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"label": "Bestiary",
"entries": [
"id": "Basilisk",
"name": "Basilisk",
"description": "<p>These eight-legged reptilian creatures are solitary and elusive. Claimed to be one of the most ancient creatures of Chaos, they are said to be filled with such spite and venom the very ground they walk on is poisoned. Their bite, too, is poisonous, but it’s their petrifying gaze most fear. Rarely encountered these days, basilisks are a most dangerous foe. Their glands and organs are highly prized by wizards and alchemists, so opportunist hunters often chase rumors of Basilisks in the wild-places of the Vorbergland, though few return.</p>"
"id": "Bear",
"name": "Bear",
"description": "<p>Wanderers of the Reikland’s wild places, Bears are solitary and usually shy, only turning aggressive when interlopers threaten their young or when wounded. When food is scarce, they will approach unprotected settlements and travelers, especially those careless with provisions.</p>"
"id": "Bloodletter of Khorne",
"name": "Bloodletter of Khorne",
"description": "<p>Khorne’s chosen, Bloodletters stalk the battlefelds of the Old World, taking skulls and lives in honour of the Blood God. Sharp, needle-like teeth protrude from monstrous, horned visages. Teir blood-red skin is hard as brass, forged upon the anvil of ceaseless war. Each Bloodletter bears a Hellblade, a wickedly sharp blade steeped in gore, which it wields with reckless abandon, surrendering itself to the sweet sensation of senseless slaughter.</p>"
"id": "Boar",
"name": "Boar",
"description": "<p>Scavenging in the forest, Boars are reclusive creatures, but when cornered will fight using their sharp tusks with a tenacity that shocks the unprepared. Though most are 5–6 feet long, some grow to remarkable proportions, with the largest prized by Orcs, who use them as ferocious war mounts.</p>"
"id": "Bog Octopus",
"name": "Bog Octopus",
"description": "<p>Bog octopuses skulk in shallow waters, usually in marsh and swampland. They await prey in perfect stillness, able to sense the vibrations of approaching creatures, then erupt from the muddy water, seeking to grapple and drown using their strong tentacles. Usually mottled green and brown, Bog Octopuses are perfectly camouflaged for boggy environments, their huge, limpid eyes often the only clue betraying their presence. Most have tentacles of twenty feet or so and a body some six-feet long, but stories claim they grow many times that size, especially if they have a regular supply of meat.</p>"
"id": "Bray-Shaman",
"name": "Bray-Shaman",
"description": "<p>Bray-Shaman are born with the instinctive ability to wield the powers of Chaos, which they deploy with terrifying capability. Uniquely amongst Beastmen, they need never defend themselves from other members of their herd, as none would dare harm a Bray Shaman, as they are believed to speak the will of the Dark Gods themselves </p>"
"id": "Cairn Wraith",
"name": "Cairn Wraith",
"description": "<p>Cairn Wraiths are especially potent spirits, the spectral remains of aspiring necromancers who sought to prolong their existence through dark magic. In life they were strong-willed; in death their malevolent will drives them to exact a fearful vengeance on the burning souls of the living. Many such Wraiths haunt the mist-shrouded cairns that dot the landscape of the Empire, such as the fell Hägercrybs.</p>"
"id": "Cave Squig",
"name": "Cave Squig",
"description": "<p>Squigs are large, generally round, fungoid creatures that live deep below ground in the dankest, darkest caves. They possess a gaping maw and large, sharp teeth, and are prized by Goblins for their flesh and their hides, and to act as guards and pets.</p>"
"id": "Chaos Warrior",
"name": "Chaos Warrior",
"description": "<p>Heavily armoured hulking brutes adorned with ornate spikes and eye-watering symbols of their gods, Chaos Warriors are clearly no longer Human. Nothing is left of their former lives, they exist to serve their dark patron and nothing more. While most Chaos Warriors are exalted marauders from lands far to the north, a select few cultists may be gifted a prize of Chaos Armour by the Dark Gods, affording them great power at the cost of never removing the armour for as long as they live. As few warriors are their better, and no knight better protected, their lives are often very long indeed.</p>"
"id": "Clanrat",
"name": "Clanrat",
"description": "<p>Most Skaven are Clanrats, hailing from one of the many complex Skaven clans that constantly bicker, politic, backstab, and eventually war on each other. Tey generally act on the orders of higher-status Skaven, but are always looking for a way to secure a better position, most often by betrayal. They usually dress in mouldering leather or filthy cloth, with scraps of rusty and tarnished metal serving as makeshift armour. Clanrats are often sent out as scouts or raiders to scavenge for goods, search for warpstone, or raid for slaves.</p>"
"id": "Crypt Ghoul",
"name": "Crypt Ghoul",
"description": "<p>Some of the most pitiable creatures of the Old World, Crypt Ghouls are ugly, stooping creatures with sallow, flthy skin and sharp, yellow teeth capable of tearing flesh from their victims. Ghouls are drawn to the magical energies of Shyish and Dhar, which in practice means they gravitate to graveyards and crypts, and around battlefelds.</p>"
"id": "Cultist",
"name": "Cultist",
"description": "<p>For those untainted by the blight of Chaos, it appears horrifyingly alien, but to those it affects, every step towards damnation, every idea bringing them closer to Chaos, seems not only logical, but inevitable. Some especially devout followers of proscribed cults are granted ‘gifts’ by their gods; foul mutations that will ensure their deaths should the witch hunters unearth their secret.</p>"
"id": "Daemonette of Slaanesh",
"name": "Daemonette of Slaanesh",
"description": "<p>Like all creatures of the Prince of Pain and Pleasure, Daemonettes of Slaanesh are at once beautiful and horrifying. Possessing an unearthly allure that defes all sense and rationality, they render their enemies powerless to resist, so entranced are they by the profane sensuality of their monstrous forms. Tey have creamy, pale skin and large jetblack eyes. Wild, flowing, unnaturally coloured hair graces their delicate crowns. In lieu of hands their slender arms terminate in sinuous, crab-like claws.</p>"
"id": "Demigryph",
"name": "Demigryph",
"description": "<p>With head of eagle and body of lion, demigryphs are powerful creatures with a noble bearing. They roam the forests and grasslands of the Empire, usually far from human habitation, hunting as individuals. Captive demigryphs are deployed by the Empire’s doughtiest knightly orders as war mounts. Unlike larger monstrous mounts, which are generally taken when young or bred in captivity, the capture of a full grown demigryph is a rite of passage among some orders.</p>"
"id": "Dire Wolf",
"name": "Dire Wolf",
"description": "<p>When the earth gives up the dead, it is not just humans who rise; macabre parodies of Giant Wolves, with glowing eyes, and tatters of flesh falling from their rotting, festering carcasses, Dire Wolves prowl the night on behalf of their necromantic masters. In the Reikland, they are said to roam the haunted forests of the Hägercrybs when Morrslieb is full, running wild in search of prey to sate their insatiable hunger, cursed with an appetite for flesh and a heightened instinct for the smell of blood</p>"
"id": "Dog",
"name": "Dog",
"description": "<p>Dogs are bred for myriad purposes throughout the Old World. While the pampered pooches of the courtiers of Altdorf pose only a threat to an adventurer’s dignity, larger breeds, including those bred for war and dog-fighting can be a formidable threat.</p>"
"id": "Dragon",
"name": "Dragon",
"description": "<p>Dragons ruled the skies long before the elder species walked the Known World. While the Dragons of today are mere shadows of their ancient brethren, they remain some of the most powerful creatures known to the Empire. The few surviving elder dragons are terrifyingly immense and rarely rouse from their slumbers. Should a Dragon take umbrage with a small party of adventurers, it’s time to run.</p>"
"id": "Fenbeast",
"name": "Fenbeast",
"description": "<p>Raised by spellcasters from the filth of marshes and bogs, Fenbeasts are seemingly mindless automatons held together by magic. Vaguely humanoid, they are comprised of mud, bones, branches, and slime, and require significant quantities of magic to retain their integrity. Occasionally, they are raised by wizards skilled in Jade magic to act as a bodyguard or to fulfil a specific task requiring brute strength or mindless killing. Sometimes they rise independently, spawned in stagnant festering pools where the flow of magic has been corrupted. The Jade College in Altdorf is said to maintain a score of the creatures as drudges, fetching and carrying for senior Magisters, maintained by the ceaseless channeling of dozens of apprentices.</p>"
"id": "Fimir",
"name": "Fimir",
"description": "<p>Fimir are secretive, one-eyed, reptilian creatures that stalk the darkest recesses of the dank swamps and boglands of western Reikland. They shun sunlight, usually only appearing at dawn or dusk, or under the cover of mist and fog to spirit away victims for mysterious, loathsome purposes. Human witches reckless or desperate enough to meddle in the affairs of Daemons have been known to seek out the Fimir to learn their malign mysteries, for it is said they summon and control such entities. Whether the greater risk lies in trafficking with the Ruinous Powers, or treating with the Fimir, is anyone’s guess. The Fimir have a matriarchal society. The leader of each clan is a powerful witch called a Meargh, and she’s aided by a cadre of lesser spellcasters called Dirach. The majority of the clan members are lowly Shearls, who are protected by a warrior caste, the Fimm, who have bony spikes and knobs on their tails, used to break the bones of unwary opponents.</p>"
"id": "Fr'hough Mournbreath",
"name": "Fr'hough Mournbreath"
"id": "Ghost",
"name": "Ghost",
"description": "<p>Ghosts are the sprits of tormented souls who died with unfnished business. Much like Skeletons and Zombies, Ghosts may be summoned by Vampires or Necromancers, or may haunt areas suffused with Dhar. In exceptional circumstances, particularly driven spirits may claw their way from the Realm of Morr in pursuit of their own business, though such occurrences quickly draw the attention of the cult of Morr, or the wizards of the Amethyst Order. When summoned through the necromantic arts, Ghosts swarm together, forming great Spirit Hosts that swoop and plunge amongst their foes, spreading fear and disarray in their wake.</p>"
"id": "Giant",
"name": "Giant",
"description": "<p>Giants are solitary creatures who usually shun civilization. Most stalk remote and high places surrounding the Empire, holing-up in caves and forgotten ruins far from smaller folk, though they sometimes migrate to the foothills in search of food. They have a reputation for belligerence and ferocity, due in equal parts to their intimidating size, their cattle eating, and their association with marauding Greenskin armies that enslave them. In truth, many giants are gentle souls, prone to raging tantrums and fiercely protective of their privacy, but not necessarily hostile to others. Because they are so long-lived, rumors suggest they hoard ancient lore, though most seem less than lucid, and certainly more interested in alcohol than debates about history.</p>"
"id": "Giant Rat",
"name": "Giant Rat",
"description": "<p>Rats get everywhere and are especially prevalent in the cities and towns. The more densely people are packed in, the more densely Rats are packed in with them, which is especially bad when the creatures carry disease. Tough typically small, they can grow to monstrous proportions, with reports of rats beneath Altdorf the size of a Human and larger. Rat catchers are employed to keep them in check.</p>"
"id": "Giant Spider",
"name": "Giant Spider",
"description": "<p>Giant Spiders lurk deep within the forests and caves of the Empire, but can live anywhere, including dusty attics and dark cellars. Most trap their prey with strong webs before injecting venom. Though most are the size of a large Rat, some Giant Spider species are terrifyingly large. Forest Goblins often capture larger examples for mounts.</p>"
"id": "Goblin",
"name": "Goblin",
"description": "<p>‘Goblins, sir, thousands of ’em!’</p>\n<p>– Lieutenant Bromkopf, Reikland’s 24th regiment Foot</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Scrawny, spiteful, nimble, and intelligent, a Goblin’s instinct for self-preservation should never be underestimated. Though cowardly, Goblins readily band together if this secures an overwhelming advantage in numbers. Goblins frequently join with Orc armies — not always by choice — opportunistically helping themselves to the spoils of war while others do most of the actual fighting.</p>"
"id": "Gor",
"name": "Gor",
"description": "<p>Gors, the most common Beastmen, haunt almost every forest of the Old World. Teir appearance varies widely, but all combine bestial and Human traits, often with the heads and legs of Goats with the torso and arms of Humans. Te only feature all Gor universally possess is a large pair of horns — the larger the better, for they denote status amongst Beastmen — a trait that distinguishes them from Ungor and Turnskins. Te largest Gors are known as Bestigors.</p>"
"id": "Griffon",
"name": "Griffon",
"description": "<p>With the forequarters and wings of an eagle and the hindquarters of a great cat, Griffons are elegant beasts with a naturally proud and regal bearing. They nest high in the mountains that surround the Empire and are swift, efficient killers, not prone to the indiscriminate destruction of creatures like Manticores or Hippogryphs. Perhaps because of this seeming nobility, the image of the Griffon is extraordinarily popular in the Empire, used on heraldry, religious iconography, and as a symbol of the Empire itself. Griffons are also one of the most intelligent of beasts. If captured relatively young and subject to correct training, they can be incredibly loyal, able to anticipate and obey a wide variety of commands. They are so highly sought after that hunters regularly die trying to secure Griffon eggs to sell. Perhaps the most renowned Griffon in Reikland is Deathclaw. Housed in the Imperial Zoo in Altdorf, Deathclaw is personally owned by the Crown Prince of Reikland and was reputedly hatched by Emperor Karl-Franz himself — a story that led to all manner of lewd cartoons being printed in seditious pamphlets.</p>"
"id": "Hippogryph",
"name": "Hippogryph",
"description": "<p>Extraordinarily ferocious and territorial, Hippogryphs normally have the head, wings, and front quarters of an eagle and the hind quarters of a horse. Hailing most commonly from the Grey Mountains, they attack without provocation, almost reckless in their fury, tearing flesh into ribbons to be devoured later. Such is their rage, entire fields of livestock will be wiped out by a single Hippogryph, which will then make off with its choice of meat, leaving the rest to carrion birds. Having little in the way of intelligence, when Hippogryphs hunt, they tend to kill everything in sight, assuming anything unseen is gone forever, meaning that actual casualties to Hippogryphs are relatively low, given all it takes to avoid them is finding a good hiding place.</p>"
"id": "Horse",
"name": "Horse",
"description": "<p>Horses are bred for many jobs, including speedy mounts for messengers, sturdy destriers for knights, and mighty drays for farmers. They are so useful, horse trading is almost a competitive sport in the Reikland. Unscrupulous ‘Horse Copers’ (horse salesmen) are keen to make money at the expense of the ignorant buyer, painting and fling teeth of elderly horses or stiffing rags up noses to soak mucous, so the unknowledgeable buyer should beware.</p>"
"id": "Hydra",
"name": "Hydra",
"description": "<p>The many-headed, lizard-like Hydra has a hulking body supporting a maze of necks and heads that breathe smoky fire and bite ferociously. A surprisingly tenacious and stealthy creature, Hydras will stalk prey for miles; however, they all too often lose patience and charge, heads roaring.</p>"
"id": "Jabberslythe",
"name": "Jabberslythe",
"description": "<p>The Jabberslythe is an ancient creature of Chaos that lurks beneath the shadowy eaves of the deepest, darkest forests. A maddening creature, the Jabberslythe is a disgusting mixture of Toad, Sludge-drake, and Insect, all filled with corrosive, black blood that spurts free at the slightest wound. Worse, any viewing this horror seem to lose their minds, gibbering and rhyming, clawing at their eyes, and shrieking with manic laughter, which leaves easy prey for the Jabberslythe.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Further, it has a sticky tongue that can lash out and pull its next meal into its gaping maw. As befits its appearance, the creature moves in a lolloping and awkward manner, and even possesses wings, though they’re too small to properly lift its bloated torso.</p>"
"id": "Manticore",
"name": "Manticore",
"description": "<p><em>'When I was travelin’ with the elves to Ulthuan, I seen a great many things as would astound most folks back ‘ome. one time I saw a manticore, only in the center of its lion-head it had the face of a great Elf! I suppose it was less a Manticore, than an Elf-ticore.’</em></p>\n<p>– Adhemar Fitztancred, Grey Guardian, raconteur and liar</p>\n<p>Fortunately rare, Manticores are unrelentingly ferocious, driven to clear their territory of predatory rivals with extraordinary brutality. This means you normally know when you’re moving into the territory of a Manticore — corpses of other monsters litter the high grounds. The creature has the head and body of a twisted great cat (though sometimes its face appears almost too Human), the wings of a Bat, and a wicked, thrashing, barbed tail.</p>"
"id": "Minotaur",
"name": "Minotaur",
"description": "<p>Massive and hulking, bull-like Minotaurs tower above even the greatest Bestigors. Herds with a large contingent of Minotaurs consider themselves especially blessed by the Dark Gods. Beastmen herds congregate around the Minotaurs as their imposing presence gives the lesser beasts courage.</p>"
"id": "Mutant",
"name": "Mutant",
"description": "<p>One of the most tragic fates to befall a Human is to succumb to the mutating influence of Chaos. It can happen without rhyme or reason, and even babies can be born mutated. When such happens, many parents fnd they cannot summon the will to murder their children, so instead abandon their offspring to the woods, either to die or be taken in by other Mutants or Beastmen. No matter how innocent they may be, all mutants are a source of terror for the common folk, so most fall to the Dark Gods, abandoned and embittered, or end it all before it’s too late.</p>"
"id": "Ogre",
"name": "Ogre",
"description": "<p><em><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">‘Yes, I summoned them because I needed reinforcements. yes, I know they are eating your prize cattle. and, yes, I know ogres have large appetites. ‘I‘ve put a notice on the local watch-house offering a small payment to anyone with the wherewithal to make them go. That should prove more than suffcient.’ </span></span></em></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\" style=\"font-size: 10pt;\">– Augustus von Raushvel, Baron of Raush Vale</span> <br style=\"font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;\"></span></p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Big, loud, brutish, and extremely violent, Ogres are driven by the need to fill their prodigious, muscled bellies. Tey lack the wit or intelligence to do this cleverly, defaulting to might is right in most situations. Hailing from lands far to the east, Ogres are a common sight in the Old World for they love to wander, always on the hunt for new meats over the horizon. As they pass through on decades-long food excursions, they work hard to integrate, wearing local clothing and following the local customs they understand, as that’s more likely to attract the next meal.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><br>In the Empire, they frequently serve in the State Army, and are an everyday sight in larger towns, contracted as muscle for hire. The Halfling Gaffers Guild (building contractors) has effectively cornered the market in cheap Ogre labour in many towns and cities of the Empire, a source of great annoyance to their rivals.</span></p>\n<p> </p>\n<h3>Halflings and Ogres</h3>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">None know why, but Halflings and Ogres just get on. Most elders of Halfling clans have one or two Ogre bodyguards, and it’s said the elder of the moot rarely travels without his old friend Zorarth legbiter, a hoary ogre who’s lived in the empire for almost a century. In return, many Ogre mercenary bands employ Halfling cooks. However, this relationship doesn’t always hold, such as when Golgfag Maneater, mercenary captain of the imaginatively named Golgfag’s Maneaters, famously employing a small clan of Halflings to feed him and his regiment after a great victory. Which was fne until Golgfag realised the cooks tasted far better than the food they’d prep</span></p>"
"id": "Orc",
"name": "Orc",
"description": "<p>We iz the best. We iz not dem weedie Gobbos or stoopid Trollz, we iz well ‘ard! An’ if anywun sayz we ain’t, we iz gunna stomp on der edz.’</p>\n<p>– Gurkk skulltaka, Orc Boss</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Orcs are nasty, brutal, belligerent, and almost immune to pain. They have muscular, hulking bodies, wide, powerful shoulders, and won’t let a little thing like a lost arm get in the way of a good scrap. They are built for fighting and like nothing more than doing so. When they have no enemies to fight, they take on rival groups of Greenskins. If there is no rival group, they will fight among themselves. Tough not as numerous as Goblins, they are bigger and tougher, and they let them know it at every opportunity. Orcs can grow to prodigious size, with larger Orcs stronger, tougher, and more aggressive, and therefore accorded more prestige: for might equals right in their warlike society. Some Orcs ride huge boars into battle, a sight that rarely fails to terrify.</p>"
"id": "Pegasus",
"name": "Pegasus",
"description": "<p>Pegasi are handsome white horses with great swan-like wings. They are dogged and inexhaustible flyers that fly in great herds in the high mountains, seemingly taking great delight as they swoop and swirl on the spiraling thermal currents. They are obvious candidates for steeds and many a warrior or scout has tried to catch a Pegasus of their own. They are very intelligent, and some believe they only allow themselves to be captured if they wish to be, which has led to all manner of fancifully romantic legends insisting only those worthy, or virtuous enough may be chosen.</p>"
"id": "Pigeon",
"name": "Pigeon",
"description": "<p>Pigeons are bred across the Reikland to carry messages of all kinds. Recently, they have become renowned for carrying a deadlier cargo, as the easily accessible bird has become a favourite amongst engineers, used to deploy their ‘pigeon bombs’ to varying degrees of success.</p>"
"id": "Rat Ogre",
"name": "Rat Ogre",
"description": "<p>Rat Ogres are hulking brutes, bred in the dark caverns of the Underempire by the demented ministerings of Clan Molder’s packmasters. They are stupid, but when driven by their Skaven masters are fearless and unrelenting in combat. Rarely encountered on their own, they tend to be accompany Grey Seers, or other ranking Skaven, serving as a bodyguard.</p>"
"id": "Skeleton",
"name": "Skeleton",
"description": "<p>Skeletons are the fleshless bones of those long dead, reanimated by dark magic to walk the earth as mockeries of the living. Tose who died and were not laid to rest according to the rituals of Morr, the God of Death, may be resurrected in this form by a sufciently powerful necromancer. Utterly mindless, Skeletons will fght until their bones are smashed to pieces. Tey have no courage for they have no fear. They cannot be killed because they are not alive. </p>\n<h3>Options: Dem Bones</h3>\n<p>To reflect the bony nature of Skeletons, you may want to impose a penalty of –1 damage to Wounds inflicted by weapons without the pummel trait.</p>"
"id": "Slenderthigh Whiptongue",
"name": "Slenderthigh Whiptongue"
"id": "Snake",
"name": "Snake",
"description": "<p>Snakes are found throughout the Empire, especially deep within the forests. Most are harmless, but some possess deadly venom or constrict their victims until they die of suffocation. Like many creatures of the Old World, they can grow to gigantic proportions, such as the enormous Fen Worm, posing a real danger to even the strongest mercenary.</p>"
"id": "Snotling",
"name": "Snotling",
"description": "<p>Pea-brained creatures akin to enthusiastic, uncontrolled puppies, Snotlings are scavengers and natural mimics, picking up bones and shiny things wherever they go, or copying the actions of anything they see. If pushed into conflict by Goblins or Orcs, they fight in stinking swarms, trying to overwhelm their foes through sheer weight of numbers. To do this they find all sorts of disgusting and noxious substances, like poisonous fungus and bodily waste, to hurl at their enemies.</p>"
"id": "Stormvermin",
"name": "Stormvermin",
"description": "<p>The elite fghters of the Skaven are the Stormvermin: bigger, stronger, tougher and more disciplined than Clanrats. They will serve as the core of any major assault and comprise the bodyguard of important Skaven. Stormvermin are usually well armed and armoured, sporting weapon combinations favoured by their clan.</p>"
"id": "Tomb Banshee",
"name": "Tomb Banshee",
"description": "<p>Tomb Banshees are the spectral remains of once powerful witches whose spirits are steeped in the foetid energy of dhar. Teir restless afterlife is tormented by loss and bitterness, a yawning void in their souls that drives them to release terrifying, soul-wrenching howls potent enough to drive those hearing it insane, or even to stop their very hearts.</p>"
"id": "Troll",
"name": "Troll",
"description": "<p>Trolls are filthy, foul creatures that infest all corners of the Old World. Quick to adapt to their surroundings they come in a variety of types, but all are huge and imposing. They are dim and led by their instinct for food, but they like to hoard and their lairs can be a trove of useful and valuable treasures… and the grisly remains of their meals. Although there are many species of Troll, they all share some common features: they are usually extremely stupid, which means any quick-witted foe can get an edge over them; they can regenerate, which makes them extremely difficult to kill; and they are able to regurgitate their last meal at will, vomiting acrid bile over a shockingly impressive distance — although they are loathe to do this as it leaves them extremely hungry.</p>"
"id": "Ungor",
"name": "Ungor",
"description": "<p>Ungors have vestigial or very short horns and are thus barely considered ‘Gor’ by the rest of the herd. Some even sport Human-like faces, making them effective infltrators, but also a target for ridicule. Indeed, Ungors are poorly treated by the Gors, and are often stunted or malnourished in comparison to their larger-horned brethren, leaving them bitter creatures eager to take out their jealousy on others.</p>"
"id": "Vampire",
"name": "Vampire",
"description": "<p>Vampires see themselves as the rulers of the night. Many can pass as Human, some even functioning for long periods amongst the living. Despite their outwardly Human appearance, no heart beats beneath their pale skin, and in lieu of mortal hungers they possess an abiding thirst for blood. All Vampires of the Old World are ultimately descended from ancient bloodlines that originated millennia ago far to the south. Many are fercely proud of their heritage and the traits and traditions that set them apart from others. Te Vampires of different bloodlines are often bitter rivals, but they are astute enough to come together when necessary to face greater foes.</p>"
"id": "Varghulf",
"name": "Varghulf",
"description": "<p>Most Vampires balance their Undead need for blood with a veneer of civility and decorum, styling themselves as the aristocracy of the Undead. However, some eschew their human façade, embracing the beast within. Tese Varghulfs are savage and wild, creatures devoid of all sophistry, abandoned entirely to animalistic selfgratifcation. Tey manifest as a big, bloated, bat-like beast, basking in their base urge for blood.</p>"
"id": "Wolf",
"name": "Wolf",
"description": "<p>Wolves usually hunt in packs and have a reputation for being tenacious hunters, pursuing their prey over dozens of miles without rest or respite. Several species prowl the Reikland, including the fierce Giant Wolves, which are captured and bred by Goblins to use as guards and mounts.</p>"
"id": "Wyvern",
"name": "Wyvern"
"id": "Zombie",
"name": "Zombie",
"description": "<p>Like Skeletons, Zombies are Undead creatures reanimated and bound together with foul magics. Unlike Skeletons, they are so recently dead that much of their corporeal body still exists, rotting and diseased flesh sagging over their maggoty, swollen organs. As they fght, their flesh and organs slough from their bones, releasing a nauseating, noxious stench, powerful enough to turn<br>the stomachs of all but the most hardened of soldiers</p>"
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
"label": "Criticals",
"entries": [
"id": "Arterial Damage",
"name": "Arterial Damage",
"description": "Gain 4 Bleeding Conditions. Until you receive Surgery, every time you receive Damage to the Body Hit Location, gain 2 Bleeding Conditions."
"id": "Bad Cut",
"name": "Bad Cut",
"description": "Gain 2 Bleeding conditions as a deep wound opens up your shin. Pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain the Prone Condition."
"id": "Badly Cut Toe",
"name": "Badly Cut Toe",
"description": "<p>Gain 1 Bleeding Condition. After the encounter, make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. If you fail, lose 1 toe — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.EnqT2PdAvzbd7Rok]{Amputation (Average)}.</p>"
"id": "Badly Jarred Arm",
"name": "Badly Jarred Arm",
"description": "Your arm is badly jarred in the attack. Drop whatever was held in that hand, which is useless for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> - Toughness Bonus Rounds (minimum 1). For this time, treat the hand as lost."
"id": "Badly Twisted Knee",
"name": "Badly Twisted Knee",
"description": "<p>You badly twist your knee trying to avoid your opponent. Gain a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.XSlFkJD3Ef842LZo]{Torn Muscle (Major)}injury.</p>"
"id": "Black Eye",
"name": "Black Eye",
"description": "A solid blow hits your eye, leaving tears and much pain. Gain 2 Blinded Conditions."
"id": "Bleeding hand",
"name": "Bleeding hand",
"description": "Your hand is cut badly, making your grip slippery. Take 1 Bleeding Condition. While suffering from that Bleeding Condition, make an Average (+20) Dexterity Test before taking any Action that requires something being held in that hand; if you fail, the item slips from your grip."
"id": "Broken Collar Bone",
"name": "Broken Collar Bone",
"description": "<p>Gain the Unconscious Condition until you receive Medical Attention, and suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.rIJz5nxmvxZTozmB]{Broken Bone (Major)}injury.</p>"
"id": "Broken Jaw",
"name": "Broken Jaw",
"description": "<p>The crack is sickening as the blow hits you under the chin, breaking your jaw. Gain 3 Stunned Conditions. Make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain an Unconscious Condition. Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.B4EzqsaO3Q0okZ9d]{Broken Bone (Major)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Broken Knee",
"name": "Broken Knee",
"description": "<p>The blow hacks into your kneecap, shattering it into several pieces. You gain 1 Bleeding , 1 Prone , and 1 Stunned Condition, and a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.AoJLxDfZtmWXCiDi]{Broken Bone (Major)} Injury as you fall to the ground, clutching your ruined leg.</p>"
"id": "Broken Nose",
"name": "Broken Nose",
"description": "A solid blow to the centre of your face causing blood to pour. Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions. Make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, or also gain a Stunned Condition. After this wound has healed, gain +1/-1 SL on social rolls, depending on context, unless Surgery is used to reset the nose."
"id": "Bruised Ribs",
"name": "Bruised Ribs",
"description": "All Agility-based Tests suffer a -10 penalty for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> days."
"id": "Brutal Dismemberment",
"name": "Brutal Dismemberment",
"description": "Your arm is severed, spraying arterial blood <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> feet in a random direction (see Scatter), before the blow follows through to your chest."
"id": "Carved Shin",
"name": "Carved Shin",
"description": "<p>The weapon drives clean through your leg by the knee, slicing into bone and through tendons. Gain a Stunned and Prone Condition. Further, suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.XSlFkJD3Ef842LZo]{Torn Muscle (Major)} and @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.6M98mPfnL3hmXW3g]{Broken Bone (Minor)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Clean Break",
"name": "Clean Break",
"description": "An audible crack resounds as the blow strikes your arm. Drop whatever was held in the associated hand and gain a Broken Bone (Minor) injury. Pass a Difficult (-10) Endurance Test or gain a Stunned Condition."
"id": "Cleft Hand",
"name": "Cleft Hand",
"description": "<p>Your hand splays open from the blow. Lose 1 finger — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.ryG4x0tj6psMSXI2]{Amputation (Difficult)}. Gain 2 Bleeding and 1 Stunned Condition. For every succeeding Round in which you don't receive Medical Attention, you lose another finger as the wound tears; if you run out of fingers, you lose the hand — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.8sM5Mdk6gP6mdjoM]{Amputation (Difficult)}.</p>"
"id": "Concussive Blow",
"name": "Concussive Blow",
"description": "Your brain rattles in your skull as blood spurts from your nose and ears. Take 1 Deafened , 2 Bleeding , and <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> Stunned Conditions. Gain a Fatigued Condition that lasts for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> days. If you receive another Critical Wound to your head while suffering this Fatigued Condition, make an Average (+20) Endurance Test or also gain an Unconscious Condition."
"id": "Cracked Ribs",
"name": "Cracked Ribs",
"description": "<p>The hit cracks one or more ribs. Gain a Stunned Condition. Gain a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.IEK2WP1ysSIX1gie]{Broken Bone (Minor)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Crushed Elbow",
"name": "Crushed Elbow",
"description": "<p>The blow crushes your elbow, splintering bone and cartilage. You immediately drop whatever was held in that hand and gain a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.2A7SW9eXsm7MvLsk]{Broken Bone (Major)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Crushed Foot",
"name": "Crushed Foot",
"description": "<p>The blow crushes your foot. Make an Average (+20) Endurance Test; if you fail, gain the Prone condition and lose 1 toe, plus 1 additional toe for each SL below 0 — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.EnqT2PdAvzbd7Rok]{Amputation (Average)}. Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions. If you don't receive Surgery within <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> days, you will lose the foot entirely.</p>"
"id": "Cut Tendon",
"name": "Cut Tendon",
"description": "<p>A major tendon at the back of your leg is cut, causing you to scream out in pain as your leg collapses. Gain 2 Bleeding , 2 Stunned , and 1 Prone Condition and look on in horror as your leg never works again — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.xTtDVDXCClQieIW5]{Amputation (Very Hard)}.</p>"
"id": "Damaged Artery",
"name": "Damaged Artery",
"description": "Gain 4 Bleeding Conditions. Until you receive Surgery, every time you take Damage to this Arm Hit Location gain 2 Bleeding Conditions."
"id": "Decapitated",
"name": "Decapitated",
"description": "Your head is entirely severed from your neck and soars through the air, landing <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> feet away in a random direction (see Scatter). Your body collapses, instantly dead."
"id": "Deep Cut",
"name": "Deep Cut",
"description": "<p>Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions as your arm is mangled. Gain 1 Stunned Condition and suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.JMm9hqyAX6HBTqZO]{Torn Muscle (Minor)} injury. Take a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain the Unconscious Condition.</p>"
"id": "Devastated Eye",
"name": "Devastated Eye",
"description": "<p>A strike to your eye completely bursts it, causing extraordinary pain. Gain 3 Blinded , 2 Bleeding , and 1 Stunned Condition. Lose your eye — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.uTJccLaYFfaJReIg]{Amputation (Difficult)}.</p>"
"id": "Disfiguring Blow",
"name": "Disfiguring Blow",
"description": "The blow smashes your entire face, destroying your eye and nose in a cloud of blood. Gain 3 Bleeding , 3 Blinded and 2 Stunned Conditions. Lose your eye and nose — Amputation (Hard)."
"id": "Dislocated Knee",
"name": "Dislocated Knee",
"description": "Your knee is wrenched out of its socket. Gain the Prone Condition. Pass a Hard (-20) Endurance Test, or gain the Stunned Condition, which is not removed until you receive Medical Attention. After this initial Medical Attention, an Extended Average (+20) Heal Test needing 6 SL is required to reset the knee at which point you regain its use. Movement is halved, and Tests made using this leg suffer a -10 penalty for d10 days."
"id": "Dislocated Shoulder",
"name": "Dislocated Shoulder",
"description": "<p>Your arm is wrenched out of its socket. Pass a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain the Stunned and Prone Condition. Drop whatever is held in that hand: the arm is useless and counts as lost (see @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.KauMO1CodRLWmhv4]{Amputated Part}). Gain 1 Stunned Condition until you receive Medical Attention. After this initial Medical Attention, an Extended Average (+20) Heal Test needing 6 SL is required to reset the arm, at which point you regain its use. Tests made using this arm suffer a -10 penalty for <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> days.</p>"
"id": "Dramatic Injury",
"name": "Dramatic Injury",
"description": "A fine wound across the forehead and cheek. Gain 1 Bleeding Condition. Once the wound is healed, the impressive scar it leaves provides a bonus of +1 SL to appropriate social Tests. You can only gain this benefit once."
"id": "Ear Bash",
"name": "Ear Bash",
"description": "Your ear takes a sickening impact, leaving it ringing. Gain 1 Deafened Condition."
"id": "Fractured Hip",
"name": "Fractured Hip",
"description": "<p>Gain a Stunned Condition. Take a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or also gain the Prone Condition. Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.IEK2WP1ysSIX1gie]{Broken Bone (Minor)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Fractured Jaw",
"name": "Fractured Jaw",
"description": "With a sickening crunch, pain fills your face as the blow fractures your jaw. Gain 2 Stunned Conditions. Suffer a Broken Bone (Minor) injury."
"id": "Gaping Arm Wound",
"name": "Gaping Arm Wound",
"description": "The blow opens a deep, gaping wound. Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions. Until you receive Surgery to stitch up the cut, any associated Arm Damage you receive will also inflict 1 Bleeding Condition as the wound reopens."
"id": "Gaping Chest Wound",
"name": "Gaping Chest Wound",
"description": "Take 3 Bleeding Conditions. Until you receive Surgery, any Wounds you receive to the Body Hit Location will inflict an additional Bleeding Condition as the cut reopens."
"id": "Gut Blow",
"name": "Gut Blow",
"description": "Gain 1 Stunned Condition. Pass an Easy (+40) Endurance Test, or vomit, gaining the Prone Condition."
"id": "Gut Wound",
"name": "Gut Wound",
"description": "Contract a Festering Wound and gain 2 Bleeding Conditions."
"id": "Hacked Leg",
"name": "Hacked Leg",
"description": "<p>A cut bites down into the hip. Gain 1 Prone and 2 Bleeding Conditions, and suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.6M98mPfnL3hmXW3g]{Broken Bone (Minor)} injury. Further, take a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or also gain a Stunned condition from the pain.</p>"
"id": "Internal Bleeding",
"name": "Internal Bleeding",
"description": "Gain a Bleeding Condition that can only be removed through Surgery. Contract Blood Rot."
"id": "Jarred Arm",
"name": "Jarred Arm",
"description": "Your arm is jarred in the attack. Drop whatever was held in that hand."
"id": "Lost Footing",
"name": "Lost Footing",
"description": "In the scuffle you lose your footing. Pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain the Prone Condition."
"id": "Low Blow!",
"name": "Low Blow!",
"description": "Make a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain 3 Stunned Condition."
"id": "Major Chest Wound",
"name": "Major Chest Wound",
"description": "You take a significant wound to your chest, flensing skin from muscle and sinew. Take 4 Bleeding Conditions. Until you receive Surgery, to stitch the wound together, any Wounds you receive to the Body Hit Location will also inflict 2 Bleeding Conditions as the tears reopen."
"id": "Major Ear Wound",
"name": "Major Ear Wound",
"description": "The blow damages your ear, leaving you with permanent hearing loss in one ear. Suffer a -20 penalty on all Tests relating to hearing. If you suffer this result again, your hearing is permanently lost as the second ear falls quiet. Only magic can heal this."
"id": "Major Eye Wound",
"name": "Major Eye Wound",
"description": "The blow cracks across your eye socket. Gain 1 Bleeding Condition. Also gain 1 Blinded Condition that cannot be removed until you receive Medical Attention."
"id": "Mangled Ear",
"name": "Mangled Ear",
"description": "<p>Little is left of your ear as the blow tears it apart. You gain 3 Deafened and 2 Bleeding Conditions. Lose your ear — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.04OvfETcxQK8UMcR]{Amputatation (Average)}.</p>"
"id": "Mangled Hand",
"name": "Mangled Hand",
"description": "<p>Your hand is left a mauled, bleeding mess. You lose your hand — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.8sM5Mdk6gP6mdjoM]{Amputation (Hard)}. Gain 2 Bleeding Condition. Take a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain the Stunned and Prone Conditions.</p>"
"id": "Mangled Jaw",
"name": "Mangled Jaw",
"description": "<p>The blow almost removes your jaw as it utterly destroys your tongue, sending teeth flying in a shower of blood. Gain 4 Bleeding and 3 Stunned Conditions. Make a Very Hard (-30) Endurance Test or gain an Unconscious Condition. Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.B4EzqsaO3Q0okZ9d]{Broken Bone (Major)} injury and lose your tongue and <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> teeth — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.8INWQxvtMaK9oeV4]{Amputation (Hard)}.</p>"
"id": "Mauled Bicep",
"name": "Mauled Bicep",
"description": "<p>The blow almost separates bicep and tendon from bone, leaving an ugly wound that sprays blood over you and your opponent. You automatically drop anything held in the associated hand and suffers a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.fTLRTydQWwFSrMjV]{Torn Muscle (Major)} injury and 2 Bleeding and 1 Stunned Condition.</p>"
"id": "Minor Arm Cut",
"name": "Minor Arm Cut",
"description": "Gain a Bleeding Condition as your upper arm is cut badly."
"id": "Minor Head Cut",
"name": "Minor Head Cut",
"description": "The strike opens your cheek and blood flies everywhere. Gain 1 Bleeding Condition."
"id": "Minor Leg Cut",
"name": "Minor Leg Cut",
"description": "Gain 1 Bleeding Condition."
"id": "Painful Cut",
"name": "Painful Cut",
"description": "Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions and a Stunned Condition. Take a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain the Unconscious Condition as you black out from the pain. Unless you achieve 4+ SL, you also scream out in agony."
"id": "Poked Eye",
"name": "Poked Eye",
"description": "The blow glances across your eye socket. Gain 1 Blinded condition."
"id": "Pulled Back",
"name": "Pulled Back",
"description": "<p>Your back turns to white pain as you pull a muscle. Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.kCmBuxQqSXPqfgJ4]{Torn Muscle (Major)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Ragged Wound",
"name": "Ragged Wound",
"description": "Take 2 Bleeding Conditions."
"id": "Rattling Blow",
"name": "Rattling Blow",
"description": "The blow floods your vision with spots and flashing lights. Gain 1 Stunned Condition."
"id": "Ruptered Ligament",
"name": "Ruptered Ligament",
"description": "<p>You immediately drop whatever was held in that hand. Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.fTLRTydQWwFSrMjV]{Torn Muscle (Major)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Ruptured Tendon",
"name": "Ruptured Tendon",
"description": "<p>Gain a Prone and Stunned Condition as one of your tendons tears badly. Pass a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain the Unconscious Condition. Your leg is useless. Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.XSlFkJD3Ef842LZo]{Torn Muscle (Major)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Severed Finger",
"name": "Severed Finger",
"description": "<p>You gape in horror as a finger flies — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.ryG4x0tj6psMSXI2]{Amputation (Average)}. Gain a Bleeding condition.</p>"
"id": "Severed Foot",
"name": "Severed Foot",
"description": "<p>Your foot is severed at the ankle and lands <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> feet away in a random direction — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.C0BX3ywcMgTUWKXJ]{Amputation (Hard)}. You gain 3 Bleeding , 2 Stunned , and 1 Prone Condition.</p>"
"id": "Shattered Pelvis",
"name": "Shattered Pelvis",
"description": "The blow shatters your pelvis, severing one leg then driving through to the next. You die instantly from traumatic shock."
"id": "Sliced Ear",
"name": "Sliced Ear",
"description": "Your side of your head takes a hard blow, cutting deep into your ear. Gain 2 Deafened and 1 Bleeding Condition."
"id": "Sliced Tendons",
"name": "Sliced Tendons",
"description": "<p>Your tendons are cut by the blow, leaving your arm hanging useless — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.KauMO1CodRLWmhv4]{Amputation (Very Hard)}. Gain 3 Bleeding, 1 Prone, and 1 Stunned Condition. Pass a Hard (-20) Endurance Test or gain the Unconscious Condition.</p>"
"id": "Smashed Mouth",
"name": "Smashed Mouth",
"description": "<p>With a sickening crunch, your mouth is suddenly filled with broken teeth and blood. Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions. Lose <strong><a class=\"chat-roll\">1d10</a></strong> teeth — @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.8INWQxvtMaK9oeV4]{Amputation (Easy)}.</p>"
"id": "Smashed Rib Cage",
"name": "Smashed Rib Cage",
"description": "<p>Gain a Stunned Condition that can only be removed through Medical Attention, and suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.rIJz5nxmvxZTozmB]{Broken Bone (Major)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Sprain",
"name": "Sprain",
"description": "<p>You sprain your arm, suffering a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.JMm9hqyAX6HBTqZO]{Torn Muscle (Minor)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Sprained Ankle",
"name": "Sprained Ankle",
"description": "<p>You sprain your ankle, giving you a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.rlXUw5Bgz2xUjVbU]{Torn Muscle (Minor)}injury.</p>"
"id": "Struck Forehead",
"name": "Struck Forehead",
"description": "A solid blow thumps into the centre of your forehead. Gain 2 Bleeding Conditions and a Blinded Condition that cannot be removed until all Bleeding Conditions are removed."
"id": "Stubbed Toe",
"name": "Stubbed Toe",
"description": "In the scuffle, you stub your toe. Pass a Routine (+20) Endurance Test or suffer -10 on Agility Tests until the end of the next turn."
"id": "Thigh Strike",
"name": "Thigh Strike",
"description": "A painful blow slams into your upper thigh. Gain a Bleeding Condition and take an Average (+20) Endurance Test or stumble, gaining the Prone Condition."
"id": "Tis But A Scratch!",
"name": "Tis But A Scratch!",
"description": "Gain 1 Bleeding Condition."
"id": "Torn Apart",
"name": "Torn Apart",
"description": "You are hacked in two. The top half lands in a random direction, and all characters within 2 yards are showered in blood."
"id": "Torn Muscles",
"name": "Torn Muscles",
"description": "<p>The blow slams into your forearm. Gain a Bleeding Condition and a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.JMm9hqyAX6HBTqZO]{Torn Muscle (Minor)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Torn Thigh",
"name": "Torn Thigh",
"description": "Gain 3 Bleeding Conditions as the weapon opens up your upper thigh. Pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain the Prone Condition. Until you receive Surgery to stitch up the wound, each time you receive Damage to this Leg, also receive 1 Bleeding Condition."
"id": "Twisted Ankle",
"name": "Twisted Ankle",
"description": "You go over your ankle, hurting it. Agility Tests suffer a -10 penalty for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> rounds."
"id": "Twisted Back",
"name": "Twisted Back",
"description": "<p>Suffer a @Compendium[wfrp4e.injuries.HjBumJm1eqc8qbzJ]{Torn Muscle (Minor)} injury.</p>"
"id": "Twisted Knee",
"name": "Twisted Knee",
"description": "You twist your knee too far. Agility Tests suffer a -20 penalty for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> rounds."
"id": "Winded",
"name": "Winded",
"description": "Gain a Stunned Condition. Make an Average (+20) Endurance Test, or gain the Prone Condition. Movement is halved for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> rounds as you get your breath back."
"id": "Wrenched Arm",
"name": "Wrenched Arm",
"description": "Your arm is almost pulled from its socket. Drop whatever is held in the associated hand; the arm is useless for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> Rounds."
"id": "Wrenched Collar Bone",
"name": "Wrenched Collar Bone",
"description": "Randomly select one arm. Drop whatever is held in that hand; the arm is useless for <a class = 'chat-roll'><i class='fas fa-dice'></i> 1d10</a> rounds."
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