Compare commits
15 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
04947ab145 | |||
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870e4f6a6c | |||
4d0b3ca280 | |||
d019c8fe22 | |||
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42295f71cb | |||
e7722dd222 | |||
513e41b8f2 | |||
46b47a5b24 | |||
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64be1078e1 |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
"label": "Items (Archives Vol. III)",
"folders": {
"Armour": "Armures",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Skills": "Compétences",
"Spells": "Sorts"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"maxcost": {
"path": "system.cost.max",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": "system.duration.unit",
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": "system.incubation.unit",
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify:\">Votre main est méchamment coupée, ce qui rend votre prise glissante. Recevez 1 État @Condition[Hémorragique]. Tant que vous êtes sous l’effet de cet État, effectuez un Test de <strong>Dextérité Accessible (+20)</strong> avant d’effectuer une action qui nécessite que vous teniez quoi que ce soit dans cette main ; sur un échec, l’objet vous glisse de la main.</p>",
"id": "Bleeding hand",
"id": "Bleeding Hand",
"name": "Main ensanglantée"
@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@
"tests": "Charme quand vous mentez"
"description": "<p>Vous êtes un lanceur de Sorts autodidacte qui a compris peu à peu comment utiliser la magie, par tâtonnements. Ajoutez Langue (Magick) à n’importe quelle Carrière que vous entamez ; si elle est déjà comprise dans votre Carrière, vous pouvez, à la place, acheter la Compétence pour 5 PX de moins par Augmentation. De plus, vous pouvez dépenser un Point de Résilience pour lancer (et mémoriser) un Sort provenant de n’importe quel Domaine de Magie, pour 0 PX. Vous pouvez le faire un nombre de fois égal à votre Niveau dans ce Talent.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous êtes agile comme un chat, et capable de tomber de plus grandes hauteurs que les autres sans vous blesser. Chaque fois que vous tombez, effectuez un Test d’Athlétisme. Sur un succès, réduisez la distance de chute de 1 mètre, +1 mètre supplémentaire par +1 DR obtenu, pour calculer les Dégâts</p>",
"id": "Catfall",
"name": "Souplesse féline",
"tests": "Athlétisme quand vous tombez"
@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@
"description": "<p>Vous êtes entraîné à vous placer très près d’un adversaire. Vous ne subissez aucune pénalité pour vous battre contre un adversaire avec une arme plus longue que la vôtre. De plus, si vous utilisez les règles optionnelles de Combat au contact (voir page 297), gagnez un bonus de +10 pour toucher votre adversaire.</p>",
"id": "In–fighter",
"id": "In–Fighter",
"name": "Combattant au contact",
"tests": "Corps à corps quand vous combattez au contact ou que vous allez au contact"
@ -9383,9 +9383,9 @@
"Food and Drink": "Nourriture et Boissons",
"Herbs and Draughts": "Herbes et Décoctions",
"Injuries": "Blessures",
"Lore of Bests": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Beasts": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Daemonology": "Démonologie",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la mort",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la Mort",
"Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu",
"Lore of Heaven": "Domaine des Cieux",
"Lore of Hedgecraft": "Magie des Haies",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
"label": "Items (Lustria)",
"folders": {
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Spells": "Sorts",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"modType": "system.modType.value",
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": {
"path": "system.duration.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": {
"path": "system.incubation.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
"label": "Items (Old World Bundle II)",
"folders": {
"Lore of the Beasts": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la Mort",
"Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu",
"Lore of Heavens": "Domaine des Cieux",
"Lore of Hedgecraft": "Magie des Haies",
"Lore of Life": "Domaine de la Vie",
"Lore of Light": "Domaine de la Lumière",
"Lore of Metal": "Domaine du Métal",
"Lore of Shadows": "Domaine des Ombres",
"Lore of Witchcraft": "Sorcellerie"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"maxcost": {
"path": "system.cost.max",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": {
"path": "system.duration.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": {
"path": "system.incubation.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
"label": "Items (Salzenmund)",
"mapping": {
"effects": {
"converter": "process_effects",
"path": "effects"
"careergroup": {
"converter": "career_careergroup",
"path": "system.careergroup.value"
"class": {
"converter": "generic_localization",
"path": "system.class.value"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"description": "system.description.value",
"durationUnit": "system.duration.unit",
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"flaws": {
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws",
"path": "system.flaws.value"
"incubationUnit": "system.incubation.unit",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"location": {
"converter": "generic_localization",
"path": "system.location.value"
"modifier": {
"converter": "mutations_modifier",
"path": "system.modifier.value"
"mutationType": {
"converter": "generic_localization",
"path": "system.mutationType.value"
"pdamage": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.damage.value"
"pduration": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.duration.value"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"prange": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.range.value"
"ptarget": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": ""
"qualities": {
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws",
"path": "system.qualities.value"
"sdamage": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.damage.value"
"sduration": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.duration.value"
"skills": {
"converter": "career_skills",
"path": "system.skills"
"special": "system.special.value",
"srange": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.range.value"
"starget": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": ""
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"talents": {
"converter": "career_talents",
"path": "system.talents"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
"label": "Items (Imperial Zoo)",
"folders": {
"Ammunition": "Munitions",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Prayers": "Prières",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"modType": "system.modType.value",
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": {
"path": "system.duration.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": {
"path": "system.incubation.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
@ -207,6 +207,14 @@
"SETTINGS.AutomaticSuccessHint":"Tout les jets inférieurs ou égaux à cette valeur seront considérés comme des réussites",
"SETTINGS.AdvantageMax":"Limite d'avantages",
"SETTINGS.AdvantageMaxHint":"Limite les avantages à un nombre pré-définie, comme 2, 4,etc.",
"SETTINGS.MooCritModifiersHint":"Lorsque vous subissez des dégâts au-delà de 0 blessure, ajoutez ou soustrayez 10 au tableau des coups critiques pour chaque point de différence de dégâts par rapport à votre bonus d'Endurance.<br><br>Ex. Il me reste 4 blessures, Endurance 50. Je subis 12 dégâts. Cela ferait 8 au-delà de 0. Avec un BE de 5, cela donnerait un +30 au coup critique obtenu.<br><br>Ex. Il me reste 4 blessures, Enurance 50, je subis 5 dégâts. Cela ferait 1 au-delà de 0. Avec une BE de 5, cela donnerait un -40 au coup critique obtenu.",
"SETTINGS.SLDOS":"Degrés de Succès",
"SETTINGS.SLFast":"DR Rapide",
"SETTINGS.SLMethod":"Méthode de calcul des DR",
"SETTINGS.SLMethodHint":"Configure la méthode de calcul des DR lors de tests",
"SETTINGS.UIABleeding":"Etat Hémorragique de Up In Arms",
"SETTINGS.UIABleedingHint":"Change l'état Hémorragique comme indiqué dans Up In Arms, page 80",
"ROLL.CatastrophicMis":"Incantations Imparfaites Catastrophiques",
@ -285,7 +293,9 @@
"SHEET.GenerateName":"Générer un nom",
"SHEET.CannotDeleteItemEffect":"Cet Effet provient d'un Item de cet acteur. Supprimer l'Item lui-même ou l'Effet depuis l'onglet Effet de la fiche de l'Item.",
"SHEET.TemporaryEffectHint":"Ces Effets proviennent de l'acteur qui les possède. Utiliser la fiche de personnage pour interagir avec.",
"SHEET.ItemSheetEditableDisabled":"L'édition de cet Item est désactivé tant que les effets de {effects} sont actifs. Désactivez ou supprimez ces effets sur l'acteur concerné.",
"SHEET.LocationAP":"Localisation des PA",
"ACTOR.BasicSkillsTitle" : "Ajouter les compétences de base",
"ACTOR.BasicSkillsPrompt": "Ajouter les compétences de base ?",
"ACTOR.PreparationError" : "Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la préparation des données d'Acteurs: ",
@ -371,6 +381,7 @@
"ITEM.TestSkill":"Test de compétence",
"ITEM.VitalRoles":"Roles vitaux",
"ITEM.LearningXP":"XP d'Apprentissage",
"BleedCrit":"L'hémorrage de <b>{name}</b> coagule un peu : 1 Hémorragie peut-être retirée.",
"BleedFail":"<b>{name}</b> meur de sa perte de sang !",
@ -939,6 +950,8 @@
"DIALOG.ErrorMustSelectItem":"Au moins 1 item doit être selectionné",
"DIALOG.ChooseActor":"Choisissez l'Acteur pour réaliser le test",
"DIALOG.ItemDialog":"Fenêtre d'Item",
"DIALOG.LinkCareer":"Relier la carrière",
"DIALOG.LinkCareerContent":"Relier {new} avec {old}? Les compétences de {old} seront ajoutées à {new}, tout en préservant toutes les spécialisations effectuées avec la carrière précédente.",
"CHAT.CareerChoose" : "Choisissez votre carrière",
"CHAT.DamageError" : "Erreur de calcul des dégâts:",
@ -1311,6 +1324,8 @@
"MARKET.NotifyNoActor": "Aucun acteur n'est selectionné ou associé avec l'utilisateur actuel",
"MARKET.ItemAdded": "{item} ajouté à {actor}",
"MARKET.PaidFor":"<b>Produit acheté :</b> {product}",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Weapon" : "Arme",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Armour" : "Armure",
@ -2455,6 +2470,7 @@
"TYPES.Item.vehicleRole":"Role de Véhicule",
"TYPES.Item.vehicleTest":"Test d'équipage de véhicule",
"Badger": "Blaireau",
"Badgers": "Blaireaux",
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 51 KiB |
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"url": "",
"version": "8.2.2",
"version": "8.4.2",
"esmodules": [
@ -117,10 +117,10 @@
"manifest": "",
"download": "",
"download": "",
"id": "wh4-fr-translation",
"compatibility": {
"minimum": "11",
"minimum": "12",
"verified": "12"
"relationships": {
@ -222,10 +222,12 @@ const __check_fix_wrong_modules = (chatFlag, patchFinished) => {
let coreFound = false;
game.modules.forEach((module, name) => {
//console.log("TESTING MODULE", module)
if ( == "wfrp4e-core" && {
coreFound = true
if ( == "wfrp4e-eis" && {
@ -255,12 +257,21 @@ const __check_fix_wrong_modules = (chatFlag, patchFinished) => {
if (game.user.isGM && patchFinished) {
content: "<div>Les modules WFRP4E ont été <strong>patchés avec succés</strong>. Vous pouvez y aller et que <strong>Shallya vous garde !</strong></div><div>Derniers changements : Support wfrp4 v8.X, import de personnage OK</div></ul>",
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")
if ( !coreFound) {
if (game.user.isGM && chatFlag) {
content: "<div><strong>Le module Core WFRP4E n'a pas été trouvé ou activé. Veuillez acheter et/ou activer ce module de base avant de continuer.</strong></div>",
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")
} else {
if (game.user.isGM && patchFinished) {
content: "<div>Les modules WFRP4E ont été <strong>patchés avec succés</strong>. Vous pouvez y aller et que <strong>Shallya vous garde !</strong></div><div>Derniers changements : Support WFRP4E v8.3.X</div></ul>",
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")
@ -355,6 +366,11 @@ const __add_actors_translation = () => {
// Close the warning dialog
if ( game.wfrp4e.warnDialog) {
game.wfrp4e.warnDialog = null;
@ -373,6 +389,13 @@ Hooks.on("chatMessage", (html, content, msg) => {
Hooks.on('ready', () => {
if (game.user.isGM) {
game.wfrp4e.warnDialog = new Dialog({
title: "Chargement de la traduction FR - Merci d'attendre",
content: `<img src="modules/wh4-fr-translation/images/warhammer-v1-logo.webp"><p class="wfrp4-fr-message">Les moines de l'ordre de l'Enclume, associés aux légistes de Talabaheim, préparent la traduction Bretonnienne de ce monde...</h3><p class="wfrp4-fr-message">Merci d'attendre la disparition de ce message pour vaquer dans l'Empire.</p> <p class="wfrp4-fr-message">Si une bénédiction de Shallya apparait dans le tchat, c'est que tout s'est bien passé.</p>`,
buttons: {
game.wfrp4e.warnDialog.render(true, {focus: true, left: 20, top: 20});
let chatData = {
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
@ -412,11 +435,11 @@ Hooks.on('ready', () => {
"doom": "Maudit (-40)"
console.log("WFRP4E-TRANSLATION | Loading timeout");
game.wfrp4e.warnDialog.render(true, {focus: true, left: 20, top: 20});
//setTimeout( __check_fix_wrong_modules, 2000, true, false);
setTimeout(__check_fix_wrong_modules, 20000, true, true);
setTimeout(__add_actors_translation, 21000, false, true);
@ -257,8 +257,12 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
s1 = res[1].trim() + " ( )";
translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: s1, type: "skill" }, true)
translw = translItem?.name || undefined
let res2 = re.exec(translw);
transl = res2[1] + "(" + subword + ")";
if(translw) {
let res2 = re.exec(translw);
transl = res2[1] + "(" + subword + ")";
} else {
transl = res[1] + " (" + subword + ")";
@ -354,6 +358,10 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (let compData of validCompendiums) {
let translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: talents_list[i] }, true);
// Specific case management
if (talents_list[i] === "Trapper") {
translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: "a7v422EZcOUUC20X" }, true);
//console.log("Search talent name:",, talents_list[i], translItem);
let transl = translItem?.name || undefined
if (!transl) transl = talents_list[i]
@ -601,6 +609,7 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
"mutations_modifier": (value) => { // This is really UGLYYYY i know, but i started like this and discovered afterward that many strings were not easy to automate... Sorry :)
//console.log("Parsing mutation :", value);
if (!value) return;
value = value.toLowerCase();
value = value.replace("gain a broken condition if you fail a test derived from ", "Gagnez un état Brisé si vous échouez à un test dérivé de ");
value = value.replace("weapon skill", "Capacité de Combat");
@ -658,6 +667,10 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
// Auto-translate duration
"spells_duration_range_target_damage": (value) => {
return WFRP4FrTranslation.processSpellContent(value);
// Auto-translate disease duration units
"disease_duration_unit": (unit) => {
return game.i18n.localize(unit).capitalize();
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:13:31.262428 7f1b816006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/10/25-11:13:31.272351 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/10/25-11:13:31.272485 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/10/25-11:14:12.961212 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.961246 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.968824 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/10/25-11:14:12.982105 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/09-09:17:39.465875 7f663d3f96c0 Recovering log #979
2025/03/09-09:17:39.477167 7f663d3f96c0 Delete type=3 #977
2025/03/09-09:17:39.477309 7f663d3f96c0 Delete type=0 #979
2025/03/09-09:22:42.197212 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: started
2025/03/09-09:22:42.197251 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/09-09:22:42.203836 7f66373ff6c0 Delete type=0 #982
2025/03/09-09:22:42.211326 7f66373ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:02:14.613097 7f1b802006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/10/25-11:06:53.515546 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/10/25-11:06:53.515583 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:53.632155 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/10/25-11:06:53.632384 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 16 : 1
2024/10/25-11:06:53.632399 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/10/25-11:06:53.682364 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 13 keys, 49612 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.682409 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 49612 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.759685 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:53.759831 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:53.760171 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 16 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/26-19:09:47.748992 7fcd21ffb6c0 Recovering log #975
2025/02/26-19:09:47.759713 7fcd21ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #973
2025/02/26-19:09:47.759787 7fcd21ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #975
2025/02/26-19:52:07.792150 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: started
2025/02/26-19:52:07.792171 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/26-19:52:07.798975 7fcd20bff6c0 Delete type=0 #978
2025/02/26-19:52:07.799198 7fcd20bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:13:31.274940 7f1b80c006c0 Recovering log #876
2024/10/25-11:13:31.284797 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #874
2024/10/25-11:13:31.284855 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=0 #876
2024/10/25-11:14:13.007098 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #882: started
2024/10/25-11:14:13.007123 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #882: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013389 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #880
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013596 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/09-09:17:39.486791 7f663dbfa6c0 Recovering log #981
2025/03/09-09:17:39.497698 7f663dbfa6c0 Delete type=3 #979
2025/03/09-09:17:39.497812 7f663dbfa6c0 Delete type=0 #981
2025/03/09-09:22:42.189568 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #986: started
2025/03/09-09:22:42.189606 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #986: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/09-09:22:42.196916 7f66373ff6c0 Delete type=0 #984
2025/03/09-09:22:42.211312 7f66373ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:02:14.635105 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/10/25-11:06:53.761405 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #877: started
2024/10/25-11:06:53.761445 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #877: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:53.848549 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #875
2024/10/25-11:06:53.848875 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 319 : 1
2024/10/25-11:06:53.848896 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/10/25-11:06:53.909256 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #878@0: 103 keys, 115139 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.909290 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 115139 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.987532 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:53.987683 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #743
2024/10/25-11:06:53.987868 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 319 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/26-19:09:47.766149 7fcd227fc6c0 Recovering log #977
2025/02/26-19:09:47.776334 7fcd227fc6c0 Delete type=3 #975
2025/02/26-19:09:47.776384 7fcd227fc6c0 Delete type=0 #977
2025/02/26-19:52:07.799420 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #982: started
2025/02/26-19:52:07.799454 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #982: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/26-19:52:07.805975 7fcd20bff6c0 Delete type=0 #980
2025/02/26-19:52:07.826154 7fcd20bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:13:31.299705 7f1b80c006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/10/25-11:13:31.310265 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/10/25-11:13:31.310327 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/10/25-11:14:12.992713 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.992746 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.999857 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013573 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/09-09:17:39.520124 7f663cbf86c0 Recovering log #979
2025/03/09-09:17:39.530733 7f663cbf86c0 Delete type=3 #977
2025/03/09-09:17:39.530816 7f663cbf86c0 Delete type=0 #979
2025/03/09-09:22:42.204043 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: started
2025/03/09-09:22:42.204111 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/09-09:22:42.211072 7f66373ff6c0 Delete type=0 #982
2025/03/09-09:22:42.211361 7f66373ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:02:14.680878 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/10/25-11:06:54.489608 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/10/25-11:06:54.489645 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:54.679020 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/10/25-11:06:54.679237 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 2 : 1
2024/10/25-11:06:54.679254 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/10/25-11:06:54.778037 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 3 keys, 19297 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.778079 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 19297 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.859309 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:54.859494 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:54.859833 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 2 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/26-19:09:47.798732 7fcd217fa6c0 Recovering log #975
2025/02/26-19:09:47.809876 7fcd217fa6c0 Delete type=3 #973
2025/02/26-19:09:47.810001 7fcd217fa6c0 Delete type=0 #975
2025/02/26-19:52:07.806137 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: started
2025/02/26-19:52:07.806168 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/26-19:52:07.812617 7fcd20bff6c0 Delete type=0 #978
2025/02/26-19:52:07.826172 7fcd20bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:13:31.249309 7f1b80c006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/10/25-11:13:31.259752 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/10/25-11:13:31.259834 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/10/25-11:14:12.968938 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.968964 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.975187 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/10/25-11:14:12.982122 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/09-09:17:39.449618 7f663cbf86c0 Recovering log #979
2025/03/09-09:17:39.461090 7f663cbf86c0 Delete type=3 #977
2025/03/09-09:17:39.461197 7f663cbf86c0 Delete type=0 #979
2025/03/09-09:22:42.167971 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: started
2025/03/09-09:22:42.168022 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/09-09:22:42.175033 7f66373ff6c0 Delete type=0 #982
2025/03/09-09:22:42.182722 7f66373ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:02:14.590539 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/10/25-11:06:52.669208 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/10/25-11:06:52.669239 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:52.960331 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/10/25-11:06:52.960532 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 68 : 1
2024/10/25-11:06:52.960542 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/10/25-11:06:53.057622 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 46 keys, 59885 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.057653 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 59885 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.513947 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:53.514078 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:53.514263 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 68 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/26-19:09:47.734798 7fcd217fa6c0 Recovering log #975
2025/02/26-19:09:47.744745 7fcd217fa6c0 Delete type=3 #973
2025/02/26-19:09:47.744853 7fcd217fa6c0 Delete type=0 #975
2025/02/26-19:52:07.778784 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: started
2025/02/26-19:52:07.778814 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/26-19:52:07.785685 7fcd20bff6c0 Delete type=0 #978
2025/02/26-19:52:07.799169 7fcd20bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:13:31.235665 7f1b816006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/10/25-11:13:31.246253 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/10/25-11:13:31.246323 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/10/25-11:14:12.975313 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.975344 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.981863 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/10/25-11:14:12.982140 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/09-09:17:39.425524 7f6637fff6c0 Recovering log #979
2025/03/09-09:17:39.444066 7f6637fff6c0 Delete type=3 #977
2025/03/09-09:17:39.444176 7f6637fff6c0 Delete type=0 #979
2025/03/09-09:22:42.175270 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: started
2025/03/09-09:22:42.175332 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #984: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/09-09:22:42.182508 7f66373ff6c0 Delete type=0 #982
2025/03/09-09:22:42.182759 7f66373ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:02:14.565982 7f1b802006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/10/25-11:06:52.438654 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/10/25-11:06:52.438743 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:52.529229 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/10/25-11:06:52.529553 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 461 : 1
2024/10/25-11:06:52.529576 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/10/25-11:06:52.585202 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 234 keys, 20231 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:52.585250 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 20231 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:52.667658 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:52.667838 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:52.668122 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 461 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/26-19:09:47.707661 7fcd22ffd6c0 Recovering log #975
2025/02/26-19:09:47.731020 7fcd22ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #973
2025/02/26-19:09:47.731122 7fcd22ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #975
2025/02/26-19:52:07.785830 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: started
2025/02/26-19:52:07.785860 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #980: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/26-19:52:07.792033 7fcd20bff6c0 Delete type=0 #978
2025/02/26-19:52:07.799185 7fcd20bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:13:31.288238 7f1b816006c0 Recovering log #517
2024/10/25-11:13:31.297752 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #515
2024/10/25-11:13:31.297826 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=0 #517
2024/10/25-11:14:12.999976 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #523: started
2024/10/25-11:14:13.000000 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #523: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:13.006975 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #521
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013584 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/09-09:17:39.503863 7f6637fff6c0 Recovering log #622
2025/03/09-09:17:39.514369 7f6637fff6c0 Delete type=3 #620
2025/03/09-09:17:39.514464 7f6637fff6c0 Delete type=0 #622
2025/03/09-09:22:42.182959 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #627: started
2025/03/09-09:22:42.182995 7f66373ff6c0 Level-0 table #627: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/09-09:22:42.189384 7f66373ff6c0 Delete type=0 #625
2025/03/09-09:22:42.211291 7f66373ff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
2024/10/25-11:02:14.656712 7f1b802006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/10/25-11:06:53.988857 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #518: started
2024/10/25-11:06:53.988906 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #518: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:54.197076 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #516
2024/10/25-11:06:54.197236 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 35 : 1
2024/10/25-11:06:54.197245 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/10/25-11:06:54.299700 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #519@0: 24 keys, 67583 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.299719 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 67583 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.488386 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:54.488518 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #384
2024/10/25-11:06:54.488671 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 35 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/02/26-19:09:47.781176 7fcd22ffd6c0 Recovering log #618
2025/02/26-19:09:47.791851 7fcd22ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #616
2025/02/26-19:09:47.791930 7fcd22ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #618
2025/02/26-19:52:07.819942 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #623: started
2025/02/26-19:52:07.819978 7fcd20bff6c0 Level-0 table #623: 0 bytes OK
2025/02/26-19:52:07.826003 7fcd20bff6c0 Delete type=0 #621
2025/02/26-19:52:07.826217 7fcd20bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -2,3 +2,9 @@
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