{{!-- Sheet Header --}}

    {{#each data.statistics as |stat key|}} {{#if (eq stat.col 1)}} {{> systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-vehicle-stat-block.html stat=stat key=key}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
    {{#each data.statistics as |stat key|}} {{#if (eq stat.col 2)}} {{> systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-vehicle-stat-block.html stat=stat key=key}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
    {{#each data.statistics as |stat key|}} {{#if (eq stat.col 3)}} {{> systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-vehicle-stat-block.html stat=stat key=key}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
{{!-- Sheet Tab Navigation --}} {{!-- Sheet Body --}}
{{!-- Combat Tab --}}
{{#if data.secondary.is3Dcombat}} {{/if}}
{{#each data.arcs as |arc idx|}} {{#if arc.is3D}} {{#if @root.data.secondary.is3Dcombat}} {{> systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-vehicle-arc.html idx=idx arc=arc}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{> systems/fvtt-pegasus-rpg/templates/partial-vehicle-arc.html idx=idx arc=arc}} {{/if}} {{/each}}
  • {{#each effects as |effect key|}}
  • {{effect.name}} {{effect.system.effectlevel}} {{upperFirst effect.system.type}} {{upperFirst effect.datsystema.genre}} {{upper effect.system.stataffected}}
  • {{/each}}
{{!-- Modules Tab --}}
  • VDP Vehicle Value Total cost VMS Total Available Used
  • {{#each vehicleHull as |hull key|}}
  • {{hull.name}} {{hull.system.size}} {{hull.system.hulltype}} {{hull.system.hr}} {{hull.system.man}} {{hull.system.vms}}
  • {{/each}}
  • {{#each powerCoreModules as |powercore key|}}
  • {{powercore.name}} {{powercore.system.coretype}} {{powercore.system.pc}} {{powercore.system.nrg}}
  • {{/each}}
  • {{#each mobilityModules as |mobility key|}}
  • {{mobility.name}} {{mobility.system.vehiclecategory}} {{mobility.system.quality}} {{mobility.system.mr}} {{mobility.system.ts_f}} {{mobility.system.ts_s}} {{mobility.system.ts_r}} {{mobility.system.man}}
  • {{/each}}
  • {{#each propulsionModules as |propulsion key|}}
  • {{propulsion.name}} {{propulsion.system.quality}} {{propulsion.system.ad}} {{propulsion.system.topspeed}}
  • {{/each}}
  • {{#each combatModules as |combat key|}}
  • {{combat.name}} {{combat.system.combattype}} {{combat.system.fc}}
  • {{/each}}
  • {{#each vehicleModules as |vehiclemod key|}}
  • {{vehiclemod.name}} {{vehiclemod.system.category}} {{vehiclemod.system.location}} {{vehiclemod.system.security}} {{vehiclemod.system.nrg}} {{vehiclemod.system.range}} {{vehiclemod.system.idr}}
  • {{/each}}
  • {{#each vehicleWeaponModules as |weapon key|}}
  • {{weapon.name}} {{weapon.system.site}} {{weapon.system.location}} {{weapon.system.dmg}} {{weapon.system.aoe}} {{weapon.system.turrent}} {{weapon.system.nrg}} {{weapon.system.idr}}
  • {{/each}}
{{!-- Crew Tab --}}
  • Maximum Crew Capacity Minimum Crew Required {{#if isGM}}
  • Note: GM's must create a single NPC to act as all the NPC Crew, PCs can only have 1 character per player in the crew tab. If more are required, add the dice to the players Charcater Dice Pool Manually instead
  • {{/if}}
  • {{#each crewList as |member key|}}
  • {{member.name}}
  • {{/each}}
{{!-- Cargo Tab --}}
  • Maximum Cargo Capacity Total Cargo Capacity
  • {{#each cargos as |cargo key|}}
  • {{cargo.name}} {{#if cargo.system.idrDice}} {{cargo.system.idrDice}} {{else}}  -  {{/if}}
  • {{/each}}

Cargo information :

{{editor data.cargo.cargoinformation target="system.cargo.cargoinformation" button=true owner=owner editable=editable}}

{{!-- Details Tab --}}

Description :

{{editor data.biodata.description target="system.biodata.description" button=true owner=owner editable=editable}}

Notes :

{{editor data.biodata.notes target="system.biodata.notes" button=true owner=owner editable=editable}}