FIX: Vehcile Token Targetting - When targetted no Dice Pool will open #79

opened 2022-09-30 10:21:20 +02:00 by GMDOnline · 2 comments
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GMDOnline was assigned by uberwald 2022-09-30 11:51:18 +02:00

Not reproduced : please provide detailed example (who is targetting what, etc), with snapshots.

Not reproduced : please provide detailed example (who is targetting what, etc), with snapshots.

Ok after typing a long explanation.. I created a fresh new vehcile and it works. I think it is a corrupted Vehcile

Ok after typing a long explanation.. I created a fresh new vehcile and it works. I think it is a corrupted Vehcile
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Reference: uberwald/fvtt-pegasus-rpg#79
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