#42 Amélioration messages de tchat
* Appel à la chance * compétences * jets généraux (remplace table résolution, carac et cas particuliers) * Attaque: en cours
This commit is contained in:
@ -1636,24 +1636,14 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_tacheResult(rollData) {
async _tacheResult(rollData) {
// Mise à jour de la tache
rollData.tache.data.points_de_tache_courant += rollData.rolled.ptTache;
this.updateEmbeddedEntity( "OwnedItem", rollData.tache);
this.santeIncDec( "fatigue", rollData.tache.data.fatigue);
// Message de résultat
content: "<strong>Test de Tache : " + rollData.tache.name + " - " + rollData.selectedCarac.label + " / " + rollData.competence.name + "</strong>"
+ RdDResolutionTable.explainRollData(rollData)
+ "<br>Points de taches : " + rollData.rolled.ptTache + ", ajustement qualité: " + rollData.rolled.ptQualite
}, this.name);
// Message spécifique de la tâche
content: "Votre tâche <strong>" + rollData.tache.name + "</strong> a duré " + rollData.tache.data.periodicite + "."
+ "<br>Votre avancement est désormais de " + rollData.tache.data.points_de_tache_courant + " Points de Tache sur un objectif de "
+ rollData.tache.data.points_de_tache + "."
+ "<br>Et vous vous êtes fatigué de " + rollData.tache.data.fatigue + " cases."
content: await RdDResolutionTable.explainRollDataV2(rollData, 'chat-resultat-tache.html')
}, this.name);
@ -1661,17 +1651,13 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
_tacheETotal(rollData) {
this.updateEmbeddedEntity( "OwnedItem", rollData.tache);
ChatUtility.chatWithRollMode( {
content: "Vous avez fait un Echec Total sur votre Tache <strong>" + rollData.tache.name + "</strong> : en conséquence, la difficulté a augmenté de 1"
}, this.name);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_competenceResult(rollData) {
async _competenceResult(rollData) {
rollData.show = {points:true};
content: "<strong>Test : " + rollData.selectedCarac.label + " / " + rollData.competence.name + "</strong>"
+ RdDResolutionTable.explainRollData(rollData)
+ "<br>Points de taches : " + rollData.rolled.ptTache + ", ajustement qualité: " + rollData.rolled.ptQualite
content: await RdDResolutionTable.explainRollDataV2(rollData, 'chat-resultat-competence.html')
}, this.name);
@ -1706,6 +1692,10 @@ export class RdDActor extends Actor {
await this.chanceActuelleIncDec(-1)
content: await RdDResolutionTable.explainRollDataV2(rollData, 'chat-resultat-appelchance.html')
}, this.name);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const conditionsTactiques = [
export class RdDBonus {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _find(condition) {
static find(condition) {
return conditionsTactiques.find(e => e.type == condition) || conditionsTactiques.find(e => e.type == 'pret');
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export class RdDBonus {
ui.notifications.warn("Calcul de bonus dégats sur eswquive");
} else {
dmg.dmgArme = RdDBonus._dmgArme(rollData);
dmg.ignoreArmure = 0; // TODO: calculer pour arcs et arbaletes, gérer pour lmes créatures
dmg.penetration = RdDBonus._peneration(rollData);
dmg.dmgTactique = RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.tactique);
dmg.dmgParticuliere = RdDBonus._dmgParticuliere(rollData);
dmg.dmgSurprise = RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.surpriseDefenseur);
@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ export class RdDBonus {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static description(condition) {
return RdDBonus._find(condition).descr;
return RdDBonus.find(condition).descr;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static dmgBonus(condition) {
return RdDBonus._find(condition).dmg;
return RdDBonus.find(condition).dmg;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static bonusAttaque(condition) {
return RdDBonus._find(condition).attaque;
return RdDBonus.find(condition).attaque;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ export class RdDBonus {
return rollData.arme ? parseInt(rollData.arme.data.dommages) : 0;
static _peneration(rollData) {
return rollData.arme ? parseInt(rollData.arme.data.penetration) : 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _dmgPerso(dmgActor, categorie, dmgArme) {
switch (categorie) {
@ -224,12 +224,16 @@ export class RdDCombat {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_onAttaqueParticuliere(rollData) {
console.log("RdDCombat.onAttaqueParticuliere >>>", rollData);
let message = "<strong>Réussite particulière en attaque</strong>";
message += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='force' data-attackerId='" + this.attackerId + "'>Attaquer en Force</a>";
// Finesse et Rapidité seulement en mêlée et si la difficulté libre est de -1 minimum
let message = `
<h4 class="rdd-roll-part"><strong>Réussite particulière en attaque</strong></h4>
<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='force' data-attackerId='${this.attackerId}'>Attaquer en Force</a>
if (rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Mêlée" && rollData.diffLibre < 0) {
message += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='rapidite' data-attackerId='" + this.attackerId + "'>Attaquer en Rapidité</a>";
message += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='finesse' data-attackerId='" + this.attackerId + "'>Attaquer en Finesse</a>";
message += `
<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='rapidite' data-attackerId='${this.attackerId}'>Attaquer en Rapidité</a>
<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='finesse' data-attackerId='${this.attackerId}'>Attaquer en Finesse</a>";
game.system.rdd.rollDataHandler[this.attackerId] = rollData;
// TODO: use a dialog?
@ -264,6 +268,14 @@ export class RdDCombat {
ChatUtility.chatWithRollMode(chatOptions, this.attacker.name)
rollData.show = {
cible: this.target ? this.defender.data.name : 'la cible',
isRecul : (rollData.particuliereAttaque == 'force' || rollData.tactique == 'charge')
{ content: await RdDResolutionTable.explainRollDataV2(rollData, 'chat-resultat-attaque.html') },
if (!await this.accorderEntite('avant-defense')) {
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDBonus } from "./rdd-bonus.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
return message;
static async explainRollDataV2(rollData, template = 'chat-resultat-rdd.html') {
static async explainRollDataV2(rollData, template = 'chat-resultat-general.html') {
rollData.ajustements = RdDResolutionTable._buildAjustements(rollData);
rollData.show = rollData.show || {};
@ -101,21 +102,29 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
if (rollData.competence) {
list.push({ label: rollData.competence.name, value: rollData.competence.data.niveau});
if (rollData.tactique) {
const surprise = RdDBonus.find(rollData.tactique);
list.push({ label: surprise.descr, value: surprise.attaque });
if (rollData.surpriseDefenseur) {
const surprise = RdDBonus.find(rollData.surpriseDefenseur);
list.push({ label: surprise.descr, value: surprise.attaque });
if (rollData.diffLibre != undefined) {
const label = rollData.selectedSort ? rollData.selectedSort.name : 'libre';
const label = rollData.selectedSort ? rollData.selectedSort.name : 'Libre';
list.push({ label: label, value: rollData.diffLibre });
if (rollData.diffConditions != undefined) {
list.push({ label: 'conditions', value: rollData.diffConditions });
list.push({ label: 'Conditions', value: rollData.diffConditions });
if (rollData.etat != undefined) {
list.push({ label: 'état', value: rollData.etat });
list.push({ label: 'Etat', value: rollData.etat });
if (rollData.selectedCarac != undefined && rollData.moral != undefined && rollData.selectedCarac.label == 'Volonté') {
list.push({ label: 'moral', value: rollData.selectedCarac != undefined && rollData.moral != undefined && rollData.selectedCarac.label == 'Volonté' ? rollData.moral : undefined });
list.push({ label: 'Moral', value: rollData.selectedCarac != undefined && rollData.moral != undefined && rollData.selectedCarac.label == 'Volonté' ? rollData.moral : undefined });
if (RdDResolutionTable.isAjustementAstrologique(rollData)) {
list.push({ label: 'astrologique', value: rollData.ajustementAstrologique||0 });
list.push({ label: 'Astrologique', value: rollData.ajustementAstrologique||0 });
if (rollData.rolled.bonus && rollData.selectedSort) {
list.push({ label: 'Bonus de case', value: rollData.rolled.bonus, unit: '%' });
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const titleTableDeResolution = 'Table de résolution';
export class RdDRollResolution extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async open(rollData = {selectedCarac:10}) {
static async open(rollData = {}) {
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-resolution.html', rollData);
const dialog = new RdDRollResolution(rollData, html);
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export class RdDRollResolution extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static _setDefaultOptions(rollData) {
let defRollData = {
show: { title: titleTableDeResolution, points: true },
ajustementsConditions: CONFIG.RDD.ajustementsConditions,
@ -30,15 +31,19 @@ export class RdDRollResolution extends Dialog {
carac: {},
finalLevel: 0,
diffConditions: 0,
diffLibre: 0
diffLibre: 0,
mergeObject(rollData, defRollData, { overwrite: false });
for (let i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
rollData.carac[i] = { type: "number", value: i, label: i }
if (rollData.selectedCarac == i) {
rollData.selectedCarac = rollData.carac[i];
const key = `${i}`;
rollData.carac[key] = { type: "number", value: i, label: key }
let selected = (rollData.selectedCarac && rollData.selectedCarac.label)
? rollData.selectedCarac.label
: (Number.isInteger(rollData.selectedCarac))
? rollData.selectedCarac
: 10;
rollData.selectedCarac = rollData.carac[selected];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ table {border: 1px solid #7a7971;}
-ms-flex-pack: justify;
justify-content: space-between;
.flex-shrink {
flex: 'flex-shrink' ;
/* Styles limited to foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon sheets */
.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon .sheet-header {
@ -1211,38 +1215,39 @@ display: inline-flex;
/* Tooltip text */
.tooltip .tooltiptext {
visibility: hidden;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px 0;
border-radius: 6px;
/* Position the tooltip text */
top: 20px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
/* Fade in tooltip */
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s;
.tooltip .ttt-fatigue{
width: 360px;
top: 30px;
left: -30%;
background-color: rgba(30, 25, 20, 0.9);
background: rgba(30, 25, 20, 0.9);
border-image: url(img/ui/bg_control.jpg) 21 repeat;
border-image-slice: 6 6 6 6 fill;
border-image-width: 6px 6px 6px 6px;
border-image-outset: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
border-radius: 0px;
font-size: 0.8rem;
padding: 3px 0;
.tooltiptext-ajustements {
.tooltip .ttt-ajustements {
width: 150px;
top: 30px;
background: rgba(220,220,210,0.9);
font-size: 0.8rem;
border-radius: 6px;
font-size: 0.9rem;
padding: 3px 0;
/* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
<label class="ctn-fatigue tooltip">
<span class="tooltiptext ttt-fatigue">{{{data.fatigue.html}}}</span>
<a id="fatigue-moins">-</a>
<span class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-fatigue">{{{data.fatigue.html}}}</span>
<input class="resource-content" id="fatigue-value" type="text" name="data.sante.fatigue.value" value="{{data.sante.fatigue.value}}" data-dtype="Number" />
<span>/ {{data.sante.fatigue.max}}</span>
<a id="fatigue-plus">+</a>
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="tooltip">Malus de fatigue : {{data.fatigue.malus}}
<span class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-fatigue">{{{data.fatigue.html}}}</span>
<span class="tooltiptext ttt-fatigue">{{{data.fatigue.html}}}</span>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Appel à la chance:
<span class="tooltip">
{{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
{{#if ajustements}}
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}" >{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0 sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
</span> = {{rolled.score}}%
<div><span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span></div>
{{~#if rolled.isSuccess}}
<span class="rdd-roll-part">Un point de chance est dépensé, l'action peut être retentée!</span>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Attaque {{arme.name}}
<br>{{selectedCarac.label}} / {{competence.name}}
à {{diffLibre}}
<span class="tooltip">
{{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
{{#if ajustements}}
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}">{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0
sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
{{#if rolled.needSignificative}}<label class="rdd-need-significative">(×½)</label>{{/if}} =
<div><span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span></div>
{{#if tactique}}
{{#if (eq tactique 'charge')}}
<img style="float: left; border: 0;" src="icons/svg/thrust.svg" alt="charge" height="32" width="32" />
C'est une charge, vos parades auront un
-4 et vous ne pouvez pas esquiver!
{{ else if (eq tactique 'feinte')}}
Votre feinte peut faire mouche!
<span><strong>{{show.cible}}</strong> doit se défendre, ou encaisser à
{{~#if (eq dmg.mortalite 'non-mortel')}}
<span class="rdd-roll-norm">({{numberFormat dmg.total decimals=0 sign=true}})</span> (dommages non-mortel)
{{else if (eq dmg.mortalite 'mortel')}}
<span class="rdd-need-echec">{{numberFormat dmg.total decimals=0 sign=true}}</span>.
<span class="rdd-roll-etotal">{{numberFormat dmg.total decimals=0 sign=true}}</span> (entités de cauchemar)
{{#if show.isRecul}}Si votre adversaire ne fait pas une esquive, il devra reculer sous le choc!{{/if}}
Le coup vise: {{dmg.loc.label}}.
{{#if (eq particuliereAttaque 'rapidite')}}
<br>Votre attaque rapide vous permet une deuxième attaque, ou défense supplémentaire!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{{#if show.title}}{{show.title}}: {{/if}}
{{#if selectedCarac}}{{selectedCarac.label}}
{{#if competence}} / {{competence.name}}{{/if}}
<span class="tooltip">
{{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
{{#if ajustements}}
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}" >{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0 sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
{{#if rolled.needSignificative}}<label class="rdd-need-significative">(×½)</label>{{/if}} =
<div><span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span></div>
{{#if show.points}}
<span>{{rolled.ptTache}} points de tâche{{#if rolled.ptQualite}}, ajustement Qualité {{numberFormat rolled.ptQualite decimals=0 sign=true}}{{/if}}</span>
{{~#if show.explications}}
{{#unless show.points}}<hr>{{/unless}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{{#if show.title}}{{show.title}}: {{/if}}
{{#if selectedCarac}}{{selectedCarac.label}}
{{#if competence}} / {{competence.name}}{{/if}}
<span class="tooltip">
{{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
{{#if ajustements}}
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}" >{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0 sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
{{#if rolled.needSignificative}}<label class="rdd-need-significative">(×½)</label>{{/if}} =
<div><span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span></div>
{{#if show.points}}
<span>{{rolled.ptTache}} points de tâche{{#if rolled.ptQualite}}, ajustement Qualité {{numberFormat rolled.ptQualite decimals=0 sign=true}}{{/if}}</span>
{{~#if show.explications}}
{{#unless show.points}}<hr>{{/unless}}
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{{#if show.title}}{{show.title}}: {{/if}}
<span class="tooltip">
{{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
{{#if ajustements}}
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-ajustements">
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}" >{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0 sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
@ -14,16 +15,15 @@
{{#if rolled.needSignificative}}<label class="rdd-need-significative">(×½)</label>{{/if}} =
<span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span>
<span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span>
<div><span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span></div>
{{#if show.points}}
<span>{{rolled.ptTache}} points de tâche{{#if rolled.ptQualite}}, ajustement Qualité {{numberFormat rolled.ptQualite decimals=0 sign=true}}{{/if}}</span>
{{~#if show.explications}}
{{#unless show.points}}<hr>{{/unless}}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{{#if isSortReserve}}Mise en réserve{{else}}Lancement{{/if}} du sort {{selectedSort.name}} r{{selectedSort.data.ptreve_reel}}
{{#if isSortReserve}}Mise en réserve{{else}}Lancement{{/if}} du sort {{selectedSort.name}} (r {{selectedSort.data.ptreve_reel}})
<span class="tooltip">
{{competence.name}}: {{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
<div class="tooltiptext tooltiptext-ajustements">
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}" >{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0 sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
<div>Pour {{selectedSort.data.ptreve_reel}} points de rêve en {{coordLabel}} ({{coord}})</div>
<span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span>
{{#if show.reveInsuffisant}}<span>Pas assez de rêve!</span>{{/if}}
<span>{{rolled.roll}} :</span>
<span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span>
{{#if show.reveInsuffisant}}<span>Pas assez de rêve!</span>{{/if}}
{{#if rolled.isETotal}}
Echec TOTAL du sort!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{{tache.name}}: Tâche {{selectedCarac.label}} / {{competence.name}}
<span class="tooltip">
{{rolled.caracValue}} à {{numberFormat rolled.finalLevel decimals=0 sign=true}}
{{#if ajustements}}
<div class="tooltiptext ttt-ajustements">
{{#each ajustements as |item key|}}
<div class="{{#if item.strong}}strong-text{{/if}}" >{{item.label}}: {{numberFormat item.value decimals=0 sign=true}}{{#if item.unit}}{{item.unit}}{{/if}}</div>
{{#if rolled.needSignificative}}<label class="rdd-need-significative">(×½)</label>{{/if}} =
<div><span>{{rolled.roll}} : </span><span class="rdd-roll-{{rolled.code}} strong-text">{{rolled.quality}}</span></div>
Après {{tache.data.periodicite}} vous avez obtenu {{rolled.ptTache}} points de tâche,
votre avancement est de <span class="rdd-roll-{{#if (gt tache.data.points_de_tache_courant 0)}}norm{{else}}etotal{{/if}}">{{tache.data.points_de_tache_courant}} sur {{tache.data.points_de_tache}}</span> Points de Tâche.
{{#if tache.data.fatigue}}<br><span>Vous êtes fatigué de {{tache.data.fatigue}} cases.</span>{{/if}}
{{#if rolled.isETotal}}<br><span>Votre échec total augmente de 1 la difficulté de la tâche!</span>{{/if~}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user