollable": { "value": false, "damage": false, "skill": "", "rollCharacteristic": "", "bonusCharacteristic": "", "dice": "", "defaultDifficulty": "challenging", "SL": true, "attackType": "melee" }, "specification": { "value": "" }, "qualities": { "value": [] }, "flaws": { "value": [] }, "category": "standard", "disabled": false }, "folder": null, "_key": "!actors.items!Bw9LQgQtho1KqPQ2.KYFPqixZuEwAltLZ" } ], "effects": [], "system": { "characteristics": { "ws": { "initial": 35, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "bs": { "initial": null, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "s": { "initial": 50, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "t": { "initial": 40, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "i": { "initial": 45, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "ag": { "initial": 60, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "dex": { "initial": null, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "int": { "initial": 60, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "wp": { "initial": 50, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 }, "fel": { "initial": 30, "modifier": 0, "advances": 0, "bonusMod": 0, "calculationBonusModifier": 0 } }, "status": { "wounds": { "value": 18, "max": 18 }, "advantage": { "value": 0, "max": 10 }, "criticalWounds": { "value": 0, "max": 2 }, "sin": { "value": 0 }, "corruption": { "value": 0 }, "encumbrance": { "max": 7, "current": 0 }, "mount": { "id": "", "mounted": false, "isToken": false, "tokenData": { "scene": "", "token": "" } }, "ward": { "value": 0 } }, "details": { "species": { "value": "", "subspecies": "" }, "gender": { "value": "" }, "biography": { "value": "

Carac: Initiative
Skills & Talents : Sixth Sense, Sprinter
Diet : Herbivore
Environment : Forest, Grassland, Plain

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