Merge pull request 'v12.0.9 - Le scriptorium d'Astrobazzarh' (#711) from VincentVk/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon:v11 into v11

Reviewed-on: public/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon#711
This commit is contained in:
uberwald 2024-09-27 10:16:54 +02:00
commit 8d6c4565a9
41 changed files with 995 additions and 377 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
# 12.0
## 12.0.9 - Le scriptorium d'Astrobazzarh
- ajout d'une fonction avancée pour exporter les personnages dans un format csv
## 12.0.8 - La quincaillerie d'Astrobazzarh
- le propriétaire est indiqué dans les feuilles d'équipements/compétences/...
- Ecaille d'efficacité

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js";
import { AppAstrologie } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js";
import { ExperienceLog, XP_TOPIC } from "./actor/experience-log.js";
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSang } from "./actor/base-actor-sang.js";
import { RdDCoeur } from "./coeur/rdd-coeur.js";
import { DialogChoixXpCarac } from "./dialog-choix-xp-carac.js";
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
canReceive(item) {
return ![TYPES.competencecreature, TYPES.tarot, TYPES.service].includes(item.type)
return ![ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature, ITEM_TYPES.tarot, ITEM_TYPES.service].includes(item.type)
isPersonnageJoueur() {
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getMalusArmure() {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.armure].filter(it => it.system.equipe)
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.armure].filter(it => it.system.equipe)
.map(it => it.system.malus)
.reduce(Misc.sum(), 0);
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getDemiReve() { return this.system.reve.tmrpos.coord }
getDraconicList() { return this.itemTypes[TYPES.competence].filter(it => it.system.categorie == 'draconic') }
getDraconicList() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competence].filter(it => it.system.categorie == 'draconic') }
getBestDraconic() { return foundry.utils.duplicate(this.getDraconicList().sort(Misc.descending(it => it.system.niveau)).find(it => true)) }
getDraconicOuPossession() {
return [...this.getDraconicList().filter(it => it.system.niveau >= 0),
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async $perteRevePotionsEnchantees() {
let potions = this.itemTypes[TYPES.potion]
let potions = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.potion]
.filter(it => Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(it.system.categorie, 'enchanté') && !it.system.prpermanent)
const potionUpdates = await Promise.all( it => {
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _recupererBlessures(message, isMaladeEmpoisonne) {
const timestamp = game.system.rdd.calendrier.getTimestamp()
const blessures = this.filterItems(it => it.system.gravite > 0, TYPES.blessure).sort(Misc.ascending(it => it.system.gravite))
const blessures = this.filterItems(it => it.system.gravite > 0, ITEM_TYPES.blessure).sort(Misc.ascending(it => it.system.gravite))
await Promise.all( b => b.recuperationBlessure({
actor: this,
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _recupererVie(message, isMaladeEmpoisonne) {
const tData = this.system
let blessures = this.filterItems(it => it.system.gravite > 0, TYPES.blessure);
let blessures = this.filterItems(it => it.system.gravite > 0, ITEM_TYPES.blessure);
if (blessures.length > 0) {
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async sortMisEnReserve(sort, draconic, coord, ptreve) {
await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{
type: TYPES.sortreserve,
type: ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve,
img: sort.img,
system: { sortid: sort._id, draconic: (draconic?.name ?? sort.system.draconic), ptreve: ptreve, coord: coord, heurecible: 'Vaisseau' }
@ -991,24 +991,24 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
buildTMRInnaccessible() {
return this.items.filter(it => it.type == TYPES.casetmr).filter(it => EffetsDraconiques.isInnaccessible(it)).map(it => it.system.coord)
return this.items.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.casetmr).filter(it => EffetsDraconiques.isInnaccessible(it)).map(it => it.system.coord)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getRencontresTMR() {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.rencontre];
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.rencontre];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async deleteRencontreTMRAtPosition() {
const rencontreIds = this.itemTypes[TYPES.rencontre].filter(this.filterRencontreTMRDemiReve()).map(it =>
const rencontreIds = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.rencontre].filter(this.filterRencontreTMRDemiReve()).map(it =>
if (rencontreIds.length > 0) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', rencontreIds)
getRencontreTMREnAttente() {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.rencontre].find(this.filterRencontreTMRDemiReve())
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.rencontre].find(this.filterRencontreTMRDemiReve())
filterRencontreTMRDemiReve() {
@ -1160,11 +1160,11 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
if (result) { return result }
switch (item.type) {
case TYPES.potion: return await this.consommerPotion(item, onActionItem);
case TYPES.livre: return await this.actionLire(item);
case TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
case TYPES.herbe: return await this.actionHerbe(item, onActionItem);
case TYPES.queue: case TYPES.ombre: return await this.actionRefoulement(item);
case ITEM_TYPES.potion: return await this.consommerPotion(item, onActionItem);
case ITEM_TYPES.livre: return await this.actionLire(item);
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: return await this.actionHerbe(item, onActionItem);
case ITEM_TYPES.queue: case ITEM_TYPES.ombre: return await this.actionRefoulement(item);
return undefined
@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
if (hideChatMessage) {
ChatUtility.blindMessageToGM({ content: content });
ChatUtility.blindMessageToGM({ content: content })
else {
@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
computeDraconicAndSortIndex(sortList) {
let draconicList = this.getDraconicList();
for (let sort of sortList) {
let draconicsSort = this.getDraconicsSort(draconicList, sort).map(it =>;
let draconicsSort = RdDItemSort.getDraconicsSort(draconicList, sort).map(it =>;
for (let index = 0; index < draconicList.length && sort.system.listIndex == undefined; index++) {
if (draconicsSort.includes(draconicList[index].name)) {
sort.system.listIndex = index;
@ -1612,19 +1612,6 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
return draconicList;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getDraconicsSort(draconicList, sort) {
//console.log(draconicList, bestDraconic, draconic, voie);
switch (Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent( {
case "lecture d'aura":
case "detection d'aura":
return draconicList;
case "annulation de magie":
return draconicList.filter(it => !RdDItemCompetence.isThanatos(it));
return [RdDItemCompetence.getVoieDraconic(draconicList, sort.system.draconic)];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollUnSort(coord) {
@ -1826,7 +1813,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
blessuresASoigner() {
return (this.itemTypes[TYPES.blessure])
return (this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure])
.filter(it => it.system.gravite > 0 && it.system.gravite <= 6)
.filter(it => !(it.system.premierssoins.done && it.system.soinscomplets.done))
.sort(Misc.descending(b => (b.system.premierssoins.done ? "A" : "B") + b.system.gravite))
@ -3065,7 +3052,7 @@ export class RdDActor extends RdDBaseActorSang {
async nouvelleIncarnation() {
let incarnation = this.toObject();
incarnation.items = Array.from(this.items.filter(it => it.type == TYPES.competence),
incarnation.items = Array.from(this.items.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.competence),
it => {
it = it.toObject(); = undefined;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./base-actor.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
import { StatusEffects } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { Targets } from "../targets.js";
import { RdDPossession } from "../rdd-possession.js";
import { RdDCombat } from "../rdd-combat.js";
@ -108,14 +108,14 @@ export class RdDBaseActorReve extends RdDBaseActor {
async $finDeRoundSupprimerObsoletes() {
const obsoletes = []
.concat(this.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp <= 0))
.concat(this.itemTypes[TYPES.possession].filter(it => it.system.compteur < -2 || it.system.compteur > 2))
.concat(this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp <= 0))
.concat(this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession].filter(it => it.system.compteur < -2 || it.system.compteur > 2))
.map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', obsoletes);
async $finDeRoundEmpoignade() {
const immobilisations = this.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp >= 2 && it.system.empoigneurid ==;
const immobilisations = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp >= 2 && it.system.empoigneurid ==;
immobilisations.forEach(emp => RdDEmpoignade.onImmobilisation(this,
@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ export class RdDBaseActorReve extends RdDBaseActor {
getPossession(possessionId) {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.possession].find(it => it.system.possessionid == possessionId);
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession].find(it => it.system.possessionid == possessionId);
getPossessions() {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.possession];
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession];
getEmpoignades() {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade];
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorReve extends RdDBaseActor {
const competence = this.getCompetence(idOrName);
let rollData = { carac: this.system.carac, competence: competence, arme: options.arme }
if (competence.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (competence.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
const arme = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(competence)
if (arme && options.tryTarget && Targets.hasTargets()) {
Targets.selectOneToken(target => {
@ -396,19 +396,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorReve extends RdDBaseActor {
$getCompetenceArme(arme, competenceName) {
switch (arme.type) {
case TYPES.competencecreature:
case TYPES.arme:
switch (competenceName) {
case 'competence': return arme.system.competence;
case 'unemain': return RdDItemArme.competence1Mains(arme);
case 'deuxmains': return RdDItemArme.competence2Mains(arme);
case 'tir': return arme.system.tir;
case 'lancer': return arme.system.lancer;
return undefined
return RdDItemArme.getCompetenceArme(arme, competenceName)
verifierForceMin(item) {

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { MAX_ENDURANCE_FATIGUE, RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReve } from "./base-actor-reve.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "../item/blessure.js";
@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSang extends RdDBaseActorReve {
isDead() { return this.system.sante.vie.value < -this.getSConst() }
nbBlessuresLegeres() { return this.itemTypes[TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isLegere()).length }
nbBlessuresGraves() { return this.itemTypes[TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isGrave()).length }
nbBlessuresCritiques() { return this.itemTypes[TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isCritique()).length }
nbBlessuresLegeres() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isLegere()).length }
nbBlessuresGraves() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isGrave()).length }
nbBlessuresCritiques() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isCritique()).length }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeResumeBlessure() {
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSang extends RdDBaseActorReve {
async supprimerBlessures(filterToDelete) {
const toDelete = this.filterItems(filterToDelete, TYPES.blessure)
const toDelete = this.filterItems(filterToDelete, ITEM_TYPES.blessure)
.map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', toDelete);

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { DialogSplitItem } from "../dialog-split-item.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js";
import { RdDItem, TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { RdDItem, ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
this.objetVersConteneur = RdDUtility.buildArbreDeConteneurs(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires);
this._appliquerRechercheObjets(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires);
formData.conteneurs = RdDUtility.conteneursRacine(formData.conteneurs);
formData.competences.filter(it => it.type == TYPES.competencecreature)
formData.competences.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature)
.forEach(it => it.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(it))
return formData;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "../constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDAudio } from "../rdd-audio.js";
import { RdDConfirm } from "../rdd-confirm.js";
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
// Calculer le total actuel des contenus
const encContenu = dest.getEncContenu();
const newEnc = moved.getEncTotal(); // Calculer le total actuel du nouvel objet
const placeDisponible = Math.roundDecimals(dest.system.capacite - encContenu - newEnc, 4)
const placeDisponible = Misc.keepDecimals(dest.system.capacite - encContenu - newEnc, 4)
// Teste si le conteneur de destination a suffisament de capacité pour recevoir le nouvel objet
if (placeDisponible < 0) {
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
async actionPrincipale(item, onActionItem = async () => { }) {
switch (item.type) {
case TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
return undefined

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ENTITE_INCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSang } from "./base-actor-sang.js";
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class RdDCreature extends RdDBaseActorSang {
isCreature() { return true }
canReceive(item) {
return item.type == TYPES.competencecreature || item.isInventaire();
return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature || item.isInventaire();
async remiseANeuf() {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, ENTITE_NONINCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDEncaisser } from "../rdd-roll-encaisser.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class RdDEntite extends RdDBaseActorReve {
canReceive(item) {
return item.type == TYPES.competencecreature
return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature
isEntite(typeentite = []) {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export class RdDEntite extends RdDBaseActorReve {
getChance() { return this.getReve() }
getDraconicOuPossession() {
return this.itemTypes[TYPES.competencecreature]
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature]
.filter(it => it.system.categorie == 'possession')
.sort(Misc.descending(it => it.system.niveau))
.find(it => true);

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "../../item.js"
import { Misc } from "../../misc.js"
import { EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM, OptionsAvancees } from "../../settings/options-avancees.js"
import { Mapping } from "./mapping.js"
const IMG_SCRIPTARIUM = '<img class="context-menu-img" src="systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/styles/img/ui/scriptarium.svg">'
export class ExportScriptarium {
static init() {
ExportScriptarium.INSTANCE = new ExportScriptarium()
constructor() {
this.mapping = Mapping.getMapping()
Hooks.on("getActorDirectoryFolderContext", (actorDirectory, menus) => { ExportScriptarium.INSTANCE.onActorDirectoryMenu(actorDirectory, menus) })
Hooks.on("getActorDirectoryEntryContext", (actorDirectory, menus) => { ExportScriptarium.INSTANCE.onActorDirectoryMenu(actorDirectory, menus) })
onActorDirectoryMenu(actorDirectory, menus) {
name: 'Export Personnages',
condition: (target) => game.user.isGM &&
OptionsAvancees.isUsing(EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM) &&
this.$getActors(actorDirectory, target).length > 0,
callback: target => this.exportActors(this.$getActors(actorDirectory, target), this.$getTargetName(actorDirectory, target))
$getTargetName(actorDirectory, target) {
const li = target.closest(".directory-item")
const folderId ="folderId")
const actorId ="documentId")
return actorId
? game.actors.get(actorId).name
: actorDirectory.folders.find(it => == folderId).name
$getActors(actorDirectory, target) {
const li = target.closest(".directory-item")
const folderId ="folderId")
const actorId ="documentId")
const actors = actorId
? [game.actors.get(actorId)]
: folderId
? actorDirectory.folders.find(it => == folderId).contents
: []
return actors.filter(it => it.type == ACTOR_TYPES.personnage)
exportActors(actors, targetName) {
const eol = '\n'
const header = Misc.join(this.getHeaderLine(), ';')
const actorLines = => Misc.join(this.getActorLine(actor), ';'))
const data = Misc.join([header, ...actorLines], eol)
const filename = `scriptatium-${targetName?.slugify()}.csv`;
saveDataToFile(data, "text/csv", `${filename}`);
getHeaderLine() {
return => it.column)
getActorLine(actor) {
const context = Mapping.prepareContext(actor)
return => it.getter(actor, context))
//.map(it => JSON.stringify(it))
.map(it => this.$escapeQuotes(it))
.map(it => it.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", ""))
$escapeQuotes(it) {
it = '' + it
if (it.includes('"') || it.includes(';')) {
return `"${it.replaceAll('"', '\\"')}"`
return it

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@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
import { Grammar } from "../../grammar.js"
import { RdDItemArme } from "../../item-arme.js"
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../../item-competence.js"
import { RdDItemSort } from "../../item-sort.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../../item.js"
import { Misc } from "../../misc.js"
import { RdDTimestamp } from "../../time/rdd-timestamp.js"
import { RdDBonus } from "../../rdd-bonus.js"
const NIVEAU_BASE = {
"generale": -4,
"particuliere": -8,
"specialisee": -11,
"connaissance": -11,
"draconic": -11,
"melee": -6,
"tir": -8,
"lancer": -8,
class ColumnMappingFactory {
static createMappingArme(part, i) {
return { column: `arme-${part}-${i}`, getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getArme(actor, context, part, i) }
static createMappingSort(part, i) {
return { column: `sort-${part}-${i}`, getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getSort(actor, context, part, i) }
const NB_ARMES = 10
const NB_SORTS = 20
const TABLEAU_ARMES = [...Array(NB_ARMES).keys()]
const TABLEAU_SORTS = [...Array(NB_SORTS).keys()]
const MAPPING_BASE = [
{ column: "ID", getter: (actor, context) => },
{ column: "name", getter: (actor, context) => },
// { column: "biographie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.biographie },
{ column: "taille", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.taille.value },
{ column: "apparence", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.apparence.value },
{ column: "constitution", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.constitution.value },
{ column: "force", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.force.value },
{ column: "agilite", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.agilite.value },
{ column: "dexterite", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.dexterite.value },
{ column: "vue", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.vue.value },
{ column: "ouie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.ouie.value },
{ column: "odoratgout", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.odoratgout.value },
{ column: "volonte", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.volonte.value },
{ column: "intellect", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.intellect.value },
{ column: "empathie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.empathie.value },
{ column: "reve", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.reve.value },
{ column: "chance", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.chance.value },
{ column: "melee", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.melee.value },
{ column: "tir", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.tir.value },
{ column: "lancer", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.lancer.value },
{ column: "derobee", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.derobee.value },
{ column: "vie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.sante.vie.max },
{ column: "plusdom", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.attributs.plusdom.value },
{ column: "protectionnaturelle", getter: (actor, context) => },
{ column: "endurance", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.sante.endurance.max },
{ column: "description", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getDescription(actor) },
{ column: "armure", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getArmure(actor, context) },
{ column: "protection", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getProtectionArmure(actor, context) },
{ column: "malus-armure", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getMalusArmure(actor, context) },
{ column: "esquive", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getEsquiveNiveau(context) },
{ column: "competences", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getCompetences(actor, CATEGORIES_COMPETENCES) },
{ column: "draconic", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getCompetences(actor, CATEGORIES_DRACONIC) },
const MAPPING_ARMES = => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('name', i))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('niveau', i)))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('init', i)))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('dommages', i)))
const MAPPING_SORTS = => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingSort('voie', i))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingSort('description', i)))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingSort('bonus', i)))
export class Mapping {
static getMapping() {
return MAPPING
static prepareContext(actor) {
return {
armes: Mapping.prepareArmes(actor),
armure: Mapping.prepareArmure(actor),
esquive: Mapping.prepareEsquive(actor),
sorts: Mapping.prepareSorts(actor)
static prepareArmes(actor) {
const armes = actor.items.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.arme)
return =>
arme.system.tir != "" ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'tir') : undefined,
arme.system.lancer = "" ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'lancer') : undefined,
arme.system.unemain ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'unemain') : undefined,
arme.system.deuxmains ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'deuxmains') : undefined,
!(arme.system.unemain || arme.system.deuxmains) ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'competence') : undefined
.filter(it => it != undefined)
).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
static prepareArme(actor, arme, maniement) {
const nameCompArme = RdDItemArme.getCompetenceArme(arme, maniement)
const competence = actor.getCompetence(nameCompArme)
if (RdDItemCompetence.isNiveauBase(competence)) {
return undefined
const dmgArme = RdDItemArme.dommagesReels(arme, maniement)
const dommages = dmgArme + RdDBonus.bonusDmg(actor, maniement, dmgArme)
return {
niveau: Misc.toSignedString(competence.system.niveau),
init: Mapping.calculBaseInit(actor, competence.system.categorie) + competence.system.niveau,
dommages: Misc.toSignedString(dommages)
static calculBaseInit(actor, categorie) {
const mapping = MAPPING_BASE.find(it => it.column == categorie)
if (mapping) {
switch (categorie) {
case 'melee':
case 'tir':
case 'lancer':
const caracteristique = Number(actor.system.carac[categorie].value)
return Math.floor(caracteristique / 2)
return 0
static prepareArmure(actor) {
const armures = actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.armure].filter(it => it.system.equipe)
if (armures.length > 1) {
console.warn(`${} a équipé ${armures.length} armures, seule la première sera considérée`)
if (armures.length > 0) {
const armure = armures[0]
return {
malus: armure.system.malus ?? 0
return {
name: '',
malus: 0
static prepareEsquive(actor) {
const esquives = actor.getCompetences("Esquive")
if (esquives.length > 0) {
const esquive = esquives[0]
return {
niveau: Misc.toSignedString(esquive.system.niveau)
return undefined
static prepareSorts(actor) {
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.sort].map(it => Mapping.prepareSort(it))
static prepareSort(sort) {
return {
voie: RdDItemSort.getCodeDraconic(sort),
description: Mapping.descriptionSort(sort),
bonus: Mapping.bonusCase(sort)
static descriptionSort(sort) {
const ptSeuil = Array(sort.system.coutseuil).map(it => '*')
const caseTMR = sort.system.caseTMRspeciale.length > 0 ? sort.system.caseTMRspeciale : sort.system.caseTMR
return `${}${ptSeuil} (${caseTMR}) R${sort.system.difficulte} r${sort.system.ptreve}`
static bonusCase(sort) {
const list = RdDItemSort.bonuscaseStringToList(sort.system.bonuscase).sort(Misc.descending(it => it.bonus))
if (list.length > 0) {
const bonus = list[0]
return `+${bonus.bonus}% en ${}`
return ''
static getDescription(actor) {
const sexe = actor.system.sexe
const sexeFeminin = sexe.length > 0 && sexe.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == 'f' ? 'Née' : 'Né'
const race = ['', 'humain'].includes(Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(actor.system.race)) ? '' : (actor.system.race + ' ')
const heure = actor.system.heure
const hn = `${sexeFeminin} à l'heure ${RdDTimestamp.definition(heure).avecArticle}`
const age = actor.system.age ? `${actor.system.age} ans` : undefined
const taille = actor.system.taille
const poids = actor.system.poids
const cheveux = actor.system.cheveux ? `cheveux ${actor.system.cheveux}` : undefined
const yeux = actor.system.yeux ? `yeux ${actor.system.yeux}` : undefined
const beaute = actor.system.beaute ? `Beauté ${actor.system.beaute}` : undefined
const list = [race, hn, age, taille, poids, cheveux, yeux, beaute]
return Misc.join(list.filter(it => it), ', ')
static getArmure(actor, context) {
return context.armure?.name ?? ''
static getProtectionArmure(actor, context) {
return Number(context?.armure?.protection ?? 0) + Number(
static getMalusArmure(actor, context) {
return context?.armure?.malus ?? 0
static getEsquiveNiveau(context) {
if (context.esquive) {
const niveau = context.esquive.niveau + context.armure.malus
return niveau > 0 ? ('+' + niveau) : ('' + niveau)
return ''
static getCompetences(actor, categories) {
const competences = Mapping.getCompetencesCategorie(actor, categories)
if (competences.length == 0) {
return ''
const byCartegories = Mapping.competencesByCategoriesByNiveau(competences, categories)
const txtByCategories = Object.values(byCartegories)
.map(it => it.competencesParNiveau)
.map(byNiveau => {
const niveaux = Object.keys(byNiveau).map(it => Number(it)).sort(Misc.ascending())
if (niveaux.length == 0) {
return ''
const txtCategorieByNiveau = => {
const names = Misc.join(byNiveau[niveau].map(it =>, ', ')
return names + ' ' + Misc.toSignedString(niveau)
const txtCategorie = Misc.join(txtCategorieByNiveau, ' / ')
return txtCategorie
}).filter(it => it != '')
return Misc.join(txtByCategories, ' / ')
static competencesByCategoriesByNiveau(competences, categories) {
return => {
return {
categorie: c,
competencesParNiveau: Misc.classify(
competences.filter(comp => comp.system.categorie == c),
comp => comp.system.niveau)
static getArme(actor, context, part, numero) {
if (numero < context.armes.length) {
return context.armes[numero][part] ?? ''
return ''
static getCompetencesCategorie(actor, categories) {
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competence]
.filter(it => categories.includes(it.system.categorie))
.filter(it => !RdDItemCompetence.isNiveauBase(it))
static getSort(actor, context, part, numero) {
if (numero < context.sorts.length) {
return context.sorts[numero][part]
return ''

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js"
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js";
const nomCategorieParade = {
@ -20,19 +20,35 @@ const nomCategorieParade = {
export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
static isArme(item) {
return item.type == TYPES.arme || RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(item);
return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.arme || RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(item);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getArme(arme) {
switch (arme ? arme.type : '') {
case TYPES.arme: return arme;
case TYPES.competencecreature:
case ITEM_TYPES.arme: return arme;
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(arme);
return RdDItemArme.mainsNues();
static getCompetenceArme(arme, maniement) {
switch (arme.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
case ITEM_TYPES.arme:
switch (maniement) {
case 'competence': return arme.system.competence;
case 'unemain': return RdDItemArme.competence1Mains(arme);
case 'deuxmains': return RdDItemArme.competence2Mains(arme);
case 'tir': return arme.system.tir;
case 'lancer': return arme.system.lancer;
return undefined
static computeNiveauArmes(armes, competences) {
for (const arme of armes) {
arme.system.niveau = RdDItemArme.niveauCompetenceArme(arme, competences);
@ -68,14 +84,14 @@ export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
return armeData.system.categorie_parade;
// pour compatibilité avec des personnages existants
if (armeData.type == TYPES.competencecreature || armeData.system.categorie == 'creature') {
if (armeData.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature || armeData.system.categorie == 'creature') {
return armeData.system.categorie_parade || (armeData.system.isparade ? 'armes-naturelles' : '');
if (!armeData.type.match(/arme|competencecreature/)) {
return '';
if (armeData.system.competence == undefined) {
return TYPES.competencecreature;
return ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature;
let compname = armeData.system.competence.toLowerCase();
if (compname.match(/^(dague de jet|javelot|fouet|arc|arbalête|fronde|hache de jet|fléau)$/)) return '';
@ -132,43 +148,46 @@ export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
return true;
static dommagesReels(arme, maniement) {
switch (maniement) {
case 'tir':
case 'lancer':
case 'competence':
return Number(arme.system.dommages)
if (arme.system.unemain && arme.system.deuxmains) {
const containsSlash = !Number.isInteger(arme.system.dommages) && arme.system.dommages.includes("/")
if (!containsSlash) {"Les dommages de l'arme à 1/2 mains " + + " ne sont pas corrects (ie sous la forme X/Y)");
return Number(arme.system.dommages)
const tableauDegats = arme.system.dommages.split("/");
return Number(tableauDegats[maniement == 'unemain' ? 0 : 1])
return Number(arme.system.dommages);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static armeUneOuDeuxMains(armeData, aUneMain) {
if (armeData && !armeData.system.cac) {
armeData.system.unemain = armeData.system.unemain || !armeData.system.deuxmains;
const uneOuDeuxMains = armeData.system.unemain && armeData.system.deuxmains;
const containsSlash = !Number.isInteger(armeData.system.dommages) && armeData.system.dommages.includes("/");
if (containsSlash) { // Sanity check
armeData = foundry.utils.duplicate(armeData);
const tableauDegats = armeData.system.dommages.split("/");
if (aUneMain)
armeData.system.dommagesReels = Number(tableauDegats[0]);
else // 2 mains
armeData.system.dommagesReels = Number(tableauDegats[1]);
static armeUneOuDeuxMains(arme, aUneMain) {
if (arme && !arme.system.cac) {
arme = foundry.utils.duplicate(arme);
arme.system.dommagesReels = RdDItemArme.dommagesReels(arme, aUneMain ? 'unemain' : 'deuxmains')
else {
armeData.system.dommagesReels = Number(armeData.system.dommages);
if (uneOuDeuxMains != containsSlash) {"Les dommages de l'arme à 1/2 mains " + + " ne sont pas corrects (ie sous la forme X/Y)");
return armeData;
static competence2Mains(arme) {
return arme.system.competence.replace(" 1 main", " 2 mains");
return arme;
static competence1Mains(arme) {
return arme.system.competence.replace(" 2 mains", " 1 main");
static competence2Mains(arme) {
return arme.system.competence.replace(" 1 main", " 2 mains");
static isArmeUtilisable(arme) {
switch (arme.type) {
case TYPES.arme: return arme.system.equipe && (arme.system.resistance > 0 || arme.system.portee_courte > 0)
case TYPES.competencecreature: return true
case ITEM_TYPES.arme: return arme.system.equipe && (arme.system.resistance > 0 || arme.system.portee_courte > 0)
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature: return true
return false
@ -180,11 +199,11 @@ export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
static corpsACorps(actor) {
let competence = actor?.getCompetenceCorpsACorps() ?? { system: { niveau: -6 } };
let melee = actor? actor.system.carac['melee'].value : 0
let melee = actor ? actor.system.carac['melee'].value : 0
return {
_id: competence?.id,
name: 'Corps à corps',
type: TYPES.arme,
type: ITEM_TYPES.arme,
img: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_corps_a_corps.webp',
system: {
initiative: RdDCombatManager.calculInitiative(competence.system.niveau, melee),

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js";
const categories = {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static isCompetenceAttaque(item) {
if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee":
case "tir":
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
static getCategorieAttaque(item) {
if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee":
case "tir":
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
return undefined
static isDommages(item) {
if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee":
case "tir":
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
return false
static isParade(item) {
if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee":
case "naturelle":

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
* Extend the basic ItemSheet for RdD specific items
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
isComestible: this.item.getUtilisationCuisine(),
options: RdDSheetUtility.mergeDocumentRights(this.options, this.item, this.isEditable),
if (this.item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
if (this.item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
formData.isparade = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isParade(this.item)
formData.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(this.item)

View File

@ -1,9 +1,43 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
{ code: 'O', label: "Voie d'Oniros", short: 'Oniros' },
{ code: 'H', label: "Voie d'Hypnos", short: 'Hypnos' },
{ code: 'N', label: "Voie de Narcos", short: 'Narcos' },
{ code: 'T', label: "Voie de Thanatos", short: 'Thanatos' },
{ code: 'O/H/N/T', label: "Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos/Thanatos", short: 'Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos/Thanatos' },
{ code: 'O/H/N', label: "Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos" }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
static getDraconicsSort(draconicList, sort) {
switch (Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent( {
case "lecture d'aura":
case "detection d'aura":
return draconicList;
case "annulation de magie":
return draconicList.filter(it => !RdDItemCompetence.isThanatos(it));
return [RdDItemCompetence.getVoieDraconic(draconicList, sort.system.draconic)];
static getCodeDraconic(sort) {
switch (Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent( {
case "lecture d'aura":
case "detection d'aura":
return 'O/H/N/T'
case "annulation de magie":
return 'O/H/N'
const voie = VOIES_DRACONIC.find(it => it.label.includes(sort.system.draconic))
return voie?.code ?? sort.system.draconic
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static isDifficulteVariable(sort) {
return sort && (sort.system.difficulte.toLowerCase() == "variable");
@ -31,9 +65,9 @@ export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildBonusCaseList(bonuscase, newCase) {
const list = RdDItemSort._bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase)
const list = RdDItemSort.bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase)
if (newCase) {
return list.concat({ case: "Nouvelle", bonus: 0 });
list.push({ case: "Nouvelle", bonus: 0 })
return list;
@ -44,7 +78,7 @@ export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
static getBonusCaseList(item, newCase = false) {
// Gestion spéciale case bonus
if (item.type == 'sort') {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.sort) {
return RdDItemSort.buildBonusCaseList(item.system.bonuscase, newCase);
return undefined;
@ -104,8 +138,11 @@ export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
static _bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase) {
return (bonuscase ?? '').split(',').map(it => {
static bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase) {
if (bonuscase == undefined || bonuscase == '') {
return []
return bonuscase.split(',').map(it => {
const b = it.split(':');
return { case: b[0], bonus: b[1] };

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@ -9,7 +9,15 @@ import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
export const TYPES = {
export const ACTOR_TYPES = {
personnage: 'personnage',
creature: 'creature',
entite: 'entite',
commerce: 'commerce',
vehicule: 'vehicule'
export const ITEM_TYPES = {
competence: 'competence',
competencecreature: 'competencecreature',
empoignade: 'empoignade',
@ -56,33 +64,33 @@ export const TYPES = {
const typesInventaireMateriel = [
const typesInventaire = {
materiel: typesInventaireMateriel,
all: ['service'].concat(typesInventaireMateriel),
const typesObjetsOeuvres = [TYPES.oeuvre, TYPES.recettecuisine, TYPES.musique, TYPES.chant, TYPES.danse, TYPES.jeu]
const typesObjetsDraconiques = [TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre, TYPES.souffle, TYPES.tete, TYPES.signedraconique, TYPES.sortreserve, TYPES.rencontre]
const typesObjetsConnaissance = [TYPES.meditation, TYPES.recettealchimique, TYPES.sort]
const typesObjetsEffet = [TYPES.possession, TYPES.poison, TYPES.maladie, TYPES.blessure]
const typesObjetsCompetence = [TYPES.competence, TYPES.competencecreature]
const typesObjetsTemporels = [TYPES.blessure, TYPES.poison, TYPES.maladie, TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre, TYPES.souffle, TYPES.signedraconique, TYPES.rencontre]
const typesObjetsEquipable = [TYPES.arme, TYPES.armure, TYPES.objet];
const typesObjetsOeuvres = [ITEM_TYPES.oeuvre, ITEM_TYPES.recettecuisine, ITEM_TYPES.musique, ITEM_TYPES.chant, ITEM_TYPES.danse, ITEM_TYPES.jeu]
const typesObjetsDraconiques = [ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre, ITEM_TYPES.souffle, ITEM_TYPES.tete, ITEM_TYPES.signedraconique, ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve, ITEM_TYPES.rencontre]
const typesObjetsConnaissance = [ITEM_TYPES.meditation, ITEM_TYPES.recettealchimique, ITEM_TYPES.sort]
const typesObjetsEffet = [ITEM_TYPES.possession, ITEM_TYPES.poison, ITEM_TYPES.maladie, ITEM_TYPES.blessure]
const typesObjetsCompetence = [ITEM_TYPES.competence, ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature]
const typesObjetsTemporels = [ITEM_TYPES.blessure, ITEM_TYPES.poison, ITEM_TYPES.maladie, ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre, ITEM_TYPES.souffle, ITEM_TYPES.signedraconique, ITEM_TYPES.rencontre]
const typesObjetsEquipable = [ITEM_TYPES.arme, ITEM_TYPES.armure, ITEM_TYPES.objet];
const typesEnvironnement = typesInventaireMateriel;
const encBrin = 0.00005; // un brin = 1 décigramme = 1/10g = 1/10000kg = 1/20000 enc
const encPepin = 0.0007; /* un pépin de gemme = 1/10 cm3 = 1/1000 l = 3.5/1000 kg = 7/2000 kg = 7/1000 enc
@ -141,12 +149,12 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
static isFieldInventaireModifiable(type, field) {
switch (field) {
case 'quantite':
if ([TYPES.conteneur].includes(type)) {
if ([ITEM_TYPES.conteneur].includes(type)) {
return false;
case 'cout':
if ([TYPES.monnaie].includes(type)) {
if ([ITEM_TYPES.monnaie].includes(type)) {
return game.user.isGM;
@ -195,15 +203,15 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getUniteQuantite() {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.monnaie: return "(Pièces)"
case TYPES.herbe:
case ITEM_TYPES.monnaie: return "(Pièces)"
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe:
switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Alchimie': case 'Repos': case 'Soin':
return "(Brins)"
case 'Cuisine': return '';
return '';
case TYPES.ingredient: return "(Pépins ou Brins)"
case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: return "(Pépins ou Brins)"
return '';
@ -212,13 +220,13 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
return typesObjetsEquipable.includes(this.type)
isCompetencePersonnage() { return this.type == TYPES.competence }
isCompetenceCreature() { return this.type == TYPES.competencecreature }
isConteneur() { return this.type == TYPES.conteneur; }
isMonnaie() { return this.type == TYPES.monnaie; }
isPotion() { return this.type == TYPES.potion; }
isNourritureBoisson() { return this.type == TYPES.nourritureboisson; }
isService() { return this.type == TYPES.service; }
isCompetencePersonnage() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.competence }
isCompetenceCreature() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature }
isConteneur() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.conteneur; }
isMonnaie() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.monnaie; }
isPotion() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.potion; }
isNourritureBoisson() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson; }
isService() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.service; }
isCompetence() { return typesObjetsCompetence.includes(this.type) }
isEsquive() {
@ -237,27 +245,27 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
return this.isCompetence() && ['melee', 'tir', 'lancer'].includes(this.system.categorie)
isCompetencePossession() { return TYPES.competencecreature == this.type && this.system.categorie == "possession" }
isCompetencePossession() { return ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature == this.type && this.system.categorie == "possession" }
isTemporel() { return typesObjetsTemporels.includes(this.type) }
isOeuvre() { return typesObjetsOeuvres.includes(this.type) }
isDraconique() { return RdDItem.getItemTypesDraconiques().includes(this.type) }
isQueueDragon() { return [TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre].includes(this.type) }
isQueueDragon() { return [ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre].includes(this.type) }
isEffet() { return typesObjetsEffet.includes(this.type) }
isConnaissance() { return typesObjetsConnaissance.includes(this.type) }
isInventaire(mode = 'materiel') { return RdDItem.getItemTypesInventaire(mode).includes(this.type); }
isBoisson() { return this.isNourritureBoisson() && this.system.boisson; }
isAlcool() { return this.isNourritureBoisson() && this.system.boisson && this.system.alcoolise; }
isHerbeAPotion() { return this.type == TYPES.herbe && (this.system.categorie == 'Soin' || this.system.categorie == 'Repos'); }
isBlessure() { return this.type == TYPES.blessure }
isHerbeAPotion() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.herbe && (this.system.categorie == 'Soin' || this.system.categorie == 'Repos'); }
isBlessure() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.blessure }
isPresentDansMilieux(milieux) {
return this.getEnvironnements(milieux).length > 0
getCategories() {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.competence: return RdDItemCompetence.getCategories()
case TYPES.competencecreature: return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategories()
case ITEM_TYPES.competence: return RdDItemCompetence.getCategories()
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature: return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategories()
return {}
@ -341,15 +349,15 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getUtilisation() {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.potion:
case ITEM_TYPES.potion:
switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Alchimie': case 'AlchimieEnchante': case 'AlchimieAutre': return 'alchimie'
case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine'
case 'Remede': case 'Repos': case 'ReposEnchante': case 'Soin': case 'SoinEnchante': return 'soins'
return '';
case TYPES.nourritureboisson: return 'cuisine';
case TYPES.herbe: case TYPES.faune: case TYPES.ingredient: case TYPES.plante:
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: return 'cuisine';
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case ITEM_TYPES.faune: case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: case ITEM_TYPES.plante:
switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine';
case 'Toxique': case 'Poison': return 'poison';
@ -364,9 +372,9 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getUtilisationCuisine() {
if (this.getUtilisation() == 'cuisine') {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.nourritureboisson:
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson:
return 'pret';
case TYPES.herbe: case TYPES.faune: case TYPES.ingredient: case TYPES.plante:
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case ITEM_TYPES.faune: case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: case ITEM_TYPES.plante:
return 'brut';
@ -374,7 +382,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
isCristalAlchimique() {
return this.type == TYPES.objet && Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, 'cristal alchimique') && this.system.quantite > 0;
return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.objet && Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, 'cristal alchimique') && this.system.quantite > 0;
isMagique() {
@ -402,11 +410,11 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getEnc() {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.service:
case ITEM_TYPES.service:
return 0;
case TYPES.herbe:
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe:
return this.getEncHerbe();
case TYPES.gemme:
case ITEM_TYPES.gemme:
return encPepin * this.system.taille;
return Math.max(this.system.encombrement ?? 0, 0);
@ -484,7 +492,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getActionPrincipale(options = { warnIfNot: true }) {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.conteneur: return 'Ouvrir';
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return 'Ouvrir';
if ( {
const warn = options.warnIfNot;
@ -492,11 +500,11 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
return 'Cuisiner';
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.nourritureboisson: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(this.system.boisson ? 'Boire' : 'Manger', warn);
case TYPES.potion: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Consommer', warn);
case TYPES.livre: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Lire', warn);
case TYPES.herbe: return this.isHerbeAPotion() ? this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Décoction', warn) : undefined;
case TYPES.queue: case TYPES.ombre: return this.system.refoulement > 0 ? 'Refouler' : undefined;
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(this.system.boisson ? 'Boire' : 'Manger', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.potion: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Consommer', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.livre: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Lire', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: return this.isHerbeAPotion() ? this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Décoction', warn) : undefined;
case ITEM_TYPES.queue: case ITEM_TYPES.ombre: return this.system.refoulement > 0 ? 'Refouler' : undefined;
return undefined;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js";
import { LOG_HEAD, SYSTEM_RDD } from "./constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Monnaie } from "./item-monnaie.js";
import { RdDItem, TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDItem, ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { RdDCalendrier } from "./time/rdd-calendrier.js";
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ class _10_7_19_CategorieCompetenceCreature extends Migration {
async migrate() {
await this.applyItemsUpdates(items => items
.filter(it => TYPES.competencecreature == it.type)
.filter(it => ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature == it.type)
.map(it => this.migrateCompetenceCreature(it))
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ class _10_7_19_PossessionsEntiteVictime extends Migration {
async migrate() {
await this.applyItemsUpdates(items => items
.filter(it => TYPES.possession == it.type)
.filter(it => ITEM_TYPES.possession == it.type)
.map(it => this.migratePossession(it))

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ export class RdDBonus {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static dmg(rollData, dmgActor, isEntiteIncarnee = false) {
const dmgArme = RdDBonus._dmgArme(rollData)
static dmg(rollData, actor, isEntiteIncarnee = false) {
const dmgArme = RdDBonus.dmgArme(rollData.arme)
let dmg = {
total: 0,
dmgArme: dmgArme,
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export class RdDBonus {
dmgParticuliere: RdDBonus._dmgParticuliere(rollData),
dmgSurprise: RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.ajustements?.attaqueDefenseurSurpris.used),
mortalite: RdDBonus._calculMortalite(rollData, isEntiteIncarnee),
dmgActor: RdDBonus._dmgPerso(dmgActor, rollData.selectedCarac?.label, dmgArme)
dmgActor: RdDBonus.bonusDmg(actor, rollData.selectedCarac?.label.toLowerCase(), dmgArme)
} = dmg.dmgSurprise + dmg.dmgTactique + dmg.dmgArme + dmg.dmgActor + dmg.dmgParticuliere;
return dmg;
@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ export class RdDBonus {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _dmgArme(rollData) {
if (rollData.arme) {
let dmgBase = rollData.arme.system.dommagesReels ?? Number(rollData.arme.system.dommages ?? 0);
static dmgArme(arme) {
if (arme) {
let dmgBase = arme.system.dommagesReels ?? Number(arme.system.dommages ?? 0);
//Le bonus dégats magiques ne peut pas faire dépasser le bonus de l'arme (cf p.278)
return dmgBase + Math.min(dmgBase, rollData.arme.system.magique ? rollData.arme.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0);
return dmgBase + Math.min(dmgBase, arme.system.magique ? arme.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0);
return 0;
@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ export class RdDBonus {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _dmgPerso(dmgActor, categorie, dmgArme) {
static bonusDmg(actor, categorie, dmgArme) {
const dmgActor = actor.getBonusDegat()
if (categorie == undefined) {
return 0
switch (categorie) {
case "Tir": return 0;
case "Lancer": return Math.max(0, Math.min(dmgArme, dmgActor));
case "tir": return 0;
case "lancer": return Math.max(0, Math.min(dmgArme, dmgActor));
return dmgActor;

View File

@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
async _onAttaqueNormale(attackerRoll) {
console.log("RdDCombat.onAttaqueNormale >>>", attackerRoll);
attackerRoll.dmg = RdDBonus.dmg(attackerRoll, this.attacker.getBonusDegat(), this.defender.isEntite());
attackerRoll.dmg = RdDBonus.dmg(attackerRoll, this.attacker, this.defender.isEntite());
let defenderRoll = { attackerRoll: attackerRoll, passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme, show: {} } = {
cible: ? : 'la cible',

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -92,18 +92,18 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static isEmpoignadeEnCours(actor) {
return actor.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.pointsemp > 0)
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.pointsemp > 0)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getEmpoignadeById(actor, id) {
let emp = actor.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.empoignadeid == id)
let emp = actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.empoignadeid == id)
return emp && foundry.utils.duplicate(emp) || undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getEmpoignade(attacker, defender) {
let emp = attacker.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].find(it =>
let emp = attacker.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].find(it =>
(it.system.empoigneurid == && it.system.empoigneid == ||
(it.system.empoigneurid == && it.system.empoigneid ==

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
export class RdDHerbes extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async initializeHerbes() {
static async onReady() {
this.herbesSoins = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Soin');
this.herbesRepos = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Repos');

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { RdDItemArme } from "./item-arme.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
export class RdDHotbar {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
static async addToHotbar(item, slot) {
switch (item?.type ?? '') {
case TYPES.arme:
case ITEM_TYPES.arme:
// Les armes peuvent avoir plusieurs usages
if (item.system.competence != '') {
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
case TYPES.competencecreature:
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
const categorie = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(item) ?? 'competence';
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot, categorie)
case TYPES.competence:
case ITEM_TYPES.competence:
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'competence')
if (item.isCorpsACorps()) {
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'pugilat')
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
* Actor - open actor sheet
* Journal - open journal sheet
static initDropbar() {
static init() {
Hooks.on('hotbarDrop', (bar, documentData, slot) => {
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
const item = fromUuidSync(documentData.uuid) ??
console.log('DROP', documentData, item)
switch (item?.type) {
case TYPES.arme:
case TYPES.competence:
case TYPES.competencecreature:
case ITEM_TYPES.arme:
case ITEM_TYPES.competence:
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
this.addToHotbar(item, slot)
return false
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
// Trigger the item roll
switch (item.type) {
case TYPES.arme:
case ITEM_TYPES.arme:
return actor.rollArme(item, categorieArme);
case TYPES.competence:
case ITEM_TYPES.competence:
if (item.isCorpsACorps()) {
switch (categorieArme) {
case 'pugilat':
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
return actor.rollCompetence(item);
case TYPES.competencecreature:
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
return item.system.iscombat && !item.system.isparade
? actor.rollArme(item, categorieArme)
: actor.rollCompetence(item);

View File

@ -1,69 +1,72 @@
import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, RDD_CONFIG } from "./constants.js";
import { Migrations } from './migrations.js';
import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, RDD_CONFIG } from "./constants.js"
import { Migrations } from './migrations.js'
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js";
import { RdDCalendrier } from "./time/rdd-calendrier.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { DialogChronologie } from "./dialog-chronologie.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"
import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js"
import { RdDCalendrier } from "./time/rdd-calendrier.js"
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js"
import { DialogChronologie } from "./dialog-chronologie.js"
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDTokenHud } from "./rdd-token-hud.js";
import { RdDCommands } from "./rdd-commands.js";
import { RdDCombatManager, RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
import { StatusEffects } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDCompendiumOrganiser } from "./rdd-compendium-organiser.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js"
import { RdDTokenHud } from "./rdd-token-hud.js"
import { RdDCommands } from "./rdd-commands.js"
import { RdDCombatManager, RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js"
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js"
import { StatusEffects } from "./settings/status-effects.js"
import { RdDCompendiumOrganiser } from "./rdd-compendium-organiser.js"
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js"
import { RdDHotbar } from "./rdd-hotbar-drop.js"
import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js";
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDPossession } from "./rdd-possession.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js"
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js"
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js"
import { RdDPossession } from "./rdd-possession.js"
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"
import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { Environnement } from "./environnement.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js"
import { Environnement } from "./environnement.js"
import { RdDActor } from "./actor.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js";
import { RdDCommerce } from "./actor/commerce.js";
import { RdDEntite } from "./actor/entite.js";
import { RdDVehicule } from "./actor/vehicule.js";
import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js";
import { RdDCommerceSheet } from "./actor/commerce-sheet.js";
import { RdDCreatureSheet } from "./actor/creature-sheet.js";
import { RdDActorEntiteSheet } from "./actor/entite-sheet.js";
import { RdDActorVehiculeSheet } from "./actor/vehicule-sheet.js";
import { RdDActor } from "./actor.js"
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js"
import { RdDCommerce } from "./actor/commerce.js"
import { RdDEntite } from "./actor/entite.js"
import { RdDVehicule } from "./actor/vehicule.js"
import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js"
import { RdDCommerceSheet } from "./actor/commerce-sheet.js"
import { RdDCreatureSheet } from "./actor/creature-sheet.js"
import { RdDActorEntiteSheet } from "./actor/entite-sheet.js"
import { RdDActorVehiculeSheet } from "./actor/vehicule-sheet.js"
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js";
import { RdDItemService } from "./item/service.js";
import { RdDItemMaladie } from "./item/maladie.js";
import { RdDItemPoison } from "./item/poison.js";
import { RdDItemSigneDraconique } from "./item/signedraconique.js";
import { RdDItemQueue } from "./item/queue.js";
import { RdDItemOmbre } from "./item/ombre.js";
import { RdDItemSouffle } from "./item/souffle.js";
import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js";
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js"
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js"
import { RdDItemService } from "./item/service.js"
import { RdDItemMaladie } from "./item/maladie.js"
import { RdDItemPoison } from "./item/poison.js"
import { RdDItemSigneDraconique } from "./item/signedraconique.js"
import { RdDItemQueue } from "./item/queue.js"
import { RdDItemOmbre } from "./item/ombre.js"
import { RdDItemSouffle } from "./item/souffle.js"
import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js"
import { RdDItemSheet } from "./item-sheet.js";
import { RdDBlessureItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-blessure.js";
import { RdDServiceItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-service.js";
import { RdDRencontreItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-rencontre.js";
import { RdDHerbeItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-herbe.js";
import { RdDPlanteItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-plante.js";
import { RdDIngredientItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-ingredient.js";
import { RdDFauneItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-faune.js";
import { RdDConteneurItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-conteneur.js";
import { RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-signedraconique.js";
import { RdDItemInventaireSheet } from "./item/sheet-base-inventaire.js";
import { AppAstrologie } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
import { RdDItemArmure } from "./item/armure.js";
import { AutoAdjustDarkness as AutoAdjustDarkness } from "./time/auto-adjust-darkness.js";
import { RdDCreature } from "./actor/creature.js";
import { RdDTMRDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-dialog.js";
import { RdDItemSheet } from "./item-sheet.js"
import { RdDBlessureItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-blessure.js"
import { RdDServiceItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-service.js"
import { RdDRencontreItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-rencontre.js"
import { RdDHerbeItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-herbe.js"
import { RdDPlanteItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-plante.js"
import { RdDIngredientItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-ingredient.js"
import { RdDFauneItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-faune.js"
import { RdDConteneurItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-conteneur.js"
import { RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-signedraconique.js"
import { RdDItemInventaireSheet } from "./item/sheet-base-inventaire.js"
import { AppAstrologie } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js"
import { RdDItemArmure } from "./item/armure.js"
import { AutoAdjustDarkness as AutoAdjustDarkness } from "./time/auto-adjust-darkness.js"
import { RdDCreature } from "./actor/creature.js"
import { RdDTMRDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-dialog.js"
import { RdDActorExportSheet } from "./actor/actor-export-sheet.js"
import { OptionsAvancees } from "./settings/options-avancees.js"
import { ExportScriptarium } from "./actor/export-scriptarium/export-scriptarium.js"
* RdD system
@ -80,9 +83,9 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
constructor() {
this.config = RDD_CONFIG;
this.RdDUtility = RdDUtility;
this.RdDHotbar = RdDHotbar;
this.config = RDD_CONFIG
this.RdDUtility = RdDUtility
this.RdDHotbar = RdDHotbar
this.itemClasses = {
armure: RdDItemArmure,
blessure: RdDItemBlessure,
@ -108,42 +111,42 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async onInit() {
game.system.rdd = this;
this.AppAstrologie = AppAstrologie;
game.system.rdd = this
this.AppAstrologie = AppAstrologie
console.log(`Initializing Reve de Dragon System`);
console.log(`Initializing Reve de Dragon System`)
// preload handlebars templates
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// Set an initiative formula for the system
CONFIG.Combat.initiative = {
formula: "1+(1d6/10)",
decimals: 2
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, async (sockmsg) => {
console.log(">>>>> MSG RECV", sockmsg);
console.log(">>>>> MSG RECV", sockmsg)
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID) Exception: ', sockmsg, ' => ', e)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// Define custom Entity classes
CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = RdDBaseActor;
CONFIG.Item.documentClass = RdDItem;
CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = RdDBaseActor
CONFIG.Item.documentClass = RdDItem
resolutionTable: RdDResolutionTable.resolutionTable,
carac_array: RdDUtility.getCaracArray(),
@ -153,30 +156,31 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
// Register sheet application classes
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet);
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCommerceSheet, { types: ["commerce"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCreatureSheet, { types: ["creature"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorVehiculeSheet, { types: ["vehicule"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorEntiteSheet, { types: ["entite"], makeDefault: true });
Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet);
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet)
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCommerceSheet, { types: ["commerce"], makeDefault: true })
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorExportSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: false })
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: true })
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCreatureSheet, { types: ["creature"], makeDefault: true })
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorVehiculeSheet, { types: ["vehicule"], makeDefault: true })
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorEntiteSheet, { types: ["entite"], makeDefault: true })
Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet)
Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemInventaireSheet, {
types: [
"objet", "arme", "armure", "livre", "potion", "munition",
"monnaie", "nourritureboisson", "gemme",
], makeDefault: true
Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemSheet, {
types: [
"competence", "competencecreature",
@ -185,31 +189,32 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"nombreastral", "tache", "maladie", "poison", "possession",
"tarot", "extraitpoetique", "empoignade"
], makeDefault: true
CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = RdDCombatManager;
CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = RdDCombatManager
// préparation des différents modules
await RdDTMRDialog.init()
initSystemSettings() {
@ -225,7 +230,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"avant-encaissement": "Avant l'encaissement",
default: "avant-encaissement"
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "supprimer-dialogues-combat-chat", {
@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "activer-sons-audio", {
@ -245,7 +250,8 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
config: true,
default: true,
type: Boolean
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "appliquer-famine-soif", {
name: "Notifier de la famine et la soif pour",
@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"famine-soif": "la famine et la soif",
default: "aucun"
async onReady() {
@ -267,47 +273,47 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
game.system.rdd.calendrier = new RdDCalendrier();
game.system.rdd.calendrier = new RdDCalendrier()
if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) {
new Migrations().migrate();
new Migrations().migrate()
import("").then(moduleCounter => {
console.log("ClassCounter loaded", moduleCounter)
}).catch(err =>
console.log("No stats available, giving up.")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Affiche/Init le calendrier */
// Avertissement si joueur sans personnage
if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) {"Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !");"Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !")
content: "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le joueur " + + " n'est connecté à aucun personnage !",
/* -------------------------------------------- */
messageDeBienvenue() {
if (game.user.isGM) {
ChatUtility.removeChatMessageContaining('<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd">');
ChatUtility.removeChatMessageContaining('<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd">')
content: `<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd"><span class="rdd-roll-part">Bienvenue dans le Rêve des Dragons !</span>
<br>Vous trouverez quelques informations pour démarrer dans ce document : @Compendium[foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.rappel-des-regles.7uGrUHGdPu0EmIu2]{Documentation MJ/Joueurs}
<br>La commande <code>/aide</code> dans le chat permet de voir les commandes spécifiques à Rêve de Dragon.</div>
` });
` })

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { Targets } from "./targets.js";
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* On part du principe qu'une entité démarre tjs
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ export class RdDPossession {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static searchPossessionFromEntite(attacker, defender) {
let poss = attacker.items.find(poss => poss.type == TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==;
let poss = attacker.items.find(poss => poss.type == ITEM_TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==;
if (!poss) {
poss = defender.items.find(poss => poss.type == TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==;
poss = defender.items.find(poss => poss.type == ITEM_TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==;
return poss && foundry.utils.duplicate(poss) || undefined;

View File

@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
async updateRollResult(html) {
const rollData = this.rollData;
rollData.dmg = rollData.attackerRoll?.dmg ?? RdDBonus.dmg(rollData,
rollData.dmg = rollData.attackerRoll?.dmg ?? RdDBonus.dmg(rollData,
rollData.caracValue = parseInt(rollData.selectedCarac.value)
rollData.dmg.mortalite = rollData.dmg.mortalite ?? 'mortel';
rollData.use.appelAuMoral = && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac);

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
get sortsReserve() {
getSortsReserve(coord) {
return[TYPES.sortreserve].filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale
return[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve].filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale
TMRUtility.getTMR(coord).type == 'fleuve'
? it => TMRUtility.getTMR(it.system.coord).type == 'fleuve'
: it => it.system.coord == coord
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
_getTokensSortsReserve() {
const sortsReserve =[TYPES.sortreserve];
const sortsReserve =[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve];
return Misc.concat( =>
EffetsDraconiques.sortReserve.tokens(this.pixiTMR, sortReserve, () => sortReserve.system.coord)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import { SYSTEM_RDD } from "../constants.js"
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"
export const EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM = 'export-csv-scriptarium'
{ group: 'Menus', name: EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM, descr: "Proposer le menu d'export csv Scriptarium (raffraichissement requis)" },
export class OptionsAvancees extends FormApplication {
static init() {
for (const regle of OPTIONS_AVANCEES) {
const name =
const id = OptionsAvancees._getId(name)
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, id, { name: id, scope: regle.scope ?? "world", config: false, default: regle.default == undefined ? true : regle.default, type: Boolean })
game.settings.registerMenu(SYSTEM_RDD, "rdd-options-avancees", {
name: "Configurer les options avancées",
label: "Options avancées",
hint: "Ouvre la fenêtre de configuration des options avancées",
icon: "fas fa-bars",
type: OptionsAvancees
constructor(...args) {
static _getId(name) {
return `rdd-advanced-${name}`
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
id: "options-avancees",
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/options-avancees.hbs",
height: 650,
width: 550,
minimizable: false,
closeOnSubmit: true,
title: "Options avancées"
}, { inplace: false })
getData() {
let formData = super.getData()
const regles = OPTIONS_AVANCEES.filter(it => game.user.isGM || it.scope == "client")
.map(it => {
it = foundry.utils.duplicate(it) = OptionsAvancees._getId( = OptionsAvancees.isSet(
return it
formData.regles = regles
formData.groups = Misc.classify(regles, it =>
return formData
static getSettingKey(name){
return `${SYSTEM_RDD}.${this._getId(name)}`
static isUsing(name) {
return OptionsAvancees.isSet(name)
static isSet(name) {
return game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, OptionsAvancees._getId(name))
static set(name, value) {
return game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, OptionsAvancees._getId(name), value ? true : false)
activateListeners(html) {
html.find(".select-option").click((event) => {
if ( {
let id =
let isChecked = event.currentTarget.checked
game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, id, isChecked)
async _updateObject(event, formData) {

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ export class ReglesOptionnelles extends FormApplication {
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
id: "regles-optionnelles",
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/regles-optionnelles.html",
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/regles-optionnelles.hbs",
height: 650,
width: 550,
minimizable: false,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { MAX_NOMBRE_ASTRAL, RdDTimestamp, WORLD_TIMESTAMP_SETTING } from "./rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDCalendrierEditor } from "./rdd-calendrier-editor.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "../rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { DialogChronologie } from "../dialog-chronologie.js";

View File

@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ export const RDD_MINUTES_PAR_JOUR = 1440; //RDD_HEURES_PAR_JOUR * RDD_MINUTES_PA
{ key: "vaisseau", label: "Vaisseau", lettreFont: 'v', saison: "Printemps", darkness: 0.9 },
{ key: "sirene", label: "Sirène", lettreFont: 'i', saison: "Printemps", darkness: 0.1 },
{ key: "faucon", label: "Faucon", lettreFont: 'f', saison: "Printemps", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "couronne", label: "Couronne", lettreFont: '', saison: "Eté", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "dragon", label: "Dragon", lettreFont: 'd', saison: "Eté", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "epees", label: "Epées", lettreFont: 'e', saison: "Eté", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "lyre", label: "Lyre", lettreFont: 'l', saison: "Automne", darkness: 0.1 },
{ key: "serpent", label: "Serpent", lettreFont: 's', saison: "Automne", darkness: 0.9 },
{ key: "poissonacrobate", label: "Poisson Acrobate", lettreFont: 'p', saison: "Automne", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "araignee", label: "Araignée", lettreFont: 'a', saison: "Hiver", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "roseau", label: "Roseau", lettreFont: 'r', saison: "Hiver", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "chateaudormant", label: "Château Dormant", lettreFont: 'c', saison: "Hiver", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "vaisseau", article: "du ", label: "Vaisseau", lettreFont: 'v', saison: "Printemps", darkness: 0.9 },
{ key: "sirene", article: "de la ", label: "Sirène", lettreFont: 'i', saison: "Printemps", darkness: 0.1 },
{ key: "faucon", article: "du ", label: "Faucon", lettreFont: 'f', saison: "Printemps", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "couronne", article: "de la ", label: "Couronne", lettreFont: '', saison: "Eté", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "dragon", article: "du ", label: "Dragon", lettreFont: 'd', saison: "Eté", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "epees", article: "des ", label: "Epées", lettreFont: 'e', saison: "Eté", darkness: 0 },
{ key: "lyre", article: "de la ", label: "Lyre", lettreFont: 'l', saison: "Automne", darkness: 0.1 },
{ key: "serpent", article: "du ", label: "Serpent", lettreFont: 's', saison: "Automne", darkness: 0.9 },
{ key: "poissonacrobate", article: "du ", label: "Poisson Acrobate", lettreFont: 'p', saison: "Automne", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "araignee", article: "de l'", label: "Araignée", lettreFont: 'a', saison: "Hiver", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "roseau", article: "du ", label: "Roseau", lettreFont: 'r', saison: "Hiver", darkness: 1 },
{ key: "chateaudormant", article: "du ", label: "Château Dormant", lettreFont: 'c', saison: "Hiver", darkness: 1 },
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ export class RdDTimestamp {
DEFINITION_HEURES[i].hh = RdDTimestamp.hh(i);
DEFINITION_HEURES[i].icon = RdDTimestamp.iconeHeure(i);
DEFINITION_HEURES[i].webp = DEFINITION_HEURES[i].icon.replace(".svg", ".webp");

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { PixiTMR } from "./pixi-tmr.js";
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ export class Draconique {
static init() {
static isCaseTMR(item) { return item.type == TYPES.casetmr; }
static isCaseTMR(item) { return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.casetmr; }
static isQueueDragon(item) { return item.isQueueDragon(); }
static isSouffleDragon(item) { return item.type == TYPES.souffle; }
static isTeteDragon(item) { return item.type == TYPES.tete; }
static isSouffleDragon(item) { return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.souffle; }
static isTeteDragon(item) { return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.tete; }
static isQueueSouffle(item) { return Draconique.isQueueDragon(item) || Draconique.isSouffleDragon(item); }
static register(draconique, code = undefined) {

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import { Periple } from "./periple.js";
import { UrgenceDraconique } from "./urgence-draconique.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { AugmentationSeuil } from "./augmentation-seuil.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
export class EffetsDraconiques {
static carteTmr = new CarteTmr();
@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ export class EffetsDraconiques {
static tetesDragon(actor, name) {
return actor.itemTypes[TYPES.tete].filter(it => Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, name));
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.tete].filter(it => Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, name));
static soufflesDragon(actor, name) {
return actor.itemTypes[TYPES.souffle].filter(it => Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, name));
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.souffle].filter(it => Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, name));
static queuesDragon(actor, name) {
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ export class EffetsDraconiques {
static queuesSoufflesDragon(actor, name) {
return actor.filterItems(it => [TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre, TYPES.souffle].includes(it.type) && Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, name));
return actor.filterItems(it => [ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre, ITEM_TYPES.souffle].includes(it.type) && Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, name));
static countAugmentationSeuil(actor) {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { RdDRollTables } from "../rdd-rolltables.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { tmrTokenZIndex } from "../tmr-constants.js";
import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js";
import { TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { TMRAnimations } from "./animation.js";
export class UrgenceDraconique extends Draconique {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export class UrgenceDraconique extends Draconique {
match(item) { return Draconique.isQueueDragon(item) && Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent('urgence draconique'); }
manualMessage() { return false }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, queue) {
const coordSortsReserve = actor.itemTypes[TYPES.sortreserve].map(it => it.system.coord) ?? [];
const coordSortsReserve = actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve].map(it => it.system.coord) ?? [];
if (coordSortsReserve.length == 0) {
// La queue se transforme en idée fixe
const ideeFixe = await RdDRollTables.getIdeeFixe();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { TYPES } from "../item.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js"
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../item-competence.js"
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js"
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export class DialogFatigueVoyage extends Dialog {
const competencesVoyage = {}
CODES_COMPETENCES_VOYAGE.forEach(codeSurvie => {
competencesVoyage[codeSurvie] = RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(actor.itemTypes[TYPES.competence], codeSurvie, { onMessage: () => { } })
competencesVoyage[codeSurvie] = RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competence], codeSurvie, { onMessage: () => { } })
TABLEAU_FATIGUE_MARCHE.forEach(terrain => {
actorParameters.survies[terrain.code] = Misc.join(

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 56 KiB

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@ -572,6 +572,15 @@ input:is(.blessure-premiers_soins, .blessure-soins_complets) {
border: none;
padding: 0.1rem;
.context-menu-img {
max-width: 2rem;
max-height: 1rem;
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 0.2rem 0.3rem 0 0;
vertical-align: middle;
border: none;
padding: 0rem;
.button-img {
vertical-align: baseline;

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"id": "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon",
"title": "Rêve de Dragon",
"version": "12.0.8",
"download": "",
"version": "12.0.9",
"download": "",
"manifest": "",
"changelog": "",
"compatibility": {

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"race": "Humain",
"yeux": "",
"cheveux": "",
"taille": "",
"poids": "",
"heure": "",
"sexe": "",

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<h4>Tirage aléatoire: {{typeName}}</h4>
<h4>Tirage aléatoire: {{}}</h4>
<div>Tirage de {{typeName}} aléatoire depuis {{document.pack}}</div>
<div>Jet {{roll.formula}} : {{}}{{percentages}}</div>

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@ -3,3 +3,5 @@
<option value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
<option value="O/H/N/T">Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos/Thanatos</option>
<option value="O/H/N">Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos</option>

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<form autocomplete="off" onsubmit="event.preventDefault();">
{{#each groups as |group key|}}
{{#each group as |regle r|}}
<input class="select-option" type="checkbox" name="{{}}" {{#if}}checked{{/if}}/>