forked from public/swade-fr-content
Fix missing translation + translate requirements + add deadlands compendiums
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
"label": "Atouts Deadlands",
"mapping": {
"description_full": "data.description",
"requirements": {
"path": "data.requirements.value",
"converter": "edge_requirements"
"entries": [
"id": "Agent",
"name": "Agent",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>:Novice, Intellect d8+, Combat d6+, Occultisme d6+, Tir d6+</p>\n<p>La mystérieuse @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.02 Agents]{Agence} est un organisme clandestin chargé de débusquer les coupables de sédition, de trahison, d’espionnage, de corruption et d’actes illégaux qui pourraient plonger le pays dans une nouvelle guerre civile. Ses membres très discrets ne partagent aucune information en dehors de leurs rangs s’ils peuvent l’éviter, et ce même avec les représentants locaux de la loi. Ils sont censés ne dévoiler leurs accréditations qu’en cas de nécessité absolue. Va faire un tour en p. 52 @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.02 Agents]{pour les détails top secret, camarade}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Alchemy",
"name": "Alchimie",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Aguerri, Arcanes (@Compendium [deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-actors.Mad Scientist]{Savant Fou}), Science étrange d8+</p>\n<p>Les adeptes de la Science étrange peuvent déjà créer potions, élixirs et teintures selon @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trappings]{l’Aspect} de leurs pouvoirs. Ils peuvent s’en servir sur les autres, mais pas les leur « donner » à moins de fabriquer l’objet avec l’Atout Artificier (voir Savage Worlds). L’Alchimie, c’est un peu de la triche. Grâce à elle, ton gringo peut produire jusqu’à trois potions ou élixirs et insuffler à chacun un unique Point de pouvoir. Cela lui prendra 30 minutes de son temps, il devra dépenser 5 $ de réactifs par potion et toujours rajouter au moins une pincée de @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Ghost Rock]{roche fantôme}. Pas besoin de faire de jet de Science étrange ; la fabrication réussit automatiquement et résulte dans l’un des trois mélanges énumérés ici. Il peut les donner et elles restent actives pendant 24 heures. Le savant ne récupère son Point de pouvoir qu’une fois ces créations utilisées, jetées ou périmées.<p>Boire une potion prend une action. </p> <ul><li>Poudre de perlimpinpin : une fois la potion absorbée, le gringo fait un jet de Guérison naturelle. S’il le réussit, il récupère une Blessure (deux sur une Prouesse).</li><li>Élixir de concentration : +1 sur n’importe quel jet de Trait du cow-boy qui la boit (au choix de l’alchimiste au moment de sa fabrication), pendant trois rounds.</li><li>Peptonique : le personnage fait un jet de Vigueur après l’avoir avalée. S’il le réussit, il récupère un niveau de Fatigue (deux sur une Prouesse).</li></ul></div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Blessed)",
"name": "Arcanes (Elu)",
"description_full":"<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Certains gringos peuvent invoquer le courroux du Tout-Puissant (ou des Tout-Puissants venus d’ailleurs) en cas de besoin. Dans l’Ouest étrange, on appelle ces âmes pieuses des élus, nonnes, prêtres ou bien gens ordinaires à l’âme (relativement) pure, bénis par une entité divine. Même s’ils sont rares sur la frontière, on y croise parfois des imams, des moines bouddhistes et des représentants d’autres croyances détenteurs de pouvoirs supérieurs pour couvrir leurs saints arrières. Lorsqu’ils savent se tenir, il leur arrive d’accomplir des miracles qui leur permettent de botter plus efficacement des fonde‐ments maléfiques dans l’Ouest étrange. Les élus se servent de la Compétence Foi quand ils font s’abattre la colère divine. Si tu veux des détails, va voir p. 62.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Chi Master)",
"name": "Arcanes (Maître du Chi)",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Quelques citoyens dans l’Ouest étrange ont étudié les anciens arts asiatiques du combat. Une infime partie d’entre eux, extrêmement compétents, possèdent la discipline spirituelle nécessaire pour canaliser une force surnaturelle, le chi, à travers leur propre corps. Ces initiés utilisent l’Atout Arcanes (maître du chi) pour symboliser leurs stupéfiantes capacités, et la Compétence Focus pour utiliser leurs pouvoirs. Si tu veux des détails sur la façon de jouer l’un de ces personnages, va voir p. 68.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Huckster)",
"name": "Arcanes (Huckster)",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Faut pas sous-estimer la magie dans l’Ouest étrange, amigo. Ceux qui pratiquent la sorcellerie doivent souvent arracher leurs pouvoirs aux mauvais esprits et tu peux nous croire, ils ne se laissent pas faire volontiers. Les hucksters considèrent ces duels de volonté comme une partie de cartes, et les meilleurs d’entre eux peuvent étaler une main vraiment stupéfiante. On raconte que d’autres s’aventurent sur des sentiers encore plus sombres et qu’ils font appel à la puissante magie du sang. Les hucksters utilisent la Compétence Magie pour se servir de leurs pouvoirs. Si tu veux savoir comment jouer l’un de ces person‐nages, va voir p. 64.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Mad Scientist)",
"name": "Arcanes (Savant Fou)",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>À peu près tout le monde appelle les adeptes des principes de la Nouvelle Science des Savants fous. Ils construisent des engins étranges et merveilleux, des machines qui semblent souvent défier les lois même de la réalité.</p>\n<p>Presque tous ces inventeurs (ou du moins ceux qui réussissent) s’appuient sur la roche fantôme pour faire fonctionner d’une manière ou d’une autre leurs inventions. Ils utilisent la Compétence Science étrange pour se servir de leurs pouvoirs. Si tu veux des détails, va voir p. 70. </p></div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Shaman)",
"name": "Arcanes (Chaman)",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Les chamans sont les saints femmes et hommes médecine des Amérindiens et les gardiens de la médecine tribale. Ils tirent leurs pouvoirs des pactes qu’ils passent avec les exigeants esprits de la nature. Lorsqu’ils les honorent comme il se doit, ils peuvent accomplir d’incroyables exploits capables de convaincre les plus sceptiques. Les chamans utilisent la Compétence Foi pour se servir de leurs pouvoirs. Des questions ? Va voir p. 55.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Voodooist)",
"name": "Arcanes (Adepte du Vaudou)",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Le vaudou plonge ses racines en Afrique. La traite atlantique des esclaves a amené les Africains sur l’île d’Hispaniola, où l’on a tenté de les convertir au catholicisme. L’antique culte des esprits s’est alors mêléà la vénération des saints et lui a donné naissance.</p>\n<p>On évoque les adeptes du vaudou au sens large, mais on différencie les houngans (les gringos) et les mambos (pour les chicas, rien à voir avec une danse, partenaire). Ils tirent leur puissance d’un groupe d’esprits, les « loas », aux personnalités et aux caractéristiques bien affirmées. Par exemple, le baron Samedi se charge des morts et porte un haut-de-forme, une queue-de-pie noire et des lunettes de soleil. Papa Legba joue les intermédiaires avec le monde des esprits et apparaît sous la forme d’un vieil homme appuyé sur une canne et coiffé d’un chapeau de paille. Sans parler de la terri fiante Marinette aux bras secs, une demoiselle pas très commode qui libère son peuple de la servitude.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Les Adeptes du Vaudou utilisent la @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Foi} comme compétence d'Arcarnes.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Witch)",
"name": "Arcanes (Sorcière)",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<h3>C'est pas les sorcières à mémé</h3>\n<p>On va être clair avant de poursuivre, amigo. On te parle pas de wiccans, de sorcières blanches, de rebouteuses et autres tripoteuses d’énergies mystiques qui tirent leurs pouvoirs de la nature, d’elles-mêmes ou de tout ce qui est sympa dans l’univers. Si tu veux faire un serviteur de la lumière, tourne-toi plutôt vers les élus ou les chamans.</p>\n<h3>Magie Noire</h3>\n<p>Cet Atout d’arcanes présente les sorcières et les sorciers qui font appel au côté le plus obscur des Terres de chasse. La « magie noire », voilà bien une source de puissance rapide et facile pour ceux qui veulent se l’approprier et on va pas se mentir, ça sent vraiment le faisan. Les Juges se montrent ravis de laisser les mortels faire mumuse avec, même s’ils pensent en fin de compte faire le bien avec. Et ça les fait bien rigoler, vu qu’elle finit par corrompre les plus fortes têtes.</p>\n<p>Comme les sorcières tirent leur pouvoir de la magie noire, elles bénéficient de certains avantages quand le Niveau de Peur atteint au moins 4, de la même manière que leurs consœurs et leurs confrères sous le contrôle du Marshal.</p>\n<ul>\n<li><span class=\"list-heading\"> Niveau de Peur 4–5:</span> le personnage bénéficie d’une Relance gratuite sur n’importe quel jet de Magie raté (voir Relancer dans Savage Worlds).</li>\n<li><span class=\"list-heading\">Deadlands:</span> il bénéficie d’une Relance gratuite sur n’importe quel jet de Magie..</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Bon c’est sûr, avec toutes ces Relances, il a aussi plus de chances de se faire Corrompre, mais on y reviendra un peu plus loin, partenaire.</p>\n<h3>Corruption</h3>\n<p>En plus d’infliger les effets habituels de la Fatigue et de mettre fin à tous les pouvoirs actifs, une sorcière assez poissarde pour se retrouver avec un Échec critique gagne un point de Corruption. Chaque fois que ça lui arrive, elle obtient aussi un nouveau Handicap mineur, ou bien l’un de ceux qu’elle possédait déjà devient un Handicap majeur (au choix du joueur). Et estime-toi heureux que ce soit pas au Marshal que revienne cet honneur.</p>\n<p>Les Handicaps devraient se révéler négatifs par nature (dit comme ça, ça a l’air redondant, mais on te connaît, valait mieux préciser). Une sorcière peut se montrer extrêmement irritable (Sale caractère), se retrouver avec un gros poireau sur le nez (Laide) ou Recherchée par les autorités. Les éventuels « bons » Handicaps, comme Loyal, demeurent possibles avec l’accord du Marshal.</p>\n<p>Si la Corruption d’une sorcière atteint un jour le même score que son dé d’Âme, elle devient vraiment très très méchante, et surtout un PNJ sous le contrôle du Marshal.</p>\n<p><strong>Diminuer la Corruption:</strong> chaque fois qu’un personnage participe à baisser le Niveau de Peur d’une région, il diminue aussi de 1 son score de Corruption. Cela élimine un Handicap mineur dont il avait hérité ainsi, ou bien un Handicap majeur retrouve son caractère mineur. En revanche, cela ne concerne pas les autres Handicaps acquis au fil du jeu ou à la création. Ça va sans dire, mais ça va mieux en le disant</p>\n<p>De la même manière, la sorcière peut se débarrasser d’un Handicap gagné de la sorte en y consacrant une Progression (voir Progressions dans Savage Worlds). Si la Corruption en est responsable, le supprimer entraîne aussi la suppression d’un point de Corruption</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Been to the Crossroads",
"name": "À la croisée des chemins",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Ce héros a bien failli y rester à un moment de sa vie, mais il en est revenu. Il s’est tenu à la croisée des chemins entre les mondes et les esprits entendent mieux son appel que celui des autres.</p>\n<p>Il ne peut choisir cet Atout qu’après la création de personnage. Il doit se retrouver en Incapacité à cause d’un effet qui aurait dû provoquer sa mort (manquer de sommeil, ça compte pas, amigo). Une fois sorti de ce mauvais pas, parce qu’on l’a soigné ou qu’il s’est relevé comme Déterré, il bénéficie d’une Relance gratuite sur ses jets de Foi. Pas mal, non ?</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Behold a Pale Horse",
"name": "Behold a Pale Horse",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Le Ranger Solitaire avait Silver, Zorro avait Tornado et ta monture n’est pas moins impressionnante. Que ce soit un nouvel étalon que tu viens tout juste de dompter ou la même fidèle ponette que tu as eu quand elle n’était qu’un bébé, il y a quelque chose de spécial chez lui. C’est un sacré numéro.</p>\n<p>Ton fidèle compagnon dispose du profil d’un @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.War Horse]{cheval de guerre} (voir Savage Worlds) et il gagne la Capacitéspéciale @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Fearless)]{Sans peur} et l’Atout @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Danger Sense]{Sixième sens}. Cependant, si sa fidèle monture meurt, ton caballero devra en dresser une autre, ce qui lui prend généralement quelques semaines en jeu (selon le bon vouloir du Marshal, bien sûr).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Born in the Saddle",
"name": "Né à cheval",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Certains ont passé tellement de temps sur le dos d’un canasson que c’est devenu une seconde nature. En fait, ils ne sont bien qu’avec leur fidèle monture.</p>\n<p>Les héros Nés à cheval peuvent Relancer gratuitement un jet d’Équitation. Le caballero sait aussi comment tirer le meilleur de sa fidèle monture en cas d’urgence ; il lui améliore ainsi son Allure de 2 et son dé de course d’un cran.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Burrow",
"name": "Terrier",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Ton gringo gagne la capacité de creuser à travers la terre, comme avec le pouvoir enfouissement (voir Savage Worlds). On peut te dire qu’il devient très efficace pour se déplacer de cette façon (le sol semble presque ravi de s’écarter sur son passage, et on peut vraiment pas lui en vouloir). Cependant, il termine toujours son périple couvert de poussière, vase, mille- pattes, machins rampants divers et variés et autres décorations souterraines.</p>\n<p>Le personnage peut creuser dans la terre meuble et se déplacer à la moitié de son Allure normale (ça ne t’étonnera pas si on te dit qu’il ne peut pas courir). En règle générale, on ne peut pas l’attaquer pendant son petit trajet. Par contre, lui peut essayer de surprendre ses adversaires qui ne l’ont pas vu arriver, et pour cause, en effectuant un jet de Discrétion opposé à la Perception de sa cible. En cas de réussite, il bénéficie de +2 à ses jets d’attaque et de dégâts du round (+4 sur une Prouesse, car il bénéficie d’une Attaque surprise).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Card Sharp",
"name": "Donneur",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Ton héros a un truc avec les probabilités, les paris et le bluff. Il se sent comme chez lui lors‐qu’il bat les cartes, lance les dés ou calcule ses chances de gagner.</p>\n<p>Il Relance gratuitement un jet de Jeu, y compris si c’est un huckster en train de @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Pactiser avec le Diable} (voir p. 65), amigo. </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Cat Eyes",
"name": "Yeux de Chat",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Les yeux de ton cow-boy luisent légèrement dans le noir. Ils améliorent la luminosité ambiante et annulent tous les malus dus à la @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Illumination]{Pénombre et à l’Obscurité}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Celestial Kung Fu",
"name": "Kung Fu Céleste",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Vétéran, Esprit d8+, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Superior Kung Fu]{Kung Fu Supérieur}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Combat} d10+</p>\n<p>Différentes options s’offrent à l’artiste martial à mesure qu’il maîtrise les aspects mystiques et physiques de son art.</p>\n<p>Avec cet Atout, un héros gagne un style supplémentaire parmi ceux décrits dans le Kung-fu supérieur. Il peut combiner deux styles en même temps et utiliser tout ou partie des avantages qu’ils confèrent. Il peut passer de l’un à l’autre en action gratuite au début de son tour.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Charnel Breath",
"name": "Haleine Fétide",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Tu es capable de faire remonter la pire odeur de décomposition des tréfonds de ton corps, de l’accentuer de manière surnaturelle, puis de la souffler à la figure du poissard qui se tient à portée de bras (et qui ne se doute absolument de rien). Le gaz corrosif le fait pleurer et provoque de violents haut-le-cœur. Enfin, tu vois le tableau.</p>\n<p>Pour infliger tout ça à ton prochain, tu exhales un nuage de vapeurs toxiques sur un Gabarit moyen adjacent à ta position. Tout le monde doit réussir un jet de Vigueur à –2 pour ne pas subir de Fatigue. Cet effet ne pourra qu’amener ses victimes en Incapacité, jamais les tuer. De toute évidence, les créatures qui ne respirent pas sont immunisées à l’Haleine fétide.</p>\n<p>Un Déterré ne peut te souffler ses miasmes qu’après avoir mangé quelque chose et attendu au moins une heure. Cette nourriture doit « mijoter » dans ses entrailles abjectes pendant un moment..</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Chill O' The Grave",
"name": "Froid de la Tombe",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Ton gringo irradie le frisson glacé de la mort sur une zone équivalente à un Grand gabarit, centrée sur lui-même. Pour activer ce pouvoir, il doit dépenser un Jeton et une action. Les créatures vivantes situées dans ce Gabarit et qui ne sont pas protégées du froid deviennent automatiquement Vulnérables..</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Claws",
"name": "Griffes",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Le héros se retrouve avec des griffes acérées qui infligent For+d6 dégâts en combat. Il peut les sortir et les rétracter en action gratuite.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Contortion",
"name": "Contorsion",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>C’est dingue ce que tu peux faire avec ta carcasse quand tu sais que tu vas pas t’esquinter pour toujours.</p>\n<p>Contorsion permet à un Déterré de disloquer à peu près tous les 207 os contenus dans son corps, omoplates, côtes et pelvis compris. Dis comme ça, ça semble douloureux.</p>\n<p>S’il se retrouve Entravé ou Immobilisé, ou bien s’il a envie de se faufiler dans un trou plus ou moins de a taille de son crâne, ton hombre consacre une petite action à un jet de Vigueur. En cas de réussite, il se déboîte quelques articulations et pourra ensuite se libérer ou ramper à travers l’ouverture</p>\n<p>En cas d’Échec, il subit un niveau de Fatigue et ne fait aucun progrès. En cas d’Échec critique, coche-lui donc une Blessure.</p>\n<p>En cas de Succès, sa situation s’améliore d’un cran (d’Immobilisé, il se retrouve Entravé) ou bien il se glisse dans l’espace qu’il veut emprunter. Cependant, il y passe tout son tour et ne peut effectuer aucune autre action. Avec une Prouesse, il n’est plus Entravé ou Immobilisé, ou il franchit normalement l’ouverture.</p>\n<p>Si un poissard tombe sur le Déterré alors qu’il se ontorsionne, il doit faire un jet de Terreur. On va pas se mentir, amigo, c’est quand même un spectacle assez flippant.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Damned",
"name": "Damné",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Les vieux fusils ne meurent pas, c’est juste qu’ils...</p>\n<p>Bon d’accord, ils meurent. En général, salement et de manière embarrassante. Mais si ton vétéran grisonnant de l’Ouest étrange tombe, il revient pour de bon. Considère ça comme une sorte d’assurance sur la non-vie qui évitera que tes plans pour ce vieux briscard ne s’achèvent de façon prématurée.</p>\n<p>Si ton héros est tué, il refait son apparition en qualité de Déterré (et on n’est pas en train de parler de gueule de bois, là ; va voir p. 57 si on plaisante). Le temps que ça prend dépend du bon vouloir du Marshal et de l’histoire. Ce pourrait survenir à l’ins tant ou bien après que tes associés ont mis ton ca davre dans une boîte en pin et récité le 23e psaume.</p>\n<p>Une fois dans la peau d’un Déterré, tu peux échanger cet Atout et prendre un @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Atout de déterré} à la place.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Dead Man's Hand",
"name": "La Main du Mort",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Avec ce pouvoir, ton caballero continue de contrôler les morceaux détachés de son petit corps, généralement une main ou un œil, pendant une courte période. Pour utiliser cet Atout, il doit se trancher la main ou s’arracher un globe oculaire. Bon courage.</p>\n<p>TLe bout en question demeure actif et sous le ontrôle mental de son légitime propriétaire sur une distance maximale de 1,5 km.</p>\n<p>Le Déterré peut maintenir La main du mort aussi longtemps qu’il le souhaite. En revanche, il subit le Handicap @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.One Arm]{Manchot} ou @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.One Eye]{Borgne} tant qu’il n’a pas rattaché la partie manquante à son corps.</p>\n<p>Le profil de la @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-actors.Animate Hand]{Main animée} (va voir dans Deadlands) s’applique aux mains tranchées. Elles peuvent « marcher » sur leurs doigts (Allure 6), mais pas courir. Les globes oculaires transmettent tout ce qu’ils voient à leur propriétaire et peuvent rouler de-ci de-là à la même Allure (mais toujours pas courir). Les oreilles ne se déplacent pas toutes seules, mais lui relaient tout ce qu’elles « entendent ». </p>\n<strong>Guérison:</strong> sans surprise, se couper un morceau inflige sur-le-champ une Blessure et le Handicap associé (Borgne pour un œil, Manchot pour une Main, Dur d’oreille pour... une oreille, bien joué). Et ainsi de suite. \n<p>Recoudre le morceau permet de l’attacher à nouveau, mais il ne redeviendra fonctionnel qu’à partir du moment où le gringo aura réussi un jet de Guérison naturelle.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Dead Reckoning",
"name": "Localisation de cadavre",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Voilà la capacité qui permet à ton gringo de savoir dans quelle direction se trouve n’importe quel cadavre, animal, humain ou autre, dans un rayon de 1,5 km.</p>\n<p>Dans l’esprit du personnage, la localisation de ces dépouilles apparaît un peu comme sur un radar. Morceaux et ossements font de petits « bip » tandis que les corps tout frais en font de plus gros.</p>\n<p>Repérer ces cadavres s’effectue grâce à une action qui ne nécessite pourtant aucun jet de Trait. Et oui, elle peut te servir à déterminer si un individu est ou non un trépassé, sans toutefois te préciser sa nature (Déterré, vampire, cadavre ambulant, etc.).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Death Mask",
"name": "Masque mortuaire",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Quand tu te sers de cet Atout, tu reprends l’apparence que tu possédais de ton vivant, ce qui te permet d’annuler les réactions inamicales et le –2 de ton muchacho sur ses jets de Persuasion. Activer le Masque mortuaire s’effectue grâce à une action qui ne nécessite pourtant aucun jet de Trait. Il restera en place jusqu’à ce que le personnage en décide autrement.</p>\n<p>L’effet correspond à une illusion mineure. Si le éterré se retrouve Secoué ou Sonné, ou bien s’il subit au moins une Blessure, il doit effectuer un jet d’Âme à –2 pour maintenir l’Atout. Une détection des arcanes percera automatiquement le déguisement et une dissipation réussie l’annulera..</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Devil's Touch",
"name": "Devil's Touch",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>A Harrowed with this Edge can disrupt the workings of any mad scientist’s gizmo or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Infernal Device} with a touch. This is an action and a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit} roll. If successful, any failure when using the device counts as a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure}. This lasts for three rounds after the device is touched, or five with a raise.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Don't Get 'Im Riled!",
"name": "Don't Get 'Im Riled!",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The hero with this Edge can be a real curly wolf when he gets roughed up. When causing @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Dealing Damage]{melee damage}, he adds his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound levels} to the roll.</p>\n<p>A hero with three Wounds, for instance, adds +3 to his melee damage rolls!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Duelist",
"name": "Duelist",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Your hombre is a deadly gunfighter, and anyone foolish enough to face him at High Noon is likely to end up in the boneyard by sunset. In a duel, this hero receives two extra Hole Cards at the start of the throwdown. See the rules for <em>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.03 Dueling]{Dueling}</em>.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Familiar",
"name": "Familiar",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Your witch has a small (Size −3) creature that serves her.</p>\n<p>The familiar has the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Loyal]{Loyal} Hindrance to its mistress but isn’t a slave. It acts like a typical but very smart version of its species and can occasionally be distracted by its own inherent instincts. A cat might interrupt its task to chase a mouse or take a brief nap and will most likely hide during combat.</p>\n<p>A familiar is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card} with respect to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounds} and rolling a Wild Die with its @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait rolls}. It doesn’t get @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies}, but the witch can spend her own on its behalf.</p>\n<p>The familiar can understand its mistress’s speech and vice-versa (others hear only the creature’s natural sounds). The bond between the familiar and its mistress makes it immune to the <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Beast Friend]{beast friend}</em> power.</p>\n<p>If a familiar dies, the witch is automatically @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned} (no matter how far away it is). She can summon another after 13 days, and can change the type if she chooses.</p>\n<p>Familiars do not advance as allies. Instead, a familiar has any one of the advantages below for each of the witch’s Ranks (including Novice) and for every fourth advance the witch gains past Legendary, gaining them as she advances or starting with them if she must replace a fallen pet. Only increasing a Trait or gaining an Edge may be taken more than once.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The witch can transfer Wounds and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} to and from her familiar as a free action.</li>\n<li>The witch can increase one of the familiar’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Traits} one die type. This may only be taken once per Trait.</li>\n<li>Your witch can use the familiar’s senses as if they were her own. This requires concentration and the maximum range for this ability is 10 miles.</li>\n<li>The familiar gains an Edge. It must make sense for the familiar’s species and meet the Prérequis as usual.</li>\n<li>The familiar has 5 Power Points of its own. It cannot cast spells, but the witch can draw on them as if they were her own. They recharge separately and at the same rate as the witch’s.</li>\n</ul>\n</div>"
"id": "Fan the Hammer",
"name": "Fan the Hammer",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Most folks have trouble enough drawing a bead and hitting a target with a single shot. The supremely skilled shootist with this Edge can hit a target while slapping her gun faster than chain lightning with a busted link.</p>\n<p>A gunslinger who wants to “fan the hammer” holds the trigger of a single-action pistol down while repeatedly slapping the hammer with his other hand. Assuming his six-gun is fully loaded, he may fire up to six shots in a single @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{action}. Each shot is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} die at a −4 Shooting penalty, along with the Wild Die if the shooter is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card}.</p>\n<p>A player character firing all six shots, for example, rolls six Shooting dice and one Wild Die. What you lose in accuracy you (hopefully) make up for by getting lead in the air!</p>\n<p>Just watch who’s about when you’re fanning the hammer, partner. If your Shooting die comes up 1 or 2, there’s a chance you hit an <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Innocent Bystanders]{Innocent Bystander}</strong> (see <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fast as Death",
"name": "Fast as Death",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Normally, dead bodies don’t move very fast. But the Harrowed with this Edge can move with supernatural speed when the need arises. This increases her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} by 3 and her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{running die} one step. This stacks with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Fleet-Footed]{Fleet-Footed} and similar abilities!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fast as Lightning",
"name": "Fast as Lightning",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>When your hero reaches for his shootin’ irons, folks rarely have time to blink, much less draw him down. Some say he’s the fastest gun in the West.</p>\n<p>Your hero gets a fourth @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{action}. This increases the maximum @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action penalty} to −6 (which can be reduced by any Edges or abilities that do so, such as @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Two-Fisted]{Two-Fisted}or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Two-Gun Kid]{Two-Gun Kid}).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Favored",
"name": "Favored",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This Edge may only be taken once, and signifies a special relationship between a mambo or houngan and a particular loa. It only benefits those who have the <em>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Aspect of the Rada Loa]{aspect of the rada loa} </em>or<em> @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Fury of the Petro Loa]{fury of the petro loa}</em> spells.</p>\n<p>The hero must plainly and visibly mark his or her allegiance to the chosen loa in some way—perhaps carrying a pet snake to signify a mambo’s “marriage” to Damballa, wearing black “mourning” clothes to honor Baron Samedi, and so on.</p>\n<p>As long as this homage is present, either power costs 3 Power Points instead of 5.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fetish",
"name": "Fetish",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Shaman)]{Arcane Background (Shaman)}, Faith d8+</p>\n<p>Fetishes are devices that help a shaman focus when he must contact the spirit world. It might be a stick figure that represents a favored animal, an icon of nature, or a rattle that helps draw the attention of the distant nature spirits.</p>\n<p>A shaman with a fetish gets one free reroll when she makes a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Faith} roll. Should a fetish be lost or destroyed, the shaman may create a replacement with a one-hour ritual.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Flock",
"name": "Flock",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The greatest prophets and preachers are attended by followers. These men and women have found salvation of one sort or another in the blessed, and devoted their lives to his cause.</p>\n<p>Flock gives your padre five followers who serve at his side in whatever capacity you choose. They have the stats of @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-actors.Townsfolk]{Townsfolk}, though like any other @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Allies]{Allies} they may <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advancement}</strong> (see <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>). They come with nothing but the clothes on their back and a few dollars, but can be armed and outfitted however the blessed sees fit.</p>\n<p>Members of the Flock who perish are slowly replaced over time (usually by giving a “revival”). The Edge may not be taken more than once until the blessed is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Legendary}. At that point he may take it as many times as he likes (as well as the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Followers]{Followers Edge}, if he so chooses).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Gallows Humor",
"name": "Gallows Humor",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Some people make jokes about the direst situations. They can stare the Grim Reaper himself in the face, just so long as something about him strikes them as funny. It’s a skill that serves anyone well.</p>\n<p>A character with this Edge may use her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt} skill instead of Spirit when making a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Fear]{Fear check} (and all the usual modifiers apply as normal). If she gets a raise, she mocks the threat so effectively it acts as +1 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Support} for all allies making the same Fear check. Just make sure you roll and resolve your Fear check first, partner!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Ghost",
"name": "Ghost",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The Harrowed can become incorporeal at will. While ghosted, he’s intangible but still visible, and magical attacks affect him normally.</p>\n<p>The deader decides if he’s corporeal or incorporeal at the beginning of his turn. This is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{free action}, but he must remain in that state until his next turn.</p>\n<p>The deader is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted} as long as he remains in ghost form, but may remain so as long as he wishes. If he’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounded} while incorporeal, he must make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit roll} or immediately become corporeal.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Grit",
"name": "Grit",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Through perseverance and maybe a little insanity, this hardcase reduces penalties to the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear check} by 2. This stacks with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brave]{Brave}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Guts",
"name": "Guts",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>A hero with this Edge has learned to steel himself against the horrors that stalk the Weird West. He gets a free reroll when making @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear checks}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Harrowed",
"name": "Harrowed",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Some gunslingers are just too tough to lie down and stay dead after they’ve been killed. The price they pay is an eternal battle for their own soul. If you take this Edge, your character has been reborn into unlife and you can @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{read the grisly details here}.</p>\n<p>The Harrowed Edge may only be selected at character creation. To become Harrowed later requires shedding the mortal coil and a whole lot of luck (the Marshal has information on how this might occur), or by taking the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Damned]{Damned Edge} at @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Legendary Rank}.</p>\n<p><strong>Note:</strong> Talk it over with your Marshal before you take this Edge, because it sometimes becomes an involuntary @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} to everyone else in the posse!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Hell Steed",
"name": "Hell Steed",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>God’s critters don’t take so well to the unholy abominations called the Harrowed. Dogs bark, buzzards circle warily overhead, and horses snort and buck at a would-be rider who stinks of death.</p>\n<img src=\"modules/deadlands-core-rules/assets/art/rearing-horse.webp\" alt=\"Harrowed with glowing eyes and a large rearing horse with glowing eyes behind him.\" />\n<p>But a Hell Steed is a strange kind of horse dredged up from @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{the Hunting Grounds} by the Harrowed’s manitou. When summoned (by taking this Edge), it charges out of some Hell bound portal, snorting fire, eyes blazing, and a cloud of brimstone following in its wake. Within a few minutes the beast comes to terms with the mortal realm and becomes a normal horse—though one that’s clearly fierce and powerful.</p>\n<p>The horse has the usual stats for a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.War Horse]{War Horse}, is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Fearless)]{Fearless}, and a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card}. The beast is loyal and has sinister intelligence that understands its master’s commands (treat its Smarts as human intelligence rather than animal). It’s a strange creature, and serves the human as well as his manitou when the demon has control of the host’s body.</p>\n<p>If the Hell Steed is ever slain, the Harrowed doesn’t automatically get a replacement! He can take the Edge again to summon a new beast, however. A Harrowed can’t have more than one Hell Steed at once.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Hellfire",
"name": "Hellfire",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Raw, blazing fire blasts straight from the depths of Hell through the Harrowed’s fingertips. This takes an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{action} but may only be used once per turn. The attack uses the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} skill and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Blast Templates]{Cone Template}, and causes 3d6 to those unfortunate enough to be caught in the template. Hellfire may be @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Evasion]{evaded}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Hexslinging",
"name": "Hexslinging",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Huckster), Shooting d8+</p>\n<p>John Henry “Doc” Holliday was a huckster who learned the secrets of “rune magic,” a process the ancient Vikings used to enchant their weapons in days long past. He carved the runes on his favorite six-gun and “hexslinging” was born.</p>\n<p>Taking a cue from Hoyle, Doc passed those techniques on to his friends in a series of dime novels appropriately called <cite>The Adventures of Doc Holliday</cite>.</p>\n<p>Hexslingers who learn Holliday’s secrets gain the <em>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Ammo Whammy]{ammo whammy}</em> power and can create their own rune-engraved “hex guns.” This takes four hours per weapon, most of which is spent inscribing the barrel with various runes. The weapon can be any firearm—a pistol is common, but nothing stops a hero from making a hex gun out of a @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Derringer]{derringer} or even a @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Gun]{Gatling} if she wants!</p>\n<p>Once complete, any hexslinger can use that weapon to cast any of the following powers (assuming they have them) on or with the hex gun without incurring a Multi-Action penalty: <em>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Ammo Whammy]{ammo whammy}, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Deflection]{deflection}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Boost/Lower Trait]{boost Shooting},</em> and <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Protection]{protection}</em>.</p>\n<p>These spells have a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Range} of Self when cast in this way and can’t use the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Power Modifiers]{Additional Recipients modifier} if they have it. Activation causes the runes on the weapon to glow subtly, throw sparks, or some similar effect.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "High Roller",
"name": "High Roller",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Seasoned, Spirit d8+, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Huckster)]{Arcane Background (Huckster)}, Spellcasting d6+</p>\n<p>Go high or go home. Your hero draws an extra card anytime he @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Deals with the Devil}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Implacable",
"name": "Implacable",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Deaders are a tough and ornery lot fueled by the infernal power of demons. Eventually, some of ’em can take a hit that’d drop any normal hombre.</p>\n<p>A deader with this Edge can take an extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} before she’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Incapacitated}. This stacks with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Tough As Nails]{Tough as Nails} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Tougher Than Nails]{Tougher than Nails} Edges, and her maximum @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound penalties} are still limited to −3.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Cat Eyes",
"name": "Improved Cat Eyes",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The hero can see perfectly in the dark and ignores all penalties for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Illumination]{lighting}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Claws",
"name": "Improved Claws",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The Claws now inflict Str+d8 damage, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Armor Piercing (AP)]{AP} 2.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Fan the Hammer",
"name": "Improved Fan the Hammer",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>As @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Fan the Hammer]{Fan the Hammer}, but each shot suffers a −2 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} penalty.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved High Roller",
"name": "Improved High Roller",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Your inveterate gambler draws two extra cards (total) when @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Dealing with the Devil}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Stitchin'",
"name": "Improved Stitchin'",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>As @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Stitchin']{Stitchin'}, but the deader rolls every hour.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Trackin' Teeth",
"name": "Improved Trackin' Teeth",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The dead tend to lose body parts here and there. Those with this Edge can keep track of those parts, whether they’re attached to the rest of his cadaver or not!</p>\n<p>Trackin’ Teeth is a bit of a misnomer as it actually applies to any part of the deader’s body, but this is what Coot Jenkins called it and the name stuck.</p>\n<p>A clever Harrowed can learn to use it to not only keep track of his parts, but his enemies’ whereabouts as well. He need simply plant a substantial piece of himself in or on a thing or person. By “substantial” we mean a piece of durable body matter such as a chunk of bone or tooth, not something comparatively insubstantial or perishable, like hair or a scrap of rotten flesh. The most accessible parts of a Harrowed are teeth—hence the Edge’s name.</p>\n<p>As long as the Harrowed’s piece—tooth or otherwise—is within 100 miles, she can automatically sense its direction and approximate distance. If the piece moves out of range, the Harrowed loses track of it, but she picks it up if it comes back in range again.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Infest",
"name": "Infest",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Like many aspects of nature, insects have spiritual counterparts in the Hunting Grounds. Manitous have a knack for controlling creepy-crawlies, and some pass this along to their hosts. A character with this icky ability can control swarms of biting or stinging insects.</p>\n<p>Infest doesn’t give the Harrowed the ability to actually create bugs or summon them from great distances. They must already be present in the immediate vicinity (Marshal’s call), but the deader’s swarm doesn’t have to be composed of a single species. To summon the swarm, she uses an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{action} and spends a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to call forth a mass of spiders, roaches, and millipedes into one wriggling, biting, unholy horde.</p>\n<p>The Harrowed controls the swarm until it dissipates—when destroyed or after about five minutes. See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-bestiary.Swarm]{Swarm} for the critters’ statistics and Special Abilities.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Iron Bound",
"name": "Iron Bound",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Mad Scientist)]{Arcane Background (Mad Scientist)}</p>\n<p>Everyone has to learn their trade somewhere. Your mad scientist apprenticed to a master craftsman, or worked in a Hellstromme Industries factory, Smith & Robards workshop, or even one of the secret facilities belonging to the government. The alumni of these difficult and ground-breaking trials in the New Science are said to be “Iron Bound.”</p>\n<p>Your hero managed to leave his former employment with some of the equipment he worked on, and still has a few friends who can cut him a special deal when he’s in a pinch. The mad scientist starts with up to $2,000 in @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{infernal devices} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{vehicles}, and reduces the listed price of any future devices purchased through that source by 25%. He might be able to get discounts through other outlets by reciting some of his <em>bona fides</em> and sharing experiences with other inventors (Marshal’s call).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Knack",
"name": "Knack",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This Edge should only be taken during character creation, unless there’s a good reason for the hero to “discover” his latent powers at a later date.</p>\n<p>The Weird West is a superstitious place, where rumors and old wives’ tales abound. Occasionally, these folktales contain a germ of truth. A Knack is just that—folklore come true.</p>\n<p>Now you get to choose one of the special events that coincided with the time of your character’s birth.</p>\n<p><strong>Bastard:</strong> Well, that’s what your hero is. Not the mean ornery kind, but the fatherless kind. A child born out of wedlock is said to be able to see the unseen. Spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to automatically be able to see invisible and hidden critters, or those that supernaturally blend in with their surroundings, for five rounds.</p>\n<p><strong>Born on All Hallows’ Eve:</strong> They say those born on this day have a greater connection to the spirit world. They occasionally receive warnings if their actions are about to cause disastrous consequences. A hero who was Born on All Hallows’ Eve can spend @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Conviction]{Conviction} to reroll a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure}.</p>\n<p><strong>Born on Christmas:</strong> A babe born on Christmas is particularly resistant to arcane effects powered by evil spirits. Only heroes with the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Blessed)]{Blessed} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Shaman)]{Shaman} Arcane Background can take this Knack. If you wanted to take a different @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Arcane Background}, this isn’t the Knack for you.</p>\n<p>When targeted by a power from any other @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Arcane Background}, a hero with this Knack can spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to negate the effect and force the caster to make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit roll} (−4) or be @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken}.</p>\n<p><strong>Breech Birth:</strong> A baby born butt-first is said to have the uncanny ability to heal injuries. Your hero is just such a person and can spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to use the <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Healing]{healing}</em> power. He doesn’t need to roll and automatically gets a single success (thus <em>healing</em> one @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound}).</p>\n<p><strong>Seventh Son:</strong> Your hero is fated for greatness; his legend will loom large in the Weird West. This hombre has the ability to control fate. Any time a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} is used in his presence, he can spend a Benny of his own to negate its effect.</p>\n<p><strong>Shooting Star:</strong> A shooting star or comet lit up the sky at the time of your hero’s birth, and many believe it foretold his skills as a great leader. At the beginning of any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Combat]{combat}, you may spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to double the character’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Command]{Command Range}. This increased range lasts until the end of the encounter.</p>\n<p><strong>Storm Born:</strong> Your character was born in the midst of a great storm. Among her people, it’s said fear has no power over her. When you spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to reroll a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear check}, you ignore all Fear penalties, both from the critter and the local Fear Level.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Like an Oak",
"name": "Like an Oak",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Few things settle the nerves of a posse like the sight of a Ranger standing toe-to-toe with some horrific abomination.</p>\n<p>All allies within 12\" of the Ranger negate up 2 points of Fear penalties when making a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear check}. If the Ranger fails his Fear check or is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}, the allies do not get the benefit. If a group makes the check at the same time, the Ranger goes first.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Man of a Thousand Faces",
"name": "Man of a Thousand Faces",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This Edge helps Agents infiltrate their foes, given some supplies and the ability to study the enemy. The Agent adds +2 to his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance} rolls when trying to impersonate a general “type” of roughly similar build. There’s a −2 penalty for impersonating someone the target has heard of, a −4 for someone the target has seen before, or −6 for a specific individual or someone the target is familiar with. Use of this Edge requires clothing appropriate for the role. A @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Disguise kit]{disguise kit} removes 2 points of penalties.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Metal Mage",
"name": "Metal Mage",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Metal mages use devices like any other weird scientist, but can also <strong>Deal with the Devil </strong>(see <cite>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Deadlands}</cite>) like a huckster!</p>\n<p>This allows them to cast any power available to mad scientists, even those they don’t have or that are above their Rank, and perhaps even get enough energy directly from @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{the Hunting Grounds} to power it.</p>\n<p>The process is similar to that of hucksters but with a few key differences—see the section later on this page for all the details and differences.</p>\n<p>It’s quite a spectacular show when a metal mage successfully Deals with the Devil! Metal bits swirl about the scientist, either appearing from thin air or levitating from whatever crates, bins, or toolkits are within a few feet of him. Unseen hands assemble the bits into a Hellish device or effect, twisting, shaping, turning and smashing pieces together in a storm of hot wind that smells of brimstone and madness. And if one looks closely, he just might see a demonic face howling with glee in the middle of the swirling metal maelstrom!</p>\n<p>There’s no denying something supernatural is happening when a metal mage deals with the Devil. Anyone who sees the event knows deviltry is afoot. Metal mages only resort to this measure as an absolute last resort when strangers are about.</p>\n<p>The devilish devices created in this way last as long as the power itself lasts, then collapse into a pile of their component parts—often burning hot or icy cold from the touch of the demonic forces that assembled them.</p>\n<p>See <cite>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Deadlands: The Weird West}</cite> for the <strong>Dealing with the Devil </strong>table, and the section on the next page for the process.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mimic",
"name": "Mimic",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Great supernatural power springs from the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{Hunting Grounds} in one form or another. Sometimes a Harrowed attuned to that power can decipher it and wrestle it away for herself.</p>\n<p>When any power that uses the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Spellcasting]{Spellcasting} skill is used in sight of the Harrowed, she gains the ability to cast it herself. She may only do this once, and it must be within the same encounter she saw it used.</p>\n<p>The Harrowed uses Spellcasting to cast the spell if she has that skill, or Smarts if she doesn’t.</p>\n<p>Any Power Points or Modifiers must be identical. If a cultist casts a 3d6 black magic <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Bolt]{bolt}</em> with AP <em>2</em> for four Power Points, the Harrowed may do exactly the same. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} means the Harrowed is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigued} and all currently maintained powers (if any) terminate.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Nightmares",
"name": "Nightmares",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>One of the manitous’ duties in the spirit world is to torment dreamers. A Harrowed whose brain-worm gives him this power can share his misery, giving other living minds dark and terrible dreams.</p>\n<p>The Harrowed needs something from the target to inflict nightmares on her—it could be something of her body, like a hair, fingernail clipping, or blood stain; or it could be an item of some significance to her, such as a piece of jewelry, her firearm, or even her trusty horse.</p>\n<p>The deader then simply decides if he wants his manitou to torment the target each night. If so, she has the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-hindrances.Night Terrors]{Night Terrors} Hindrance for as long as the Harrowed wants to torment her.</p>\n<p>A victim can rid herself of the nightmares by killing the Harrowed or sleeping on sanctified ground. <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Dispel]{Dispel}</em> has no effect, but <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Detect/Conceal Arcana]{detect arcana}</em> senses an evil presence on the victim when she’s being tormented. With a raise, <em>detect arcana</em> also gives an impression of the Harrowed himself, perhaps a stench, a memory of when the item was taken, or his dead eyes.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Old Hand",
"name": "Old Hand",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Heroic, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Huckster)]{Arcane Background (Huckster)}, Spellcasting d10+</p>\n<p>With knowledge comes power, and this huckster knows when to say when. After you form a five-card poker hand when @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Dealing with the Devil}, you can discard up to three cards and redraw!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Ore Eater",
"name": "Ore Eater",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-actors.Mad Scientist]{Mad Scientist}, Weird Science d6+</p>\n<p>Though your mad scientist probably doesn’t want anyone to know it, he’s developed a taste for @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Ghost Rock]{ghost rock}! Eating it raw isn’t really possible—it’s rock, after all—but it’s easy to powder or crush and sprinkle it into his favorite whiskey or spread it like salt over his vittles!</p>\n<p>This is obviously a dangerous practice, but greatly increases the Weird Scientist’s connection to the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Reckoning]{Hunting Grounds}. He gains 5 Power Points when this Edge is taken (in addition to any gained from the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Power Points]{Power Points Edge}).</p>\n<p>The downside is that anytime he must roll on the <strong>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-tables.Malfunction Table]{Malfunction Table}</strong> and rolls a 13, he gets ghost rock fever instead of the Gremlin result! He can only contract the fever once, and must live or die by the rules set forth under @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Ghost Rock Rules]{Ghost Rock Fever}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Possession",
"name": "Possession",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>If a manitou’s good at anything, it’s taking control of someone else’s body. This power grants the Harrowed a limited ability to do the same.</p>\n<p>Controlling someone works exactly like the <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Puppet]{puppet}</em> power in <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>, but the Harrowed uses his Spirit −2 for the arcane skill roll.</p>\n<p>The deader is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted} for as long as he maintains control. He may maintain the power as long as he wants, but remains Distracted while doing so (he may not use Power Points even if he has them). If he’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounded}, he must make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Smarts roll} or the power terminates as well.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Quick Draw",
"name": "Quick Draw",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>You draw two cards when spending a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} for an additional @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} at the beginning of a round. You may choose your final Action Card from any of your available choices, including additional draws from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Level Headed]{Level Headed}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Quick]{Quick}, etc.</p>\n<p>You also add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} rolls made to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hold]{interrupt} others’ actions (including resisting being interrupted).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Ranger Promotion",
"name": "Ranger Promotion",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Your Ranger’s been promoted to Sergeant. He gets a slight increase in pay, a @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Shotgun]{Gatling shotgun} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Rifle]{rifle} if he likes, and he can request higher @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Favors}.</p>\n<p>You can take this Edge a second time for a promotion to Lieutenant. This grants him @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Chapter 13} of <em>Fugitives from Justice</em> as well as a little extra dinero and the ability to request greater @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Favors}.</p>\n<p>At Heroic Rank, a Ranger can take this Edge one last time to gain promotion to Captain, granting him access to 4-point @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Favors}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Reputation",
"name": "Reputation",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Whether this character is branded hero or villain, he has earned a Reputation across the Weird West. Decide whether your hero’s rep is good or bad. With a good Reputation, the celebrity gets a free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls with anyone who’s heard stories about him. If an outlaw’s rep is negative, he adds +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} rolls among those in the know.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Right Hand of the Devil",
"name": "Right Hand of the Devil",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Your hero is fast on the trigger and renowned far and wide as one mean hombre. Folks have taken to calling him the Right Hand of the Devil (or Left if your cowpoke is of the sinister rather than dexter persuasion).</p>\n<p>Whichever weapon your shootist typically uses in his favored hand has been infused with some of the mythic status he’s accorded, turning that weapon into a powerful relic. A relic weapon does an extra damage die of the same type as that weapon’s highest damage die. So a relic Colt revolving rifle would do a fearsome 3d8 damage. A hero usually dresses it up a bit with a silver filigree, pearl handles, and the like. It’s not a requirement, but most legends are partial to such decor.</p>\n<p>The Edge remains with the weapon, so if your shootist loses his gun, he loses the Edge as well—at least until he can get it back. And yes, anyone else who finds it in the meantime gets its benefits!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Rigor Mortis",
"name": "Rigor Mortis",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>A deader uses this power to inflict terrible pain on everyone who gets too close to his cadaverous corpse.</p>\n<p>Activating Rigor Mortis is a free action that creates a field of agony the size of a Medium Blast Template centered on the Harrowed. Everyone who enters the template (friend and foe alike) is wracked with pain and stiffness and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted}. The condition terminates at the end of a victim’s turn if he’s no longer in the area of effect.</p>\n<p>Rigor Mortis can be maintained as long as the Harrowed desires, but terminates if he doesn’t make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Smarts} roll when @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}, or Wounded.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Scout",
"name": "Scout",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Scouts are masters of navigating the West’s vast wilderness. When the Marshal draws a face card while the posse is traveling—indicating an encounter—the Scout can make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} roll at −2 to detect the hazard, critter, or event first. Scouts are always considered alert for Notice rolls versus @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Stealth]{Stealth}, ignore up to 2 points of penalties on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Survival]{Survival} rolls to track, and on a raise gain more specific information about what they’re following. They also add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Common Knowledge]{Common Knowledge} rolls to recall information about towns, outposts, landmarks and watering holes, people, or tribes along a particular route they’ve traveled before.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Silent as a Corpse",
"name": "Silent as a Corpse",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>As long as this deader’s feet are in contact with dirt, he can move without making a sound (even if he’s wearing boots). He adds +4 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Stealth]{Stealth} where sound is the primary factor in detection.</p>\n<p>In the Weird West, most everything that’s not actually inside a building is dirt. Even the interiors to some buildings have dirt floors, such as barns, stables, poor farmsteads, and the like.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Sleep o' the Dead",
"name": "Sleep o' the Dead",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Manitous have something of a talent for getting mortals to sleep. Harrowed with this Edge can tap into the manitous’ abilities to send a victim straight to the Land o’ Nod with a single touch. Even other Harrowed are affected. This works much like the <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Slumber]{slumber}</em> power (see <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>), except it costs no Power Points, has a Range of Touch, and is enacted with an opposed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit roll} against the target as an action. If the Harrowed wins the opposed Spirit roll, the target falls asleep for one minute, or 1d6 hours with a raise. It can’t be maintained.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Soldier",
"name": "Soldier",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This Edge works as described in <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>, and means the character served in the military.</p>\n<p>If the hero still serves in the military, he’s a Private, gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Obligation]{Obligation (Minor) Hindrance}, and is paid monthly (if he can get to it!). He’s expected to do what he’s told and to put the lives of others before his own. Not all soldiers uphold that principle, but they take the oath when they put on the uniform.</p>\n<p>Soldiers may be demoted if they perform poorly, abandon their post, show cowardice in the face of the enemy, disobey orders, or otherwise shirk the code of military conduct. Demotions are entirely up to the Marshal.</p>\n<aside class=\"sidebar float-left\">\n<h1>US Army Ranks</h1>\n<table>\n<tbody>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<th class=\"centered\" colspan=\"3\">\n<h2>Enlisted</h2>\n</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<th class=\"left\">Rank</th>\n<th class=\"centered\">Command</th>\n<th class=\"centered\">Pay</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>Private</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">—</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$20</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Corporal</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">—</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$25</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<th class=\"centered\" colspan=\"3\">\n<h2>Non-Commissioned Officers</h2>\n</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<th class=\"left\">Rank</th>\n<th class=\"centered\">Command</th>\n<th class=\"centered\">Pay</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Sergeant</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Squad</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$30</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>Ordnance Sergeant</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Squad</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$50</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Quartermaster Sergeant</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Platoon</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$65</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>Sergeant Major</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Company</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$80</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<th class=\"centered\" colspan=\"3\">\n<h2>Officers</h2>\n</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<th class=\"left\">Rank</th>\n<th class=\"centered\">Command</th>\n<th class=\"centered\">Pay</th>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>2nd Lieutenant</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Platoon</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$30</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>1st Lieutenant</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Platoon</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$40</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Captain</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Company</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$50</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>Major</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Company</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$75</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Lieutenant Colonel</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Battalion</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$100</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>Colonel</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Regiment</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$120</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Brigadier General</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Brigade</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$200</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>Major General</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Division</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$400</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"even\">\n<td>Lieutenant General</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Corps</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$800</td>\n</tr>\n<tr class=\"odd\">\n<td>General</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">Army</td>\n<td class=\"centered\">$1,600</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</aside>\n<p><strong>Rank:</strong> A hero can start as a Sergeant or 2nd Lieutenant, but his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Obligation]{Obligation} becomes Major, and he’s expected to carry out more difficult tasks lesser ranks might retreat from. Officers attend one of several military training academies and must have @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Academics]{Academics} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Battle]{Battle} at d6+. The @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Command]{Command Edge} isn’t a requirement for either, but highly recommended for both.</p>\n<p>In <cite>Deadlands</cite>, it’s expected soldiers are assigned to the posse for extra firepower, leadership, or expertise. They aren’t expected to bring their troops with them, but in times of extreme urgency the Marshal may allow them to request such resources from their superiors.</p>\n<p><strong>Promotion:</strong> Regardless of starting rank, an active duty character with the Soldier Edge may spend an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advance} for a promotion to his next rank. He may do this no more than three times, and no more than once per character @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Rank} (not military rank).</p>\n<p>Higher ranks are possible, but generally outside the scope of normal play.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Soul Eater",
"name": "Soul Eater",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Nothing about the Harrowed is pleasant. If they aren’t eating something’s flesh, preferably raw and wiggling, the demon inside often goes for raw life force instead.</p>\n<p>If the Harrowed causes a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} or more with a successful barehanded @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack (including @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Claws]{Claws} if he has them), he may make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit roll} at −2 immediately afterward as a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{free action}. If successful, he may heal one of his own Wounds (or a level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue}, as he chooses). Inflicting multiple Wounds has no additional effect.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Speak with the Dead",
"name": "Speak with the Dead",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>After death, a soul remains somewhat tethered to his remains for a while. It decays over a few months, the spiritual connection fading along with the flesh it once occupied.</p>\n<p>Harrowed with this power can tap into those connections to call forth a cadaver’s spirit and speak to it. The body’s soul is distant and confused when summoned back to speak with the Harrowed. Its mortal memories are vague and difficult to recollect. It may have a crystal clear memory of a clear summer day it spent swimming in a creek in his youth but can’t seem to recall which of his “friends” murdered him. (That means the Marshal has full control on what information the posse gets, which should be helpful but rarely give away the mystery of a good adventure!)</p>\n<p>Contact requires touch and the corpse can’t have been dead longer than the Harrowed’s Smarts die in months. Once contact is initiated, the Marshal rolls a d6. On a 2–6, the spirit is dragged forth and answers a few questions before it’s pulled back into the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{Hunting Grounds} and can’t be summoned again until the next full moon. On a 1, a manitou responds instead, pretending to be the corpse’s spirit, and causes as much mischief as possible!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Spider",
"name": "Spider",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>In a world filled with terrors and abominations, there are few things creepier than watching a Harrowed scuttle up the side of a wall.</p>\n<p>That’s exactly what this Edge does—it grants the hero the ability to walk on vertical surfaces at his regular @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace}. He can even cling to inverted surfaces at half Pace (and he may not @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{run} on inverted surfaces).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Spirit Sight",
"name": "Spirit Sight",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>As any deader knows, all that power and locomotion is due to a demon squatting inside what’s left of his moldering corpse. Spirit Sight allows the Harrowed to tap into the manitou’s mind for a change, and take a quick gander into the spirit world. (A version of the ability is now a modifier to <em>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Detect/Conceal Arcana]{detect arcana}</em>, too; see @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.02 Spirits]{New Power Option} profile)</p>\n<p>Activating Spirit Sight is a free action (but can only be done once per turn if the game is in rounds). This is disorientating so he’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted} until the end of turn after he drops the Spirit Sight.</p>\n<p>While peering into @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{the Hunting Grounds}, the Harrowed can view such things as manitous swirling around a huckster or lurking inside the corpse of a walking dead, how twisted an area is (its @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.04 Fear]{Fear Level}), magical effects on people or objects, or even whether or not a manitou is wriggling around inside of someone. In the latter case, the manitou’s demeanor might even indicate whether it currently controls its Harrowed host.</p>\n<p>This might allow the deader to notice an invisible creature if it has a spirit (and is thus visible in the spirit world), but doesn’t negate any penalties to affect it.</p>\n<p>Additionally, any creature with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Fear)]{Fear Special Ability} leaves a dark trail through the spirit world. Up to one hour after an abomination has moved through an area, it leaves a faintly glowing spoor of pure evil. A Harrowed with Spirit Sight can use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} (not @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Survival]{Survival} in this case) to follow the tainted trail.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Spirit's Favor",
"name": "Spirit's Favor",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Seasoned, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Shaman)]{Arcane Background (Shaman)}, Faith d8+</p>\n<p>The shaman has gained the favor of a particular spirit and the singular power it grants her.</p>\n<p>Choose one of the shaman’s powers each time this Edge is taken. The shaman may cast that power as an action without incurring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action penalty}, allowing her to invoke <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Protection]{protection}</em>, for example, then make an attack, pray for another blessing, or perform some other action.</p>\n<p>The shaman may only claim this benefit once per @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{turn}, even if she takes Spirit’s Favor more than once.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Spiritual Barbwire",
"name": "Spiritual Barbwire",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This Edge allows a deader to create a barrier that keeps out ghosts, poltergeists, and other ethereal entities—it has no affect on physical entities. The Harrowed makes a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit roll} and then places a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Blast Templates]{Medium Burst Template} centered on himself. The Spiritual Barbwire persists as long as the cowpoke concentrates on it, which inflicts a −2 penalty on other @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait rolls}.</p>\n<p>Entities wishing to enter the Template must make an opposed Spirit check against the deader’s total. If they fail, they cannot pass the barrier while the Edge remains active. Spiritual Barbwire stops the entity from passing through, but does not prevent it from “normal” actions such as Intimidation or throwing physical objects.</p>\n<p>If any living creature of rat-size or larger that started inside the circle crosses to the outside, the Edge is negated and must be reactivated with another Spirit roll.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Spook",
"name": "Spook",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Every so often, an unfortunate soul gets a glimpse of the thing that lives inside a Harrowed. Some run for the hills when they see it. Others might just give a little whimper. But everyone is affected by it, even the most stalwart soul.</p>\n<p>As an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{action}, a Harrowed can force a single target to make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear check} at −2. The victim must be reasonably close or able to see the deader (GM’s call), and the power can’t be used on the same target more than once in the same general encounter. The Harrowed can choose to take a level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} to instead affect all targets within 12\".</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Stitchin'",
"name": "Stitchin'",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>A dead man with Stitchin’ regenerates much faster than normal—he may make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Healing]{natural healing roll} every day, provided he consumes a pound of meat for each attempt.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Superior Kung Fu",
"name": "Superior Kung Fu",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, Spirit d6+, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Chi Master)]{Arcane Background (Chi Master)}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} d8+</p>\n<p>Through years of concentrated study under his wizened teacher, your hero has mastered several styles or stances that make up her particular practice of kung fu.</p>\n<p>Choose one of the options below the first time you take this Edge, and another each additional time you take it.</p>\n<p>As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{free action} at the start of her turn, she can assume any one of the styles she’s taken below. The benefits of the style remain in place until she changes to a different one.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Drunken Style:</strong> The fighter weaves around like she’s out of her tree on fire­water, making her moves hard to follow or predict due to her staggering gait. Opponents subtract 2 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{attack rolls} to hit her, but her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Pace} is reduced by 2 (she may still @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{run}).</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Eagle Claw:</strong> The warrior holds her hands like claws, then strikes quickly and viciously at the enemy like a pecking raptor. This gives her unarmed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attacks @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Armor Piercing (AP)]{AP} 4, and it’s considered a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Heavy Weapon (HW)]{Heavy Weapon}!</p>\n<p>This ability is critical for those chi masters who find themselves pitted against heavily armored foes, like Dr. Hellstromme’s metal automatons!</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Mantis:</strong> A mantis stu­dent holds her hands like hooks, moving from mes­merizing calm to startling strikes in a terrifying instant.</p>\n<p>Once per round, anyone who fails a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack against the martial artist is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted or Vulnerable} (martial artist’s choice). This is particularly effective when combined with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Counterattack]{Counterattack Edge}.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Monkey:</strong> The hero shakes her limbs like a primate, contorting and twisting in odd ways that throw off surrounding foes.</p>\n<p>The martial artist gains +2 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Parry]{Parry}, rapidly slapping and blocking away his foes’ strikes. She may also make an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Athletics Test} against all adjacent foes as a single action. Each one resists separately.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Shuai Chao:</strong> This form emphasizes light grappling techniques followed by throws or strikes. Once per round, when a foe fails a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack against the martial artist, she may make a grapple attempt as a free action (see <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Grappling]{Grappling}</strong> in <cite>Savage Worlds)</cite>.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Tan Tui:</strong> The chi master focuses her attack into a powerful snap kick—increasing her unarmed combat damage for one @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack per round by one die type. If the attack causes the foe to be @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken or Wounded}, he’s also knocked back 1d4\" with success, or 1d4+2\" with a raise. With a successful @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} roll, she can also rise from being prone without costing her the usual 2\" of movement.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Wing Chun:</strong> Wing Chun focuses on fast blocks and flexibility against attacks, like bamboo before a storm. This gives the warrior +1 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} and subtracts 2 from any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Dealing Damage]{melee damage} she takes while using this style.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</div>"
"id": "Supernatural Attribute",
"name": "Supernatural Attribute",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Supernatural Attribute immediately improves any one @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{attribute} by two die types (e.g., a d12 becomes d12+2). This Edge may be taken up to five times, once for each attribute. This increases the limit for that Trait (and any linked @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{skills)} a like amount.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Tale-Teller",
"name": "Tale-Teller",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>A good storyteller not only entertains, he gives hope and comfort as well. In the Weird West, Tale-Tellers are critical to saving the world!</p>\n<p>What? The world needs saving? You bet it does. Spreading the tales of your posse’s derring-do is far more important in the grand scheme of things than putting down some ornery varmint. So if you do something amazing, bucko, tell people about it!</p>\n<p>The Marshal has @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.04 Fear]{all the details}, but this Edge gives you two perks. First, when making a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance} roll to lower the local Fear Level, your hero adds +2 to her total. Second, when you successfully lower the local Fear Level and get a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} on the Persuasion or Performance roll, the tale-teller and anyone who @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Supports} her earn <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Conviction]{Conviction}</strong> (see <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Territorial Ranger",
"name": "Territorial Ranger",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>United States Marshals police the states. @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Rangers} are responsible for the eight territories—Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Washington, Wyoming, the District of Alaska—and one state, Texas, given that organization’s long history there.</p>\n<p>These law dogs hunt thieves, bandits, deserters, and other fugitives from justice throughout the territories. The <em>Tombstone Epitaph</em> claims they often hunt stranger prey—but only crackpots believe those bedtime stories, right? @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{There’s more information about these tough hombres here}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Trackin' Teeth",
"name": "Trackin' Teeth",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>The dead tend to lose body parts here and there. Those with this Edge can keep track of those parts, whether they’re attached to the rest of his cadaver or not!</p>\n<p>Trackin’ Teeth is a bit of a misnomer as it actually applies to any part of the deader’s body, but this is what Coot Jenkins called it and the name stuck.</p>\n<p>A clever Harrowed can learn to use it to not only keep track of his parts, but his enemies’ whereabouts as well. He need simply plant a substantial piece of himself in or on a thing or person. By “substantial” we mean a piece of durable body matter such as a chunk of bone or tooth, not something comparatively insubstantial or perishable, like hair or a scrap of rotten flesh. The most accessible parts of a Harrowed are teeth—hence the Edge’s name.</p>\n<p>As long as the Harrowed’s piece—tooth or otherwise—is within 10 miles, she can automatically sense its direction and approximate distance. If the piece moves out of range, the Harrowed loses track of it, but she picks it up if it comes back in range again.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "True Believer",
"name": "True Believer",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, Spirit d10+, Arcane Background (Blessed), Faith d6+</p>\n<p>This holy roller seems to have the ear of his deity. He gets a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{free reroll} on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Faith} rolls.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "True Genius",
"name": "True Genius",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, Smarts d8+, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Mad Scientist)]{Arcane Background (Mad Scientist)}</p>\n<p>Some say the New Science is inspired by supernatural entities. Most inventors call that superstitious poppycock, but a true genius not only accepts it, she embraces it! After all, it doesn’t matter where the idea comes from, it’s what you do with the technology that matters! Right?</p>\n<p>Anytime you have to use the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-tables.Madness Table]{Madness Table} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-tables.Infernal Devices Malfunction Table]{infernal device Malfunction Table}, you can spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to have the Marshal roll again, then choose the result you prefer. You may spend as many Bennies as you like until you’re out or as satisfied with the result as you’re gonna get!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "True Grit",
"name": "True Grit",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This grizzled veteran has seen things that’d make others’ eyes pop like they just saw a rattler in their bedroll. He ignores all penalties when making @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Fear]{Fear checks}, and if failed, gets one free reroll on the <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-tables.Fear Table]{Fear Effects Table}</strong> if he chooses.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Unholy Host",
"name": "Unholy Host",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This Edge grants the Harrowed a group of five @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Allies]{allied} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extras}. But in this case, the allies are all dead…well, undead to be exact.</p>\n<p>The host consists of five @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-actors.Walkin' Dead]{Walkin’ Dead}. They’re animated by lesser manitous, who serve as ruthless and chaotic allies. They can speak (though it’s hoarse, gravelly, and stuttering), use weapons, or do anything else a normal person can do. Remember that walkin’ dead in <cite>Deadlands</cite> aren’t mindless zombies—they’re human husks occupied by lesser demons.</p>\n<p>The hero doesn’t have a mental link with his Unholy Host, but when he gives them orders, they’re bound to follow them. Of course they’re also evil incarnate and clever in their interpretations. Give them an inch and they’ll leave a slew of bloody corpses for a mile.</p>\n<p>The manitous won’t let their champion die if they can help it—that ends their good times on Earth for a while. They might let him suffer and may get a good laugh out of it though!</p>\n<p>If any are lost, the Harrowed simply needs a new supply of cadavers to let the manitous back in.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "US Marshal",
"name": "US Marshal",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>US Marshals and Deputy Marshals have legal and policing authority throughout the United States. They may pursue fugitives into territories, but are expected to cooperate with local Rangers as soon as possible.</p>\n<p>Your character may be a Deputy US Marshal or US Marshal—your choice. Wearing the badge of either grants +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} rolls within their jurisdiction.</p>\n<p>Deputy Marshals are appointed by “full” US Marshals and have the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Obligation]{Obligation} (Minor) Hindrance to uphold and enforce the law. They can call on the US Marshal who appointed them if things get out of hand, though that individual might not be local.</p>\n<p>Deputy Marshals typically receive $50 a month in salary and fees.</p>\n<p>US Marshals have the Major version of the Hindrance, and are expected to handle most situations on their own.</p>\n<p>US Marshals gain and can use Favors just like @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.02 Agents]{Agents} or Texas @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Rangers} (see <cite>Deadlands: The Weird West</cite>). They start with 1 and can spend up to 4 on a request right from the start. They gain an additional Favor when the party reduces the Fear Level.</p>\n<p>Marshals are paid $300 a month in salary and fees.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Veteran O' the Weird West",
"name": "Veteran O' the Weird West",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>So you want to be a hero, huh? A big, tough, <em>experienced</em> hero? Gotcha. Just check your sanity at the door, because those who’ve already gone around the cactus a few times have seen things that would stop most men’s tickers. As a result, they ain’t the same as they used to be!</p>\n<p>Veterans o’ the Weird West begin play at @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Seasoned} (or one Rank higher than the rest of the cowpokes in your campaign), which means they gain four @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advances} right off the bat. Go ahead and apply those now.</p>\n<p>There’s a price, though. When you take this Edge, draw a single card from the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Deck}. Show it to the Marshal and she’ll check the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-tables.Veteran o' the Weird West]{table} to see just what kind of bad luck your hombre wandered into on his path to studliness.</p>\n<p>Beware—the results can range from maiming to insanity. Your Marshal has all the details. You’ve been warned, Tex!</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Whateley Blood",
"name": "Whateley Blood",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p><span class=\"western\">Prérequis</span>: Novice, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Huckster)]{Arcane Background (Huckster)}</p>\n<p>Somewhere in your family tree is a crooked branch known as the Whateleys. This twisted family of inbred witches and warlocks is known by arcane types as being powerful—and extremely crazy. Hucksters with Whateley spirit running through their veins have learned “blood magic.”</p>\n<p>Many of the Whateleys are deformed, although your hero doesn’t have to be (take the appropriate @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} if he is). All have some telltale mark—pale skin, jet-black hair, long fingernails, sallow complexion, and so on, and all have green eyes.</p>\n<p>Whatever mark you choose, there’s something about their tainted blood that puts folks off. That unsettled feeling reduces the huckster’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls by 1, though many overcome it with other Edges taken separately (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Attractive]{Attractive}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Charismatic]{Charismatic}, etc.).</p>\n<p>Now for the meat of the Edge. A huckster with Whateley Blood can voluntarily suffer a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} for 5 Power Points, or a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} for 10. This is done exactly as you’d think—by cutting, carving, or otherwise maiming themselves (as a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{free action}, which makes it pretty messy!). Whateleys are a slippery bunch, so if this @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Incapacitates} the caster he completes his turn before keeling over for a dirt nap.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Wichita Witch",
"name": "Wichita Witch",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>Mina Devlin teaches her orphan girls reading, writing, arithmetic, etiquette, and of course, witchcraft! Her “girls” also learn how to defend themselves, intimidate the rough hired guns they often command, and of course, fight.</p>\n<p>The trademark black mask, provocative leather outfit, and long whip mark the witch as one of Mina’s witches (whether the character is still with her or not). When fully decked out, she adds +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} rolls and +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls to those who might be attracted to her. (She subtracts 1 from Persuasion rolls when dealing with authorities or “law and order” types—GM’s call).</p>\n<p>Wichita witches also learn to charge their whip with violent energy. This costs one Power Point, is a free action, and can be triggered after the witch hits with the whip. If she hits with a raise and spends the Power Point, she can add a bonus die to the damage as usual (instead of only @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bound and Entangled]{Entangling} the foe—see <strong>@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Whip]{Whips}</strong>.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Wither",
"name": "Wither",
"description_full": "<div class=\"deadlands-core\">\n<p>This horrifying Edge lets a deader unnaturally age her victim. As an action, the Harrowed must touch her target and make an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{opposed Spirit roll}. If the undead wins, the victim’s flesh and bone wither and decay, reducing @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} a die type (to a minimum of d4) for one hour. With a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise}, both Strength and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} are reduced a die type. Multiple uses of Wither on the same target don’t stack, but the Harrowed may make secondary attempts to get the raise effect.</p>\n</div>"
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
"label": "SWADE Atouts",
"mapping": {
"description_full": "data.description"
"description_full": "data.description",
"requirements": {
"path": "data.requirements.value",
"converter": "edge_requirements"
"entries": [
@ -575,7 +579,7 @@
"description_full": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Comme @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Tactician]{Tacticien}, mais le personnage pioche et distribue deux @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Cartes d’Action} supplémentaires chaque round.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mcgyver",
"id": "McGyver",
"name": "Débrouillard",
"description":"Voir SWADE p.49",
"description_full": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Le débrouillard est tellement en avance sur son temps qu’il peut rapidement bricoler une machine adaptée à toute situation. À condition de disposer d’un peu de matériel et de quelques outils, il peut faire un jet de @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Réparation} pour fabriquer une arme improvisée, un explosif ou des outils qui fonctionnent jusqu’à la fin de la scène (au choix du MJ). Cela lui prend un tour complet durant lequel il ne peut ni se déplacer, ni accomplir d’autres actions. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">En cas d’Échec, l’engin n’est pas encore prêt. En cas d’@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Échec critique}, il ne sera pas en mesure de fabriquer l’outil désiré faute de matériaux adéquats pour la scène entière. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">En cas de Succès, le débrouillard peut rapidement bricoler un @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Area Effect Attacks]{explosif de faible puissance} (2d4 de dégâts dans un Petit gabarit), un arme de poing à un coup (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Portée} 5/10/20, 2d6 de dégâts), un radeau de fortune, une source électrique, etc. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">En cas de Prouesse, l’explosif devient plus puissant (2d6 de dégâts dans un Gabarit moyen ou 2d4 dans un Grand gabarit), une meilleure arme (5 coups, Portée 10/20/40, 2d8 de dégâts), le radeau est plus résistant, la batterie délivre plus de puissance, etc. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">La qualité de la création reste à l’appréciation du MJ, mais la créativité devrait être récompensée, en particulier dans les situations les plus dramatiques.</span></p>\n</div>"
@ -599,7 +603,7 @@
"description_full": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Si votre carte d’action est un joker, doublez les dégâts de votre première attaque de @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Combat} réussie du round.</span> </p></div>"
"id": "Mr Fix It",
"id": "Mr. Fix It",
"name": "Bidouilleur",
"description":"Voir SWADE p.49",
"description_full": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Le Bidouilleur bénéficie d’un bonus de +2 à tous ses jets de @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Réparation}. En cas de Prouesse il divise par deux le temps nécessaire. Si une réparation indique qu’une Prouesse permet de réparer l’objet en moitié moins de temps que d’ordinaire, un personnage avec cet Atout fera alors le travail en un quart du temps en cas de Prouesse.</span></p>\n</div>"
@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
"description_full": "data.description"
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"description_full": ""
"id": "Android",
"name": "Androide",
@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
"description_full": "data.description"
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"description_full": ""
"id": "Aquatic",
"name": "Aquatique",
@ -1,43 +1,7 @@
"Actor": "Acteur",
"Vehicles": "Véhicules",
"Ground Vehicles": "Véhicules Terrestres",
"Civilian Vehicles": "Véhicules Civiles",
"Futuristic Military Vehicles": "Véhicules Militaires Futuristes",
"World War II Military Vehicles": "Véhicules Militaires de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale",
"Aircraft": "Aviation",
"Civilian": "Civile",
"Bestiary": "Bestiaire",
"Modern Military Aircraft": "Avions Militaires Modernes",
"World War II Military Aircraft": "Avions Seconde Guerre Mondiale",
"Watercraft": "Maritime",
"Equipment": "Equipement",
"Armor": "Armures",
"Ammo": "Munitions",
"Common Gear": "Matériel de base",
"Modern Firearms": "Armes à feu Modernes",
"Personal Weapons": "Armes de contact",
"Special Weapons": "Armes spéciales",
"Natural/Improvised Weapons": "Armes Naturelles/Improvisées",
"Skills": "Compétences",
"Edges": "Atouts",
"Background Edges": "Atouts de Background",
"Combat Edges": "Atouts de Combat",
"Leadership Edges": "Atouts de Commandement",
"Legendary Edges": "Atouts Légendaires",
"Power Edges": "Atouts de Pouvoirs",
"Professional Edges": "Atouts Professionnels",
"Social Edges": "Atouts Sociaux",
"Weird Edges": "Atouts Etranges",
"Hindrances": "Handicaps",
"Powers": "Pouvoirs",
"Special Abilities": "Capacités Spéciales",
"1. Characters": "1. Personnages",
"2. Gear": "2. Matériel",
"3. Rules": "3. Règles",
"5. Powers": "5. Pouvoirs",
"6. Bestiary": "6. Bestiaire",
"7. Game Mastering": "6. Conseils aux Maîtres de Jeu",
"Character Creation": "Création de Personnages",
"The Adventure toolkit": "Boite à Outils des Aventures"
"Agent Edges": "Atouts d'Agents",
"Chi Master Edges": "Atouts de Chi",
"Huckster Edges": "Atouts de Hucksters",
"Harrowed Edges": "Atouts de Détérrés",
"Mad Scientist Edges": "Atouts de Savants Fous"
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"url": "",
"flags": {},
"version": "",
"version": "",
"minimumCoreVersion": "0.7.9",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "9",
"scripts": [],
@ -52,7 +52,13 @@
"styles": [
"languages": [],
"languages": [
"lang": "fr",
"name": "French (FRANCE)",
"path": "fr.json"
"packs": [],
"system": [],
"dependencies": [
@ -43,6 +43,28 @@ Hooks.once('translateCompendiumFolders', () => {
console.log("LOADED !!!!!!")
class swadeFrTranslator {
static getRank( rank) {
if ( rank == 'Novice') return 'Novice';
if ( rank == 'Seasoned') return 'Aguerri';
if ( rank == 'Veteran') return 'Vétéran';
if ( rank == 'Heroic') return 'Héroïque';
if ( rank == 'Legendary') return 'Légendaire';
return false
static getAttribute( attr) {
console.log("Attr is", attr)
if ( attr == "Agility") return 'Agilité';
if ( attr == "Smarts") return 'Intellect';
if ( attr == "Spirit") return 'Ame';
if ( attr == "Strength") return 'Force';
if ( attr == "Vigor") return 'Vigueur';
return false
Hooks.once('init', () => {
@ -57,12 +79,49 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
"gear_skill": (skill) => {
let transl = skill
if (skill) {
if (skill == 'Fighting') return 'Combat';
if (skill == 'Shooting') return 'Tir';
console.log("UNKOWN SKILL", skill);
let translated = game.babele.translate( "swade-core-rules.swade-skills", {name: skill.trim()}, true )
transl =
return skill;
return transl
"edge_requirements": (req) => {
let reqTab = req.split(",")
let results = []
for (let item of reqTab) {
let keyName = item.match(/([\w\s\(\)]+) (d[\w\+]*)/)
//console.log("Keyword", item, keyName)
if (keyName && keyName[2]) { // This is a skill or attribute
let toTranslate = keyName[1].trim()
let attr = swadeFrTranslator.getAttribute( toTranslate)
if ( attr) { // Test if attribute
results.push( attr + " " + keyName[2].trim())
} else { // Test if skill
let translated = game.babele.translate( "swade-core-rules.swade-skills", {name: toTranslate}, true )
if ( ! {
translated = game.babele.translate( "deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-skills", {name: toTranslate }, true )
let transResult = || toTranslate
results.push( transResult + " " + keyName[2].trim() )
} else { // Rank or edge
let itemName = item.trim()
let rank = swadeFrTranslator.getRank(itemName)
if (rank) {
results.push( rank )
} else {
let translated = game.babele.translate( "swade-core-rules.swade-edges", {name: itemName }, true )
if ( ! {
translated = game.babele.translate( "deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges", {name: itemName }, true )
let transResult = || itemName
results.push( transResult )
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><REQ !!!!", req, results)
return results.join(", ")
"gear_range": (range) => {
if (range) {
@ -110,11 +169,7 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
return range;
"powers_rank": (rank) => {
if ( rank == 'Novice') return 'Novice';
if ( rank == 'Seasoned') return 'Aguerri';
if ( rank == 'Veteran') return 'Vétéran';
if ( rank == 'Heroic') return 'Héroïque';
return rank;
return swadeFrTranslator.getRank( rank)
} );
@ -143,6 +198,7 @@ function registerUsageCount( registerKey ) {
name: "Unique world key",
scope: "world",
config: false,
default: "",
type: String
Reference in New Issue
Block a user