 * Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
 * @extends {ActorSheet}
export class KidsOnBroomsActorSheet extends ActorSheet {

  /** @override */
  static get defaultOptions() 
    return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
      classes: ["kids-on-brooms", "sheet", "actor"],
      width: 800,
      height: 800,
      tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "features" }]

  /** @override */
  get template() 
    console.log("template", this.actor)
    return `systems/kids-on-brooms/templates/actor/actor-${this.actor.type}-sheet.html`;

  /* -------------------------------------------- */

  /** @override */
  /** @override */
async getData() 
  // Retrieve the data structure from the base sheet.
  const context = super.getData();

  // Use a safe clone of the actor data for further operations.
  const actorData = this.document.toObject(false);

  // Add the actor's data to context.data for easier access, as well as flags.
  context.system = actorData.system;
  context.flags = actorData.flags;

  // Add roll data for TinyMCE editors.
  context.rollData = context.actor.getRollData();
  // Add roll data for TinyMCE editors.
  context.rollData = context.actor.getRollData();

  return context;

  /* -------------------------------------------- */

  /** @override */
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
    if (!this.isEditable) return;

    // Rollable abilities.

    //If the user changes their wand material save that
    html.find('select[name="system.wand.wood"]').change(event => {
      const value = event.target.value;
      this.actor.update({ "system.wand.wood": value });

  html.find('select[name="system.wand.core"]').change(event => {
    const value = event.target.value;
    this.actor.update({ "system.wand.core": value });

   * Handle clickable rolls.
   * @param {Event} event   The originating click event
   * @private
  async _onRoll(e) {
      const element = e.currentTarget;
      const dataset = element.dataset;
      // Handle rolls that supply the formula directly
      if (dataset.roll) {
      let label = dataset.label ? `${dataset.label}` : '';
      // Get the roll data and include wand bonuses
      let rollData = this.actor.getRollData();
      let totalBonus = 0;
      // Apply wood bonus if it matches the stat being rolled for
      if (rollData.wandBonus.wood.stat === dataset.key) {
        totalBonus += rollData.wandBonus.wood.bonus;

      // Apply core bonus if it matches the stat being rolled for AND it's different from the wood bonus
      if (rollData.wandBonus.core.stat === dataset.key && rollData.wandBonus.core.stat !== rollData.wandBonus.wood.stat) {
        totalBonus += rollData.wandBonus.core.bonus;
      let rollFormula = dataset.roll + `+${totalBonus}`;
      let roll = new Roll(rollFormula, rollData);
      // Send the roll message to chat
      const rollMessage = await roll.toMessage({
        speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: this.actor }),
        flavor: label,
        rollMode: game.settings.get('core', 'rollMode'),
      // Now send the follow-up message with the adversity controls
      await this._sendAdversityControlsMessage(this.actor.id, rollMessage.id);
      return roll;
  //This just sends the buttons for the adversity token system
  async _sendAdversityControlsMessage(actorId, rollMessageId) {
    // Create the content for the adversity controls
    const adversityControlsHtml = this._createAdversityControls(actorId, rollMessageId);
    // Send the adversity controls as a follow-up message
    const controlMessage = await ChatMessage.create({
      speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: this.actor }),
      content: adversityControlsHtml,
    return controlMessage;
  // Create HTML content for adversity controls
  _createAdversityControls(actorId, rollMessageId) {
    return `
      <div class="adversity-controls" data-roll-id="${rollMessageId}">
        <button class="take-adversity" data-actor-id="${actorId}">Take Adversity Token</button>
        <input type="number" class="token-input" value="1" min="1" />
        <button class="spend-adversity" data-actor-id="${actorId}">Spend Adversity Tokens</button>
