Compendiums traduits, nouvelle dépendance Babele, ajout de Samsara et X.O. de Vorcen aux auteurs
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
"entries": [
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Ace",
"name": "As"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Acrobat",
"name": "Acrobate"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Alertness",
"name": "Vigilant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.37",
"id": "Ambidextrous",
"name": "Ambidextre"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.148",
"id": "Arcane Background (Gifted)",
"name": "Arcane (Don)"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.148",
"id": "Arcane Background (Magic)",
"name": "Arcane (Magie)"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.148",
"id": "Arcane Background (Miracles)",
"name": "Arcane (Miracles)"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.148",
"id": "Arcane Background (Psionics)",
"name": "Arcane (Psionique)"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.148",
"id": "Arcane Background (Weird Science)",
"name": "Arcane (Science Étrange)"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.39",
"id": "Arcane Resistance",
"name": "Résistance aux Arcanes"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.37",
"id": "Aristocrat",
"name": "Aristocrate"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Artificer",
"name": "Artificier"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Assassin",
"name": "Assassin"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.40",
"id": "Attractive",
"name": "Séduisant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.48",
"id": "Beast Bond",
"name": "Lien Animal"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.48",
"id": "Beast Master",
"name": "Maître des Bêtes"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Berserk",
"name": "Enragé"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Block",
"name": "Blocage"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Bolster",
"name": "Pique Revigorante"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.37",
"id": "Brave",
"name": "Brave"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Brawler",
"name": "Bagarreur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Brawny",
"name": "Costaud"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Bruiser",
"name": "Cogneur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.37",
"id": "Brute",
"name": "Brute"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Calculating",
"name": "Calculateur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.48",
"id": "Champion",
"name": "Champion"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Channeling",
"name": "Canalisation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Charismatic",
"name": "Charismatique"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.48",
"id": "Chi",
"name": "Chi"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Combat Acrobat",
"name": "Acrobate de Combat"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Combat Reflexes",
"name": "Combatif"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Command",
"name": "Commandement"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Command Presence",
"name": "Grande Aura de Commandement"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Common Bond",
"name": "Lien Mutuel"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Concentration",
"name": "Concentration"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Connections",
"name": "Contacts"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Counterattack",
"name": "Contre-Attaque"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Danger Sense",
"name": "Sixième Sens"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Dead Shot",
"name": "Dans le Mille !"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Dodge",
"name": "Esquive"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Double Tap",
"name": "Double Détente"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.39",
"id": "Elan",
"name": "Panache"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Expert",
"name": "Expert"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Extra Effort",
"name": "Effort Supplémentaire"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Extraction",
"name": "Extraction"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Fame",
"name": "Notoriété"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.39",
"id": "Famous",
"name": "Célébrité"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Fast Healer",
"name": "Guérison Rapide"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Feint",
"name": "Feinte"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Fervor",
"name": "Ferveur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.40",
"id": "Filthy Rich",
"name": "Très Riche"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "First Strike",
"name": "Frappe Éclair"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.40",
"id": "Fleet-Footed",
"name": "Véloce"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Followers",
"name": "Suivants"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Free Runner",
"name": "Coureur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Frenzy",
"name": "Frénésie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Gadgeteer",
"name": "Bricoleur de Génie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Giant Killer",
"name": "Tueur de Géant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Great Luck",
"name": "Très Chanceux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Hard To Kill",
"name": "Increvable"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Harder To Kill",
"name": "Trompe-la-Mort"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.48",
"id": "Healer",
"name": "Guérisseur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Hold the Line!",
"name": "Serrez les rangs !"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "Holy/Unholy Warrior",
"name": "Guerrier Saint/Impie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Humiliate",
"name": "Humiliation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.39",
"id": "Improved Arcane Resistance",
"name": "Grande Résistance aux Arcanes"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Improved Block",
"name": "Grand Blocage"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Improved Counterattack",
"name": "Grande Contre-Attaque"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Improved Dodge",
"name": "Grande Esquive"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Improved Extraction",
"name": "Grande Extraction"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Improved First Strike",
"name": "Frappe Froudroyante"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Improved Frenzy",
"name": "Frénésie Suprême"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Improved Level Headed",
"name": "Sang-Froid"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Improved Nerves of Steel",
"name": "Nerfs d'Acier Trempé"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Improved Rapid Fire",
"name": "Tir Très Rapide"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "Improved Rapid Recharge",
"name": "Grande Source de Pouvoir"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Improved Sweep",
"name": "Grand Balayage"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Improved Trademark Weapon",
"name": "Arme Fétiche Adorée"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.43",
"id": "Improvisational Fighter",
"name": "Improvisation Martiale"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Inspire",
"name": "Inspiration"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.50",
"id": "Investigator",
"name": "Investigateur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Iron Jaw",
"name": "Mâchoire d'Acier"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Iron Will",
"name": "Volonté de Fer"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Jack-Of-All-Trades",
"name": "Touche-à-Tout"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Killer Instinct",
"name": "Instinct de Tueur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Level Headed",
"name": "Tête Froide"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Linguist",
"name": "Linguiste"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.48",
"id": "Liquid Courage",
"name": "Courage Liquide"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.38",
"id": "Luck",
"name": "Chanceux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Marksman",
"name": "Tireur d'Élite"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Martial Artist",
"name": "Arts Martiaux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Martial Warrior",
"name": "Maîtrise des Arts Martiaux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Master",
"name": "Maître"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Master of Arms",
"name": "Maître d'Armes Légendaire"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Master Tactician",
"name": "Maître Tacticien"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Mcgyver",
"name": "Débrouillard"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Menacing",
"name": "Menaçant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "Mentalist",
"name": "Mentaliste"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Mighty Blow",
"name": "Coup Puissant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Mr Fix It",
"name": "Bidouilleur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Natural Leader",
"name": "Leader Naturel"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Nerves of Steel",
"name": "Nerfs d'Acier"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "New Powers",
"name": "Nouveaux Pouvoirs"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "No Mercy",
"name": "Sans Pitié"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "Power Points",
"name": "Points de Pouvoir"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Power Surge",
"name": "Afflux de Pouvoir"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Professional",
"name": "Professionnel"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Provoke",
"name": "Provocateur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.40",
"id": "Quick",
"name": "Vif"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Rabble-Rouser",
"name": "Agitateur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Rapid Fire",
"name": "Tir Rapide"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "Rapid Recharge",
"name": "Source de Pouvoir"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Reliable",
"name": "Fiable"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Retort",
"name": "Réplique Acerbe"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.40",
"id": "Rich",
"name": "Riche"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Rock and Roll!",
"name": "Rock'n Roll!"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.49",
"id": "Scavenger",
"name": "Recycleur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.50",
"id": "Scholar",
"name": "Érudit"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Sidekick",
"name": "Acolyte"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Soldier",
"name": "Soldat"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.46",
"id": "Soul Drain",
"name": "Drain de l'Âme"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.44",
"id": "Steady Hands",
"name": "Poigne Ferme"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Streetwise",
"name": "Réseau"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.52",
"id": "Strong Willed",
"name": "Déterminé"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Sweep",
"name": "Balayage"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.45",
"id": "Tactician",
"name": "Tacticien"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Thief",
"name": "Voleur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Tough As Nails",
"name": "Endurci"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Tougher Than Nails",
"name": "Coriace"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.41",
"id": "Trademark Weapon",
"name": "Arme Fétiche"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Two-Fisted",
"name": "Combat à deux Armes"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.42",
"id": "Two-Gun Kid",
"name": "Double Flingue"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.40",
"id": "Very Attractive",
"name": "Très Séduisant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.53",
"id": "Weapon Master",
"name": "Maître d'Armes"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.47",
"id": "Wizard",
"name": "Mage"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.50",
"id": "Woodsman",
"name": "Forestier"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Work the Crowd",
"name": "Chauffeur de Foule"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.51",
"id": "Work The Room",
"name": "Chauffeur de Salle"
"label": "SWADE Atouts",
"mapping": {
"description": "data.description"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
"entries": [
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "All Thumbs",
"name": "2 mains gauches"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Anemic",
"name": "Anémique"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Arrogant",
"name": "Arrogant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Bad Eyes",
"name": "Myope"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "Bad Luck",
"name": "Malchanceux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Big Mouth",
"name": "Bavard"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Blind",
"name": "Aveugle"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Bloodthirsty",
"name": "Sanguinaire"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Can't Swim",
"name": "Mauvais nageur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.27",
"id": "Cautious",
"name": "Prudent"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Clueless",
"name": "Ignorant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Clumsy",
"name": "Lourdaud"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Code of Honor",
"name": "Code d'honneur"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Curious",
"name": "Curieux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Death Wish",
"name": "Rien à perdre"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Delusional",
"name": "Chimère"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Doubting Thomas",
"name": "Sceptique"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Driven",
"name": "Obsession"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Elderly",
"name": "Agé"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Enemy",
"name": "Ennemis"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Greedy",
"name": "Cupide"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25/26",
"id": "Habit",
"name": "Mauvaise habitude"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Hard of Hearing",
"name": "Dur d'oreille"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Heroic",
"name": "Héroïque"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Hesitant",
"name": "Hésitant"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24/25",
"id": "Illiterate",
"name": "Illettré"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "Impulsive",
"name": "Impulsif"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "Jealous",
"name": "Jaloux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "Loyal",
"name": "Loyal"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Mean",
"name": "Sale caractère"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Mild Mannered",
"name": "Timoré"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Mute",
"name": "Muet"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Obese",
"name": "Obèse"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Obligation",
"name": "Obligation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "One Arm",
"name": "Manchot"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "One Eye",
"name": "Borgne"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Outsider",
"name": "Etranger"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.27",
"id": "Overconfident",
"name": "Présomptueux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Pacifist",
"name": "Pacifiste"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.27",
"id": "Phobia",
"name": "Phobie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.27",
"id": "Poverty",
"name": "Poches percées"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Quirk",
"name": "Bizarrerie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "Ruthless",
"name": "Impitoyable"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Secret",
"name": "Secret"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Shamed",
"name": "Déshonoré"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.25",
"id": "Slow",
"name": "Lent"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.24",
"id": "Small",
"name": "Frêle"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Stubborn",
"name": "Tétu"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Suspicious",
"name": "Suspicieux"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Thin Skinned",
"name": "Thin Skinned"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Tongue-Tied",
"name": "Défaut d'élocution"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.26",
"id": "Ugly",
"name": "Moche"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.27",
"id": "Vengeful",
"name": "Rancunier"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.28",
"id": "Vow",
"name": "Serment"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.27",
"id": "Wanted",
"name": "Recherché"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.23",
"id": "Yellow",
"name": "Couard"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.22",
"id": "Young",
"name": "Gamin"
"label": "SWADE Handicaps",
"mapping": {
"description": "data.description"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
"entries": [
"description": "Voir SWADE p.30",
"id": "Academics",
"name": "Éducation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.29",
"id": "Athletics",
"name": "Athlétisme"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.35",
"id": "Battle",
"name": "Stratégie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.33",
"id": "Boating",
"name": "Navigation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.30",
"id": "Common Knowledge",
"name": "Culture Générale"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.29",
"id": "Driving",
"name": "Conduite"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Electronics",
"name": "Électronique"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Faith",
"name": "Foi"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.29",
"id": "Fighting",
"name": "Combat"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Focus",
"name": "Focus"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Gambling",
"name": "Jeu"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Hacking",
"name": "Informatique"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.35",
"id": "Healing",
"name": "Soins"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Intimidation",
"name": "Intimidation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Language",
"name": "Langue"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.33",
"id": "Notice",
"name": "Perception"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.33",
"id": "Occult",
"name": "Occultisme"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.29",
"id": "Performance",
"name": "Performance"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.34",
"id": "Persuasion",
"name": "Persuasion"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.34",
"id": "Piloting",
"name": "Pilotage"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.34",
"id": "Psionics",
"name": "Psioniques"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.35",
"id": "Repair",
"name": "Réparation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.34",
"id": "Research",
"name": "Recherche"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.31",
"id": "Riding",
"name": "Équitation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.35",
"id": "Science",
"name": "Science"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.36",
"id": "Shooting",
"name": "Tir"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.33",
"id": "Spellcasting",
"name": "Magie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.30",
"id": "Stealth",
"name": "Discrétion"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.36",
"id": "Survival",
"name": "Survie"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.34",
"id": "Taunt",
"name": " Provocation"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.35",
"id": "Thievery",
"name": "Subterfuge"
"description": "page inconnue",
"id": "Unskilled Attempt",
"name": "Tentative sans qualification"
"description": "Voir SWADE p.35",
"id": "Weird Science",
"name": "Science Étrange"
"label": "SWADE Compétences",
"mapping": {
"description": "data.description"
@ -1,16 +1,36 @@
"name": "swade-fr",
"title": "SWADE French translation",
"description": "Adds French(FRANCE) to the SWADE system",
"version": "0.17.2",
"description": "Adds French(FRANCE) to the SWADE system <p>*** Join the official Discord server: <a href=''> Official Discord</a></p><p>*** Rejoignez la communauté Francophone: <a href=''>Francophone Discord</a></p>",
"version": "0.17.3",
"minimumCoreVersion" : "0.7.9",
"compatibleCoreVersion" : "0.7.9",
"author": "Kyane, Leratier Bretonnien, U~man",
"author": "Sasmira, Kyane, Leratier Bretonnien, U~man, X.O. de Vorcen",
"dependencies": [
"name": "babele",
"type": "module",
"manifest": ""
"name": "swade",
"type": "system"
"name": "dice-so-nice",
"type": "module",
"manifest": ""
"scripts": [],
"styles": ["swade-fr.css"],
"packs": [],
"esmodules": [
"languages": [
"lang": "fr",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Hooks.once('init', () => {
if(typeof Babele !== 'undefined') {
console.log("BABELE LOADED !!!");
module: 'swade-fr',
lang: 'fr',
dir: 'compendiums'
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