Add unofficial grimoire support
This commit is contained in:
@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
var fullprayers = game.packs.get(compmod+'.prayers');
var eisitems = game.packs.get('eis.eisitems');
var eisspells = game.packs.get('eis.eisspells');
var ugspells = game.packs.get('wfrp4e-unofficial-grimoire.spells-ug');
console.log("Comp :", compmod, fulltraits);
for (let trait_en of beast_traits)
@ -328,6 +329,9 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
if ( (! || ! || ! && eisspells) { // If no translation, test eisspells
trait_fr = eisspells.translate( { name: name_en } );
if ( (! || ! || ! && ugspells) { // If no translation, test eisspells
trait_fr = ugspells.translate( { name: name_en } );
//console.log(">>>>> Spell ?", name_en, special, );
|||| = + special;
if ( && && )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"label": "Carrières (UG)",
"mapping": {
"skills": {
"path": "data.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"talents": {
"path": "data.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"class": {
"path": "data.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"careergroup": {
"path": "data.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"trappings": "data.trappings"
"entries": [
"id": "Druidic Elder",
"name": "Ancien Druide",
"description": "",
"trappings": [
"Robes d'Ancien",
"id": "Druidic Initiate",
"name": "Ovate",
"description": "",
"trappings": [
"Robe faite maison",
"Bouse avec des noies et des baies",
"Symbole de la Mère"
"id": "Druidic Master",
"name": "Maître Druide",
"description": "",
"trappings": [
"Sac à dos",
"Hutte isolée"
"id": "Druidic Priest",
"name": "Druide",
"description": "",
"trappings": [
"Potion de Soins",
"Arme à 1 main ou Bâton de Combat",
"Outils d'Herboriste"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
"label": "Familiers (UG)",
"entries": [
"id": "Bat (Familiar)",
"name": "Chauve-Souris (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Car. : Initiative<br>Compétences & Talents : Sens Aiguisé (Ouïe), Vision Nocturne<br>Régime : Carnivore<br>Environnement : Grottes, Forêts, Prairies</p>",
"id": "Bear (Familiar)",
"name": "Ours (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac. : Force<br>Compétences & Talents : Résistance, Coup Puissant<br>Régime : Omnivore<br>Environnement : Grottes, Forêts, Prairies boisées</p>"
"id": "Bison (Familiar)",
"name": "Bison (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac:Endurance<br>Compétences & Talents : Très résistant, Très fort<br>Régime : Herbivore<br>Environnement: Prairies, Plaines, Prairies boisées</p>"
"id": "Boar (Familiar)",
"name": "Sanglier (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Capacité de Combat<br>Compétences & Talents : Frénésie, Coeur vaillant<br>Régime : Omnivore<br>Environnement : Forêts, Prairies boisées<br></p>"
"id": "Cat (Familiar)",
"name": "Chat (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Force Mentale<br>Compétences & Talents : Souplesse féline, Sixième Sens<br>Régime : Carnivore<br>Environnement : Forêts, Montagnes, Prairies boisées</p>"
"id": "Dog (Familiar)",
"name": "Chien (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Sociabilité<br>Compétences & Talents : Sens Aiguisé (Odorat), Sociable<br>Régime : Omnivore<br>Environnement : Prairies, Prairies boisées, Urbain</p>"
"id": "Eagle (Familiar)",
"name": "Aigle (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Capacité de Combat<br>Compétences & Talents : Sens Aiguisé (Vue), Navigation<br>Régime : Carnivore<br>Environnement : Prairies, Montagnes</p>"
"id": "Elk (Familiar)",
"name": "Cerf (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Initiative<br>Compétences & Talents : Sixième Sens, Sprinter<br>Régime : Herbivore<br>Environnement : Forêts, Prairies, Plaines</p>"
"id": "Fox (Familiar)",
"name": "Renard (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Sociabilté<br>Compétences & Talents : Menteur, Trappeur<br>Régime : Omnivore<br>Environnement : Rural, Urbanin</p>"
"id": "Frog (Familiar)",
"name": "Grenouille (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Agilité<br>Compétences & Talents : Jambs Puissantes, Natation<br>Régime : Insectes<br>Environnement : Cotiers, Aquatique</p>"
"id": "Horse (Familiar)",
"name": "Cheval (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Force<br>Compétences & Talents : Chevaucher (Horse), Cavalier émérite<br>Régime : Herbivore<br>Environnement : Prairies, Plaines<br></p>"
"id": "Otter (Familiar)",
"name": "Loutre (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Initiative<br>Compétences & Talents : Pas de Côté, Natation<br>Régime : Poisson<br>Environnement : Aquatique</p>"
"id": "Owl (Familiar)",
"name": "Hibou (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Intelligence<br>Compétences & Talents : Vision Nocturne, Seconde Vue<br>Régime : Carnivore<br>Environnement : Forêts, Prairies, Prairies boisées</p>"
"id": "Rabbit (Familiar)",
"name": "Lapin (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Initiative<br>Compétences & Talents : Esquive, Fuite!<br>Régime : Herbivore<br>Environnement : Prairies, Souterrains</p>"
"id": "Rat (Familiar)",
"name": "Rat (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Agilité<br>Compétences & Talents : Résistance (Maladie), Grimpeur<br>Régime : Omnivore <br>Environnement : Souterrains, Urbain</p>"
"id": "Raven (Familiar)",
"name": "Corbeau (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Force Mentale<br>Compétences & Talents : Sens Aiguisé (Vue), Intuition<br>Régime : Omnivore<br>Environnement : Champs de bataille, Forêts</p>"
"id": "Snake (Familiar)",
"name": "Serpent (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Capacité de Combat<br>Compétences & Talents : Résistance (Poison), Frappe Blessante<br>Régime : Carnivore<br>Environnement : Côtier, Rural</p>"
"id": "Squirrel (Familiar)",
"name": "Ecureuil (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac : Agilité<br>Compétences & Talents : Athlétisme, Grimpeur<br>Régime : Herbivore<br>Environnement : Forêts, Urbain</p>"
"id": "Stoat (Familiar)",
"name": "Hermine (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Capacité de Combat<br>Compétences & Talents : Athlétisme, Grimpeure<br>Régime : Carnivore<br>Environnement : Forêts, Souterrains</p>"
"id": "Wolf (Familiar)",
"name": "Loup (Familier)",
"description": "<p>Carac: Initiative<br>Compétences & Talents : Nomade, Pistage<br>Régime : Omnivore<br>Environnement: Prairies, Rural<br><br><br></p>"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
"label": "Sorts (UG)",
"mapping": {
"sduration": {
"path": "data.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "data.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "data.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"entries": [
"id": "Absorb Corruption",
"name": "Absorber la Corruption",
"description": "<p>Vous posez vos mains sur un personnage ou un animal commun de votre taille ou plus petit et vous lui retirez 1 Point de Corruption, en l’absorbant dans votre âme. En réalisant ceci, vous devez réussir un Test de Résistance à la Corruption (Mineure). Lancez ce sort sur une créature avec le Trait Corruption n’a aucun effet, à moins que le MJ en décide autrement. Surincantation: Pour chaque +3 DR, vous pouvez absorber 1 autre Point de Corruption, assorti d’un nouveau Test de Résistance à la Corruption (Mineure).</p>"
"id": "Amber Contour",
"name": "Contours Ambrés",
"description": "<p>Vous ciblez une cible et vous tracez sa forme, tandis qu’une subtile ligne de Ghur clignote autour de la cible. Tout les Tests de Combat contrez cette créature bénéficient de +1 Avantage. Note: Ce sort peut avoir d’autres usages que le combat direct, selon le votre bon sens et celui du MJ. Par exemple, un MJ pourrait accorder qu’une foule en colère puisse devenir hostile à la cible, ou que des gardes se mettent à arrêter et à questionner le personnage ciblé.</p>"
"id": "Animal Mastery",
"name": "Maîtrise Animale",
"description": "<p>Vous initiez une communication télépathique avec un animal commun de votre taille ou plus petit. Vous communiquez librement avec l’animal, en cohérence avec son Intelligence. Pendant la durée du sort, vous ne pouvez discutez avec d’autres personnes, ni lancer d’autre sort. Selon l’animal et sa personnalité, vous pouvez même lui donner des ordres, mais le MJ peut vous demander des Tests Opposés d’Emprise sur les Animaux. <br>Surincantation: Pour chaque +2, vous gagnez un bonus de +20 pour n’importe quel test d’Emprise sur les Animaux ou Dressage tant que le sort dure. Pour +3DR, le sort peu cible une Grande créature.</p>"
"id": "Aura of Purity",
"name": "Aura de Pureté",
"description": "<p>Ce sort nécessite dix minutes de méditation silencieuse avant de le Focalisé et de le lancer. Vous conjurerez un dôme d'ambre translucide et d'énergie de jade qui repousse la plupart des créatures et dépérit la végétation envahissante. Les prêtres druidiques, les adeptes de la Foi Antique et les familiers peuvent entrer et sortir librement du dôme. Les créatures aux Traits Corruption , Démoniaque , Mutation ou Mort-vivant obtiennent un État Brisé jusqu'à leur sortie. Toutes les autres créatures ont droit à un Test Opposé Calme pour résister à obtenir un État Brisé , avec les modificateurs suivants: Elfes des bois, Forestiers (+20), Humains Halflings Gnomes (+10), Nains Hauts Elfes (-20) Autres créatures vivantes (-30)</p>"
"id": "Autumn's Decay",
"name": "Décomposition Automnale",
"description": "<p>Un rayon de lumière vert sombre est projeté de vos doigts dans une aire d’effets de Bonus de FM mètres. Tout matériel organique « mort » (bois, cuir, plante, vêtement) sur le trajet du rayon pourri immédiatement et se transforme en poussière ou débris. Les Créatures ciblées peuvent tenter un Test d’Esquive Complexe (-10) pour éviter que leur équipement soit détruit. Les seules exceptions sont les Créatures avec avec les Traits Mort-vivant et Construit: ces créatures subissent un Projectile Magique avec une valeur de dommages de +5.</p>"
"id": "Call Lightning",
"name": "Appel de la Foudre",
"description": "<p>Lorsque le ciel est couvert, vous provoquez une surtension électrique dans les nuages à proximité. Un coup de foudre frappe votre cible, comme un Projectile Magique avec Degats +4 qui ignorent les points d'armure N'importe qui engagé avec la cible subit cet éclair également avec Dégâts +2.Toute personne engagée avec une cible secondaire prend le même coup avec un Dégâts de +0. Pour tous ces coups, une armure métallique ajoute des dégâts égaux aux PA de la localisation Toucher. Si le MJ le permet, ce sort peut infliger un Etat En Flammes aux objets inflammables à proximité (pas les créatures).</p>"
"id": "Call of the Wild",
"name": "Call of the Wild",
"description": "<p>You blow upon a spirit horn with supernatural vigour, calling out to all mundane creatures within Range. At the end of rhe Round, you are aided by the natural cousin of your familiar. The called creature will either be Large or a Large pack/flock/swarm of smaller animals. If your familiar is a Bear, you call a single Large Bear to your side. If your familiar is a Stoat, you will summon a Large Swarm of normal-sized Stoats. The creature will sense your need and defend you to the death, standing by your side and watching over you while you sleep. The creature guards you until you awaken the next dawn.</p>\n<p>Overcast: For +4 SL, you may choose the animal that comes to aid you, such as Boars, Eagles, Rats, Wolves and Wild Dogs, among others. It is up to the GM whether you may summon a single Large creature or a pack/flock/swarm of smaller animals.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Calming Hand",
"name": "Calming Hand",
"description": "<p>Your touch soothes a creature that is smaller than you and possesses the Bestial Trait. You target loses one Broken or Stunned Condition.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Cleanse Poison",
"name": "Cleanse Poison",
"description": "<p>Your touch removes a Poisoned Condition from the target.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Commune",
"name": "Commune",
"description": "<p>Using your familiar as medium, you converse with the unseen spirits of the wood, river, desert, caverns, etc (ie, whichever natural locale you are in). You have no control or command over these spirits, but may ask a single question per minute of the spell’s Duration. The spirit(s) that answer will do so honestly, without bias, about the surrounding area and local events. Only you and your familiar hear the spirits answer.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Delouse",
"name": "Delouse",
"description": "<p>You remove a non-magical parasitic infestation from a character or mundane animal of your size or smaller.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Drawing Down the Moon",
"name": "Drawing Down the Moon",
"description": "<p>If there is any sliver of Mannslieb visible, you bring down a form of moon madness upon all creatures within the AoE. This spell will have no effect if Morrslieb is up in the sky. You bathe your targets in the glowing moonlight, weakening their resolve and suffering hallucinations: they all take a Stunned Condition and may not use Fate, Fortune, Resilience or Resolve. Targets are totally cleansed of Physical Corruption points. Further, affected creatures must attempt to win an Opposed Cool/Channelling Test against you or suffer SL Stunned Conditions. Whilst in this state, your targets move about randomly, according to the Scatte table (WFRP4 p163). Creatures who fail to remove all their Stunned</p>\n<p>Conditions before the spell ends must then pass a Test for Mental Corruption (Moderate). The spell has no mental effect on creatures who are immune to Psychology. However, creatures with the Daemonic, Mutation, Shapeshifter or Undead Creature Traits are affected differently, instead suffering a magic missile with a Damage of +6.</p>"
"id": "Earthpower",
"name": "Earthpower",
"description": "<p>If you are within a few yards of an ogham, stone circle or sacred grove, the CN of this spell is reduced by 2. You must be in physical contact with the earth and meditate for an hour before you cast this spell. For the spell’s Duration, all your Casting Numbers are halved and when you cast a spell, you may choose which Lore effect you apply for that particular spell: Ghur, Ghyran, or Ulgu. You have become a conduit for an immense amount of power. Any failed Language (Magick) Test triggers a Minor Miscast and any Critical or Fumble becomes a Major Miscast.</p>\n<p>When the spell ends, the energy is released all at once, shocking your system. You gain a Fatigued Condition and suffer 2d10 minus Willpower Bonus Wounds (minimum of 1).</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Ease Pain",
"name": "Ease Pain",
"description": "<p>Your touch heals 1 Wound from a creature, once per session.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Ease Symptom",
"name": "Ease Symptom",
"description": "<p>You ease the severity of a single disease Symptom by one degree: Severe to Challenging, Challenging to Average, or Average to Easy. This spell does not cure the Disease or eliminate its symptoms.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Forest Walk",
"name": "Forest Walk",
"description": "<p>You gain the Arboreal Trait (p338) and are able to pass through any plant growth unhindered, no matter how dense or thorny. Trees will bend and bushes will magically open. Your worn and carried trappings are allowed to travel through, but nothing else gains the benefit of the spell.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Heal Animal",
"name": "Heal Animal",
"description": "<p>Your touch restores all normal Wounds and cures all Conditions and Diseases on a mundane animal that has not been killed. However, this spell will not heal the effects of Corruption, broken bones, torn muscles, or amputations. Nor can it heal the decline of old age.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Mend Bones",
"name": "Mend Bones",
"description": "<p>Your touch heals the target of SL+1 Wounds and cures one Minor Broken Bone or Torn Muscle, but your target must have a full night’s sleep once the spell is cast or gain a Fatigued Condition. A Major Broken Bone or Torn Muscle can be restored enough to be considered Minor, after which the normal healing time applies (WFRP4 p179). The same injury cannot be targeted twice in the same week.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Morning Mist",
"name": "Morning Mist",
"description": "<p>If you are in an exterior or humid interior environment, you may conjure a fog that obscures the sight of everyone within it. All targets gain SL+1 Blinded Conditions. Anyone attempting to move must pass a Perception Test or gain the Prone Condition. Those targeting into the mist take their Action at Very Hard (-30). You are unaffected by the mist.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Quickening",
"name": "Quickening",
"description": "<p>Your touch brings a tree to animated, semi-conscious life and under your command. While the spell is in effect, you may move and act as normal, but you must be able to maintain concentration (see Interruptions, WFRP4 p237) or the spell dissipates and the tree becomes inanimate again. The animated tree has the characteristics of a Treeman (see Unofficial Bestiary), except the creature has the Stupid Creature Trait and an Intelligence of 10.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Renew Growth",
"name": "Renew Growth",
"description": "<p>You revitalize the plant life of a parched, withered, or desolate area of land or farmer’s field, provided that such growth is not unnatural for the region (ie, jungle growth in the desert). The effects of drought, poisoning, blight, plant disease, parasites, Corruption and Mutations are all healed. You may choose the area affected within the spell’s Range. The first signs of regrowth are visible in 1d10 minutes and the effects are permanent. This spell will summon back native plants and animals over the next few days, weeks and months.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Rite of Spring",
"name": "Rite of Spring",
"description": "<p>Your target gains the Magical and Regenerate Creature Traits.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Sense of the Green",
"name": "Sense of the Green",
"description": "<p>Your familiar surveys the surrounding area and determines whether the flora and fauna are natural. 'Unnatural' predatory or non-native plants such as damaging moulds and fungi, Chaos plants and creatures, Corrupted beings, Daemonic entities, and hostile illusions will be seen for what they really are. You come to know the location and type of any non-magical traps and small constructions within Range. Also, you gain a +1 SL bonus to successful Charm Animal and Track Tests.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Sense Water",
"name": "Sense Water",
"description": "<p>You can sense the direction and distance of a body of water such as a lake, stream, or ocean—even if it is underground, an oasis in a desert, or well beyond sight. This spell can allow the caster to pierce through illusions which have some representation of water.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Sense Wildlife",
"name": "Sense Wildlife",
"description": "<p>If cast outside in a rural location, you can sense the direction of a specific mundane animal or plant, if any exists within range. You must name the desired animal or plant while casting, and if the named thing does not exist within Range or Duration, you will be none the wiser. This spell bestows a +20 bonus to any Tests related to gathering food and herbs.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Soothe the Savage Plant",
"name": "Soothe the Savage Plant",
"description": "<p>You put a single, hostile plant or tree (such as a Bloodsedge or magically animated hedge) to sleep for the spell's Duration. This spell has no effect on plants with an Intelligence over 10, such as Treemen.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Spirit Self",
"name": "Spirit Self",
"description": "<p>Your body becomes intangible and nigh-invisible. Others see you as a subtle, amber outline with bright-green eyes. You gain the Ethereal Trait. You may not interact with the physical world nor can you conjure the energy to cast spells. Gain +20 bonus to your Stealth Tests and creatures suffer a -20 penalty on Perception Tests to see you.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Spirit Sense",
"name": "Spirit Sense",
"description": "<p>You close your eyes and meditate, experiencing all the senses of your spirit familiar as if they were your own. You cannot speak or otherwise communicate while the spell lasts. You count as a Helpless Target.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Stoutstaff",
"name": "Stoutstaff",
"description": "<p>You weave energy into your staff, imbuing it with the Magical Trait.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Summer Rain",
"name": "Summer Rain",
"description": "<p>Your magic words conjure dark clouds out of nowhere, unleashing a torrential downpour of rain in any outdoor environment, except desert. The deluge snuffs out fire, gunfire, and explosives. All Ranged attacks count as two Range steps farther: Point Blank counts as Medium, Short counts as Extreme, and anything more distant is impossible. The surrounding area becomes difficult ground until it dries. The rain provides sustenance for local life, creating pools of clean water to drink.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Tanglethorn",
"name": "Tanglethorn",
"description": "<p>You target a bare patch of earth, summoning a dense hedge of thorns, vines and brambles from the ground. The plants lash out and grasp at anything that moves within the AoE, inflicting a magic missile with a Damage of +0 at the end of your Turn each Round. The area counts as difficult ground. Any creature attempting to cross the AoE on foot must pass a Difficult (-10) Agility Test or gain +1 Entangled Condition, with your Willpower for its Strength. Once the spell ends, the thorny hedges loses their preternatural properties.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"id": "Winter's Sting",
"name": "Winter's Sting",
"description": "<p>This spell may only be cast outside. You cause a sudden and violent storm of large hail to break out. While the storm lasts, targets caught in the AoE at the beginning of their Turn suffers a magic missile with a Damage of +0 and must pass an Average (+20) Cool Test or gain a Broken Condition (to seek cover). Visibility inside and into the hail is hindered by Willpower Bonus Blinded Conditions. Fire, gunfire, and explosives will be snuffed out by the storm. The terrain becomes difficult ground until 1d10 minutes after the spell ends. Moving faster than Walk rate requires an Average (+20) Athletics Test (modified by Conditions) or the target gains the Prone Condition. Sprinting is impossible.</p>\n<p> </p>"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"name": "WH4-fr-translation",
"title": "Traduction du module WH4 en Français.",
"description": "La traduction du module WH4.",
"version": "1.1.10",
"version": "1.1.11",
"minimumCoreVersion" : "0.6.6",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "1.0.0",
"author": "LeRatierBretonnien",
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"range": [1, 2]
}, {
"name": "Sommeil réparateur",
"description": "On se tourne et on se retourne, on dort mais on ne se repose pas. Gagnez 1 état <a class='condition-chat'><i class='fas fa-user-injured'></i> Inconscient</a> pendant la prochaine heure, et 1 état <a class='condition-chat'><i class='fas fa-user-injured'></i> Fatigué</a> pendant les <b><a class='chat-roll'>1d10</a></b> prochaines heures.",
"description": "On se tourne et on se retourne, on dort mais on ne se repose pas. Gagnez 1 état <a class='condition-chat'><i class='fas fa-user-injured'></i> Inconscient</a> pendant la prochaine heure, et 1 état <a class='condition-chat'><i class='fas fa-user-injured'></i> Extenué</a> pendant les <b><a class='chat-roll'>1d10</a></b> prochaines heures.",
"range": [3, 5]
}, {
"name": "Confusion",
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"range": [6, 9]
}, {
"name": "Hallucinations",
"description": "Vous avez des visions étranges et terrifiantes, et vous devez faire un Test contre la terreur 3 toutes les 10 minutes pendant l'heure qui suit. Vous gagnez également +1 Condition <a class='condition-chat'><i class='fas fa-user-injured'></i> Etourdis</a> pendant les <b><a class='chat-roll'>1d10</a></b> heures suivantes.",
"description": "Vous avez des visions étranges et terrifiantes, et vous devez faire un Test contre la terreur 3 toutes les 10 minutes pendant l'heure qui suit. Vous gagnez également +1 Condition <a class='condition-chat'><i class='fas fa-user-injured'></i> Assommé</a> pendant les <b><a class='chat-roll'>1d10</a></b> heures suivantes.",
"range": [10, 10]
Reference in New Issue
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