{ "_id": "j8o6jLst7fFjCnMv", "name": "Breath", "permission": { "default": 0, "rPtCM2fgOqxK9HLk": 3 }, "type": "spell", "data": { "description": { "type": "String", "label": "Description", "value": "
You immediately make a Breath attack as if you had spent 2 Advantage to activate the Breath Creature Trait (WFRP4 p338) with a Damage Rating equal to your Willpower Bonus. You and your GM should decide in advance which type of Breath attack best suits your Magic Talent. Overcast: For every +2 SL achieved, you may increase Damage by +2. Note: This spell is halfway between errata and house rule. The original spell is weirdly worded and seems to have been an editing error. Former Developer Andy Law provided a version of this spell on the Ratcatcher Discord forum.
" }, "gmdescription": { "type": "String", "label": "Description", "value": "" }, "lore": { "type": "String", "label": "Lore", "value": "", "effect": "" }, "range": { "type": "String", "label": "Range", "value": "Special" }, "target": { "type": "String", "label": "Target", "value": "Special", "aoe": false }, "duration": { "type": "String", "label": "Duration", "value": "Instant", "extendable": false }, "damage": { "type": "String", "label": "Damage", "value": "" }, "cn": { "type": "Number", "label": "Casting Number", "value": 6, "SL": 0 }, "magicMissile": { "type": "Boolean", "label": "Magic Missile", "value": false }, "memorized": { "type": "Boolean", "label": "Memorized", "value": false }, "ingredients": [], "currentIng": { "type": "Number", "label": "Ingredient", "value": 0 }, "wind": { "value": "" } }, "flags": { "core": { "sourceId": "Item.77cnW9cDQcZqbjJ6" } }, "img": "modules/wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire/icons/spell_breath.jpg", "effects": [], "_key": "!items!j8o6jLst7fFjCnMv" }