{ "Actor":{}, "Item":{ "types":[ "broom", "wandCore", "wandWood", "flaw", "strength", "wandCoreEffect", "wandWoodEffect", "broomEffect" ], "broom":{ "name":"Broom", "riderDescription": "The rider of the broom.", "mechanicalBenefit": "The mechanical benefit of the broom." }, "wandCore":{ "name": "Wand Core", "stat": "The stat that the wand core affects." }, "wandWood":{ "name": "Wand Wood", "stat": "The stat that the wand wood affects." }, "flaw":{ "name": "Flaw" }, "strength": { "name": "Strength", "mechanicalBenefit": "The mechanical benefit of the strength." }, "wandCoreEffect": { "name": "Wand Core Effect", "stat": "The stat that the wand core effect affects." }, "wandWoodEffect": { "name": "Wand Wood Effect", "stat": "The stat that the wand wood effect affects." }, "broomEffect": { "name": "Broom Effect", "stat": "The stat that the broom effect affects.", "strength": { "name": "Strength", "mechanicalBenefit": "The mechanical benefit of the strength." } } } }