// Import document classes. import { KidsOnBroomsActor } from "./documents/actor.mjs"; // Import sheet classes. import { KidsOnBroomsActorSheet } from "./sheets/actor-sheet.mjs"; // Import helper/utility classes and constants. import { preloadHandlebarsTemplates } from "./helpers/templates.mjs"; import { KIDSONBROOMS } from "./helpers/config.mjs"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Init Hook */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.once('init', async function() { // Register the helper Handlebars.registerHelper('capitalizeFirst', function(string) { if (typeof string === 'string') { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } return ''; }); // Add utility classes and functions to the global game object so that they're more easily // accessible in global contexts. game.kidsonbrooms = { KidsOnBroomsActor, _onTakeAdversityToken: _onTakeAdversityToken, // Add the function to the global object _onSpendAdversityTokens: _onSpendAdversityTokens // Add the function to the global object }; // Add custom constants for configuration. CONFIG.KIDSONBROOMS = KIDSONBROOMS; /** * Set an initiative formula for the system * @type {String} */ CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { formula: "1d20", decimals: 2 }; // Define custom Document classes CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = KidsOnBroomsActor; // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet("kids-on-brooms", KidsOnBroomsActorSheet, { makeDefault: true }); //If there is a new chat message that is a roll we add the adversity token controls Hooks.on("renderChatMessage", (message, html, messageData) => { const adversityControls = html.find('.adversity-controls'); if (adversityControls.length > 0) { const messageToEdit = adversityControls.data("roll-id"); // Bind event listeners for the controls adversityControls.find(".take-adversity").off("click").click((event) => { const actorId = event.currentTarget.dataset.actorId; const actor = game.actors.get(actorId); // Check if the current user owns the actor - They can not claim if they are not if (!actor.testUserPermission(game.user, "owner")) { ui.notifications.warn("You don't own this character and cannot take adversity tokens."); return; } // Check if the token has already been claimed -- Contigency if the button somehow activates again if (message.getFlag("kids-on-brooms", "tokenClaimed")) { ui.notifications.warn("This adversity token has already been claimed."); return; } _onTakeAdversityToken(event, actor); if (game.user.isGM) { let tokenControls = game.messages.get(message.id); console.log(tokenControls); // Update the chat message content with the button disabled and text changed const updatedContent = tokenControls.content.replace( ``, `` ); console.log("Removing Button"); // Update the message content tokenControls.update({ content: updatedContent }); // Set the flag on the chat message to indicate that the token has been claimed tokenControls.setFlag("kids-on-brooms", "tokenClaimed", true); } else { // Emit a socket request to update the message to show that the token has been claimed game.socket.emit('system.kids-on-brooms', { action: "takeToken", messageID: message.id, actorID: actor.id, }); } console.log("Send socket message for taking a token"); }); adversityControls.find(".spend-adversity").off("click").click((event) => { //This entails a lot more, so I offloaded it to a new function _onSpendAdversityTokens(event, messageToEdit); }); } }); // Preload Handlebars templates. return preloadHandlebarsTemplates(); }); /*** * This handles the incoming socket requests. * If a player wants to spend tokens on another players roll the gm has to approve first * if a player wants to claim a token we will update the message since they do not have the permissions */ Hooks.once('ready', function() { game.socket.on('system.kids-on-brooms', async (data) => { console.log("Socket data received:", data); if (data.action === "spendTokens") { console.log(`Request to spend tokens: ${data.tokensToSpend} tokens for ${data.rollActorId} by ${data.spendingActorId}`); // Only handle the request if the GM is logged in if (!game.user.isGM) { console.log("Not GM, ignoring the token spend request."); return; } // The actor who made the roll const rollActor = game.actors.get(data.rollActorId); // The actor who is spending tokens const spendingActor = game.actors.get(data.spendingActorId); //If these for some reason do not exist if (!rollActor || !spendingActor) { console.warn("Actor not found:", data.rollActorId, data.spendingActorId); return; } // Create a confirmation dialog for the GM new Dialog({ title: "Approve Adversity Token Spending?", content: `

${spendingActor.name} wants to spend ${data.tokenCost} adversity tokens on ${rollActor.name}'s roll to increase it by ${data.tokensToSpend}. Approve?

`, buttons: { yes: { label: "Yes", callback: async () => { const currentTokens = spendingActor.system.adversityTokens || 0; // Update the spending actor's adversity token count await spendingActor.update({ "system.adversityTokens": currentTokens - data.tokenCost }); // Modify the roll message with the new total await _updateRollMessage(data.rollMessageId, data.tokensToSpend, false); console.log(`${spendingActor.name} spent ${data.tokensToSpend} tokens, updated roll total to ${roll.cumulativeTotal}`); ui.notifications.info(`${spendingActor.name} successfully spent ${data.tokensToSpend} tokens.`); } }, no: { label: "No", callback: () => { ui.notifications.info(`The GM denied ${spendingActor.name}'s request to spend tokens.`); } } }, default: "yes" }).render(true); } else if (data.action === "takeToken") { // Only handle the request if the GM is logged in if (!game.user.isGM) { console.log("Not GM, ignoring the token spend request."); return; } let tokenControls = game.messages.get(data.messageID); console.log(tokenControls); // Update the chat message content with the button disabled and text changed const updatedContent = tokenControls.content.replace( ``, `` ); console.log("Removing Button"); // Update the message content tokenControls.update({ content: updatedContent }); // Set the flag on the chat message to indicate that the token has been claimed tokenControls.setFlag("kids-on-brooms", "tokenClaimed", true); } }); }); /*** * This function adds the adversity token to the actor that made the roll and logs it * * @param {Event} e - The button click event * @param {Actor} actor - The actor object that made the roll */ async function _onTakeAdversityToken(e, actor) { e.preventDefault(); // Get the chat message ID (assuming it's stored in the dataset) const messageId = e.currentTarget.closest('.message').dataset.messageId; const message = game.messages.get(messageId); // Add an adversity token to the actor const currentTokens = actor.system.adversityTokens || 0; await actor.update({ "system.adversityTokens": currentTokens + 1 }); // Notify the user ui.notifications.info(`You gained 1 adversity token.`); console.log(`Gave one adversity token to ${actor.id}`) } /*** * This function allows players to spend tokens to change a roll. This will automatically be calculated in their sheet * */ async function _onSpendAdversityTokens(e, rollMessageId) { e.preventDefault(); // The actor who made the roll const rollActorId = e.currentTarget.dataset.actorId; const rollActor = game.actors.get(rollActorId); //technically redundant since it is also done in the main hook, but perfomance is good enuff // Get the actor of the player who is spending tokens const spendingPlayerActor = game.actors.get(game.user.character?.id || game.actors.filter(actor => actor.testUserPermission(game.user, "owner"))[0]?.id); if (!spendingPlayerActor) { ui.notifications.warn("You don't control any actors."); return; } //Get the tokens to be spend from the input field const tokenInput = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.adversity-controls').find('.token-input').val(); const tokensToSpend = parseInt(tokenInput, 10); if (isNaN(tokensToSpend) || tokensToSpend <= 0) { ui.notifications.warn("Please enter a valid number of tokens."); return; } let tokenCost = tokensToSpend; // If the player spending tokens is not the owner of the actor who rolled, they spend double //(note, this is a rule of mine, I have disabled it by default) if ((!spendingPlayerActor.testUserPermission(game.user, "owner") || spendingPlayerActor.id !== rollActorId) && false) { tokenCost = tokensToSpend * 2; } // Ensure the spending actor has enough adversity tokens if (spendingPlayerActor.system.adversityTokens < tokenCost) { ui.notifications.warn(`You do not have enough adversity tokens.`); return; } // Check if the player owns the actor who made the roll if (spendingPlayerActor.id === rollActorId) { // The player owns the actor, so they can spend tokens directly without GM approval const currentTokens = spendingPlayerActor.system.adversityTokens || 0; // Deduct the tokens from the player await spendingPlayerActor.update({ "system.adversityTokens": currentTokens - tokenCost }); // Modify the roll message with the new total await _updateRollMessage(rollMessageId, tokensToSpend, true); } else { // The player does not own the actor, so request GM approval to spend the tokens console.log(`Requesting to spend ${tokensToSpend} tokens for ${rollActor.name} by ${spendingPlayerActor.name} (cost: ${tokenCost})`); // Emit a socket request to spend tokens game.socket.emit('system.kids-on-brooms', { action: "spendTokens", rollActorId: rollActorId, spendingActorId: spendingPlayerActor.id, // Send the player's actor who is spending the tokens tokensToSpend: tokensToSpend, tokenCost: tokenCost, rollMessageId: rollMessageId // Pass message ID to update the roll result }); ui.notifications.info(`Requested to spend ${tokenCost} tokens for ${rollActor.name}`); } } // Helper function to send a new message with the updated roll result async function _updateRollMessage(rollMessageId, tokensToSpend, isPlayerOfActor) { const message = game.messages.get(rollMessageId); if (!message) { console.error("Message not found with ID:", rollMessageId); return; } // Retrieve current tokens spent from flags, or initialize to 0 if not found let cumulativeTokensSpent = message.getFlag("kids-on-brooms", "tokensSpent") || 0; let newTotal = message.getFlag("kids-on-brooms", "newRollTotal") || message.rolls[0].total; /*if(isPlayerOfActor) { // Add the new tokens to the cumulative total cumulativeTokensSpent += tokensToSpend; } else { cumulativeTokensSpent += 2*tokensToSpend; }*/ cumulativeTokensSpent += tokensToSpend; newTotal += tokensToSpend; await message.setFlag("kids-on-brooms", "newRollTotal", newTotal); // Update the message's flags to store the cumulative tokens spent await message.setFlag("kids-on-brooms", "tokensSpent", cumulativeTokensSpent); let newContent = ""; if(cumulativeTokensSpent === 1) { newContent = `You have now spent ${cumulativeTokensSpent} token. The new roll total is ${newTotal}.`; } else { newContent = `You have now spent ${cumulativeTokensSpent} tokens. The new roll total is ${newTotal}.`; } // Create a new chat message to display the updated total await ChatMessage.create({ speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: message.speaker.actor }), content: newContent, type: CONST.CHAT_MESSAGE_STYLES.OTHER, }); }