/* -------------------------------------------- */ import { VadentisCombat } from "./vadentis-combat.js"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ export class VadentisUtility extends Entity { /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async preloadHandlebarsTemplates() { const templatePaths = [ 'systems/foundryvtt-vadentis/templates/actor-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-vadentis/templates/item-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-vadentis/templates/score-option-list.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-vadentis/templates/malus-option-list.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-vadentis/templates/bonus-option-list.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-vadentis/templates/editor-notes-gm.html' ] return loadTemplates(templatePaths); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static updateCombat( combat, round, diff, id ) { if (game.user.isGM && combat.data.round != 0 && combat.turns && combat.data.active) { let turn = combat.turns.find(t => t.tokenId == combat.current.tokenId); ChatMessage.create( { content: `Round ${combat.data.round} : C'est au tour de ${turn.actor.name}
` } ); canvas.tokens.get(turn.token._id).control(); canvas.tokens.cycleTokens(1, true); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createOptionList( min, max) { let options = "" for(let i=min; i<=max; i++) { options += `\n`; } return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createDirectOptionList( min, max) { let options = {}; for(let i=min; i<=max; i++) { options[`${i}`] = `${i}`; } return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createDirectReverseOptionList( min, max) { let options = {}; for(let i=max; i>=min; i--) { options[`${i}`] = `${i}`; } return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getTarget() { if (game.user.targets && game.user.targets.size == 1) { for (let target of game.user.targets) { return target; } } return undefined; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static processDamageString( formula, actor ) { let workFormula = formula.toLowerCase(); if ( workFormula.includes('bonus de force')) { workFormula = workFormula.replace('bonus de force', actor.getForceScore()); } return workFormula; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async processRoll( formula ) { let myRoll = new Roll(formula); myRoll.evaluate(); if (game.modules.get("dice-so-nice") && game.modules.get("dice-so-nice").active) { await game.dice3d.showForRoll(myRoll, game.user, true); } return myRoll; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async performAttack( combatData) { let attacker = game.actors.get(combatData.attackerActorId); let defender = game.actors.get(combatData.targetActorId); if( attacker && defender) { let defense = defender.getDefenseScore(); let attaque = attacker.getAttaqueScore(); let myRoll = await this.processRoll("1d20+"+attaque); if (myRoll.results[0] > 1 && myRoll.total >= defense) { // Success ! let degats = `normaux : ${combatData.arme.data.damage}`; let formula = combatData.arme.data.damage.toLowerCase(); if ( myRoll.results[0] == 20) { degats = `critiques : ${combatData.arme.data.criticaldamage}`; formula = combatData.arme.data.criticaldamage.toLowerCase(); } ChatMessage.create( { content: `${attacker.name} a réussi son attaque sur ${defender.name} (${myRoll.total} / ${defense}) !
Les dégâts sont ${degats}`}); formula = this.processDamageString( formula, attacker ); let degatsRoll = await this.processRoll(formula); ChatMessage.create( { content: `Et les dégats infligés sont de ${degatsRoll.total} (${formula}) à appliquer à ${defender.name}`}); defender.applyDamage( degatsRoll.total ); } else { //Echec if ( myRoll.results[0] == 1) { ChatMessage.create( { content: `${attacker.name} a fait un échec critique et a raté son attaque sur ${defender.name} (${myRoll.total} / ${defense}) !` }); } else { ChatMessage.create( { content: `${attacker.name} a raté son attaque sur ${defender.name} (${myRoll.total} / ${defense}) !` }); } } } else { ui.notifications.warn("Impossible de trouver l'attaquant et le défenseur.") } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static registerChatCallbacks( ) { } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static fillRange (start, end) { return Array(end - start + 1).fill().map((item, index) => start + index); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static onSocketMesssage( msg ) { if( !game.user.isGM ) return; // Only GM if (msg.name == 'msg_attack' ) { this.performAttack( msg.data ); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async loadCompendiumNames(compendium) { const pack = game.packs.get(compendium); let competences; await pack.getIndex().then(index => competences = index); return competences; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async loadCompendium(compendium, filter = item => true) { let compendiumItems = await SoSUtility.loadCompendiumNames(compendium); const pack = game.packs.get(compendium); let list = []; for (let compendiumItem of compendiumItems) { await pack.getEntity(compendiumItem._id).then(it => { const item = it.data; if (filter(item)) { list.push(item); } }); }; return list; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getDonnees( ) { return this.loadCompendiumNames('foundryvtt-vadentis.donnees'); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getEglises( ) { return this.loadCompendiumNames('foundryvtt-vadentis.eglises'); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async confirmDelete(actorSheet, li) { let itemId = li.data("item-id"); let objet = actorSheet.actor.items.find(item => item._id == itemId); let msgTxt = "

Etes vous certain de souhaiter supprimer cet item ?"; let buttons = { delete: { icon: '', label: "Oui, à supprimer", callback: () => { actorSheet.actor.deleteOwnedItem(itemId); li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false)); } }, cancel: { icon: '', label: "Annuler" } } msgTxt += "

"; let d = new Dialog({ title: "Confirmer la suppression", content: msgTxt, buttons: buttons, default: "cancel" }); d.render(true); } }