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Utility to read the contents of a vinyl file.


  WARNING: This is a very naive plugin implementation
  It is only meant for demonstation purposes.
  For a more complete implementation, see: https://github.com/gulp-community/gulp-pug
var { Transform } = require('streamx');
var pug = require('pug');
var vinylContents = require('vinyl-contents');

function gulpPug(options) {
  return new Transform({
    transform: function (file, cb) {
      vinylContents(file, function (err, contents) {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err);

        if (!contents) {
          return cb();

        file.contents = pug.compile(contents.toString(), options)();
        cb(null, file);


vinylContents(file, callback)

Warning: Only use this if interacting with a library that can only receive strings or buffers. This loads all streaming contents into memory which can cause unexpected results for your end-users.

Takes a Vinyl file and an error-first callback. Calls the callback with an error if one occur (or if the first argument is not a Vinyl file), or the file contents if no error occurs.

If the Vinyl contents are:

  • A Buffer, will be returned directly.
  • A Stream, will be buffered into a BufferList and returned.
  • Empty, will be undefined.
