NEW: Target Automation Size Difference & Dice Pools #70

opened 2022-09-28 16:04:56 +02:00 by GMDOnline · 0 comments

See CORE Page 37

Compare the Targets Size to the attackers size and automatically add dice to teh dice pool (Or a Tick box to tick, what ever is easiest)

Using the Dice Level chart on page 11

Melee Attack, Power Attack & Ranged Attack Dice Pools
Making an attack against a larger target

  • If the target size is more than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to melee attack dice pool.
    Eg Target is size 2 and the actor targetting is size 0 then the actor gains a D6 (2 Levels)

Damage Resistance Dice Pool
Making a DMG RES check against a smaller target

  • If the target size is less than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to damage resistance dice pool.
    Eg Target is size 1 and the actor targetting is size 3 then the actor gains a D8 (3 Levels)

Defence Dice Pool
Making a Defence check against a larger target

  • If the target size is more than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to defence dice pool.
    Eg Target is size 5 and the actor targetting is size 0 then the actor gains a D12 (5 Levels)

Melee/Thrown Damage, Power Damage & Ranged Attack Dice Pool
Making a Damage check against a smaller target

  • If the target size is less than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to defence dice pool.
    Eg Target is size 0 and the actor targetting is size 4 then the actor gains a D10 (4 Levels)
See CORE Page 37 Compare the Targets Size to the attackers size and automatically add dice to teh dice pool (Or a Tick box to tick, what ever is easiest) Using the Dice Level chart on page 11 **Melee Attack, Power Attack & Ranged Attack Dice Pools** Making an attack against a larger target * If the target size is more than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to melee attack dice pool. *Eg Target is size 2 and the actor targetting is size 0 then the actor gains a D6 (2 Levels)* **Damage Resistance Dice Pool** Making a DMG RES check against a smaller target * If the target size is less than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to damage resistance dice pool. *Eg Target is size 1 and the actor targetting is size 3 then the actor gains a D8 (3 Levels)* **Defence Dice Pool** Making a Defence check against a larger target * If the target size is more than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to defence dice pool. *Eg Target is size 5 and the actor targetting is size 0 then the actor gains a D12 (5 Levels)* **Melee/Thrown Damage, Power Damage & Ranged Attack Dice Pool** Making a Damage check against a smaller target * If the target size is less than the targetters Size the targetter gains the difference as a Bonus Dice to defence dice pool. *Eg Target is size 0 and the actor targetting is size 4 then the actor gains a D10 (4 Levels)*
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Reference: uberwald/fvtt-pegasus-rpg#70
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