{{#if (eq step "select-race")}}
Select a race from the list below
{{#if (eq step "select-race-optionnal")}}
The selected Race has some optionnal abilities. Select one ability by clicking the relevant button below
Remaining abilities to select : {{nboptionnal}}
{{#if (eq step "select-race-stats")}}
Select Stats to gain +1 modifier :
Remaining stats to select : {{numberstats}}
{{#each stats as |stat key|}}
{{#if @root.statsonlyonce}}
{{#if stat.used}}
{{stat.label}} ({{stat.abbrev}}) |
Select it ! |
{{stat.label}} ({{stat.abbrev}}) |
Select it ! |
{{#if (eq step "select-race-perks")}}
Now select {{nbraceperks}} Perk(s) for your character
{{#if (eq step "select-role")}}
Now select a Role for your character.
{{#if (eq step "select-role-start-spec")}}
Choose 1 Specialisation at +1DT :
{{#if (eq step "select-role-stat")}}
Choose 1 Stat at +1DT :
{{#each rolestats as |rolestat key|}}
{{rolestat.label}} |
Select it ! |
{{#if (eq step "select-role-spec")}}
Now select a specialisation at +{{dt}}DT.
{{#if (eq step "select-role-perk")}}
Now select a Perk.
{{#if (eq step "select-global-spec")}}
Now select a Specialisation at +1DT.
{{#if (eq step "select-global-stat")}}
Now select a Statistic at +1DT.
{{#if (eq step "select-global-perk")}}
Choose a new perk or add +1DT for en existing one.
{{#if (eq step "select-global-status")}}
Now add a +1 bonus to a status
{{#if (eq step "character-end")}}
Follow the next steps from the rulebook page 50 !. You can now spend 150 CDPs to customise your character.