FIX: Vehciles & Initiative. #90

opened 2022-10-04 14:57:59 +02:00 by GMDOnline · 1 comment

*A Vehcile Controller: Driver/Pilots etc gain the Vehciles MR Dice when making an intiative roll as Bonus Dice. * see vehcile & Mounts page 11

So we have two scenarios here...

  • Players are all in the Initiative track as well as NPC Vehciles.
  • Players all act in accordance to theior Inititative order and the pilot will decide on vehicle actions during their turn.
  • NPCs will act when their vehcile acts...

So we need to cater for both scenarios and add the following to the Initiative Dice Pools:

Actors Initiative

If the actor is a crew part of the crew of a vehicle then add a tick box in the Dice Pool called 'Pilot/Driver'

  • if ticked: add the Vehciles MR as a Bonus Dice to the Actors Inititative Dice Pool.

Vehicles Initiative

If the vehicle in the initiative tracker is being used to rol lits own ionitiative. Open it's initiative Dice Pool and then list the crew as tick boxes.

  • if a member of the crew is ticked: add their MR as a Bonus Dice to the Vehciles Inititative Dice Pool.
  • Also, add the ticked members Specialisation list for MR based Specialsiations so the Actor can add their intitiative Specialsiation to the pool if they have it.
*A Vehcile Controller: Driver/Pilots etc gain the Vehciles MR Dice when making an intiative roll as Bonus Dice. * see vehcile & Mounts page 11 So we have two scenarios here... * Players are all in the Initiative track as well as NPC Vehciles. * Players all act in accordance to theior Inititative order and the pilot will decide on vehicle actions during their turn. * NPCs will act when their vehcile acts... So we need to cater for both scenarios and add the following to the Initiative Dice Pools: ### **Actors Initiative** If the actor is a crew part of the crew of a vehicle then add a tick box in the Dice Pool called 'Pilot/Driver' * if ticked: add the Vehciles MR as a Bonus Dice to the Actors Inititative Dice Pool. ### **Vehicles Initiative** If the vehicle in the initiative tracker is being used to rol lits own ionitiative. Open it's initiative Dice Pool and then list the crew as tick boxes. * if a member of the crew is ticked: add their MR as a Bonus Dice to the Vehciles Inititative Dice Pool. * Also, add the ticked members Specialisation list for MR based Specialsiations so the Actor can add their intitiative Specialsiation to the pool if they have it.

This is on is a real complex feature, so it costs a bit, this is not a fix.

This is on is a real complex feature, so it costs a bit, this is not a fix.
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Reference: uberwald/fvtt-pegasus-rpg#90
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